Study Guide For British Life and Culture

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Study guide for British life and culture

1. What is the most popular drink for the Brits? tea

2. What do the Brits need to do if they want to watch TV ? pay 100
pounds for BBC license free
3. What is the number three fact Lucy talked about? You will get hated
if you cut it line
4. What are the three phrases the British people say in all kinds of social
Please, sorry, thank you
5. How do the Brits greet to their friends?

6. It is not common to have sunny days in the U.K. What is the

temperature people will start wearing mini skirt, bikini and try to get
sunburned in the sunny days? (No. 6) 15°c
When it is a sunny day, people leave their work as soon as possible
and go straight to _________ (No. 13).
7. What is “Sunday Roast”? What is the British National dish?
roasted meat, roasted potatoes and Yorkshire pudding, stuffing, gravy.
Chicken tikka masala (Indian dish)
8. What is British sense of humor?
9. If you are invited to join a party or dinner gathering, what do you
expected to do?
10.Is it true that British women prefer to have dark skin? (No. 17) many
women will use fake tanning products
11.What is the general attitude the Brits have toward the royal family
(No. 18)?
Some think they bring tourists and money
Some think they spend too much money
12.What are summer/winter like in the U.K.?

13.British people drink beer and cider in pints and British ale is served
cold. (True or false) room temperature
14.What is the insect that most of the Brits feel frighten by? wasps
15.Generally speaking, are the Brits religious (No. 31)
16.The Brits drive on __left___ and walk on ____right___. (No. 33)
17.Traditionally what is the age that parents expect their children to live
on their own? 18
18.How much do the Brits pay for their university tuition fees? 9000
pounds (9 grand)
19. In the countryside, you can find a truck playing a tune, selling __ice
cream___. (No. 37)
20.It is very rude to talk loudly on the British transports. (True or False) T
21.What is the general attitude the Brits have towards gossip
They don’t like them. But they will read Daily Mail in secret.
22.Generally speaking, how much do the Brits pay for the tips in
23.British people are generally very direct/straight-forward. (True or
F indirect
24.What is “beer blanket”?

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