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Aluno (a):________________________________________________________
Série/Ano: 1 High School ano Data: ____/_____/______
Disciplina: ENGLISH
Professor: Edissandro HB



Escolha a opção que contenha a forma negativa correta para;

“atheists are prone to discrimination"

a - Atheists don’t prone to discrimination.

b - Atheists didn't prone to discrimination.
c - Atheists can't prone to discrimination.
d - Atheists aren’t prone to discrimination.

2 - Todos os verbos abaixo, destacados no texto, estão no Simple Past, EXCETO:

An e-mail to Gabi

    Hi, Gabi!

    How are you? I miss you so much!

       I arrived in Rome last week and I’m having a lot of fun. This morning my
parents and I woke up at 8:00 and had a great breakfast at the hotel.
Afterwards, I walked a little and saw many tourists (many from Russia and
China) and even some famous people!

    Now we are going to Venice.

    How are things in Las Vegas? Come meet us!

    See you soon!


a - arrived c - woke
b - come d - had


A forma negativa da sentença:

"They’ll let you take it home”

a - won’t c - wouldn’t
b - don’t d - would never

4 - Complete, assinalando a alternativa correta que completa a frase abaixo:

Where ________ on vacation last winter?

a - you went
b - did you went
c - went you
d - did you go

5 - A música abaixo “Nonsense" de Sabrina Carpenter relata uma paixão eufórica,

mas em que tempo verbal estamos falando? Assinale a alternativa abaixo;

a - Simple Past
b - Past continuo
c - Simple Future
d - Future Immediate

6 - Qual o tempo verbal que ronda o texto abaixo? Leia com atenção!

This news is about an -year-old woman from the UK. Her name is Ursula
and she left school in unable to read. She had no time to learn to read
because she had to look after her ill parents.

      Ursula felt sad that she could not read the papers or books like other
people. She decided to learn to read now, in her s. She hopes that she can
inspire other people to read too.

a - Simple Future
b - Simple Present
c - Simple Past
d - Simple Past Continuo

As questões a seguir são equivalente da 7 à 9

Complete as frases abaixo com as palavras apropriadas.

“Even though it`s _______, I _______ go to the beach.”

a - raining / will
b - windy / don’t
c - snowing / have
d - sunny / did

“ I _________ you at the party last night.”

a - didn’t saw
b - didn’t see
c - don’t saw
d - don’t see

“They______ food for everyone in the house.”

a - will get
b - will go
c - is getting
d - was got


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