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1. What are the important elements in writing the introduction
The following are the important elements when writing the introduction of a research paper.
1. General concept
2. Views of other authors ( thesis, anti-thesis and synthesis)
3. Research gap

2. What to write in the Theoretical Framework

There are things to be considered in writing the theoretical framework such as;
1. Introduction of the theory
2. Presenting the principles of the theory
3. Application/relevance of the theory towards the study

3. How do you frame the significance of the study and the scope and delimitation?
The significance of the study can be framed by specifying the selected respondents, the
stakeholders or those who can benefit the study. On the other hand, scope and delimitation can
be framed through WH questions; what, who, where, when and why.

4. How does conceptual definition differ from operational definition?

The difference between the two kinds of definition depends on their source. Conceptual
definition is taken from an author or cited based from an author or readings while when we talk
about operational definition these are the definitions which are based on the concept of the
study and how it is used in the study.

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