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‘} WORLOSKAR BROTHERS LFp, : i CALCULATION. Back shroud SAY Beck shot, Ss! & wi Front shroud thrust on impelier =[F; d= me: » abe : “The pressure thrust results from between the impeller shrouds and g fluda rotates in this ‘sp ‘gtadiont.must provide the: St the help of (1) and re) See “Fores = OR var ry ar S exe “SHRP ?)} a A areca ) af Pag)? he rs {guotn? Ho @.e, pressure at the ~ ¥2 ~ %) pa 72 n) } Force Foree “Sb azHo tS Ce ‘ag Es ste Force = 703, foots’ 2) v@ ¥ ast ghee } 11s forces ue B: x eS 2-51 visin23 apenas Soke Kor, es Ase Far eg 2 Sar rar aie Soe £8 ; =H 49 Ho - ae 33) Ho «xe re since’ B a jal Lge Same formule (10) can be used with b Force = ws fgifo n° - Yo x nt 5 ito 51? ‘eliecke oy _ gs. APPROVED’ BY; checkeo sy. PPPROVED BY_SST), KIRLOSKAR. BROYHERS,1TD,, Kilostervadi, Dist Sangli oy Ta C6 100-008 -0. Page: 5/4 see eee eh? 4. 04 = Coefficient of contraction of jet flow at the inpeller back vane = 0,8 uw 2, B ive. angular velocity of fluid is assumed tc be F in case of pumps with impellere without: back va: 3. Hydraulic efficiency is assumed to be 100% in case of puaps ‘without ‘back vanes 1.e,-Ho = 0.75 H. 4. In cage of pumps having impellers with balancins by balancing chamber and holes method, 10% of votan unbalanced + axial thrust is be existing. 5. In case of pumps with impellers having’ back vanes, 33% the total ubalenced thriste assuming balancing back vanes- tobe absent, @Ve..caloulated. . The maximum of the calculated exiel thrust in case’ of back vanes and 33% of the total unbalanced “thrust ‘esauming back,vanes ‘to te absent, is considered as the axial thrust. = # 8 with back vanes, : eb are. assumed to be # C6 100-608-9 Page: 4/4 ¥ Py angular velocity of impeller — rad/bee Bp = angular velocity of the fluid -rad/sece 3 =. density (Sneieht) Ho = "pump head-metres Ho += Static head at the impeller outlet R inpeller radius a itipellor wear ring radius b = radius of back vane h hydravlic efficiency of the pump ca = Coefficient of contraction of jet flow at the impeller back vane. ug peripheral velocity at the inpelier outlet : 8 Axial gap between casing and impeller bac! % =. (vane width . - (S -i)= ‘vane clearance : % =, cmumber of back vanes wR Re = | Reyhola’e number = SE . Yo = 5 Kinematic viscosity : 0) Js ip St =“ omaaius of sets basis 28, | & Se :Digcharée El 5) Rytveulie Bfficieney of, pump. ae ‘ ate, pate DATE, PRAWN gy. AM ce 100-009-0 GALOULATTONS FOR KPD50/20} Page : 1/6 PUMP SPECIMEN BEARING LIP: a.Aaiel thrust calduletione: (Procedure for axial thrust calewlstions as per Dr Step bt Bux ¥ § 2 3 Reo? oy tewcey ~ ) ayn * “owse F/R = 0.8 & Y= 107° 12, 'oCG100-008-0), x ec. 1. 8 = Vane clearange = 4.8 ma 2. ath = 3 om 3. ek vanes 8 4, Max. rad. of vanes Rad. of impeller = 0.197 a - 5. Speed ¥ = 2900 my ° Re=Renotate = BE yn FUR = 21,2200 - 304 raa/sec wy Re = BAA LO NOT Lg tas x 104 w 10% = Bastece 4107 (Re)°*8 = (3481000)9+2 = 20.33 a2 x leetioery teas 1} ag x B25? x $8 sl fowtsts - 1 } aa) % 36-3 X 0.0449 = 2.33.\/10.65: = 7.6 weseeeet errr s seen eed KG AS SSD. oe Wide ‘the help .of () “and pe eS He h APPROVED ay. DRAWN BY, S CHECKED: By" ib Te D KIRLOSKAR BROTHERS LYD., Kirloskervadi, Dis i Sanat | (Pertpherteat veibotty at in ) dia.of impeller ‘Now ee firs, 2 9.81 x 6 . ~ OBE x 1087 “617 22%, = 0.677 fea hence substituting the values in eq. : (5) = onl ~ ¥2 x (0.1 88) ~ ya(te 0. om} = ord 0.598 = 37.6 m +75 Ro = 37.6 meqexe “Step i127: Bregsure forge oy, gront _shrowa = 19 (gHo(n”y2) ~ 2 (RE =u}? S = density = See = fZ € =:9.81 m/sec? Ho = static head at impeller outlet = 37.6 milics Ampeller radius = 10.7 om Y=5425 on = impeller wear ting radius. , 3 /sec = angular velocity of impeller PB = engular: Mehovity: st2 “flu: eeeeeaaT $lassumed since no back vanes oar eet) wpide) =.0.' 032(52100 22.51 x 032 (52T00 24370) Force's 887 ‘Wes -on front ‘shroid = tep-IV : Pressure force. on back shroud. Bs 1 Porog Wefan ut este pe St Bor} idering back vane aioss?— Te ee =v?) (67-817) x aPbnoveD By. + checkeb py. Kicloskarvadi, Dist, Sangli ( - ( KIRLOSKAR BROTHERS ETD, , | ky: ai . u aC) 4 p22 5 2 i = 1X poe x ion4 {Hon L ee X 10 4) Beghly2. e094 v2 = (gx 107 y(n? 2s?) shots ofa ey | Eo = static head at impeller outlet 37.6 neters wovwensd Ros dnpeller rad = 10.7 om j W.s 21 ys aitz 2960 304 rad/sec 4 | (Bx to 20.51 e S x 1074) 2 4.455 (px 1074) 2 ate. with ne help of (2) b = radius of back vanes = 9 om S1 = shaft, rad.= 1.75 om ote WER?) 2 C145 81) © 55.5 on? (789) = (1 — 5.08) = 77.94 am? Hence substituting the values in 9: (9) Foreé = 0,032 (9.81 x 37.6 x 114. 5 =°2.51(16.75)? — 9-81 x 37.6, rate tome ec mone sons coal 1.052 (42200 ~ 650 - 1130 ~ 3010 ~ 10880) 4052 26550 = 0, 032 x 26530 Step. Vipreasie fores. on. back shro See of ms yenek : ". Foree"=, 0,052(42260 - 1960 = 1130 + 405 ees 4) 92032 x 3390: { 4 2 i +*+ Force = 1085 ke oi back shrota witnont : oonbidering effect of back vanes zB EIRLOSKAR BROTHERS LED. Kitloskarvaci, Cist. Sangli Ho Reéd in net 64m ab a 432. S(Peripherical velocit, .of impeller {ale 0.24 go og mum operating ect y at impeller outlet} ai Eee fs 2000)" = 1054 m*/seo" ee ; firey 9 2 x a = Cars 1087 = 0.677 oe = 0.677 And hence substituting the values in eq: (5) eo Er! > ¥2 x (0,08) ~ yo(1-0.677)} = fen X 0.398 +". Ho = 37.6 me ‘step ITZ: prgeure § forge 03 front shroud = TS (eto(n ae) - pe RSet}? | fig, 2 Spelt. _ 40 S= density = oe = yer teeeeeeT & =.9.81 n/seo* : Ho = etitic head at Snpeller outlet = 37.6 mins SR = impeller radius = 10.7 on % 5.25 on’ = impeller wear ting radius. 304: i/sec = angular velocity of impeller Pp H angular velocity of fluid = = plaseunea eaeeey ae back vanes Oe on front. ei ae ~¥) - (114s = 87 on® = 87 2104 2 Hens “pubstetuting jhe Saas: An ax 1000 2X gpm Z “aear 10"*{9.04 =O. 052(52100 - = 2.31 x =.0,' 032 (52t00 < 4370) =70.032 x 27730, ees 887 | les on “front shroud: tep-Iv ¢ © Predeure force, oh back shroud. Soneldering back vanes ‘bros omsfena? - OE Ee asian ny sn?) ge -poeate KIRLOSEAR BROTHERS LTD, kiloskenadi, Dist Sangli CG 100-009-0, Page 1 3/6 i . _ =x ex to74 fess? 7 « x sort eee B12 gos? 2 Ox 10) (nb?) (02812) p2xton4) I static head at impeller outlet =37.6 meters | R = dmpeller rad = 10.7 om Ws BUN , 21g 2900 |, sa rad/seo Ge ‘to"4) 231 (Gs 1074) 2 4.155 1 (p? x to-4) 2 7 ith the help of(2) = radius of back vanes = 9 om *) 81 = shaft, rad. = 1.75 on i 1 ote (RA?) = (1145 2 et) 2 3 (v.84?) = (81 - 3.06) = 77.94 on? Eence substituting the values in 9: (9) Foret = 0.052 (9.81 x 37.6 x 114.5 =°2351(16.75)?- 9.81 x 37.6 #062 Hi098 2.8.5 94. Tote x (0.214 0.032 (42200 - 650 - 1130 5 3010 - 10880) 0,052 x.26550 = 0. 032 x 26530 FS vep need ‘out “considering Step Vr Preseie ‘fore ; con back shroud. S Vetfect or ack sree Cot 2 ta Ne + Foree’=, 0,052(42200 — 7560 = 1130 4 405 - 5. 4) 0.032 x 33909. 6 < $085, Kee, +*+ Force = 1085 kgs ‘oti tack shroud. without ecnsiterivig effect of back vanes CHECKED BSS gg APPROVED BY. 1[) SMOLUDAAN BROTHERS, LTD, Kiloskavedi, Dist, Songh x © {6.1004 ate “£.-— ao ac oe x Step VI + Mowentva thrust due to radial ovt flow, ” ‘ 3 : us : an ee /ae Bye ‘ares ini on! 5 2 2 * ~ 10 Q° /3600) ete = ger % se ppso0y" - | 0.0785 Q°YM 5 5 5 08) 0.0785 x 2g 0.0471 BS. TER Axial thrust considering back vanes = (forces on back shroud considering beck vanes - pre. force on front shroud ~ momentum thrust) = 850) = "887. - 0.0471 a 37 - = E51 tes. [ove sign indigates that Hrvust is away Jeers impeller ee Basen Axtal. thrust without considering effect of beck vanes = (force on back shroud without considering back vanes - ‘pre, force on.front~ monentum thrust) ‘Binge 13 ‘of axial thrust’ dateulate shout considering the effect of back vanes is more than that of. axiel thrast cal- cua ey dy considering ‘backiiven Bs (netrte) = 5.65: B= head at BBP in netyes , (Q = capacity at REpin'n®/pee e ) 0-57.) prom SEF hearing catalogue = 0.93 ) Bquivalent bearing load Peg x rafial reaction + ¥ x Axial thrust) O.57 x 49.6 + 0.95 2767 + 6104 = 89.1 ks,

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