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Monetary Articles 11

By Jagadish

Family know when women is denied cooking she has no purpose to live and asks for death because giving is women

Women Is meant to cook food

Women should be taught cooking

Women knows the art of giving

Women gives food to everyone and then eats herself

Women who denies cooking should be deleted from marriage

Women who don’t cook have shorter lifespan

why should women cook


Disease free

Knowledge flow

Health conscious

Commitment to family well being

Altruism towards hunger

Give and take philosophy

Learning curve to increase life span

Enjoyment in being private

Thought of the day

Cooking is a private show of showing anger frustration hatred against family towards vessels to lessen her ego

Family which depends upon son in law just because he is rich end up his wife as maid servant instead of divorcee

Rich people marry rich people

Middle class should not aspire for rich people

If it does it depends upon son in law only to make him pauper

Those who are not rich always aspire for doing jalsa

It is so because they can always live on means because they come from middle class

Money to them is huge and nothing as protection

It is meant for pleasure and not meant to protect the next generation

Such type of middle class people never look at next generation which is duty of rich people

That’s why it is advised when you want to venture as rich guy and is rich guy you should venture with rich girl

When both meet then value system is determined and is authenticated by the media

Otherwise haywire decisions are made and everyone is amazed by the decisions because of its both miser attitude

Rich people when the venture with rich people then only similar values are enjoyed and understood

Middle class when it ventures with rich guy always like spend more than required nor has desire to save for next generation

Including the type of service industry selected and media attention posed is cheap and menial because of mind set

A poor women would always like to have poor mind set always scared spend and to earn thinking herself to be poor always

Rich people take risk as they know the art of how to earn as they are used to earning and know how it is done

Even though opportunities are provided by the service industry just because coming from middle class denied completely

To relish service industry similar type of mind set of earning money is capable of to see risks taken in relishing hotels

Rich people talk about earnings and increase earnings to further on earnings and become more rich coming years

Middle class who aspire for rich guy always like to lessen the money from billionaire to crorepati to lakhpati and enjoy life

They don’t have responsibility towards next generation and bothered about themselves

Hence when value system and ethical code of conduct is to be judged it is to be judged between similar rich people attitude

Thought of the day

Rich people marrying rich people followers have faith whereas middle class aspiring for rich guy always like to coax

Family says world always talks about being millionaire but one knows world ends at unlimited salary not zillionaire

Everywhere there is talk that if you become a millionaire you are safe

The point is being millionaire you are not safe

There is still further on life left in yours which you have to cover till death without becoming pauper

Hence those who aspire for unlimited salary and work till death even at age of 95 can sleep peacefully

Why doing job is compulsory


Family responsibility

Relatives knocking at your door

Parent’s health deterioration

Hyperinflation products

Staple diet becoming costly

Mismanagement of economy

Education costly

Marriage of child

Insurance packages for medical claim

Funeral activities costly


Disaster management

Why unlimited salary necessary

Not to become pauper even in old age

Not to depend upon children

Not to depend upon relatives

Have passive income till death to compensate hyperinflation rates

Transfer of money to children without they doing job

Marriage happening to continue generation without tension

Able to purchase any item of choice and eat it without fear and being health conscious
Thought of the day

Unlimited salary gives you scope to look at generations safety even though economy is in turmoil


Family says an economic man has forgotten to look at 3 to 5 generations wealth and satisfied with 1 generation wealth

Family has responsibility of more than one generation

3 to 5 generations nobody looks at now

Previously when economic man used to work they used to look at continuation of their generation through son

To be rich is not one generation agenda it is continuation of 3 to 5 generations look

Hence an economic man stopping at financial independence and retirement early is fool when he is irresponsible

Hence to retire is to keep generations poor

If a economic man is capable of he should try to keep 3 to 5 generations still

It is his own generation his own breed whey lethargic

If they benefit his generation takes his name and continues

It is considered to be shameful by economic man for his next generation to be called pauper

Now a day they look at sons’ families’ extension of wife family also to be rich even though they are not

Such type of moral responsibility has been lost in tide and people are acting stupid to retire where there is not retirement plan

Why economic man has to see 3 to 5 generations and not just one generation and retire

Disaster management


Pauper ship

Incapability of one generation to become rich

Stability of food clothing shelter and house

Thought of the day

Continuation of faith of one generation carried over to next 2 to 3 generations is considered to be ideal husband


Family says being millionaire is not target of 21st century it is getting one month It salary till death is goal annuity

Even if you become millionaire you may become pauper after wards

Target of millionaire is right in its own way

But to invest millionaire is also to be thought of

What would you do after becoming millionaire?

Nobody thinks after becoming millionaire what should be the goal of the candidate

The best present an individual can give to himself is to reward himself with money till death

If he has lump sum it would be wiped out in the form of theft

Hence best present to self is to reward every month with money till death to keep himself afloat

The best way to do is to invest the lump sum in annuities

Annuities pay you money till death instead of paying you huge money smaller amounts of money till death

If you are a big stalwart you are always threat of being watched hence annuities remove away lump sum and substitute it

Why you should work till death

Annuities pay you lesser amount

You should invest regularly to keep yourself afloat

Inflation never takes into consideration annuity

Constant flow of income would keep your house intact

Tourism is possible even in old age as annuity is less

Thought of the day

Annuity is less and you should keep striving to increase it is the biggest weakness of going for it

Family know your expenditure is half of your salary and rest of your salary is your annuity investment no tourism

Salary you should never ever complete full

You should keep half of it in recurring deposit

If you have 1 lakh ropes under your belt

You should work out the house expenditure in 50000 rupees

Rest of the recurring deposit you should invest in annuities

Constant payment of annuities into the scheme with half salary would give you freedom in old age

Why annuities purpose you should do it from the starting till end

Annuities is smaller payments of lump sum

Huge lump sum payments of annuities goes to litigation

Smaller lump sum of annuities is always tension free

It has to be spreaded over period of number of month of schemes

Why annuity in the initial stages of salary earning and later should be huge always

Annuities lump sum should be small and payment of annuity should also be small

But annuity lump sum should be spreaded across the year through payments

Hence even though annuity payment is small it should be number of schemes payments and hence huge

when annuity payment is huge number of schemes more number of activities can be done in a year

Tourism also can be covered through annuity payment

Hence petty expenditures are also to be covered up through annuity

Annuity gives you scope to cover up everything till death hence you once pay stands paid till death

Thought of the day

Huge payments of money spread across the year initially would give you more leverage than smaller denominations

Family know that savings will not save your ass , every saving you should convert to investment small or big solution

Economic man earn

Economic man save

Economic man invest

It is the third which determines whether the candidate economic man is safe or not

Disaster management eat away the savings

Mismanagement of funds eat away the savings

Expenditure over eat away the savings

Family members spend away the money in the form of tourism eat away the savings

How to invest to be safe

Invest where monthly you get income

Invest where monthly you get salary

Invest where monthly you get revenue

Why monthly investment

Every month you have to spend

Every month you have to eat

Every month you have to earn

Every month you have to do expenditure

If investment you earn is monthly you would be safe

If investment you earn is monthly you would know your expenditure of the month

If investment you earn is monthly you would know where you stand in budgeting

Thought of the day

Savings you have to spend on others whereas investment you spend self and if it is monthly you win lottery of salary

democracy there no upper limit earnings if there is it Is either institution or individual remove it and be free to earn

In democracy there is no upper limit

You can earn as much as possible

Only one thing you have to consider is to have it in white money

How to have money in white

Do audit every 3 months

Ask money in negotiable instruments form

Do monetary transactions in negotiable instruments

Always have the transaction recorded in biography if you are a big stalwart

Create a story in and around money

Why upper limit if you create is a demise to the family

Economic man would never know his potential

Economic man would never know his potentiality to travel foreign

Economic man would never know his potentiality to know his energy levels

Economic man would never know his potentiality to be rich

Economic man would never know his potentiality to save his family in crisis

Economic man would never know his potentiality of swot

Trade related foreign goods he can purchase

Trade related foreign medicine he can import

Trade related foreign material sources he can import

Thought of the day

Knowledge of the world is known through trade for which economic man must have scope to earn beyond limits


Post pandemic you should stay in house and subscribe doorstep books magazines journals and wealth close to bank

Post pandemic you should subscribe to magazines, books

You should stay closer to bank

You should do transaction with the bank physical cash

You should withdraw cash and do transaction cash on delivery

You should visit bank regularly

You should be an active member of the bank

You should leave the bank only for one month duration

You should keep updating your pass book regularly

You should audit your pass book if it is huge

You should do all transactions with the bank in mind

You should possess white money so that transactions related to financial packages is smooth

You should have regular income flow of income

You should have annuities under your belt to be passed on into the bank through national electronic fund transfer

You should keep cash transactions of bank minimum

You should keep transactions of cash minimum

Yu should keep heavy cash in non-banking financial corporations

And transfer money to banking sector transactions in smaller denominations

Thought of the day

Banking transactions should be cash on delivery withdraw cash and never see bank but see it occassionally

Family who are wise know being rich is needed but not to lead but to lead middle class in rich class is wise lifestyle

Family which is wise would always be rich

Rich people are wise as they have plenty of money

Trade secret is they spend less and invest more

They don’t save they invest more than necessary

Hence they lead a middle class lifestyle in rich being

They transfer investment into their children

And further to children children grand children

They never ever waste time in other than earning money

Whatever money they earn they shift it to annuities

Through annuities they run the house

No lump sum is kept in the house for being thefted

Annuities they kept is monthly annuity

Through this monthly annuity they keep huge lump sum transfers

Multiple annuities they keep under each branch of purchase head

E wallet is compulsory and this is run through annuities

Hence till death flow of income is compulsory and mandatory and happiness

Lifestyle of rich is middle class and hence knowledge of investment style of middle class is also watched out for

Knowledge of earth is democracy and democracy is run by middle class and middle class is protected class

Financial schemes are also there to protect the middle class people from getting wiped out

And hence if you are rich gain the knowledge of middle class and find out the knowledge of investment vehicles

Thought of the day

Middle class and its knowledge is never discarded because it is way of lifestyle of both rich and poor and middle class

Bridegroom first wish whoever my husband should be sensible enough give me safe passage till death without tension

Bridegroom duty is to protect the wife

Bride groom duty is to protect the family

Bride groom duty is to protect the wife with finance

Bride groom duty is to protect the wife through knowledge

Bride groom duty is to protect the wife with knowledge of books

Bride groom duty is to protect the wife with knowledge of annuities

Duties of bride groom

Never ever leave the job

Do it till death

Never ever spend money

Ask money from the wife

Run the house with wife

Keep wife safe with investment into her account

Keep the account of the bank joint

Give me safe passage till death without tension

50000 annuity in the name plate of wife

Financial knowledge of negotiable instruments with wife

Monthly insurance package into the account of wife till death

Delivery of goods and packages into the house through internet

Thought of the day

In case husband dies wife should be able to take care herself without tension and without doing job is target of house


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