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Title no. 109-S06

Nonlinear Analysis of Beams Reinforced in Shear with

Stirrups and Steel Fibers
by Nino Spinella, Piero Colajanni, and Lidia La Mendola

Experimental four-point bending tests on steel fiber-reinforced The modified compression field theory (MCFT)7 and
concrete (SFRC) beams were performed and the complete load- the disturbed stress field model (DSFM)8 are well-known
versus-displacement curves were predicted by suitably adapting analytical models for the prediction of the nonlinear
a nonlinear finite element code for plain and reinforced concrete behavior of RC structures, which are especially subjected
(RC) elements to the analysis of SFRC structural members, based
to shear and torsion loads. They are essentially smeared,
on the modified compression field theory (MCFT) and the disturbed
stress field model (DSFM). The effect of steel fibers on shear-flexure rotating crack models, where the cracked concrete is
response is taken into account, mainly by incorporating appropriate treated as an orthotropic material with unique stress-strain
tensile and compressive stress-strain analytical relationships for characteristics, depending on the geometry and amount
SFRC and introducing several modifications in the theoretical of reinforcement. The constitutive laws used in these
models to cover local conditions at crack. The numerical results models were developed on the basis of results obtained by
show the model’s effectiveness to predict the structural response a series of tests on RC panels subjected to different load
of both specimens reinforced with steel fibers only and beams combinations performed to describe the behavior of cracked
with stirrups and steel fibers as transverse reinforcement. The RC in compression and tension.7
experimental and numerical results highlighted the capacity of steel The MCFT assumes that the rotations of principal stress and
fibers to partially substitute the stirrups as shear reinforcement in
strain fields are coincident. In slightly reinforced elements,
beams and demonstrated how the coupled transverse reinforcement,
provided by stirrups and steel fibers, is an optimum solution both in this assumption is quite different from observed behavior,
terms of structural performance and costs. and the rotation of the principal stress field lags behind the
rotation of the principal strain field with non-negligible slips
Keywords: cracking; experimental tests; fiber-reinforced concrete; nonlinear along the crack surface. Thus, the DSFM was proposed to
finite element model analysis; shear. extend the MCFT, aiming at taking into account the crack
shear slip strains in an explicit way.7
INTRODUCTION By contrast, few studies are available that reproduce the
The brittle failure mode of reinforced concrete (RC) complete load-deflection curve of SFRC beams with9 and
beams subjected to high levels of shear loads remains a without10,11 stirrups. These studies show that an accurate
major concern of structural designers. The classic transverse representation of the tension-softening behavior of SFRC
reinforcement system consists of steel stirrups placed is the main necessary tool to extend MCFT to the case of
squarely to the longitudinal axis of a beam and is designed fibrous concrete.
to avoid a premature shear collapse. In many cases, high In this study, the MCFT analytical model was suitably
shear loads require the use of a large amount of stirrups, adapted for high-strength SFRC (HS-SFRC) elements,
causing an increase in costs and difficulties in the practical introducing several modifications to take into account the
realization of structural members. compression- and tension-softening behavior of fibrous
Many reports published during the last few decades1-4 have concrete. The former plays a key role in reproducing the
considered the option of adding fibers to the concrete ductility of fibrous concrete beams with stirrups under
mixture to improve the mechanical capacity of the material, transverse loads, and it was herein well reproduced by
providing an increase in structural member shear strength. the analytical constitutive model proposed by Nataraja et
In members subjected to shear and flexure, the presence of al.12 The latter primarily influences the behavior of structural
fibers in the mixture permits a partial or total replacement of elements with poor shear reinforcement. Fibers improve the
the stirrups.5 The fibers provide a considerable contribution toughness of the concrete matrix and their effects can be
to stress transfer between different parts of the cracked modeled suitably by changing the residual tensile strength
matrix, arresting crack propagation. Tensile stress is shared of the SFRC.13 The toughness of the composite allows for
by the fiber and matrix in tension until the matrix cracks, and crack width containment all over the depth of the beam,
then the total stress is progressively transferred to the fibers leading to a well-distributed crack pattern without an early
by the bond stress between the two components.6 localization of any shear-critical crack. Several models have
A suitable amount of fibers influences the mechanical been proposed in the literature to reproduce the postcracking
properties of concrete, leading to a considerable ductile tensile behavior of SFRC, mostly based on complex fracture
branch of the constitutive curve under uniaxial compression,
direct shear and, especially, direct tension, modifying the
member collapse mechanism in all failure modes. ACI Structural Journal, V. 109, No. 1, January-February 2012.
To exploit the increase in performance obtained by adding MS No. S-2009-360.R3 received April 8, 2011, and reviewed under Institute
publication policies. Copyright © 2012, American Concrete Institute. All rights
steel fibers to the mixture, reliable models for the prediction reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is obtained from the
of the entire response of SFRC members under axial, copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s closure, if any, will be
published in the November-December 2012 ACI Structural Journal if the discussion
bending, and shear loads are required. is received by July 1, 2012.

ACI Structural Journal/January-February 2012 53

ACI member Nino Spinella received his BSc and PhD in structural engineering from rational and empirical constitutive laws into the finite
the University of Messina, Messina, Italy, in 2004 and 2008, respectively. His research element code.
interests include reinforcement of concrete columns with fiber-reinforced polymer,
shear behavior of slightly transverse reinforced beams, high-performance concrete,
fiber-reinforced concrete, and nonlinear analyses of reinforced concrete structures.
Piero Colajanni is an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering To extend the MCFT and DSFM theories to HS-SFRC
at the University of Messina, where he teaches structural design and analysis and structures, one of the most important issues is to update the
design of buildings in seismic areas. He received his PhD in structural engineering analytical constitutive relationships originally proposed for
from the University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy. His research interests include analysis,
design, and retrofitting of buildings in seismic areas; seismic dynamics; design of plain
RC members to the case of fibrous concrete, aiming at taking
and fiber-reinforced concrete elements; and the use of fiber-reinforced polymer for into account the positive effect of fibers on the mechanical
concrete element retrofitting. capacity of the material.
Lidia La Mendola is a Full Professor in the Department of Civil, Environmental and
Aerospace Engineering at the University of Palermo, where she teaches structural
Modeling of tensile crack behavior of SFRC
design and structural problems in heritage buildings. She is also Chair of the PhD For shear-critical beams, and more in general when only
Board in Structural Engineering. Her research interests include seismic behavior of fibers are present as transverse reinforcement, the struc-
reinforced concrete and masonry buildings, theoretical and experimental investiga- tural element response is mainly governed by the tensile
tion on the behavior of fiber-reinforced concrete elements, and reinforcing of masonry constitutive behavior of the composite. In the MCFT7 and
structural elements with fiber-reinforced polymer.
DSFM8 theories, the stress-strain relationships derived from
the direct tensile test were used to characterize plain concrete
mechanic theories or derived from experimental tests on behavior under tensile stress. The VecTor2 finite element
small notched beams, but few analytical relationships were code, which includes the abovementioned theories, imple-
based on rational approaches and were therefore easily ments some simple linear or bilinear laws, which depend on
implemented in a computer code at the same time. tensile strength and energy fracture values.14
In this study, the constitutive law adopted for tensile According to the DSFM,8 the constitutive behavior of
fibrous concrete was based on a robust analytical model that material in direct tension was assumed to be linear up to
provided the bridging tension stress across the crack due the tensile strength. To reproduce the response of an HSC
to the fibers in terms of crack width w. As the MCFT is a specimen, an analytical formulation proposed by Bentz18 and
smeared model, the analytical tensile constitutive law was obtained by a numerical regression on a huge database was
coupled with an appropriate variable characteristic length to used to link the tensile strength value f ct′ to the compressive
reduce crack width to tensile strain and estimate crack slip strength value fc′ of plain concrete: f ct′ = 0.45fc′0.4 in MPa.
strains as accurately as possible. Beyond the peak value of tensile strength, HSC shows a
At the same time, an experimental program was performed very limited capacity to resist tensile stress. The simple linear
by four-point bending tests on medium-scale HS-SFRC law suggested by the DSFM8 was adopted to analytically
beams, investigating the influence of different amounts of represent the cracking behavior in the direct tension of plain
fiber and stirrup percentages on the strength and failure concrete. Unlike the DSFM,8 the tensile strength is herein
mechanism of the beams. Two different sets of beams expressed as a function of the crack opening displacement w
made of plain and fibrous high-strength concrete (HSC), as follows
with varying percentages of fibers and/or stirrups as shear
reinforcement, were tested.
The experimental behavior was reproduced by two- s c ( w) = fct′ (1 − w wts ) (1)
dimensional (2-D) nonlinear finite element analyses carried
out by adopting a nonlinear finite element program (NLFEP)
developed at the University of Toronto, called VecTor214 and where wts = 2Gc/f ct′ is the crack opening when the tensile
based on the MCFT and DSFM, suitably modified to investi- stress sc = 0; and Gc is the fracture energy of plain concrete
gate the response of HS-SFRC structural elements subjected evaluated as proposed by Marti et al.19 (Gc = 0.00375fc′2/3ag1/4
to different load conditions. Furthermore, discussion and in N/mm, where ag is the maximum aggregate size in mm).
validation of the analytical extensions introduced in the On the contrary, for fibrous concrete subjected to direct
theoretical model were performed by a favorable compar- tension, the elastic branch of the stress-strain curve shows a
ison against several tests collected in the literature.15-17 slightly higher tensile strength value than plain concrete. This
limited increase in tensile strength is effective in delaying
RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE the cracking of material, however, helping the beam to resist
This study extends the MCFT-based procedures to repro- high load levels.
duce the behavior of HS-SFRC beams under predominant With the aim of reproducing the influence of constitutive
shear, investigating the possibility of partially replacing stir- fibrous concrete behavior in direct tension on specimens
rups with steel fibers as transverse reinforcement. subjected to transverse loads, the increase of tensile strength
An accurate representation of the complete response of due to fibers was calculated by the simple mixture rule20
experimental four-point bending tests on HS-SFRC beams,
cast with different percentages of steel fibers and/or stirrups
as transverse reinforcement under shear, was obtained by
numerical analyses, also predicting the crack patterns of fctf′ = Ecc e cr (2)
HS-SFRC beams.
The modeling of the softening behavior of HS-SFRC
in tension and compression was carried out with this aim, with fctf′ and Ecc = Ec(1 – Vf) + h0hlEfVf being the tensile
implementing several updates of the base theory and some strength and elasticity modulus of SFRC in direct tension;

54 ACI Structural Journal/January-February 2012

Ef and Ec the modulus of elasticity of fibers and concrete,
respectively; Vf the volumetric ratio of fiber; h0 the orien-
tation factor and hl the length factor; and ecr = emp +
h0hlVf (efy – emp) the first crack strain of fibrous concrete
evaluated as the sum of the first matrix crack strain emp and
a strain part h0hlVf (efy – emp) due to the presence of fiber and
influenced by the yield strain of steel fiber efy.
Several analytical models20,21 have been proposed in
literature for the post-peak curve of SFRC specimens
subjected to direct tension.
Thus, several numerical analyses were performed using the
VecTor222 code to compare the effectiveness of the different
models in reproducing the experimental response of shear-
critical beams. All of the analytical models considered for
reproducing the constitutive tensile behavior of the composite
were based on an experimental or theoretical pullout curve
of a single fiber embedded in the concrete matrix, which is Fig. 1—Analytical uniaxial tensile behavior for plain and
generalized to the case of more random fibers distributed on fibrous concrete.
a crack plane area.
The model known as the variable engagement model21 Given the tension stress due to fibers, the total tensile
(VEM06) proved to be the most effective. It is also by far stress of fibrous concrete was evaluated as the simple sum
the most rational approach. VEM06 assumes that fibers are of stress contributions provided by the matrix and fibers,
mechanically anchored to the matrix and some slips between respectively: scf (w) = sc(w) + sf (w). The contribution given
the fiber and matrix must occur before the anchorage is by the matrix sc(w) was herein computed from the linear
engaged. The crack opening w for which the fiber becomes law (Eq. (1)) introduced previously (Fig. 1), whereas the
effectively engaged in the tension-carrying mechanism is contribution of the fiber was calculated from the general
termed the engagement length, and it is evaluated as we = formulation of VEM06.
atan(qf), where a = df /3.5 (df is the fiber diameter in mm) Treating the fiber contribution in tension as an addendum
is a material parameter and qf is the fiber inclination angle to that of the matrix allows for an easy calculation but, in
with respect to the crack plane. Rearranging the equations particular cases, this approach neglects some significant
on the basis of VEM06, the bridging tension stress across the aspects of matrix-fiber interaction. As a consequence, a key
role is played by a proper estimation of the bond fiber-matrix
crack provided by nonfractured fibers was evaluated as sf (w)
interface strength tf, which depends on the matrix type and
= KfVf (lf /df)tf, with lf being the fiber length, df the diameter of
not just on the fiber characteristics.
the fiber, tf the mean value of the bond fiber-matrix interface VecTor2 implements a smeared cracking model. Therefore,
strength, and Kf the global orientation factor defined as follows the tensile stress-opening crack constitutive relationship,
evaluated with Eq. (1) and with VEM06 for plain and fibrous
concrete, respectively, was reduced to a tensile stress-strain law
4 ϑcrit by dividing the crack opening by an appropriate characteristic
( )
K f ( w) = 2 ∫ 
max la ,crit − w,0  d ϑ

(3) length. Usually, this parameter is assumed as a constant value
πl f 0
strongly dependent on the fracture energy of the material.
However, well-acknowledged procedures are not yet available
where qcrit = tan–1(w/a); and la,crit is the critical embedment for calculating the characteristic length in the presence of
length for a fracture given by la,crit = min(lc/2 + we,lf /2), fibrous reinforcement.2 Minelli and Vecchio10 calibrated
where lc = (df /2)(sfu/tf) is the critical length obtained by a the constant characteristic length value for fibrous concrete,
simple equilibrium equation written along the longitudinal equaling the first post-peak branch of the fc-ec tensile curve of
axis of a fiber at the maximum embedment depth lf /2, using plain concrete suggested by CEB-FIP,23 to the first branch of
the total force of full bond stress in the fiber. For the case of a cohesive law for the fibrous concrete curve. The latter was
lc < lf, the model does not provide the fiber fracture; thus, obtained by ensuring that the result of numerical analyses,
Eq. (3) reduces to the simpler form as follows performed by using a finite element software based on a
discrete crack approach and adopting a cohesive law, fit some
experimental results provided by four-point bending tests
2 executed on small-scale prismatic specimens. It is not easy
tan −1 ( w a )  2 w  to evaluate the characteristic length for fibrous concrete with
K f ( w) = 1 −  (4) mechanical characteristics, however, which are different from
π  lf 
those used by Minelli and Vecchio.10 Experimental tests and
numerical analyses are always needed.
Therefore, besides the geometric characteristics of the In this study, the characteristic length was assumed as
fibers, the ratio between the tensile strength of fiber sfu and a variable value equal to the average crack spacing Sq =
the bond fiber-matrix interface strength tf rules the fracture 1/(sinq/Sx + cosq/Sy), where Sx and Sy are the indicators of the
of fiber. The tf value is calculated as a function of the matrix crack control characteristics of the reinforcement placed in
tensile strength fct, the shape of the fiber (straight or hooked), the x- and y-directions,7 respectively, and q is the inclination
and the type of matrix (concrete or mortar).21 For the typical of the diagonal compressive field stress. Thus, the principal
case of the concrete matrix and hooked fiber, tf = 2.5fct. tensile strain obtained was ect = w/Sq. For plain concrete, Sx

ACI Structural Journal/January-February 2012 55

 25 
Sxef = Sxe   ≤ Sxe (in mm) (6)
 l f d f 

Thus, the characteristic length adopted for the numerical

analyses changes as a function of the inclination of the
compressive stress field and, consequently, of the load level.
Moreover, it depends on the geometrical characteristics of
the beam cross section, maximum aggregate size, and fiber
aspect ratio. All of these parameters govern the size effect,
which plays an important role in the behavior of beams
subjected to transverse loads and with large unreinforced
web portions.
The constitutive tensile stress-strain laws described
Fig. 2—Uniaxial compressive behavior for: (a) plain; and
previously (that is, the simple linear law and VEM06)
(b) fibrous HSC.
were implemented into VecTor2, modifying the numerical
procedure to use a characteristic length variable as a function
and Sy may be calculated by the expression proposed in the of the load level as well.
CEB-FIP code,23 and their values depend on the quantity of
longitudinal and transverse steel reinforcement and cover Modeling of compressive post-peak behavior of SFRC
thickness. Hence, the average crack spacing and, accordingly, In several experimental tests,5 a different mechanical
the characteristic length value assumed, depended on the behavior was observed when an adequate amount of trans-
diagonal compressive stress angle at the generic load-step verse steel reinforcement was present. Shear cracks were
value and on the reinforcement pattern. sewed by stirrups and the deterioration of the strut was
For the numerical analyses of the response of specimens consequently reduced. Thus, stirrups were able to modify
with only flexural steel reinforcement and no stirrups, the the failure mode from brittle shear to ductile flexure.
average crack spacing expression was reduced to Sq = Hence, an important issue is to correctly represent the
Sx/sinq. As proposed by Bentz et al.,24 only for shear-critical softening branch of the uniaxial compressive stress-strain
beams, Sx was replaced by the equivalent spacing Sxe for curve of SFRC, which also helps the concrete strut to sustain
plain concrete members high load levels in correspondence to large strains.
The entire full curves obtained from the compressive tests,
carried out on the plain and fibrous concrete employed to
 35  cast the specimens described in the next section, are shown
Sxe = 0.9d   (in mm) (5)
in Fig. 2. The aim was to model the uniaxial compressive
 ag + 16 
stress-strain curve of SFRC.
It can be observed that fibrous concrete behavior in compres-
where d is the effective depth of the beam; and ag is the sion was similar to that of plain concrete until the peak stress
maximum dimension of the aggregate (set equal to zero value fc′ was reached, and it can be modeled by using constitu-
for concrete with a compressive strength over 70 MPa tive laws available in VecTor214 for HSC (Fig. 2(a)). The post-
[10.15 ksi]). peak branch of the stress-strain curve in compression of SFRC
When fibers were present in the mixture, the crack (Fig. 2(b)) showed a smaller slope of the post-peak branch
opening and average crack spacing were still reduced. than the plain concrete curve. Therefore, this branch of the
Aiming at taking into account this experimental evidence, fc-ec curve was modeled using the formulation proposed by
the recommendations of RILEM TC162-TDF13 suggest Nataraja et al.12 (NDG99) for fibrous concrete
using a semi-empirical method to calculate the average crack
spacing of fibrous concrete, which was based on the method
fc b (ec e0 )
proposed by Eurocode 2,25 and the beneficial effects due to = (7)
fibers were only considered by the geometrical term ks/(lf /df) fc′ b − 1 + ( e c e 0 )b
≤ 1, with ks being a reference value for the fiber aspect ratio
lf /df originally set to 50. In addition, recent experimental where the material parameter b = 0.5811 + 1.93RI–0.7406;
and theoretical studies performed by Moffat26 on the fibrous the index by weight of hooked steel fibers is RI = Wf (lf /df);
concrete cracking reinforced with reinforcing bars relate the and Wf is the ratio by weight of fibers. Equation (7) was
ability of fibers to bridge tensions across the crack to the proposed12 for normal-strength concrete (NSC) (up to 50 MPa
ratio g = fctu′ /fctf′ between the residual strength of concrete [7.25 ksi]) with crimped fibers. However, it was implemented
after cracking fctu′ and the tensile strength of first cracking in the analytical model because it reproduces the post-peak
fctf′ . The crack spacing of the reinforced fibrous concrete can branch of the experimental curves obtained by compression
be obtained by further reducing the analogous parameter of tests presented herein with appreciable agreement (Fig. 2(b)).
plain concrete by a term equal to (1 – g) < 1. Setting27 the The principal compressive stress in the concrete, fc, is a
value of g = 0.50, the ks value can be assumed as equal to half function of the compressive and coexisting tensile strain,7 and
of the original value proposed by RILEM TC162-TDF.13 this influence—namely, compression softening—is taken
These reductive terms were herein introduced in the into account in the DSFM by a reduction factor.8 Fibers
analytical relationship of equivalent spacing (Eq. (5)), reduce damage thanks to control of the transverse tensile
obtaining a simple formulation to evaluate the equivalent strains. Furthermore, they allow the sustainment of high
spacing for steel fibrous concrete beams without stirrups compressive stress levels when compressive strains are

56 ACI Structural Journal/January-February 2012

elevated. A rigorous approach would require a redefinition of contribution to shear strength and ductility due to fibers and
the reduction factor due to the different level of compression the possibility of partially replacing the stirrups. Thus, the
softening induced by fibers, but this issue would require a geometrical longitudinal reinforcement rl was chosen to
large number of experimental tests and extensive research avoid a premature flexural collapse of the beam and the bars
beyond the scope of this paper; thus, in the model, the were hooked upward beyond the supports to preclude the
original formulation of compression softening for fibrous possibility of anchorage failure. Two different values of the
concrete was also adopted. shear span-to-effective depth ratio (a/d) were chosen for the
experimental tests, namely a/d = 2.8 (A series) and a/d = 2.0
Experimental PROGRAM (B series). The first is greater than and the second is less than
The behavior of a set of six plain concrete and six the value a/d = 2.5, which is known to be the critical value
SFRC beams (Fig. 3) was investigated by four-point for beams without stirrups.5 Thus, the former a/d was chosen
bending tests.28 The tests were designed to investigate the to obtain a shear failure for diagonal tension, where the
beam mechanism and tensile strength of the material govern
the failure mode. The latter was chosen to obtain a shear-
compression failure, governed by arch mechanism. Thus,
the response mainly depends on the effective compression
strength of the concrete.
The shear reinforcement of the beam was realized with
stirrups with two different geometrical ratios rw and/or
hooked-end steel fibers with a length lf of 30 mm (1.2 in.) and
a nominal diameter df of 0.55 mm (0.02 in.) (the aspect ratio
is lf /df = 54.5). The geometrical characteristics of the fibers
were chosen depending on the specimen size, as suggested
by the ACI guidelines.6 Each beam was marked, as shown
in Table 1(a). Except for the a/d, only the type and quantity
of transverse reinforcement (steel fibers and stirrups) were
varied, avoiding variations in other factors (that is, geometry,
plain concrete mixture properties, or prestressing) that would
make comprehension of the results more complex.
All specimens were cast with HSC made with
Type 42.5 portland cement, natural sand, and aggre-
gate with 10 mm (0.4 in.) as maximum size ag, used in
the mixture proportions 1:1.9:2.3 by weight. Elements
Fig. 3—Geometry and reinforcement details: Specimen R1 = made of HS-SFRC were constructed, adding 78.6 kg/m3
2 F20 mm; Specimen R2 = 2 F10 mm; and Specimen R3 = (0.0028 lb/in.3) (Vf = 1%) hooked-end steel fibers into the
F6 mm. (Note: Dimensions in mm [in.]). mixture. Because the addition of fibers reduces the work-

Table 1—(a) Summary of experimental program (A for a/d = 2.8 and B for a/d = 2.0); (b) properties of concrete
mixtures; (c) properties of material models; and (d) summary of HSC-SFRC tests and numerical results
(a) Summary of experimental program (A for a/d = 2.8 and B for a/d = 2.0)
Code A00/B00 A01/B01 A02/B02 A10/B10 A11/B11 A12/B12
V f, % 0 0 0 1.00 1.00 1.00
rw, % 0 0.188 0.628 0 0.188 0.628

(b) Properties of concrete mixtures

Vf, % fc′, MPa (ksi) e0 × 1000 Ec, MPa (ksi) fsp, MPa (ksi)
0 75.75 (11.0) 2.34 37,998 (5511) 4.19 (0.6)
1 80.04 (11.6) 2.83 35,982 (5219) 8.34 (1.2)

(c) Properties of material models

Vf, % fct′, MPa (ksi) tf, MPa (ksi) ecr × 1000 Ecc, MPa (ksi) fctf′ , MPa (ksi) Sxef, mm (in.)
0 2.54 (0.4) — 0.067 37,998 (5511) — 431.2 (17.0)
1 — 6.35 (0.9) 0.078 38,037 (5517) 2.96 (0.4) 197.6 (7.8)

(d) Summary of HSC-SFRC tests and numerical results

Code A10 A11 A12 B10 B11 B12
Pu,exp, kN (kip) 227.5 (51.1) 249.3 (56.0) 254.0 (57.1) 281.6 (63.3) 356.4 (80.1) 371.9 (83.6)
du,exp, mm (in.) 15.0 (0.59) 48.7 (1.92) 46.9 (1.85) 15.0 (0.59) 48.2 (1.90) 44.4 (1.75)
Pu,exp/Pu,num 1.10 0.99 0.90 0.99 0.96 1.01
du,exp/du,num 1.12 0.68 0.92 1.00 0.95 0.61

ACI Structural Journal/January-February 2012 57

program was suitably changed in several parts, implementing
the modifications introduced in the theoretical models to
take the constitutive behavior of HS-SFRC into account.
The tensile constitutive law VEM06 was introduced in the
program and crack width and tensile strain were related by a
variable characteristic length. For beams without stirrups, it
was calculated as Sq = Sxef /sinq, where the equivalent spacing
Sxef is evaluated by Eq. (6). Furthermore, the compressive
constitutive law (NDG99) expressed in Eq. (7) was
implemented in the software to model the post-peak branch
of the compressive curve. A 2-D plane stress model, suitably
restrained to the symmetrical axis, was developed. The mesh
was composed of four-node rectangular elements 25.0 x
31.25 mm (0.98 x 1.23 in.) in size with a uniform thickness
to represent the concrete and two-node truss bars with a
uniform cross-sectional area for reinforcement.10 The finite
element size was chosen by adopting the cover as the vertical
Fig. 4—Experimental and numerical load-displacement size and a ratio between the sides of the rectangular element
curves for shear-critical beams (A00, A10, B00, and B10). close to 1. Significant sliding between the reinforcing bar
and concrete was not observed during the tests; perfect steel-
ability of the fresh mixture, a high-range water-reducing concrete bond was therefore assumed.10
admixture was added to the mixtures. According to the experimental procedure, the support and
The mechanical properties of the composite under compres- point loads were modeled as concentrated nodal actions
sion were obtained by carrying out four compressive tests on on steel plates with a thickness of 25 mm (0.98 in.) fully
displacement control for each type of concrete mixture using connected to the concrete.
standard cylindrical specimens with a diameter of 100 mm Numerical analyses were performed, assigning two
(3.9 in.) and a height of 200 mm (7.9 in.). The average values different load cases: a static self-weight on all concrete
of the key parameters of the compressive stress-strain curve, elements and a monotonical increasing displacement,
namely peak strength fc′, corresponding strain value e0, and coaxial to the effective transverse load, on the node located
initial tangent modulus Ec were evaluated and are presented in the middle of the steel transfer plate. The total load was
in Table 1(b). The addition of 1% of fibers did not change the computed as twice the reaction force at the support. Thus, the
compressive peak strength with respect to the value for plain displacement-controlled procedures were able to reproduce
concrete, but it allowed for a more gradual microcracking the post-peak branch of the load-displacement curve.
with a consequent increment of the e0 value and ductility in In Table 1(c), the material model parameters assumed for
the post-peak phase (Fig. 2). the numerical analyses are reported. The tensile strength of
In Table 1(b), the mean values of the maximum tension plain concrete was calculated as suggested by Bentz18 (fct′ =
splitting stress fsp are reported. Two splitting tests for each 2.54 MPa [0.37 ksi]); thus, the bond strength is tf = 2.5fct′ =
type of mixture were carried out on cylindrical specimens 6.35 MPa (0.92 ksi). By the mixture rule, the tensile strain
(same size as in the compression tests), according to the UNI at the first crack of fibrous concrete ecr = 0.078 (×1000)
EN 12390-6:2002 recommendation. was obtained, whereas the modulus of composite was Ecc =
Finally, to characterize the steel of the deformed bars used 38,037 MPa (5516.8 ksi); the tensile strength of SFRC fctf′ =
for the longitudinal and transverse reinforcements, three 2.96 MPa (0.43 ksi) was assumed for the analytical model.
direct tension tests on a specimen 600 mm (23.6 in.) long According to Eq. (5) and (6), and setting ag = 0 for concrete
were carried out for each type of bar. The characteristic with a compressive strength over 70 MPa (10.15 ksi), the
average values of the steel in terms of yield stress and elastic equivalent spacing was equal to 431.2 and 196.7 mm
modulus were estimated as follows: fyl = 599 MPa (87 ksi) (16.98 and 7.78 in.) for plain (Sxe) and fibrous (Sxef) concrete
and Esl = 179 GPa (25,962 ksi) for the longitudinal bars, and shear-critical beams, respectively.
fyw = 473 MPa (63 ksi) and Esw = 206 GPa (29,878 ksi) for Figure 4(a) through (d) illustrates the load-displacement
the transverse bars. experimental and numerical curves for the beams—with and
Four-point bending tests were performed by imposing a without fibers. In all cases, the displacement was measured
gradually increasing displacement at the rate of 0.2 mm/min at the midspan section.
(0.008 in./min), measuring the displacements with five linear The numerical analyses were carried out by introducing the
variable displacement transducers (LVDTs): four placed modifications of the model herein proposed and previously
in the section corresponding to the supports (two for each described, one after another, and each corresponding curve
support) and another to the midspan section in the lower is plotted. First, the tensile strength of SFRC fctf′ was used
part of the beam. The effective deflection of the beam at (Curve N1). Then, the constitutive tensile law VEM06 was
each displacement step was obtained by means of the value used in the model (Curve N2). Afterward, the equivalent
recorded at the midspan section decreased by the mean value spacing was calculated for fibrous concrete, as given in
of the displacements at the supports of the specimen. Eq. (6) (Curve N3) and, finally, the post-peak compressive
constitutive law for SFRC was adopted (Curve N4). Except
EXPERIMENTAL AND NUMERICAL RESULTS for these modifications, all other material modeling was
This section focuses on the comparison of the experimental done using the default options of the NLFEP.
and numerical results. The latter were carried out with the As expected, a sudden brittle failure was observed for
VecTor214 NLFEP based on the MCFT and DSFM. The plain concrete beams (A00 and B00) with a predominant

58 ACI Structural Journal/January-February 2012

Fig. 5—Experimental and numerical crack pattern at failure for specimens: (a) A10 and
B10; and (b) A11 and B11.
shear crack due to the low-level tensile strength of plain provides less conservative values (and then overestimated
concrete. Moreover, the slope of the numerical curves was strength values) for beams without stirrups than those
slightly more than the slope of the experimental curves, obtained with the proposed formula (Eq. (6)). As expected,
particularly at the beginning of the nonlinear branch, most for these SFRC beams without stirrups, the use of the
likely due to the effect of tension-stiffening modeling, which compressive constitutive law for fibrous concrete (NDG99)
plays an important role at the onset of cracking. does not lead to significant changes in the numerical results;
The comparison of the experimental curves showed that thus, Curve N4 is not plotted in these graphs. The tension-
SFRC Beams A10 and B10 (Vf = 1%) reached an ultimate softening law adopted (VEM06), coupled with the variable
load greater than the corresponding plain concrete beams by characteristic length, represented a good extension of the
158% and 96%, respectively. The presence of fibers helped original formulation of the DSFM to reproduce the strength
the concrete to limit the growth of cracks; thus, the effective contribution of fibers to the shear capacity of SFRC beams.
area of the compression strut crossed by tensile stress was Furthermore, the DSFM adopts a relationship based
larger for fibrous concrete than for plain concrete. The load on Walraven’s experimental work8 to quantify the slip
capacity and ultimate deflection proved to be significantly displacements along a crack surface, and this formulation
greater in fibrous beams than the values recorded for the is a function of the mechanical characteristics of concrete
analogous plain concrete members. and crack width w. Thus, assuming an equivalent spacing
Despite the fact that the addition of a substantial amount for fibrous concrete Sxef smaller than the corresponding value
of fibers to the concrete mixture provided an increase in for plain concrete Sxe, the ability of fibers to contain both
terms of beam shear strength, it was still not able to change the average tensile deformation of the material and the local
the collapse mechanism of the shear-critical beams. The slippage along the crack was taken into account.
failure mechanism of the SFRC specimens (A10 and B10) Figure 5(a) illustrates the crack patterns at the end of
was characterized by a wide diagonal crack, which extended the test and the corresponding crack patterns obtained
from the load point to the support (Fig. 5(a)). However, the by numerical analyses for Specimens A10 and B10. They
collapse mechanism of the SFRC beams was more controlled exhibited a shear failure with a predominant crack and
due to the capacity of fibers to bridge the tensile stress across some secondary cracks, both reproduced by the analytical
crack sides with a diffused crack pattern, and a large overall model, with good accuracy. The crack pattern observed
failure displacement was observed. in the performed tests and numerical analyses (Curve N3
The numerical curves show the ability of the DSFM to capture [Fig. 4(b)]) shows that, despite the fact that the addition of
the stiffness of those specimens and to estimate load capacity steel fibers to the concrete mixture was able to provide an
and ultimate deflection, particularly for Deep Beam B10. increase in the strength of the specimens, the use of only
The introduction of fctf′ was not sufficient to reach the fibrous reinforcement was not able to shift the collapse mode
load capacity of the SFRC beams observed during tests from brittle for shear to ductile.
(Curve N1). It was necessary to use the tension-softening The use of large amounts of fibers was found to be
law VEM06, coupled with the variable characteristic length necessary to reach the full flexural capacity of the beam
to obtain a good reproduction of the experimental results when transverse reinforcement is missing,5 but it would
(Curve N2). The use of the equivalent spacing formula have caused technical and handling problems during
(Eq. (6)) was fundamental to avoid overestimation of the concrete casting related to fiber segregation.17 Conversely,
load bearing of Beam B10 (Curve N3). In fact, the default the addition of a suitable amount of steel stirrups used as
formulation adopted in VecTor2 to set the equivalent spacing transverse reinforcement, besides the increase in the shear

ACI Structural Journal/January-February 2012 59

the efficiency of coupled reinforcement provided by fibers
and stirrups.
The numerical model was able to capture the post-peak
branch with good precision. In this case, a key role was
played by the compressive post-peak constitutive behavior
of the material and, consequently, by the analytical law
introduced into the numerical model (Curve N4). The ductile
phase of the beam under transverse loads was characterized
by a high level of compressive strains, with fibers that help
the concrete to sustain considerable levels of compressive
stresses in the biaxial stress field. Moreover, the rotating
crack approach adopted by the analytical models leads to
a good correlation between the experimental and numerical
results (Table 1(d)), as it was able to capture the progressive
rotation of the stress field.
Figure 5(a) and (b) illustrates the numerical crack patterns
for fibrous beams and an appreciable agreement is seen
between these and the experimental pattern. The NLFEP
was able to reproduce the flexural failure mode of fibrous
beams with stirrups (A11 and B11), characterized by vertical
cracks in the midspan beam zone.
Reducing the spacing of stirrups from 200 mm (7.9 in.)
(rw = 0.188%) to 60 mm (2.4 in.) (rw = 0.628%), the large
amount of transverse steel reinforcement percentage allowed
for an increase of the shear capacity of the specimen (162%
and 257% for Beams A01 and A02 and B01 and B02,
respectively) and especially to obtain the flexural collapse
of beams cast with plain concrete (A02 and B02), with a
large ductile branch of the load-displacement curve (Fig. 6
[Quadrants a3 and b3]). The numerical curves obtained with
the analytical model, as modified herein, reproduce the
experimental test result with sufficient accuracy, slightly
overestimating the slope of the ascending branch (0.86 and
0.97 is the ratio err = Pu,exp /Pu,num for Beams A02 and B02,
respectively), and predicting part of the ductility of the deep
beam. When a large amount of stirrups is used, the addition
Fig. 6—Experimental and numerical load-displacement curves of fibers to the mixture (A12 [Fig. 6 (Quadrant a4)] and B12
for beam with stirrups of: (a) A series; and (b) B series. [Fig. 6 (Quadrant b4)]) should permit the beam to reach
collapse with a higher displacement value than the specimens
with stirrups only as shear reinforcement, although in these
strength of the specimen, was able to modify the failure kinds of specimens, which reach the crisis for flexure, SFRC
mode from brittle for shear to ductile for flexure. For these might cause a decrease in ductility with respect to plain
beams, the average crack spacing can be effectively modeled concrete due to strain localization and steel rupture. In these
by the formulation proposed by CEB-FIP,23 as provided by cases, the introduction of the residual tensile stress provided
default in VecTor2.14 by VEM06 becomes essential for predicting the ductility of
Figure 6(a) (Quadrant a1) and (b) (Quadrant b1) shows the beams (Curve N2), whereas the modification of the post-
that when a small percentage of stirrups are used, failure peak compressive constitutive law for SFRC (Curve N4)
is still governed by shear, and small ultimate deformations provides an accurate prediction of collapse displacements
were recorded. for the Type A beam, whereas it overestimates the ductility
When fibers are added to the mixture to cast beams with a for the Type B beam (Table 1(d)).
small amount of transverse reinforcement (Beams A11 and Fibers randomly spread in the concrete mixture helped the
B11, Fig. 6(a) [Quadrant a2] and (b) [Quadrant b2]), the HS-SFRC beam with stirrups to collapse more gradually and
failure mode is turned from shear to flexure, and a very large with a better control of deformations all over the specimen.
increase of the ultimate midspan deflection is recorded, The experimental and numerical results (Curves N2 and
coupled with a smaller increment in the beam load capacity. N4) showed that an optimized mixture of stirrup and fiber
For example, the addition of 78.6 kg/m3 (0.0028 lb/in.3) percentages are needed to obtain the best performance in
of fibers to a beam with a geometrical ratio of stirrups terms of strength and ductility. The combined use of SFRC
equal to 0.188% proved an increment of load capacity of and stirrups as transverse reinforcement is also economical
Beam B11 by 17%, compared to the value observed for and feasible from a practical point of view because it allows
Beam B01. However, the ultimate deflection was increased designers to reduce the minimum area of ordinary steel
by 130%. These results are considerable, as they demonstrate reinforcement and facilitates casting of concrete.

60 ACI Structural Journal/January-February 2012

Table 2—Beams’ properties and summary of test and numerical results
N1 N2 N3 N4
bw, d, rl, Vf, fc′, Pu, fctf′ , Sxef, Pu,num, Pu,num, Pu,num, Pu,num,
Code mm mm a/d % % MPa kN MPa mm kN err kN err kN err kN err
NSF1 200 435 2.50 1.04 0.38 24.8 258 2.41 190.3 264 0.98 269 0.96 288 0.90 288 0.90
Mi05 HSF1 200 435 2.50 1.04 0.64 61.1 372 3.48 228.4 340 1.09 360 1.03 371 1.00 371 1.00
HSF2 200 435 2.50 1.04 0.64 58.3 435 3.20 140.0 332 1.31 404 1.08 398 1.09 398 1.09
B3 200 235 2.77 4.28 1.00 91.4 310 3.47 231.3 200 1.55 219 1.42 196 1.58 245 1.27
B4 200 235 2.77 4.28 1.00 93.3 363 3.97 289.2 212 1.71 200 1.81 185 1.96 185 1.96
C3 200 410 2.93 3.06 1.00 76.8 289 5.23 504.5 323 0.89 309 0.94 259 1.12 259 1.12
C7 200 410 2.93 3.06 0.50 69.3 264 3.63 110.8 265 1.00 255 1.03 350 0.75 356 0.74
C9 200 410 2.93 3.06 0.75 60.2 339 3.90 110.8 268 1.27 298 1.14 334 1.01 440 0.77
C10 200 410 2.93 3.06 0.75 75.7 292 4.21 235.4 289 1.01 313 0.93 375 0.78 421 0.69
D2 300 570 2.98 2.87 1.00 76.8 445 5.23 701.4 507 0.88 543 0.82 424 1.05 431 1.03
D4 300 570 2.98 2.87 0.75 60.2 509 3.90 154.0 454 1.12 552 0.92 649 0.78 731 0.70
B18-1b 152 381 3.43 1.96 0.75 44.8 413 2.30 211.6 274 1.51 253 1.64 261 1.58 327 1.26
B18-3d 152 381 3.43 2.67 1.50 44.9 490 2.57 211.6 320 1.53 431 1.14 432 1.13 478 1.03
B18-5a 152 381 3.43 2.67 1.00 49.2 445 2.53 144.2 336 1.32 459 0.97 438 1.02 546 0.81
B18-7a 152 381 3.43 1.96 0.75 43.3 498 2.59 144.2 286 1.74 340 1.46 375 1.33 378 1.32
B27-1b 203 610 3.50 2.06 0.75 50.8 837 2.46 338.7 442 1.89 514 1.63 455 1.84 455 1.84
B27-2b 203 610 3.50 2.06 0.75 28.7 854 1.95 230.9 422 2.03 636 1.34 631 1.35 711 1.20
B27-3b 203 610 3.50 1.56 0.75 42.3 863 2.30 338.7 365 2.36 456 1.89 430 2.01 430 2.01
B27-4b 203 610 3.50 1.56 0.75 29.6 556 1.98 230.9 399 1.39 586 0.95 620 0.90 645 0.86
B27-5 203 610 3.50 2.06 1.50 44.4 1081 2.57 338.7 453 2.39 763 1.42 748 1.45 822 1.31
B27-6 203 610 3.50 2.06 1.50 42.8 1046 2.57 230.9 455 2.30 805 1.30 766 1.37 943 1.11
Mean 1.49 1.23 1.24 1.14
COV 0.32 0.26 0.31 0.34
COV is coefficient of variation.
Notes: 1 mm = 0.0394 in.; 1 MPa = 145 psi; 1 kN = 0.2248 kips.

Fig. 7—Experimental and numerical load-displacement curves for full-scale beams (Mi05).

EFFICIENCY OF MODEL Tests carried out by Minelli15 (Mi05), Noghabay16

A wide range of experimental results on shear in FRC (N2000), and Dinh et al.17 (DPW10) were considered.
elements are available in literature,29 and most of these have In Table 2, beam properties and a summary of tests and
been obtained by performing tests on small-scale beams. numerical results are listed. All beams were tested under
The modifications proposed herein to extend the MCFT to a monotonically increased concentrated load with an a/d
the case of fibrous beams have been validated by the results equal to or greater than 2.5 to have a prevalent beam action
of several tests carried out on small specimens.22 contribute to shear strength.
In shear-critical beams, however, the size effect plays a In Fig. 7, the experimental and numerical results for
primary role; thus, the model was also used to analyze tests Mi05 beams are shown. Specimen NSC1-FRC1 was cast
on full-scale specimens. with NSC (fc′ = 24.8 MPa [3.6 ksi]) and 0.38% of volumetric

ACI Structural Journal/January-February 2012 61

percentage Vf of a hooked normal-strength steel fiber. Beams Several modifications were introduced into the formula-
HSC-FRC1 and HSC-FRC2 were cast with HSC (fc′ ~ tions of the theoretical models and, consequently, imple-
60.0 MPa [8.7 ksi]) and hooked regular and high-strength mented into the source code of the VecTor214 computer
steel fibers, respectively. program to suitably adapt the numerical algorithm to the
The brittle failure mode exhibited by Beams NSC1-FRC1 and constitutive behavior of fibrous concrete and reproduce the
HSC-FRC1 was reproduced by the model, adopting each type cracking phase. In this regard, the discrete crack pattern
of previously described assumptions (N1, N2, N3, and N4). of the specimens was reduced to the smeared conceptual
The introduction of the tensile strength of fibrous concrete assumption of the continuum by an appropriate variable
in the numerical model had not allowed to reproduce the characteristic length for fibrous concrete elements.
experimental shear strength, whereas the use of VEM06 was The corroboration of the model showed the ability of
necessary to obtain an appreciable agreement in both beams. MCFT-based procedures with the modifications herein
For Specimen HSC-FRC2, cast with high-strength fiber, a introduced to accurately predict the complete response of
very good bond between the concrete and fiber was obtained SFRC beams under transverse loads in terms of strength,
and the specimen exhibited a flexural failure. By contrast, the ductility, and crack patterns, reproducing the capacity of
load-displacement curve obtained by the N1 analysis predicts both steel fibers and stirrups to modify the failure mode of
a brittle failure. Introducing the different assumptions into the specimens from brittle for shear to ductile for flexure.
numerical model (N2, N3, and N4), the numerical analyses The numerical analyses and experimental tests discussed
provide a flexural failure, as observed in the experimental demonstrated the capacity of fibers to partially replace the
test, and the ductility branch of the load-displacement curve stirrups, permitting a reduction of cost and the elimination
was reproduced with accuracy when all the assumptions were of some practical difficulties of placing the classic trans-
jointly considered (N4) (Fig. 7(c)). verse steel bars as shear reinforcement. A coupled use of
The same types of numerical analyses were performed for steel fibers and stirrups can provide an optimum mixture
the other groups of experimental tests (N2000 and DPW10). to improve practical handling, increasing the shear strength
Significant properties of the numerical model and results efficiency of beams.
of analyses in terms of load-bearing capacity are summarized Further research should include more experimental tests,
in Table 2, where the parameter err is the ratio between the focusing on the influence of steel fibers on size effect and,
observed (Pu,exp or du,exp) and the numerical (Pu,num or du,num) value. consequently, to validate the variable characteristic length
The authors16,17 of the tests report that the crack spacing for introduced and coupled with the analytical tension-softening
N2000 beams was between 100 and 180 mm (3.94 and 7.09 in.), law also adopted for full-scale members. Furthermore, the
whereas for specimens that were part of Group DPW10, the effective strength of fibrous concrete should be defined
average horizontal spacing between cracks was approximately more accurately to take into account the beneficial effects of
equal to 0.4d. The results of numerical analyses have steel fibers in the arch-resisting mechanism of the beam, as
provided a crack spacing greater than the experimental value recently suggested.29
for N2000 beams. By contrast, for DPW10 beams, the values Thus, the analytical tool proposed in this study could
of equivalent spacing calculated by Eq. (6) were comparable be used to further study the response of fibrous concrete
with the experimental results. beams under transverse loads, with the aim of investigating
Observing the results of the numerical analyses listed in the influence of fibers on the failure shear mechanism and
Table 2, the influence of VEM06, coupled with a variable proposing a practical design procedure to optimize partially
characteristic length, on the ability of the model to provide replacing stirrups with steel fibers as transverse reinforcement
reasonable values of shear strength is evident, reducing for beams.
the mean value of the error from 1.49 for Model N1 to
1.24 for Model N3, with acceptable values of the coefficient ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
The authors wish to thank F. J. Vecchio and the VecTor Analysis Group
of variation (COV). Although the model used for the post- at the University of Toronto for their support and assistance during the
peak compressive constitutive law of SFRC is proposed for work period of N. Spinella at the Department of Civil Engineering of the
NSC only, Curve N4 leads to a greater efficiency, especially University of Toronto.
for specimens that exhibit a ductile failure mode, further
reducing the mean value of the error to 1.14. NOTATION
ag = maximum aggregate size
b, d, h = width, effective depth, and height of beam cross section
CONCLUSIONS df, lf = diameter and length of fiber
Several extensions of the MCFT and DSFM to the case Ecc, Ef, Ec = modulus of elasticity of composite, fiber, and concrete
of HS-SFRC beams subjected to transverse loads were Esl, Esw =  m odulus of elasticity of longitudinal and transverse
presented. Experimental tests on 12 fibrous concrete beams reinforcement steel
fc, fc′ = principal compressive stress of concrete and peak cylinder
with a different percentage of fibers and/or stirrups were strength
carried out, and numerical analyses were performed using fct′, fctf′ = direct tensile strength of plain and fibrous concrete
the nonlinear finite element software VecTor2,14 developed fsp = splitting tensile strength
at the University of Toronto, to validate the updates intro- fyl, fyw = yield stress of longitudinal and transverse reinforcement steel
duced in the analytical models. Gc = fracture energy for plain concrete
ks = reference value for fiber aspect ratio
To capture the structural behavior of specimens, an L = span length of beam
accurate modeling of the post-peak softening branch of the lc = critical length of fiber
compressive and tensile constitutive curves of fibrous concrete Pu = load at failure
was included in the MCFT-based analytical procedures, RI = index by weight of hooked steel fibers
Sx, Sy = indicators of crack control
performing several numerical analyses to reproduce the Sxe, Sxef = equivalent spacing for plain and fibrous concrete
experimental results with good accuracy, as demonstrated by Sq = average crack spacing
the statistical comparison reported in Tables 1(d) and 2. s = stirrups spacing

62 ACI Structural Journal/January-February 2012

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Wf = ratio by weight of fibers Concrete—Results of the RILEM Committee,” Proceedings of the 2nd
w = crack opening Leipziger Fachtagung Innovationen im Bauwesen, Leipzig, Germany,
we = engagement length and crack opening at shear failure Nov. 28-29, 2002, pp. 263-284.
wts = crack opening at direct tensile failure of plain concrete 14. Wong, P. S., and Vecchio, F. J., “VecTor2 and FormWorks Users
a = fibrous material parameter (VEM06) Manual,” Technical Report, Department of Civil Engineering, University of
b = fibrous material parameter (NDG99) Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2002, 232 pp.
du = midspan displacement at failure 15. Minelli, F., “Plain and Fiber Reinforced Concrete Beams under Shear
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64 ACI Structural Journal/January-February 2012

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