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Gliding Principles for Lesson Planning

1. Make it fun. Does it feature a game or fun activity (either integrated or as a reward)? Does it relate to students lives or culture? Does it feature movies or music? Does it encourage opinions that the students want to give?

2. Level it. Can most of the students do this? Can better students extend the task to push themselves? Where possible, have I included a choice of tasks or questions?

3. Focus it. Do I have one or two clear student goals? Does it link back to previous work? Does it explain the why of the lesson?

4. Make sure there's something to show for it. Is there a good chance to generate some output for the students?

Are students prepared for this output, and delivering it in a comfortable medium and setting? Can the output be saved, discussed or used again?

5. Take it outside Will the lesson spark interaction with me? Will the lesson spark interaction with other students? Will the lesson spark interaction with the world?

Is communicative technology integrated in the lesson?

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