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1. What is the most important function of flower?

Answer: Reproduction
2. This are leaf-like usually colorful structures arranged in circle called corolla around the top of a flower stem?
Answer: Petal
3. What is the function of Petals?
Answer: support and protect the fertile structures and also help attract pollinator
4. This is also leaf-like, usually green and encircle the flower stem beneath the petals.
Answer: Sepals
5. What is the function of Sepals?
Answer: support and protect the fertile structure and help attract pollinators. It also cover the outside of a
flower bud to protect the flower before it open.
6. Male reproductive structure of a flower?
Answer: Stamen
7. What is the main function of stamen?
Answer: Produce pollens
8. What is the function of Anther?
Answer: Produces and contains pollen
9. What is the function of filament?
Answer: a slender, threadlike object, by supporting the anther
10. This is the innermost part and the female reproductive organ of a flower which comprises three parts -stigma,
style and ovary?
Answer: Pistil
11. It contains a sticky substances and responsible to begin the process of fertilization
Answer: Stigma
12. It is a long slender stalk that hold the stigma?
Answer: Style
13. It holds the ovules and it form the base of the pistil?
Answer: Ovary
14. These are the egg cell of a flower and it contained in the ovary?
Answer: Ovule
15. It contains four flower part, petal, sepals, stamen and pistil?
Answer: Complete flowers
16. The flower is missing one or more of these four parts.
Answer: Incomplete flowers
17. contain both the male reproductive structures (stamen) and female reproductive structures (pistil).
Answer: Perfect flowers
18. contain either the male portion OR the female portion of the flower, but not both.
Answer: Imperfect flowers


19. is the act of transferring pollen grains from the male anther of a flower to the female stigma?
Answer: Pollination
20. we call animals or insects that transfer pollen from plant to plant?
Answer: Pollinator
21. the plant can fertilize itself it called?
Answer: Self-pollinating
22. the plant needs a vector (a pollinator or wind) to get the pollen to another flower of the same species it called?
Answer: Cross-pollinating


23. it is the part of flowering plant that contains the seed and protect the seeds and also help them spread them?
Answer: Fruits
24. fruit always develop from a single ovary called?
Answer: simple fruit
25. it develops from a cluster of flowers called?
Answer: Multiple fruits
26. these are fruits in which all or part of the fruit wall is fleshy at maturity it called?
Answer: Fleshy fruit
27. type of fleshy fruit that has a story inner layer surrounding (normally) a single seed it called?
Answer: Drupes
28. This fruit is consisting of a cartilaginous core as the true fleshy fruit, and it is surrounded by a fleshy good
accessory layer?
Answer: Pomes
29. A fleshy fruit that carries no stony layer in the any fruit, but also contains one to many seeds?
Answer: Berries/berry
30. Fruits in which the entire pericarp becomes dry at maturity called?
Answer: Dry fruit
31. fruits crack open along two seams and shed their seeds into the environment when the fruit is ripe called?
Answer: Dehiscent
32. fruits retain their seeds and do not crack open after ripening called?
Answer: Indehiscent

Word equation: Carbon dioxide + Water + Light Chlorophyll + Glucose + Oxygen

Symbol Equation: 6CO2 6H2o + Light Chlorophyll + C6H12O6 + 6O2

33. it is used by plants for energy and to make other substances like cellulose and starch?
Answer: Glucose
34. It used in building cell walls?
Answer: Cellulose
35. It is the process by which plants prepare their own food using carbon dioxide and water in the presence of
Answer: Photosynthesis
36. Photosynthesis (photo) and (synthesis) means?
Answer: (photo) Light (synthesis) putting together
37. The plants get energy through the process of respiration in which glucose food breaks down in the presence of
oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water with the release of energy. This process called?
Answer: Plant respiration
38. The process of respiration in plants involves using?
Answer: Sugar + oxygen
39. It also known as the powerhouses of the cell?
Answer: Mitochondria
40. The biochemical processes of the cell are known as?
Answer: Cellular respiration
Respiration Equation
Oxygen + Glucose -> Carbon dioxide + water + heat energy


41. Plant growth or turning in response to an environmental stimulus ( a condition that affects a plants growt)?
Answer: Tropism
42. Tropo means?
Answer: Turn
43. Tropic response if the growth is towards the stimulus is?
Answer: Positive
44. Tropic response if growth is away from the stimulus is?
Answer: negative
45. is the ability of a plant to grow directionally in response to a light source?
Answer: Phototropism
46. is the directional growth in response to water?
Answer: Hydrotropism
47. is the growth in response to gravity?
Answer: Geotropism or Gravitropism
48. It describes plant growth in response to touch or contact with a solid object. And it is demonstrated by climbing
plants or vines, which have specialized structures called tendrils?
Answer: Thigmotropism
49. Thigmotropism is toward touch (vines wrap around structure)?
Answer: Positive
50. Thigmotropism is away from touch (some plants close up when touched)?
Answer: Negative
51. Plants response to light called?
Answer: Phototropism
52. Plants response to gravity called?
Answer: Geotropism
53. Plants response to touch called?
Answer: Thigmotropism
54. Plants response to water called?
Answer: Hydrotropism

Protective characteristics of plants

55. Plants are constantly defending themselves from attacks of pests, insects, and other organisms called?
Answer: Plant defense
56. Some plants use this to protect themselves from being eaten by animals some examples are rose and spines on
Answer: Thorns
57. Some plants have thick, hairy fibers covering their leaves and also help the leaves of the plant hold and store
water so they ca survive in hot and dry places?
Answer: Hair
58. The plants also have it to defense against insects. Many tress and bunches have it.
Answer: Bark
59. Plants often develop it that can act as poison making an animal sic or even killing it?
Answer: Chemical defense
60. Plants does not defend against them but instead eat them ?
Answer: Carnivorous plants

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