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Aluno (a):________________________________________________________

Série/Ano: Data: ____/_____/______

Disciplina: English

Professor: Edissandro Souza

3° BIMESTRE 2021
Pay attention questões 1, 3 e 4 são de reported speech

1. Escreva as frases no reported speech.

a) “I don’t know when they will arrive,” she said to them


b) “I nally convinced my mom,” he said


c) “We had a small accident yesterday,” they explained


d) “Everybody is still talking about the great game,” Mark said


e) “If you practice more, you will play much better,” she said to my brother

f) “You can join us if you want to,” they said



+Enem [H6] Pela leitura deste cartum infere-se que o casal procurou um conselheiro
matrimonial porque

a) o marido está descontente com algumas atitudes de sua esposa

b) a esposa não sabe como lidar com a desorganização do marido
c) o casal tem discutido muito ultimamente e tem pensado em se separar
d) o marido acha que a esposa tem sido incompreensiva com ele
e) a esposa tem dúvidas quanto ao grau de maturidade do marido

3. “When he gets back, he will give you the money he borrowed from you this morning.

a) She said to me that when he got back, he would give you the money he had borrowed
from you that morning
b) She told me that when he got back, he would give me the money he had borrowed from
me that morning
c) She said me when he got back, he would give me the money he had borrowed from me
that morning
d) She told that when he gets back, he will give you the money he borrowed from you that
e) She said that when he got back, he would have given me the money he borrowed from
me this morning

4. “They will be here soon.

a) Tom agreed they’ll be there now

b) Lucy admitted that they wouldn’t be there soon
c) Larry told us they’d be there soon
d) Mr. Oswald said he would be there soon
e) My brother believed that they will be here before noon.

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