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Dietary fibre in gastrointestinal health

and disease
Samantha K. Gill, Megan Rossi, Balazs Bajka and Kevin Whelan ✉
Abstract | Epidemiological studies have consistently demonstrated the benefits of dietary fibre
on gastrointestinal health through consumption of unrefined whole foods, such as wholegrains,
legumes, vegetables and fruits. Mechanistic studies and clinical trials on isolated and extracted
fibres have demonstrated promising regulatory effects on the gut (for example, digestion and
absorption, transit time, stool formation) and microbial effects (changes in gut microbiota
composition and fermentation metabolites) that have important implications for gastrointestinal
disorders. In this Review, we detail the major physicochemical properties and functional
characteristics of dietary fibres, the importance of dietary fibres and current evidence for
their use in the management of gastrointestinal disorders. It is now well-​established that
the physicochemical properties of different dietary fibres (such as solubility, viscosity and
fermentability) vary greatly depending on their origin and processing and are important
determinants of their functional characteristics and clinical utility. Although progress in
understanding these relationships has uncovered potential therapeutic opportunities for
dietary fibres, many clinical questions remain unanswered such as clarity on the optimal
dose, type and source of fibre required in both the management of clinical symptoms and the
prevention of gastrointestinal disorders. The use of novel fibres and/or the co-​administration
of fibres is an additional therapeutic approach yet to be extensively investigated.

The term ‘dietary fibre’ was first coined in 1953, and from have frequently used synthetic or extracted fibres in
the 1970s onwards attempts to provide formal defini- supplemental form, but whose physicochemical char-
tions have continued in light of the growing evidence of acteristics such as molecular weight and bioaccessibility
its associated health benefits1,2. In 2009, following nearly might be different when consumed as whole foods and
20 years of discussions, the World Health Organization as part of diets that can affect their functional properties,
and Codex Alimentarius provided a globally dis- and secondly because high-​fibre foods and diets contain
seminated and updated definition (Box 1). Analytical other nutrients and food components (such as vitamins
methods to quantify dietary fibre have evolved alongside and polyphenols) that could be beneficial to health and,
the updated definitions, although data derived from these therefore, identifying the effect of fibre alone can be
updated methods are not comprehensively available challenging.
in all food composition databases (Box 1). Dietary fibre has been shown in an extensive num-
Investigating the health effects of fibre is complicated ber of epidemiological and interventional studies to
by variations in the interventions. Studies can investi- have important associations with the development and
gate synthetic fibres consisting of only one type of mol- management of various diseases and with mortality. For
ecule (for example, fructo-​oligosaccharides), extracted example, in 2015, the Scientific Advisory Committee on
fibres from naturally occurring plant sources consist- Nutrition (SACN)3 in the UK performed meta-​analyses
ing of one, or a limited number of fibres (for example, of epidemiological studies of fibre in the prevention of
alginate or psyllium), single foods containing a limited disease, and showed that for each increase in dietary
number of naturally occurring fibres that are intrinsic fibre intake from food of 7 g per day there was a statisti-
King’s College London, and intact in plant cells (such as prunes or wholegrain cally significantly reduced risk of cardiovascular disease
Department of Nutritional
Sciences, London, UK.
cereals), and high-​fibre diets consisting of a wide range of (relative risk (RR) 0.91, 95% CI 0.88–0.94; P < 0.001),
✉e-​mail: kevin.whelan@ different naturally occurring fibres from a wide range haemorrhagic plus ischaemic stroke (RR 0.93, 95% CI of different foods. The variations in fibre interventions 0.88–0.98; P = 0.002), colorectal cancer (CRC; RR 0.92, have created numerous challenges in interpreting and 95% CI 0.87–0.97; P = 0.002), rectal cancer (RR 0.91,
s41575-020-00375-4 applying the findings. Firstly, in vitro and animal studies 95% CI 0.86–0.97; P = 0.007) and diabetes (RR 0.94,

Nature Reviews | Gastroenterology & Hepatology


and microbiota growth and metabolism. Mechanistic

Key points
research has highlighted the diverse physico­chemical
• Dietary fibre has been shown to have a number of important associations with the characteristics of different dietary fibres, such as
development and management of various diseases and with mortality in solubility, viscosity and fermentability, all of which
epidemiological and interventional studies. determine their function in the upper and lower
• Dietary fibre has physicochemical characteristics (for example, solubility, viscosity, gastrointestinal tracts.
fermentability) that determine its functionality in the gastrointestinal tract, including The aim of this Review is to discuss the physicochem-
its effects on, for example, micronutrient availability, gut transit time, stool formation
ical and functional characteristics of dietary fibres and
and microbial specificity.
the effect of these factors on the clinical application of
• Current dietary fibre recommendations are often limited and conflicting, and fail
fibre in the management of gastrointestinal disorders,
to provide specific types and doses in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders
with a focus on studies in humans wherever possible.
including irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, diverticular disease
and functional constipation.
Physicochemical characteristics
• Future research that considers the influence of differing physicochemical
characteristics on functionality will potentially maximize the effect of clinically The majority of dietary fibres are the structural polysac-
meaningful symptom improvement in gastrointestinal disorders. charide components of plant cell walls (Fig. 1; Table 1).
Cell walls contain multiple polysaccharides and the
complexity in elucidating their functions results from
95% CI 0.90–0.97; P = 0.001). In 2019, a meta-​analysis of the variety of sources and their functions within the
185 epidemiological cohort studies including just under cell. This aspect is most evident in the variation in their
135 million person-​years echoed these findings, showing molecular structure, which includes the composition
that risk reduction is greatest when dietary fibre intake of the polymer subunits, but also extends to the poly-
from food is between 25 g per day and 29 g per day. This mer linkages and side-​chains (esterification)14. These
higher fibre intake was associated with reduced risk of differences in molecular structure of dietary fibres can
all-​cause mortality (RR 0.85, 95% CI 0.79–0.91) and substantially alter their physicochemical properties
mortality from coronary heart disease (RR 0.69, 95% CI and their behaviour in the gastrointestinal tract. For
0.60–0.81) and cancer (RR 0.87, 95% CI 0.79–0.95), and example, their resistance to intestinal digestion can
with lower incidence of coronary heart disease (RR 0.76, result from the spatial orientation of polymer subunits,
95% CI 0.69–0.83), stroke (RR 0.78, 95% CI 0.69–0.88), branching, or the presence of side-​chains15.
type 2 diabetes mellitus (RR 0.84, 05% CI 0.78–0.90) Food processing provides an additional level of com-
and CRC (RR 0.84, 95% CI 0.78–0.89)4 compared with plexity. Indeed, both milling and cooking can also be
lower fibre intake. Both observational analyses highlight important determinants of the physicochemical char-
the critical importance of the quantity of fibre required acteristics of dietary fibres, improving starch digesti-
to elicit health benefits5,6. These well-​established asso- bility and degradation of plant-​derived compounds16.
ciations between dietary fibre intake and health have However, some digestible polysaccharides can also
resulted in the majority of countries recommending be classified as dietary fibre due to their inaccessibil-
a daily intake for adults of 25–35 g per day. Despite ity to digestive enzymes within the food matrix, such
this recommendation, the average intake of dietary as type 1 resistant starch (RS-1; as in whole grains) or
fibre by adults worldwide remains low, typically under type 3 resistant starch (RS-3; retrograded), in which
20 g per day7. resistance can be conferred following cooking and
As well as disease prevention, dietary fibre has the cooling17. The consequence of these small variations in
potential to be used as a therapeutic intervention, in par- structure is that dietary fibres can have very different
ticular for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. National physicochemical characteristics (for example, viscos-
and international guidelines provide some recommen- ity and fermentability) that influence their functional
dations in relation to dietary fibre in the treatment of effects (such as gut transit time or the microbiota) in
gastrointestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syn- the gastrointestinal tract.
drome (IBS)8,9, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)10 and
diverticular disease11,12, and in the management of spe- Fibre solubility. Solubility refers to the extent to which
cific gastrointestinal symptoms such as constipation12,13. dietary fibres can dissolve in water. Unlike insoluble
However, these recommendations are often limited, fail- fibres that remain as discrete particles, soluble fibres
ing to provide specifics in terms of the type and dose of have a high affinity for water18. In cases in which it is
fibre, and are sometimes even conflicting. The limited necessary to divide the dietary fibre content into soluble
number and quality of studies as well as the variations and insoluble fibre fractions, the enzymatic–gravimetric
in the fibre interventions (including fibre type, source, assay is often used for routine analysis (Association of
dose and duration of treatment) represent key challenges Official Analytical Chemists method 2011.25).
to providing recommendations for the therapeutic use Examples of carbohydrate polymers whose structure
of dietary fibre in the treatment of gastrointestinal dis- affects their solubility are starch (amylose and amylo­
orders. The potential of dietary fibre for gastrointesti- pectin) and cellulose. The former is composed of
nal health and as a therapeutic agent in gastrointestinal α-​glucose monomers and the latter β-​glucose. The cor-
disorders is attributed to its effect on nutrient diges- responding secondary structures result in starch being
tion and absorption, improving glycaemic and lipae- soluble (most of which is digested in the small intestine)
mic responses, regulating plasma cholesterol through and cellulose being insoluble (and therefore classified as
limiting bile salt resorption, influencing gut transit, dietary fibre)18. However, although β-​glucose monomer

linkages can result in β(1,4)-​cellulose being insoluble, might affect fibre solubility in vivo24,25. Thirdly, solubil-
they can result in β(1,3)(1,4)-​glucan (mixed linkages ity alone does not predict the physiological effects of
in β-​glucan) being soluble19. Similarly, branching of the fibre and, therefore, its functional properties. For exam-
polymer structure, such as in amylopectin, β-​glucan ple, both psyllium (soluble) and cellulose (insoluble)
or inulin, can also affect solubility. Interestingly, the have been shown to improve glycaemic control, transit
branching in amylopectin can result in increased solu- time and stool output, albeit via different mechanisms.
bility, whereas branching in β-​glucan decreases solubility. Glycaemic control in humans is improved by psyllium26
Additionally, some fibres, such as pectin or methyl cellu- through a mechanism involving increased viscosity of
lose, contain side-​chains along the polymer that provide intestinal contents, whereas in rats, cellulose has been
resistance to digestion20 whilst also increasing solubility21. shown to affect glycaemia via inhibition of starch diges-
The majority of current evidence has focused on solu- tion by binding α-​amylase27, thereby reducing glucose
bility as a characteristic of fibre in relation to its effect on absorption28.
the upper gastrointestinal tract through the regulation of A further challenge to the use of fibre solubility as an
gastric emptying and nutrient absorption. Indeed, early indicator of functionality is that, in reality, whole fibrous
in vitro studies of isolated fibres allowed the distinction foods are often a complex mix of soluble and insoluble
between those that primarily affect small intestinal lipid fibres (for example, resistant starch, hemicelluloses, cel-
and glucose absorption and those that primarily affect lulose and lignin) and, therefore, simultaneously exert
colonic function such as stool bulking and reduced tran- different physiological effects in the gastrointestinal
sit time (insoluble fibres such as cellulose, wheat bran tract. For example, apples contain soluble (pectins) and
and lignin)22. Thus, classifying fibres based upon solubil- insoluble (cellulose) fibre fractions. It has been suggested
ity was for many decades used to allude to differentiation that the effects of both soluble (that is, swelling via water
of their functional properties. However, in 2003 the Food absorption) and insoluble (that is, bulking) fibres in
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations the ileum might activate the ileal brake (negative feed-
proposed that these conventionally classified terms back mechanism that results in inhibition of gastro­
relating to solubility should be phased out for a num- intestinal motility and secretion) via mediators such as
ber of reasons23. Firstly, measuring and classifying fibre glucagon-​like peptide 1 (GLP1) and GLP2 according to
solubility in vitro is method-​dependent. Secondly, the animal research29. Nonetheless, although solubility per se
varying pH conditions within the gastrointestinal tract is a poor indicator of physiological function in isolation,
(such as stomach versus colon) and between individuals it has a profound effect on other factors that have since
gained recognition for their specific physiological and
microbial actions in the gastrointestinal tract such as
Box 1 | Definition of dietary fibre and approaches to its chemical analysis viscosity and fermentability.
Dietary fibre definition
• Dietary fibre as defined by the World Health Organization and Codex Alimentarius Fibre viscosity. Viscosity is the degree of resistance
(collection of internationally recognized standards, guidelines and codes of practice) to flow. It is generally associated with soluble dietary
includes all carbohydrates that are neither digested nor absorbed in the small intestine fibres (such as gums, pectins, β-​glucans and psyllium)
and have a degree of polymerization (DP) of ten or more monomeric units205,206. and relates to the ability of a fibre, when hydrated, to
• The Codex Alimentarius dietary fibre definition has been adopted by many countries thicken in a concentration-​dependent manner30. Some
and this has encouraged international consistency in nutrition labelling, food forms of fibre, such as pectins, have the capacity to form
composition tables and published research. gel networks. In the gastrointestinal tract, this process
• There is flexibility in the definition enabling regional authorities to include can begin in the mouth and continues throughout the
carbohydrates with a DP of three to nine monomeric units in the fibre definition. digestive tract31. There are several physicochemical char-
Subsequently, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)5 and the FDA6 adopted the acteristics that contribute to the viscosity potential of
wider definition of dietary fibre to include all carbohydrates that are neither digested fibre, including the length and structure of the polymer
nor absorbed in the small intestine and have a DP of three or more monomeric units.
as well as its charge. These factors affect the ‘type’ of gel
• Both EFSA and the FDA specify that synthetic and extracted fibres that are not formed and the critical concentration required for the
intrinsic to plant cells must also demonstrate physiological effects to human health
formation of a viscoelastic gel. Broadly, viscous fibres
prior to being declared a dietary fibre.
can be categorized into two groups: random coil poly-
• Codex-​defined fibre includes non-​starch polysaccharides such as cellulose,
saccharides and ordered assembly polymers. Random
hemicelluloses and pectins, resistant starch and non-​digestible oligosaccharides such
as inulin and oligofructose, as well as lignins. Thus, foods high in dietary fibre include
coil polysaccharides increase viscosity through entan-
wholegrains, legumes, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. glement, thereby restricting the flow of the surround-
ing solvent32. Examples include the neutral polymers
Dietary fibre analysis β-​glucans, psyllium and guar galactomannan, in which
• Analytical methods to quantify dietary fibre have evolved alongside the updated generally the longer the polymer (that is, the higher
definitions. the molecular weight), the greater the entanglement
• The Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) method (2011.25) is that occurs and, therefore, the lower the concentration
considered the most reflective of the current Codex definition, capturing and required to increase viscosity33. By contrast, ordered
enabling quantification of most dietary fibre entities, including total dietary fibre and assembly polymers, such as some pectins and alginate,
its insoluble and soluble fractions by an enzymatic–gravimetric assay, and molecular form a gel network in the presence of divalent ions (that
weight by size exclusion chromatography or high-​performance liquid chromatography.
is, Ca2+)33. Increasing gut luminal viscosity has been sug-
• Some food databases still include some fibre values derived from outdated AOAC gested to have multiple health benefits. Consumption of
methods that do not reflect current Codex fibre definitions.
viscous dietary fibre has been shown to alter transit time

Nature Reviews | Gastroenterology & Hepatology


Starch granules Cell wall

Cooked starches Raw starches

Gelatinized (soluble) Ungelatinized (insoluble)

Soluble fibres Insoluble fibres

Digested Resistant starch • Pectin • Cellulose
• RS-1: whole or partially milled
• RS-2: granules (high amylose) • β-Glucan • Hemicellulose
• RS-3: retrograded (cooked and cooled)
• RS-4: chemically modified • Galactomannan • Lignin
• RS-5: starch–lipid complexes

Fig. 1 | physicochemical characteristics of dietary fibre and their location within the plant cell. Polysaccharides that
contribute to the dietary fibre definition can be divided into two broad categories: non-​starch polysaccharides that are a
main component of plant cell walls, and resistant starch (RS), the plant’s energy store and a major carbohydrate source in
the human diet. Their chemical structure, interactions with other cell wall components, food processing and digestion can
all influence their solubility, viscosity and fermentability.

in the upper gut, including decreasing gastric emptying Indeed there is substantial epidemiological evidence
rate and modulating small intestinal transit34. Increased suggesting the opposite: that diets high in fibre are pro-
luminal viscosity has been suggested to play a part in tective against CRC in humans44. Additionally, in vitro
major regulatory effects of dietary fibre consumption, studies have suggested that dietary fibres (for example,
including delaying digestion, decreasing postprandial rice bran fibre, cellulose) might interact with digestive
glycaemia35 and lipaemia36–38 and increasing satiety in enzymes, inhibiting the rate of nutrient digestion27,45,46.
humans39. The effect of the viscoelastic properties An additional mechanism has been proposed, whereby
in the small intestine are less well defined, particularly an interaction between dietary fibres and the mucus
as the effect of digestive secretions that dilute luminal layer results in localized increases in viscosity adjacent
contents are difficult to replicate and test in vivo. Indeed, to the brush border in pigs47,48 regulating nutrient dif-
a study investigating the effects of simulated gastric and fusion across it. In the colon, increases in luminal vis-
small intestine digestion in vitro on the thickening abil- cosity and water-​holding capacity can in turn influence
ity of six soluble fibres from different sources found colonic bulk and transit time. The colonic contrac-
substantial differences in their viscosity profiles. For tions moving luminal content between compartments
example, xanthan gum retained viscosity more than all might also reduce localized viscosity by shear thinning
the other fibres40. and alter colonic transit, particularly with fibres that
Viscosity remains the accepted model for the are able to form disordered networks when hydrated
cholesterol-​lowering capacity of β-​glucan. Increased (such as pectins). The consequences of these changes
luminal viscosity decreases diffusion of bile salts, are likely to influence the extent of fermentation occur-
preventing their resorption in the distal ileum 41. ring in the colon, indeed with greater understanding of
Malabsorbed primary bile salts entering the colon can the physico­chemical properties, it might be possible to
be de-​conjugated by bacterial hydrolases to produce affect microbiome composition49.
secondary bile acids, which have been shown to increase There are several mathematical equations and mod-
the risk of CRC through induction of epithelial cell els, as well as rheological measurements to determine
hyperproliferation and increased oxidative DNA dam- the viscosity of a solution. While the two most common
age in vitro42. Although the mechanism remains unclear, analytical techniques of rheometry (measures the flow
as does the interaction between bile acids and dietary of a fluid) and viscometry (measures the viscosity of a
fibre43, this elevated CRC risk is not observed in vivo. fluid) are effective at determining viscosity of isolated

fibre solutions, their validity in vivo remains equivocal as specialist primary degraders known as ‘keystone species’
intestinal luminal contents are extremely heterogeneous have been identified within the large intestine57. These
and the effect of muscular contractions, peristalsis and species have a superior ability to degrade certain dietary
mixing in the gastrointestinal tract cannot be replicated fibres and release energy on which other bacterial com-
in vitro. munities depend. For example, Ruminococcus bromii
has been shown to specifically degrade certain types of
Fibre fermentability. Observational studies have con- resistant starch57.
sistently shown differences in faecal microbiota com- Examples of fermentable fibres include inulin-​type
position between industrialized and rural populations. fructans, galacto-​oligosaccharides and resistant starch
These differences have been attributed to differences (Table 1). All natural plant fibres have some degree of
in the typical westernized diet consisting of foods that fermentability, even cellulose and lignin (low ferment-
are highly refined and low in dietary fibre, particularly ability), with only synthesized fibres such as methyl-
fermentable fibre50–55. Unlike mammalian cells, some cellulose being completely non-​fermentable58 (Table 1).
species of the gut microbiota possess enzymes able to Fibre fermentability has traditionally been assessed
hydrolyse the chemical bonds within some dietary fibres using in vitro fermentation models of the digestive tract.
within plant-​based foods56. Interestingly, a number of Although this technique provides valuable mechanistic
insights into fermentation patterns and behaviour of dif-
ferent dietary fibres, the findings are not always reflected
Table 1 | physicochemical characteristics of common dietary fibres in vivo. For example in vitro models have indicated that
psyllium is moderately fermented, whereas in vivo
Fibre type Common sources physicochemical characteristicsa
studies have demonstrated that it is poorly fermented59.
solubility Viscosity Fermentability This discrepancy is probably because the dilution and
Cellulose All green plant cell Insoluble Non-​viscous Low high-​speed mechanical blending that occurs in vitro
walls destroys the gel network, artificially exposing the fibres
Lignins All green plant cell Insoluble Non-​viscous Low to enzymatic degradation. In vivo methods of measur­ing
walls fibre fermentability include quantification of short-​chain
Arabinoxylans Wheat, psylliumb Low to Medium Highb fatty acids (SCFAs) in stools and hydrogen breath test-
medium ing, although these also have limited interpretability,
β-​Glucans Oat, barley, fungi Low to Medium to High and breath testing in particular is subject to limited
medium high reproducibility60. Advances in MRI have enabled meas-
Galactomannans Guar gum, fenugreek Medium Medium to High urement of colonic gas volumes in response to differ-
to high high ent fibres in humans61,62. Although still in its infancy
Pectins Fruits, vegetables, High Medium to High in terms of quantifying fermentation, MRI overcomes
legumes high many of the limitations of the other methods and can
non-​invasively and simultaneously assess the water con-
Inulin Cereals, fruits, Medium Low to high High
vegetables to high tent of the small intestine, colonic volumes and colonic
gas volume63.
Galacto-​ Pulses (e.g. beans, High Low High
oligosaccharides peas, lentils) Greater intake of dietary fibre, particularly from
foods high in the fermentable fibres, has been associ-
Dextrins Cereals (e.g. wheat High Non-​viscous High ated with higher stool SCFA concentrations in adults64.
dextrins) to low
SCFAs have a number of key roles in the gastrointestinal
Alginate Seaweed High High Low tract. Animal studies have shown that SCFAs affect gas-
Methylcellulose Synthesized High High Non-​ trointestinal motility by stimulating colonic contractile
fermentable activity through increasing the number of excitatory
Resistant Starch cholinergic neurons65. SCFAs also have a mediatory role,
RS-1 (physically Whole grains, Insoluble Non-​viscous High bridging communication between the mucosal micro-
inaccessible) legumes, raw fruits, biota and the mucosal immune system, with preclini-
vegetables cal evidence suggesting notable anti-​inflammatory and
RS-2 (starch Cereals, raw Low Non-​viscous High immunomodulatory effects with relevance to inflam-
conformation) legumes, raw fruits, matory disorders of the gut66. For example, SCFAs can
vegetables influence intestinal adaptive immune responses through
RS-3 Cooking and cooling Low Non-​viscous High direct regulation of the size and function of the regu-
(retrograded) of any starch source to low latory T cell pool, including proliferative capacity and
RS-4 (chemically Synthesized (e.g. Low to Low to High gene expression in mice67. In animal studies, SCFAs have
modified) acylated starches) high medium also been implicated in maintaining intestinal barrier
RS-5 (starch– Synthesized Low Low Low integrity68 and regulating appetite via several mech-
lipid complex) (e.g. amylose anisms including the stimulation of gluconeogenesis
and stearic acid) in the liver69. Furthermore, SCFAs indirectly maintain
Physicochemical characteristics are not distinct entities but represent a continuum or gastrointestinal homeostasis via the reduction in lumi-
gradient, and will vary depending on botanical origin, chemical structure and molecular nal pH 70, which could be important in preventing
weight, or whether the fibres are isolated or part of the cell wall matrix (Fig. 1). bDue to their
structural features, wheat and psyllium sources of arabinoxylans are considered of only low colonization and inhibiting growth of acid-​sensitive
fermentability. enteropathogens (Fig. 2).

Nature Reviews | Gastroenterology & Hepatology


Small intestine Large intestine


↑ Water binding ↑ Stool bulk

↑ Solubility
↓ pH
↑ Viscosity → ↓ Glucose Microbial growth
and lipid absorption rate
Fibre • Acetate Inhibit
• Propionate
Phytate Bile acids • Butyrate
Iron ↓ Reabsorption
↓ Gluconeogenesis tight
Large fibre integrity
Intestinal particles
T cell ↑ Colonic muscular contraction


Fig. 2 | Mechanisms by which different dietary fibres affect the gastrointestinal tract. There are several mechanisms
by which the physicochemical characteristics (solubility, viscosity and fermentability) of dietary fibre might affect its
functional properties in the gastrointestinal tract including influencing glucose and lipid absorption, contributing to stool
output (frequency, consistency and weight) and stimulating changes in microbial composition and metabolite production
including the production of short-​chain fatty acids (SCFAs).

Many factors can affect the rate, site and extent of colonic transit time and the gut microbiota and the latter
fibre fermentation, including the composition of the being greatly affected by colonic transit time78.
microbiota (degradation capacity) with different micro- Reducing fermentable fibre intake might reduce bac-
organisms shown to preferentially metabolize different terial diversity. Several animal studies have shown that
fibres71 and the availability of other substrates (that is, gut microbiota deprived of fermentable fibres shift to
proteins that have escaped digestion)72. Nonetheless, the degrading and extracting alternative energy from the
key factor influencing fibre fermentability is thought to glycoprotein-​rich mucus layer that acts as a protec-
be its physicochemical characteristics (for example, sol- tive and mechanical barrier to pathogens79,80. Indeed,
ubility, viscosity, accessibility). This has been shown in reduced availability of fermentable fibres leads to a
an in vitro fermentation study using healthy human stool thinner mucus layer81–83, which in turn might compro-
samples from three donors to investigate the effect of mise intestinal epithelial integrity and increase pathogen
15 dietary fibres on SCFA production. Despite marked susceptibility. Reduced availability of fermentable fibres
inter-​individual differences in gut microbiota composi- also causes a shift from a stable microbial intestinal
tion between donors, SCFA production (concentrations environment to one that is temporarily or permanently
and proportions) from the different fibres was reproduc- altered, often characterized by reduced bacterial diver-
ible between samples. More specifically, rhamnose pro- sity and richness, a state that is commonly referred to as
duced the highest proportion of propionate followed by dysbiosis84. A dysbiotic intestinal environment is a com-
galactomannans, whereas fructans and other α-​glucans mon feature of a number of gastrointestinal disorders;
and β-​g lucans produced the highest proportion of for example, decreases in abundance of bifidobacteria85,86
butyrate73. and Firmicutes87–89 have been commonly observed in
The effect of fermentable fibres on SCFA produc- cohorts of people with IBS and IBD, respectively.
tion has been consistently shown in vitro74–77. By con-
trast, interpretation of human interventional studies is The food matrix. The nature of the food matrix in which
somewhat limited given that approximately 95% of a dietary fibre is delivered will markedly influence the
SCFAs are absorbed by colonocytes, and therefore fae- extent of its physiological function. More specifically,
cal SCFA concentrations only represent ~5% of the total the particle size and integrity of the plant cell walls
SCFAs produced. Thus, faecal SCFAs better reflect the affects the dissolution of soluble fibre90. This process
dynamic processes of both SCFA production and SCFA has the potential to substantially affect luminal viscosity
absorption, the former being affected by fibre source, and reduce the rate of fermentation. Furthermore, the

cell wall integrity can also encapsulate the intracellular thereby increasing passive transport of calcium across
starch91, therefore reducing digestion by endogenous the intestine.
enzymes and increasing the substrate available for The influence of dietary fibre consumption on vita-
microbial fermentation (RS-1; Fig. 1). min absorption remains unclear. Several studies have
Particle size can influence fibre fermentation, demonstrated that some fibres improve absorption
although to date, the majority of research has been con- of some water-​soluble and fat-​soluble vitamins102,103,
ducted in vitro, with limited translational research inves- whereas others have shown no effect104. For example,
tigating the effects in humans. Reduced particle size of a study in African Americans has shown that fibre can
fibres has been associated with increased SCFA concen- enhance the net colonic bacterial biosynthesis of B vita-
trations in an in vitro fermentation system with human mins such as folate105, whereas other studies in women
faecal inoculum92, suggesting greater bacterial fermen- have shown increased faecal excretion of vitamins
tation. This outcome is likely to have been due to the following dietary fibre consumption106. The variety of
fact that smaller particles have a greater external surface fibre sources with varying physico-​chemical properties
area exposed to bacterial enzymes. Similarly, the physical demonstrates that further work is required.
act of chewing and grinding high-​fibre foods can have a
notable role in particle size kinetics by increasing surface Gut transit time. Abnormal whole-​gut transit times are
area and total pore volume as well as structural modifi- found in some gastrointestinal disorders, which some
cation. For example, reducing the particle size of coconut types of fibre could normalize. For example, evidence
residue from 1,127 μm to 550 μm led to an increase in from animal models demonstrates that, as found in rats,
hydration properties, including water-​holding, retention fermentable fibres can indirectly modulate contractile
and swelling capacity93. Equally, in human studies, the activity via production of SCFAs107, whereas, as found
physical and mechanical effects of large and/or coarse in dogs, non-​fermentable fibres might contribute to
insoluble fibre particles on the colonic mucosa has been stool weight that increases colonic volume and, there-
shown to stimulate the secretion of water and mucus fore, stimulates contractility108. Indeed, a systematic
into the lumen, contributing to stool output (that is, review and meta-​analysis in healthy populations found
consistency and weight)94,95. that transit time decreased in a dose-​dependent man-
Porosity determines the degree to which enzymes or ner by 0.78 h per additional 1 g per day of wheat fibre109.
bacteria can diffuse into particles, which can substan- Additionally, wheat fibre particle size has been shown
tially influence the fermentability of a fibre. Low porosity to influence stool output, whereby coarse wheat fibre
of a food matrix can result from maintenance of cell wall resulted in higher stool weight (mean 219.4 g per day)
structures in the small intestine and, therefore, inability than fine wheat fibre (199 g per day) in one study of
of digestive enzymes to access intracellular starch, lead- 21 healthy humans110.
ing to increased RS-1, as is the case, for example, with In the 1970s and 1980s, studies measuring gut transit
whole chickpeas17. Low porosity of a food matrix in the time using radio-​opaque markers and scintigraphy
large intestine can also impede fermentative degradation showed that dietary fibre interventions reduce gut transit
in humans96. Dietary fibre preparations high in insoluble time in humans111–114. One study in healthy humans
fibres such as cellulose are likely to have low porosity, showed a decrease in transit time with wheat bran sup-
whereas those high in soluble fibres such as pectin have plementation from 70 h to approximately 46 h (ref.115).
high porosity, and these differences in the porosity of Insoluble, poorly fermented fibres (for example, wheat
fibres contribute to differences in their fermentability bran) have a greater effect on reducing gut transit time
(Table 1). in healthy individuals and to a lesser extent in those
with constipation116 than fermentable fibres that do not
Functional characteristics of fibre remain physically intact throughout the colon.
Micronutrient bioavailability. Dietary fibre can influ- More recently, studies investigating the use of a wire-
ence nutrient bioavailability beyond merely limit- less motility capsule that measures, among other things,
ing micronutrient accessibility within a food matrix. transit time have been reported. Transit times measured
Cereals containing dietary fibre (such as wheat) are a with this device correlate with those obtained using
vital source of non-​haem iron; however, other cereal radio-​opaque markers and scintigraphy117,118 and the
components (for example, bran fractions) contain con- device has been shown to provide a more practical and
comitant factors such as phytate that reduce absorption less invasive method for determining gastric emptying
of iron, zinc and calcium97. Additionally, in wheat, the time and whole gut transit time. For example, one con-
aleurone contains the majority of the iron, but is encap- trolled crossover trial in healthy individuals with back-
sulated by the cell walls (predominantly dietary fibre)98. ground fibre intakes of 14–15 g per day who consumed
Studies have shown that micro-​milling to disrupt these an additional 9 g per day of wheat bran or a low-​fibre
structures results in increased mineral bioavailability control diet for 3 days found that whole-​gut transit time
in vitro99. In contrast to iron, several studies in humans and colonic transit time were lower in those receiving
have shown that consumption of specific fibres, such wheat bran supplementation than in those receiving the
as fructans100 and galacto-​oligosaccharides101, could control diet (−8.9 h and −10.8 h, respectively)119.
increase absorption of dietary calcium. Based on exper-
imental findings, the proposed mechanism involves Stool forming. For a dietary fibre to exert effects on stool
decreased colonic pH resulting from SCFA produc- output (that is, frequency, consistency and weight), it
tion, which in turn can increase calcium solubility, must possess certain physical characteristics. Wheat bran

Nature Reviews | Gastroenterology & Hepatology


supplementation has been shown to increase stool fre- candidate prebiotic fibres, increases the abundance of
quency from 1 per day to 1.5 per day115, although the Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus species133.
type of bowel movement (complete or spontaneous) was However, large inter-​individual variability in
not reported, whereas further studies in healthy humans gut microbiota responses to dietary fibre have been
have shown that supplementation with a cellulose– reported140–144. A crossover RCT in 34 healthy partici-
pectin combination120 or psyllium121 and high-​f ibre pants found that those with a habitually high dietary fibre
breakfast cereals122 increase stool frequency. intake had a greater gut microbial response to pre­biotics
Both soluble, viscous fibres and insoluble, non- (that is, increases in abundance of Bifidobacterium and
viscous fibres can contribute to improvements in stool Faecalibacterium, and decreases in Coprococcus, Dorea
consistency and stool weight (bulk). Soluble, viscous and Ruminococcus) compared with those with habitu-
fibres (for example, psyllium) with a high water-​holding ally low dietary fibre intake, suggesting that individuals
capacity that are resistant to fermentation and form a following a habitual high-​fibre diet are more likely to
viscoelastic substance in the gastrointestinal tract, con- benefit from an inulin-​type fructan prebiotic145.
tribute to softening hard stool and increasing stool bulk,
making them easier to pass123,124. These properties also Dietary fibre in gut disorders
assist with diarrhoea by firming loose stools and slow- Given the substantial inter-​c ondition and inter-
ing transit time125–127. By contrast, insoluble, non-​viscous individual variability in response to dietary fibre, there
fibres (for example, coarse wheat bran) can contribute to remains the complex challenge of unravelling which
improvements in stool consistency and stool weight via fibres are most appropriate for which gastrointestinal
the mechanical stimulation of the intestinal mucosa95,128. disorders. Consideration of the diverse physicochem-
Previous studies in adults with self-​reported constipa- ical characteristics of fibre and how these translate to
tion have shown improvements in stool consistency functional characteristics is fundamental to optimizing
with increased consumption of rye bread129 and fibre any clinical benefit (Fig. 3). Consideration should also
bread130. Theoretically, fermentable fibres might con- be given to maintaining the balance between optimiz-
tribute, in part, to stool weight via increasing microbial ing symptom benefit (that is, management and main-
mass, but the effect size is limited compared with that tenance) and limiting symptom exacerbation (that
of non-​fermentable fibres. For example, results from is, tolerance). The manipulation of dietary fibre is a
six trials showed that RS-2 supplementation increased common approach in clinical practice for many gastro­
stool weight (+38 g per day, 95% CI 23–53 g per day; intestinal disorders and is commonly recommended as
P < 0.001) at doses ranging from +21.5 to +37 g per day3. first-​line therapy in the management of several gastro­
A review of interventional trials investigating outcomes intestinal symptoms (Table 2), despite the limited num-
in healthy humans concluded that fermentability deter- ber of RCTs across gastrointestinal disorders, all of
mines the role of fibre in total stool weight, with less which used heterogeneous methodologies (for example,
fermentable fibres from cereals contributing most to fibre type, amount, duration).
stool weight131.
Irritable bowel syndrome. IBS is a functional gastroin-
Microbial specificity (prebiotics). Some fermentable testinal disorder characterized by recurrent abdominal
fibres are also classed as prebiotics, a term whose defi- pain and change in stool habit (that is, constipation, diar-
nition has been updated to “a substrate that is selectively rhoea or both), often alongside abdominal bloating and
utilized by host microorganisms conferring a health distension146. The mechanisms underpinning IBS symp-
benefit”132. Examples of prebiotic fibres include the toms include visceral hypersensitivity, and alterations in
inulin-​type fibres and galacto-​oligosaccharides. gut–brain interactions, immune activation, gut motil-
Prebiotic fibres are known for their rapid fermenta- ity and the gut microbiota. Since the revised Rome IV
tive capacity and subsequent release of SCFAs, in par- criteria were introduced in 2016, estimated worldwide
ticular acetate, but selectively stimulate the growth of prevalence of IBS has decreased from 11.7% (Rome III)
only a specific range of genera and/or species (that is, to 5.7% (Rome IV)147.
Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus)133–135. This selectiv- Guidelines for fibre consumption in individuals
ity is due to specific gene clusters within the bacterial with IBS vary. The National Institute for Health and
genome that dictate the saccharolytic enzymes they Care Excellence8 in the UK recommends that resistant
produce and their phenotypic ability to selectively starch intake should be reduced, whereas the World
metabolize the prebiotic substrate136,137. Gastroenterology Organization Global Guidelines148
The first landmark study demonstrating the prebio­ suggest that fibre-​rich foods or fibre supplements (for
tic effect in eight healthy volunteers found that supple- example, psyllium) should be encouraged and that insolu
mentation with 15 g per day of oligofructose or inulin ble fibres that might exacerbate symptoms should be
increased luminal bifidobacterial levels by almost one limited.
log10 (ref.138). Subsequent research has demonstrated a To date, a number of systematic reviews and meta-
dose-​dependent effect on luminal Bifidobacterium levels analyses have concluded that some fibres are beneficial in
of oligofructose121 and galacto-​oligosaccharides139 sup- reducing IBS symptoms and improving stool frequency
plementation. Published in 2018, a systematic review and consistency, although results are inconsistent with
and meta-​analysis of 64 randomized controlled trials wide variation in responses149–151. Benefits seem to be
(RCTs) in humans demonstrated that fibre, and in par- limited to soluble fibre (RR of having continued symp-
ticular fructans and galacto-​oligosaccharides and other toms after supplementation 0.83, 95% CI 0.73–0.94)152,

Physicochemical Physicochemical
• Medium solubility • Soluble
• Medium viscosity • Viscous
• Low fermentability • Fermentable
• e.g. Psyllium • e.g. Pectin,
Functional galactomannan
• Nutrient bioavailability Functional
• Faster transit • Nutrient bioavailability
• Water holding • SCFA production

↑ Viscosity
• Insoluble Physicochemical
• Non-viscous • Soluble
• Non-fermentable • Non-viscous
• e.g. Cellulose in wheat • Fermentable


• e.g. Inulin, GOS



• Faster transit • SCFA production

• Stool bulking • Prebiotic

↑ Solubility

Fig. 3 | spectrum of physicochemical characteristics of dietary fibre. The physicochemical characteristics of fibre
(solubility, viscosity and fermentability) form a continuum and work in concert to determine its functional properties in the
gastrointestinal tract. The combination of these three physicochemical characteristics determines the functional effects
of fibres in the gut. For example, fibres in the left-​hand, bottom, near corner (insoluble, non-​viscous, non-​fermentable) have
functions relating to gut transit time; fibres in the right-​hand, bottom, far corner (soluble, non-​viscous, fermentable)
have functions relating to microbiome and fermentation; and fibres in the right-​hand, top, far corner (soluble, viscous,
fermentable) have functions relating to microbiome, fermentation and nutrient bioavailability. Fibres in intermediate
positions would be predicted to have intermediate functional properties. GOS, galacto-​oligosaccharides; SCFA,
short-​chain fatty acid.

compared with other fibres such as bran (RR 0.90, 95% with lower prebiotic doses (≤6 g per day; standardized
CI 0.79–1.03). The ongoing changes in diagnostic cri- mean difference (SMD) −0.35, 95% CI −0.71 to 0.00;
teria (for example, Rome Criteria for IBS), and lack of P = 0.05) and non-​inulin-​type fructans (for example,
standardization in outcome measures between studies galacto-​oligosaccharide, guar gum: SMD −0.34, 95% CI
presents major challenges when attempting to com- −0.66 to −0.01; P = 0.04). Although little current evidence
pare findings of previous studies. Further rigorous and exists for the use of prebiotics in IBS management158,159,
long-​term RCTs are required, and there is an urgent emerging evidence suggests that second-​generation can-
need to assess the different functionalities of dietary didate prebiotics such as pectin and partially hydrolysed
fibres in subgroups of individuals with IBS (for exam- guar gum have bifidogenic properties160 with potential
ple, specifically those with constipation-​predominant therapeutic use in IBS161, possibly due to their viscosity
IBS or diarrhoea-​predominant IBS) to enable a better characteristics and, therefore, slower fermentation rate.
understanding of its therapeutic potential. Interestingly,
a three-​period, crossover mechanistic study revealed Inflammatory bowel disease. IBD encompasses Crohn’s
that despite similar physiological responses to prebio­ disease and ulcerative colitis, both chronic, relapsing
tics between patients with IBS and healthy individuals gastrointestinal disorders of which the pathogenesis
as controls, only those with IBS experienced symptoms remains incompletely understood, although a dysreg-
when challenged with 40 g of fructose or inulin whereas ulated mucosal inflammatory response in genetically
the healthy controls did not, suggesting that visceral susceptible individuals is responsible for the initiation
hypersensitivity to colonic gas is involved in the induc- and maintenance of IBD162. This process involves altera-
tion of symptoms, rather than excessive gas production tions in immunological factors (for example, T and B cell
per se153. regulation) and microbial factors (for example, diversity
A limited number of clinical trials investigating and functionality of bacteria such as Faecalibacterium
prebiotic supplementation (for example, oligofructose, prausnitzii)163. The prevalence of IBD exceeds 0.3%
fructo-​oligosaccharide and β-​galacto-​oligosaccharides) across North America, Oceania and Europe164. The goal
ranging from 3.5 g per day to 20 g per day over 4–12 weeks of IBD treatment is to halt disease progression, main-
have been conducted in IBS populations, with mixed tain remission and prevent recurrence of inflammatory
results154–157. A systematic review and meta-​analysis pub- episodes.
lished in 2019 of 11 RCTs including 729 patients showed There continues to be debate on the clinical benefits
that although the abundance of bifidobacteria increased of dietary fibre in IBD165 despite plausible mechanisms
following prebiotic supplementation, there were no for its therapeutic potential, including the production of
differences in response rates, or severity of abdominal SCFAs (particularly butyrate) that could attenuate intes-
pain, bloating, flatulence or quality of life158. Notably, tinal inflammation through upregulation or downregu-
subgroup analysis showed improvement in flatulence lation of cytokine expression (for example, IL-10, IFNγ

Nature Reviews | Gastroenterology & Hepatology


Table 2 | Guidelines and recommendations for the use of fibre in gastrointestinal disorders
Gastrointestinal Dietary fibre recommendations level of evidence
IBS-​C Soluble fibre in supplement form (e.g. psyllium, methylcellulose, Meta-​analyses of RCTs
partially hydrolysed guar gum)8,12,148–150
Adjust fibre intake according to symptoms including adding naturally Professional consensus
occurring sources (e.g. oats or linseeds)8
Ground linseeds (6–24 g per day); increase gradually over a 3-​month Small number of RCTs
IBS-​D Reduce intake of insoluble fibre, such as wholemeal or high-​fibre flour Systematic review
and breads, cereals high in bran, and whole grains such as brown rice8 of RCTs
Soluble fibre in supplement form (e.g. psyllium)148,150,204 Meta-​analyses of RCTs
Adjust fibre intake according to symptoms 8
Professional consensus
Inflammatory Encourage a varied diet to meet energy and nutrient requirements, Professional consensus
bowel disease including dietary fibre, including a wide variety of fruit and vegetables,
cereals, grains, nuts and seeds10
Consider limiting fibre and fibrous foods in patients with strictures12 Professional consensus
Dietary fibre should not be restricted, unless intestinal obstruction12 Professional consensus
Ulcerative colitis might be more amenable to fibre supplement Systematic review
interventions than Crohn’s disease165 of RCTs
Diverticular Low-​fibre diet during active diverticulitis to ‘minimize irritation’12 Professional consensus
High-​fibre diet from mixed sources to prevent diverticulitis Observational studies
and professional
Functional Encourage gradual increases (weeks rather than days) in fibre (or by Meta-​analyses of RCTs
constipation adding fibre supplements) to minimize gastrointestinal discomfort
including bloating and flatulence aiming for 20–30 g per day, being
aware that beneficial effects might be seen after several weeks12,13
Encourage whole-​fibre foods with additional components Small number of RCTs and
with laxating effects (e.g. sorbitol) such as prunes or apricots13 professional consensus
High-​dose psyllium (>15 g/day)124 Meta-​analysis of RCTs
Guidelines are based upon research and professional consensus, but frequently the evidence is not from high-​quality clinical trials.
IBS-​C, irritable bowel syndrome with constipation; IBS-​D, irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhoea; RCTs, randomized controlled

and IL-1β) by colonic epithelial cells according to in vitro of 14 case–control studies found an association between
data67,166,167. A number of studies have found alterations higher intakes of vegetables and lower risk of ulcerative
in the gut microbiota (for example, reduced abundance colitis (OR 0.71, 95% CI 0.58–0.88), but not Crohn’s
of Bifidobacterium and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii) in disease (OR 0.66, 95% CI 0.40–1.09), whereas a higher
patients with Crohn’s disease that might be amenable to consumption of fruit was associated with lower risk
prebiotic fibre supplementation168,169. Previous studies of both ulcerative colitis (OR 0.69, 95% CI 0.49–0.96)
have generally found lower stool SCFA concentrations and Crohn’s disease (OR 0.57, 95% CI 0.44–0.74)174.
in patients with IBD than in healthy individuals170–172, However, a large prospective study including 401,326
suggesting a reduced fermentative capacity and an participants recruited from across eight European coun-
impairment in SCFA production in this patient group. tries found no associations between intakes of total fibre
Collectively, it is conceivable that fibre (dietary or sup- or fibre from specific sources and the development of
plement form) might prevent IBD, maintain or restore IBD175; however, this study was in a population of peo-
intestinal epithelial integrity in IBD, although studies ple recruited in their middle age, beyond the age at
in humans of fibre in the prevention, maintenance and which IBD commonly develops (mean age at recruit-
treatment of IBD are extremely limited165. ment 49.6–51.6 years, range 20–80 years). Furthermore,
In terms of the risk of developing IBD, a prospective given the nature of these observational studies, recall
cohort study in 170,776 women in the Nurses’ Health bias is likely.
Cohort Study followed up over 26 years identified 269 Only a limited number of clinical trials investigating
and 338 cases of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, the use of fibre in the maintenance and treatment of IBD
respectively173. Compared with women with the lowest have been undertaken, and they have been summarized
energy-​adjusted dietary fibre intake, intake in the high- in a systematic review165. For maintenance of remission,
est quintile (median of 24.3 g per day) was associated of the four studies included in patients with ulcerative
with a 40% reduction in risk of Crohn’s disease (hazard colitis (n = 213), two found positive effects on disease
ratio for Crohn’s disease, 0.59, 95% CI 0.39–0.90), but activity: one larger RCT found continued remission at
not ulcerative colitis173. On the contrary, a meta-​analysis 12 months across all groups (psyllium versus mesalamine

versus psyllium plus mesalamine), whereas a smaller A prospective cohort study in 46,295 men investigat-
unblinded RCT found a lower rate of treatment failure ing the risk of developing diverticular disease, found a
at 12 months for psyllium plus mesalamine (28%) ver- positive association between a Western dietary pattern
sus mesalamine alone (35%). Four studies in patients and an increased risk of diverticulitis, in particular,
with Crohn’s disease (n = 465) found equivalence in a higher consumption of red meat and lower consump-
the number of patients with deteriorating disease at tion of dietary fibre181. Similar results were found in the
24 months between the high-​fibre group (mean intake Million Women Study including 690,075 women in
27 g per day) and the low-​fibre group (mean intake 15 g the UK whereby the relative risk of diverticular disease
per day), one study found negative outcomes in patients for a 5 g per day greater fibre intake was 0.86 (95% CI
consuming a high-​fibre diet (33.4 ± 1.8 g per day, of 0.84–0.88). Notably, the source of fibre seemed to influ-
which 2.9 ± 0.3 g per day was from raw fruit and vegeta- ence disease risk whereby an additional 5 g per day of
bles) with markedly higher treatment failure and shorter fibre from fruit (RR 0.81, 95% CI 0.77–0.86; P < 0.01) or
time to relapse (1.4 versus 2.8 months) than patients cereals (RR 0.84, 95% CI 0.81–0.88; P < 0.01) was associ-
consuming a low-​fibre exclusion diet165. By contrast, an ated with significant reductions in risk, an additional 5 g
observational cohort study in 1,619 patients with IBD per day of fibre from vegetables was not associated with
found that a higher fibre intake was associated with risk (RR 1.03, 95% CI 0.93–1.14; P = 0.634) whereas an
reduced risk of flare in those with Crohn’s disease additional 1 g per day of fibre from potatoes was asso-
(adjusted OR 0.58, 95% CI 0.37–0.90), but not in those ciated with a greater risk (RR 1.04, 95% CI 1.02–1.07;
with ulcerative colitis (adjusted OR 1.82, 95% CI 0.92– P = 0.002)182. By contrast, one observational case–control
3.60), although intakes were measured using a 26-​item study in 2,104 participants undergoing colonoscopy
self-​reported, retrospective dietary survey176. For treat- found that a high-​fibre diet was not protective against
ment of active disease, the systematic review included diverticular disease183; in fact, those with the highest
five trials in patients with ulcerative colitis (n = 114) and quartile of fibre intake showed an increased prevalence
showed positive effects of fibre (for example, germinated of diverticular disease (prevalence ratio 1.30, 95% CI
barley, combined oligofructose–inulin) on disease activ- 1.13–1.50). However, it is important to note that dietary
ity. Although five trials in patients with Crohn’s disease intake was measured up to 12 weeks following colon­
(n = 193) showed no positive effect of fibre, three studies oscopy and it is not possible to exclude alterations in diet
showed equivalent effects of a high-​fibre diet compared as a consequence, rather than a cause, of the diverticular
with another dietary intervention in cohorts with active, disease diagnosis. Overall, a meta-​analysis of five pro-
inactive or mixed disease stages165. spective cohort studies (19,282 cases, 865,829 partici-
Collectively, based on these results, although there pants) found a reduced risk of diverticular disease, with
is limited evidence for the value of dietary fibre in the a relative risk of 0.74 (95% CI 0.71–0.78) for every addi-
maintenance or treatment of IBD, dietary fibre should tional 10 g per day of total fibre intake184. Again, the level
not be unnecessarily restricted in patients with IBD, of protection varied with the fibre source, with an addi-
unless intestinal strictures are present and there is risk tional 10 g per day of fibre from fruit providing the great-
of obstruction. Overall, the results suggest that ulcerative est protection (RR 0.56, 95% CI 0.37–0.84), followed by
colitis might be more amenable to dietary fibre inter- cereals (RR 0.74, 95% CI 0.67–0.81) and vegetables (RR
ventions than Crohn’s disease, potentially due to the 0.80, 95% CI 0.45–1.44)184. The proposed mechanisms
formation of SCFAs at the site of disease165. Historically, by which fibre reduces the risk of diverticular disease
it has been common in clinical practice to recommend include increased stool bulk, decreased colonic pressure
reducing high-​fibre foods during relapse, although this and therefore reduced herniation.
practice is not evidence-​based, and patients should be In terms of fibre being used in the management of
monitored in regard to their tolerance to fibre during acute diverticulitis, there is no consensus on fibre intake.
both remission and relapse. Some guidelines suggest a low-​fibre diet to ‘minimize
irritation’12 and a gradual increase to 20–30 g per day
Diverticular disease. Diverticular disease refers to through diet or as fibre supplements once inflammation
herniation of the mucosa and submucosa through the has resolved185. These recommendations are often used
muscular layer of the colonic wall177. The pathogenesis in clinical practice, although they are based on physio-
of diverticular disease relates to colonic smooth muscle logical rationale or uncontrolled studies, and not robust
overactivity, thickening of the colonic wall and/or genet- clinical trials. A systematic review published in 2018 rec-
ics, in addition to lifestyle factors such as fibre intake ommended that patients with uncomplicated diverticu-
and physical activity, although associations remain litis should be placed on a liberalized diet (for example,
inconsistent178. The incidence of diverticular disease is solid food, no bowel rest or nil by mouth), as opposed
highest in economically developed countries with cases to dietary restrictions, and a high-​fibre diet that meets
continuing to increase, and is strongly associated with individualized nutrient requirements, with or without
age, with a prevalence of 5% in those under 40 years fibre supplementation. However, it was recognized that
and up to 65% in those over 65 years179. Although the recommendations were based on a limited number of
majority of patients with diverticular disease remain low-​quality studies186.
asymptomatic (~80%), inflammation of a diverticulum In terms of fibre being used in the management
presents as diverticulitis that can vary in duration and of uncomplicated diverticular disease, a systematic
severity, but can be complicated by fistulae, abscesses, review from 2012 (ref.187) found only three RCTs of
obstruction and perforation180. sufficient quality, although they yielded inconsistent

Nature Reviews | Gastroenterology & Hepatology


findings188–190. In 2019, a systematic review of nine con- in the colon so that and their water‐holding capacity is
trolled or uncontrolled trials in patients with asymp- lost. By contrast, viscous and poorly fermented fibres
tomatic or symptomatic uncomplicated diverticular such as psyllium retain their physicochemical charac-
disease identified only one study investigating the effect teristics (such as high-​water holding and gel-​forming
of a high-​fibre diet with bran on the risk of developing capacity) throughout the gastrointestinal tract 59.
diverticulitis, but this study did not have a control group Indeed, although insoluble fibres containing large
against which to compare the risk191. In the remaining and/or coarse particles can provide a regulatory
studies, fibre supplementation improved stool weight benefit94,196, there are fibres (wheat dextrin and finely
(mean difference, MD, +42 g per day; P < 0.00001) but ground wheat bran) that have been shown to contribute
did not affect gastrointestinal symptoms (SMD −0.13; only to the dry mass of stool, resulting in decreased
P = 0.16) or gut transit time (MD −3.70; P = 0.32)191. stool water content and a constipating effect, potentially
Overall, in those with diverticular disease there is lim- exacerbating symptoms in those with constipation197.
ited evidence for an effect of fibre in preventing acute This finding might, in part, explain the disparities in
diverticulitis. the findings of previous studies showing laxative effects
of insoluble fibre198.
Functional constipation. Functional constipation is The effect of different quantities of different fibres
one of the most common functional bowel disorders on health have been previously highlighted3. One review
and is characterized by symptoms of difficult or infre- that summarized the research of Burkitt, who advocated
quent stool passage, or incomplete defaecation, with- the intake of >50 g per day of dietary fibre for preven-
out structural cause146. Unlike IBS in which abdominal tion of chronic disease (for example, colon cancer)199,
pain must be present, functional constipation does noted that fibre intakes of >35 g per day seem to be
not have abdominal pain as a predominant symptom, more effective in reducing chronic disease than lower
and although not considered to be a serious condition, intakes. Moreover, it has been suggested that the mini-
it can lead to complications such as faecal impaction, mal effects of fibre supplementation on health outcomes
bowel perforation and haemorrhoids146, and the symp- shown in many of the intervention trials in humans to
toms experienced are varied and place a burden on the date could simply reflect the insufficient quantity of fibre
patient192. At present, there are limited data available on supplement provided in these studies199.
the pathophysiology of functional constipation, although
lifestyle factors, including low fibre intake and low levels Future research
of physical activity are associated with the presence of Fibre co-​administration. Currently, extracted and
constipation and may play a role in its aetiology192. The isolated fibres (such as inulin or psyllium) from vari-
majority of studies have focused on chronic constipa- ous sources are commonly added to food products to
tion, the estimated global prevalence of which is 14%123, enrich the fibre content, in order to assist people in
although variations in symptoms used in self-​reporting achieving the dietary recommendations for dietary fibre.
constipation result in varying numbers presenting to It is plausible that co-​administration of different
their doctor193. fibres (for example, combined isolated fibres) might
A number of large cohort studies have shown provide a ‘dual treatment’ by driving different func-
positive associations between high intakes of dietary tionalities that target separate gastrointestinal features
fibre and stool frequency194,195. A systematic review (that its, the correction of dysbiosis, and normalization
and meta-​analysis of seven RCTs concluded that fibre of stool form and transit time), potentially maximizing
is effective in treating chronic constipation in adults the effect of clinically meaningful symptom improve-
compared with placebo. For example, fibre (dietary; ment. Yet, to date, there is limited research in the area
for example, wheat bran) and in supplement form (for of co-​administration. A 3-​week randomized crossover
example, psyllium) including prebiotics (for example, block design study in 19 healthy volunteers found that
inulin) was associated with increased stool frequency wheat bran plus resistant starch (12 g per day and 22 g
(SMD 0.39, 95% CI 0.03–0.76; P = 0.03) and more per day, respectively) produced greater benefits (such
normalized stool consistency (SMD 0.35, 95% CI as increased stool output, reduced transit time, reduced
0.04–0.65; P = 0.02). In particular, subgroup analysis faecal pH (a proxy for luminal pH, for which lower
suggested that a high dose (>15 g per day) of psyllium values are associated with the suppression of potentially
was the most effective in increasing stool frequency pathogenic microorganisms), and increased concentra-
and improving stool consistency124. However, fibre tions of acetate and butyrate) than wheat bran (12 g per
can induce other gastrointestinal symptoms such as day) alone200. Furthermore, a study in animals demon-
flatulence (compared with placebo: SMD 0.56, 95% strated that wheat bran combined with resistant starch
CI 0.12–1.00; P = 0.01). This meta-​analysis further versus wheat bran alone can shift fermentation distally,
highlights the importance of choosing fibres with the thus potentially improving the luminal environment and
most appropriate physicochemical characteristics to providing protective effects further along the colon201.
provide the preferred functional benefit. For exam- In addition, an in vitro study using faecal microbiota
ple, non-​v iscous, highly fermentable fibres such as from healthy donors to compare degradation profiles of
prebiotic fibres (inulin and galacto-​oligosaccharides) single fibres (arabinoxylan, chondroitin sulfate, galac-
did not consistently have any benefit over placebo in tomannan, polygalacturonic acid, xyloglucan) versus
increasing stool frequency and stool consistency. This a combination of these showed slower utilization of
is because these fibres are almost completely fermented some soluble dietary fibres when present in a mixture,

suggesting that this strategy could be used as a means of Conclusions

delivering fibres to the more distal regions of the colon202. Manipulating and/or increasing fibre intake is a promising
Further research is required to determine whether fibre therapeutic strategy in the prevention and management
combinations might be efficacious in the management of many gastrointestinal disorders. Physicochemical
of gastrointestinal and other disorders. As our under- characteristics such as solubility, viscosity and fermen­
standing of the physicochemical characteristics of tability drive different functionalities in the gastro­
dietary fibre advances, co-​administration of known intestinal tract, and therefore underpin their therapeutic
fibres with different functional characteristics is likely potential. Current guidelines and recommendations
to offer greater therapeutic utility. reflect earlier studies that have used a wide range of die-
tary fibres with different physicochemical and functional
Natural fibres. Natural sources of dietary fibre are characteristics. The lack of consistency and reporting of
increasingly used as they often contain many differ- these characteristics in studies to date has limited the
ent fibres. For this reason, they might hold some of the clinical utility of dietary fibre for managing gastrointes-
benefits of co-​administration, have synergistic effects tinal disorders. There is an urgent need for well-​designed
and offer diverse functional characteristics that could RCTs to determine which physicochemical character-
offer therapeutic potential in the management of a istics, and therefore which fibre sources, and in what
range of gastrointestinal disorders. Examples of novel doses and durations are optimal for clinically mean-
plant-​based fibres include prickly pear, galactoman- ingful gastrointestinal health benefits. The utility of
nan, plantain peel, ivy gourd, Gnetum africanum, yacon co-​administration of different fibres with differing
root, Moringa oleifera, which have unique combinations physiological effects, or novel, naturally occurring die-
of different fibres and are rich sources of other bioac- tary fibres with dual physiological properties has yet to
tive compounds, such as polyphenols, that have poten- be explored and holds promise as a therapeutic strategy
tial anti-​inflammatory and antibacterial properties203. across several gastrointestinal disorders.
However, there are a limited number of studies of natural
fibres in the management of gastrointestinal disorders. Published online xx xx xxxx

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