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Understanding the Self /


Module 17 Setting Goal for Success

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. Identify steps on how to set goals for success
2. Identify types of approaches on how to be successful based on different
Setting Goals for Success
I am going to go out on a limb and say that most, if not all people have desires, dreams as other may call it.
Everybody is working or doing something to achieve a certain goal. Human actions in general are aimed
to achieve a result. In most cases, humans set certain goals to be successful.

How to Set Goals for Success:

It is very crucial to set goals in order to achieve success. Merely saying that “I ccan”
an” without corresponding
steps to action will be unfruitful.
1. Goals should be motivating
> Strive for something that you feel is the most important and that is it worth something to
you. It should be something that you want and desire. Achieving it should
sho evoke a sense of

2. Goals should be S-M-A-R-T

Specific-aa goal that is to general will not give a proper direction
goals should be measured, albeit very little because progress means success
setting a goal that is not ac
hieving is demotivating, it is like losing the battle
before you even start.
goals should be aligned with the purpose or the direction you want to achieve in
life, by having relevant goals, you can have a sense of focus
Time Bound-having
having a set deadline on the progress you are measuring gives people a sense
of urgency
3. Write your Goals
>This is the first step in making your goal a reality. Once it has been written down, it
becomes tangible. Keep in mind that you have to write th thee words “I will” instead of “would”
or “might” or “wish”

4. Have an Action Plan

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[Understanding the Self /

>Set clear steps in achieving the goal. This again supports the feeling of actually achieving
something because you are making a progress on the steps you are able to do and cross out
on the list.

5. Stay on Track
Setting Goals is a continuous activity, always do a check on your progress,
progress whether you
have a long term or short term goal, always make sure that you are consistent in keeping
track of your progress.

Psychological approaches on how to be successful

successful:: Views from Different Psychologists

1. Carol Dweck-apsychologist
apsychologist in the 1960s by the name of proposed two different types of mindsets
1.1 Growth mindset
> This approach says that people with this type of mi
mindset are capable of changing for the
better or ability to grow
1.2. Fixed Mindset
> This approach says that people tend to see themselves as having realized their full
potential, thus there is really no room for growth.

Obviously, of the two types, the growth mindset would achieve more because it is open to new learnings
and new ideas.

2. Angela Ducksworth
- proposed the “Grit” Mindset. These are the types of people who are resilient and are able to
recover from failures/trials faster than most people can. Other psychologists also support this
mindset and even proposed that this is one of the most important (if not THE most important)
trait that many successful people have.

3. Anders Ericsson
- proposed the “deliberate practice
practice”. This as not to be confused with simple “Practice”.Anders
“Practice said
that the next level to mere practicing is “deliberately” practi
cing because this would make people
push harder and get out of their comfort zone.
Understanding the Self /

4. Emma Seppala
- she is a science director of Stanford University’s Center for Compassion and Altruism Research
and Education.. She proposed the idea of “self
“self-compassion”. She mentions that in order to be
successful, people should accept and recognize that individuals also makes mistakes,

5, Amy Cuddy
- a psychologist from Harvard mentions that successful people often have a mindset to turn goals
into systems. A person whoo enjoys the process of getting to their goal tend to be more successful.

6. Adam Alter
-aa psychologist from New York University says that to be successful, people should not merely
depend on “will power”. In some situations, there is a need to remove on
eself from distractions to
focus on task on hand.


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