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NIM: 2001017
Kelas : 20T01

Newspaper-based Activity

Find a short story in a newspaper and rewrite it in no more than 40 words. Try to include as much
information to answer the five “W” ( who, where, what, why and when ) questions and one “H”
(how) question. Then give the story an imaginary dateline and a suitable headline.

D. Look at this table and give short answers to the questions.

Name Favourite Hobby Favourite Father’s Mother’s Goes to

Colour Sport Occupation Occupation school
Tom Blue Palying Football Teacher Nurse By bus
Betty Yellow Reading Badminton Shopkeeper Housewife On Foot
Sally Red Dancing Swimming Doctor Housewife By bus
Bill Brown Fishing Swimming Businessman Housewife By

1. Who likes brown colours?

Answer : bill
2. Whose mother goes out to work ?
Answer : Tom
3. Which child plays the guitar?
Answer : Tom
4. Who cycles to school ?
Answer : Bill
5. Whose favorite color is yellow ?
Answer : Betty
6. Which child has a doctor for a father ?
Answer : Sally
7. Whose father runs a shop ?
Answer : Betty
8. Who enjoys swimming ?
Answer : Sally and Bill
9. Whose hobby is dancing ?
Answer : Sally
10. Which boy takes the bus to school ?
Answer : Tom
Mother: Children, wait here for me while I go into the voting station. Children are not
allowed in. Be careful. 1 ( To warn ) …………………………………………….
Mathia : :2 ( To protect ) …………………………………… . We don’t to stand here by ourselves.
Mother: You can’t do that. You can still see me from here. Look towards that door.
3 ( To assure ) …………………………………………. . The queue is very short.
1. (A). Don’t make any noise or you’ll be asked to go out.
(B). Voting is only for adults, not children.
(C). Tell anyone who asks you where have gone to.
(D). Do not talk to any strangers or follow anyone no matter what they say.

2. (A). There is no place to stand together. (C). What if sister needs to go to the toilet ?
(B). Why can’t children vote as well ? (D). But, Mother, we want to follow you .

3. (A). I will be back very soon. (C). No one will bother you.
(B). It is okay to wait here. (D). I will try and jump queue to be faster.

F. Imagine that, over the phone, you are being given some information that you know to be
incorrect. What would you say to the other persons, to let them know they are wrong ?

1. The parcel weighs 500 kilos, I think.

Well, no, actually it doesn’t weigh 500 kilos, it weighs 450 kilos.

2. You are making up the order this week. I gather.

Well, no, in fact I didn’t make an order this week, I made an order last week.

3. I suppose the computer prints out the figures everyday.

Well, no, actually computers don’t print numbers every day , only once a week

4. You’re working now as Mr. Green’s assistant, aren’t you ?

Well, no, in actual fact I’m not working now as Mr Green’s assistant

5. They always deliver the goods promptly, I believe.

Well, no, actually they don’t always delivery the goods right away

Toefl Approach

G. Section One: Listening Comprehension ( T.7 )

Direction : For each question you will hear a short sentence . Then, read the four choices in
your book , marked (A), (B), (C), and (D), and decide which one is closest in meaning to the
sentence you heard.

11. (A). Nancy used to walk farther. (C). Nancy isn’t accustomed to walking very far.
(B). Nancy doesn’t like to walk so far. (D). Nancy needed help to walk so far.

12. (A). The man is fine now. (C). If you don’t want to appear in court, you can
(B). You can sat good bye now. pay now.
(D). The court is right about the man.

13. (A). Is Virginia the boss ? (C). Is Virginia in Boston ?

(B). I didn’t know that Virginia was (D). How far is it from Boston to Virginia ?
from Boston.

14. (A). I never speak that way. (C).Everyone speaks to me that way.
(B). Some people always speak to me that way. (D). No one speaks to me that way.

15. (A). The dollar is worth 80 cents compared with its former value.
(B). The dollar is worth 20 cents now.
(C). $1.20 is the value of the dollar at today’s rate of exchange.
(D). The dollar has increased in value today.

Section Two: Structure

H. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
1. Stained glass becomes even more beautiful when it _________ because the corrosion diffuses
(A). will age (C). are aging
(B). ages (D). aged

2. North American Indian tribes used sign language _________ with tribes that spoke a different
language or dialect.
(A). to communicating (C). to communicate
(B). for communicate (D). for communicated

3. We are considering buying a house in Gainesville, but we want to find out ______ there first.
(A). what the taxes are (C). the taxes what are
(B). what are the taxes (D). the taxes are

4. It is difficult to find a ________ in the Washington area for less than $1200 a month.
(A). two-bedroom apartment (C). two-bedrooms apartments
(B). two-bedrooms apartment (D). two-bedroom apartments

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