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Midterm Assessment 2:

1. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, d, or e!

The following text is for questions number 1 to 5

The 2016 Joint Entrance Test for State Universities (SBMPTN) Committee Chairman Rochmat Wahab said
the test results would be announced on some internet web pages today, 28 June at 2 pm. Western
Indonesia Time (WIB). The test participants could see the results, among others, on the web page http://
pengumuman Based on data from the 2016 SBMPTN Committee, this year there are
596,919 applicants from non-Bidikmisi Scholarship path and 124.395 applicants from Bidikmisi
Scholarship path.


3. The SBMPTN results to be announced on

a June at 2 a.m.

d. July at 2 p.m. e. June at 12 p.m.

4 The students applying for SBMPTN are

selceted through.

b. June at 2 p.m c July at 2 a.m

a paper test b. skill test

cpaper and computer based test

d. computer test e skill and computer test

This year's total number of applicants reaches 721,314 students Preliminary data 5. "According to him,
the valid data would says they will compete for 98,296 seats in 78 have been received today" What does
the notable state universities. The majority of test participants choose social and humanities which
accounted for as many as 295,905 students, followed by 281,217 students and 144,192 stu dents who
choose science and technology and the mixture of social and humanities and science and technology
respectively. They were selected through paper and computer-based as well as skill tests. However, the
2016 SBMPTN Public Relations Working Group Coordinator Bambang Hermanto asserted the capacity of
98,296 was not a fixed data. Instead, the actual figure might increase of decrease from the initial figure
According to him, the valid data would have been received today

underlined word refer to? a. Bambang Hermanto.

b. The participants

c. Djaali


e Rochmat Wahab.

The following text is for questions number 6 to 10 Indonesia has opened a regional recycling conference
aimed at increasing awareness of waste management for economic and environ mental benefits The
Fifth Regional 3R Forum in Asia and the Pacific, which opened in Surabaya Tuesday, is being attended by
300 participants from nearly 40 Asia and Pacific countries
1 What does the text tell about? a. About there are 596,919 applicants from non-Bidikmist Scholarship
path and 124,395 applicants from Bidikmisi

Scholarship path

b. About paper and computer-based as well as skill tests for SBMPTN SBMPTN was better than the

e About

versities (SNMPTN) d. About the SBMPTN results would be

announced on internet today e About SBMPTN were able to assess the participants' intelligence


a 596,919

b. 721,314 c98.296

d. 295,905 e 144,192

The city was chosen to host the event because of its success in managing municipal waste through the 3
Rs, Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.
Source: Sinde

Mayor of Surabaya said that waste trans portation is expensive and that the best way to address the
problem is at its sources, with every National Entrance Test for State Uni house hold involved in
recycling activities "We can see that every year there is a reduction in the volume of trash that ends up
in the landfill. When I was the head of Sanitation and Parks, it was 2,300 cubic meters per day Currently
it is 1,200 cubic meters," she explai How many seats are available for the 2016 ned. "So you can see the
reduction, which goes to composting centers, also in the community. and waste management centers."
The mayor said the city also runs a program for children called Eco School

K13-N/SMA-MA-SMK-MAK/Bahasa Inggris-XII-Mapel Wajib/Smt-Gr/S


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