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The Bishop’s Co-Ed School, KLN

ISC Mathematics Project

2021 - 2022
Local Maxima and Minima
Name - Namay Jindal
Class - 12 - A (Science)
Computer Code - 202286
Teacher - Mr. David Ganupalli
This is to certify that Namay Jindal, of Class 12 - A (Science), of
the Bishop’s Co-Ed School, Kalyani Nagar, Pune, has
successfully completed the research project on the topic
“Local Maxima and Local Minima”, under the guidance of Mr.
David Ganupalli (Mathematics Teacher), in the fulfillment of
the ISC 2021 - 2022 Mathematics Project.

Signature of Examiner Signature of

Mathematics Teacher 2
I am incredibly grateful to our Principal, Mr. Shayne
McPherson, and Headmaster, Mr. Ashley Eates, for giving
us the opportunity to enhance our knowledge. I would also
like to thank our Mathematics Teacher, Mr. David
Ganupalli, for helping us, and encouraging us to perform
research and gain a better understanding of the topic in

I am also thankful to my parents, for providing me with

everything I needed to complete the project.
▣ Introduction to Local Maxima and Minima
▣ Mathematical Explanation
▣ Conditions for Maxima and Minima
▣ Points of Inflexion
▣ Method 1 with Example
▣ Method 2 with Example
▣ Applications of Local Maxima and Minima
▣ Bibliography

Explain and illustrate
(with suitable examples)
the concept of local
maxima and local
minima using graph.

Introduction to Local Maxima and Minima

▣ The graph of a function may include some

‘peaks’ and ‘valleys’ as seen in the picture at
the side.
▣ A peak does not need to be the highest
point on the graph, but merely the highest
point in its neighbourhood. The same goes
for ‘valleys’
▣ Informally, a relative/local maximum and
minimum can be thought of as the ‘peaks’
and ‘valleys’ on a graph.
▣ The local maximum and minimum values
of a function are referred to as the local
maxima and minima respectively.
Mathematical Explanation

▣ A local maximum point on a function is a point (x , y) on the

graph of the function whose y coordinate is larger than all other y
coordinates on the graph at points "close to'' (x , y). More precisely,
(x ,f(x)) is a local maximum if there is an interval (a , b) with a<x<b
and f(x)≥f(z) for every z in (a , b).
▣ Similarly, (x , y) is a local minimum point if it has locally the
smallest y coordinate. Again being more precise: (x , f(x)) is a local
minimum if there is an interval (a , b) with a<x<b and f(x)≤f(z) for
every z in (a , b).
▣ A local extremum is either a local minimum or a local maximum.

Conditions for Maxima

▣ When the function y = f(x) reaches a maximum point, it changes

from an increasing to a decreasing state.
▣ Therefore, dy/dx changes from positive to Maximum
negative value (since dy/dx > 0 for an
increasing function, and dy/dx < 0 for a
decreasing function)
▣ Therefore, in changing from a positive to a
negative value, dy/dx must pass through Increasing Decreasing
the value zero.
▣ Hence, dy/dx = 0 at a maximum point.
Conditions for Minima

▣ Similarly, the function changes from an decreasing value to an

increasing value at a minimum point.
▣ Therefore, dy/dx changes from negative to
positive value (since dy/dx > 0 for an Decreasing Increasing
increasing function, and dy/dx < 0 for a
decreasing function)
▣ Therefore, in changing from a negative to a
positive value, dy/dx must pass through Minimum
the value zero.
▣ Hence, dy/dx = 0 at a minimum point.
The 2nd necessary condition

▣ However, dy/dx is only a necessary condition, but not sufficient for

maximum and minimum points.
▣ For a maximum point, we have the differential coefficient i.e.
d2y/dx2 < 0.
▣ Similarly, for a minimum point, the differential equation is
d2y/dx2 > 0.
▣ Hence, the modified conditions for maximum and minimum
points are :
□ For a maximum point - i) dy/dx = 0 ii) d2y/dx2 < 0.
□ For a minimum point - i) dy/dx = 0 ii) d2y/dx2 > 0.

Points of Inflexion

▣ At the points shown in the pictures,

the value of dy/dx = 0, but it does not
change its sign.
▣ The function is neither a maximum
nor a minimum but is said to have a
point of inflexion
▣ At a point of inflexion :
□ dy/dx = 0
□ d2y/dx2 = 0
□ d3y/dx3 ≠ 0, i.e. it may be + or -
Method 1 to find local maxima and minima

First Derivative Test :

1. Find f’(x) and put in equal to zero.
2. Solve f’(x) = 0. Its roots could possibly be the points of local maxima or
local minima of f. Suppose one of the roots is ‘a’.
3. Determine the sign of f’(x) for values of x slightly less than ‘a’ and for
values slightly greater than ‘a’.
One of the three cases may arise :
▣ If f’(x) changes sign from (+) to (-), then x = a is a point of maxima.
▣ If f’(x) changes sign from (-) to (+), then x = a is a point of minima.
▣ If f’(x) does not change sign as x increases through a, then x = a is a
point of inflexion.
Similarly, do this for other roots. 12
Method 1 to find local maxima and minima
f(x) = 2x3 + 3x2 - 12x + 7. Find the turning values and determine whether they are
maxima, minima or inflexional.
f’(x) = 6x2 + 6x - 12 + 0 = 6x2 + 6x - 12 = 6 (x2 + x -2 )
Taking f’(x) as zero, we have : 6 (x2 + x - 2 ) = 0
→ x2 + x - 2 = 0
→ x2 + 2x - x - 2 = 0
→ x (x + 2) - 1 (x + 2) = 0
→ (x + 2) (x - 1) = 0

x = -2, 1
-2 1

+ - +
Since sign changes from (+) to (-), -2 is the local maxima.
Since sign changes from (-) to (+), 1 is the local minima. 13
Method 1 to find local maxima
and minima

at x = - 2
Thus, using the steps of the First
Derivative Method, we have
found the local maxima and

The graph attached can also be

viewed using this link
Minima at x = 1

Method 2 to find local maxima and minima

Second Derivative Test :

1. Find f’(x) and put it equal to zero.
2. Find the roots of f’(x) = 0. These could possibly be the points of local
maxima or minima. Take one of the roots as x = a.
3. Find f’’(x), by differentiating f’(x) w.r.t. x.
4. Check the sign of f’’(x) at each root value obtained in step 2. At a :
a. If f’’(a) < 0, then ‘a’ is a point of local maxima
b. If f’’(a) > 0, then ‘a’ is a point of local minima
c. If f’’(a) = 0, then the test fails.
5. Now find the maximum or minimum value of x by substituting for x,
the values of x obtained in step 2 in the given function f(x).
Method 2 to find local maxima and minima
Find the local maximum and minimum, if any, of the following function :
f(x) = x3 - 9x2 + 24x - 12
f’(x) = 3x2 - 18x + 24 - 0
Substituting values of x in given
Taking f’(x) = 0 function f(x), we have :
3x - 18x + 24 = 0
→ 3(x2 - 6x + 8) = 0 f(2) = 23 - 9(2)2 + 24(2) - 12
= 8 - 9(4) + 48 - 12
→ x2 - 6x + 8 = 0 = 8 - 36 + 36
→ x - 4x - 2x + 8 = 0 =8
→ x(x - 4) - 2(x - 4) = 0 Thus, Maxima 8 at x = 2
→ (x - 2)(x - 4) = 0
f(4) = 43 - 9(4)2 + 24(4) - 12
x = 2, 4 = 64 - 9(16) + 96 - 12
= 64 - 144 + 96 - 12
f’’(x) = 6x - 18 + 0 =4
Thus, Maxima 4 at x = 4

f’’(2) = 6(2) - 18 = 12 - 18 = -6<0 local maxima

f’’(4) = 6(4) - 18 = 24 - 18 = 6>0 local minima 16
Method 2 to find local maxima
and minima

8 at x = 2
Thus, using the steps of the
Second Derivative Method, we
have found the local maxima
and minima.

The graph attached can also be Minima

4 at x = 4
viewed using this link

Applications of Maxima and Minima

▣ There are numerous practical applications in which it is desired

to find the maximum or minimum value of a particular quantity.
▣ Such applications exist in economics, business, and engineering.
▣ For example, in any manufacturing business it is usually possible
to express profit as a function of the number of units sold.
▣ In other cases, the shape of a container may be determined by
minimizing the amount of material required to manufacture it.
▣ Finding maxima or minima also has important applications in
linear algebra and game theory.

Applications of Maxima and Minima

Method :
1. Frame the functions in terms of variables (two or more) depending
upon the data.
2. With the help of the given conditions, express the function in
terms of one convenient variable by eliminating all other variables.
3. Now, find first derivative and apply conditions of maxima-minima.

Types of Problems :
▣ Problems on Numbers
▣ Problems on Geometrical Figures
▣ Problems on Mensuration
Applications of Maxima and Minima
Find the maximum value of xy subject to x + y = 8
x+y=8 xy Maximum
Let P = xy
= x(8 - x) [Substituting value of y]
= 8x - x2
dP/dx = 8 - 2x
Putting zero for dP/dx, we have :
8 - 2x = 0
2x = 8
x=4 y=8-x=8-4=4
d2P/dx2 = 0 - 2 = -2 < 0 Maxima
Therefore, the maximum value of P (xy) is when x=4, y=4, and its value is :
4x4 = 16
The information in this picture has been taken from the
following sources :

● ISC Mathematics Book 2 for Class XII


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