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Aluno (a):________________________________________________________
Série/Ano: 2 H.S ano Data: ____/_____/______
Disciplina: English
Professor(a): Edissandro HB

3° BIMESTRE 2022 🦋


The Importance of the English Language

        Atualmente, more and more people are dedicating time to studying English as a
second language. Many countries include English in their school syllabus and children are
starting to learn English at a younger and younger age. Do you know why learning English
is so important? Here are ve good reasons to take an English Language Course.

    1. English is the most commonly spoken language in the world. One out of ve people
can speak or at least understand English!

    2. Studying English can help you get a job.

    3. English is the language of the Internet.

    4. Travelling is a lot easier with a good knowledge of English.

    5. English gives you access to multiple cultures.

Adapted from

Sobre false cognates, qual alternativa mudaria o sentido da acima se alterar a palavra em

a - Currently

b - Eventually

c - Actually

d - Nowadays

2 - Sobre as sentenças abaixo, assinale a alternativa cujas palavras destacadas são, de

acordo com o contexto, false cognates.

I He said, “you realize that there simply is no other option for you out there.”

II. Younger people are less interested in farming, and look for economic opportunities in
other, more appealing industries.

III. The trend is extreme in sub-Saharan Africa, where 60 percent of the total population is
under the age of 25. And you can nd similar gures in other regions.

G d luck, save the Bu flies!




IV. In his presentation, Mabaya warned against overgeneralizing about the entire African

V. Nevertheless, Mabaya emphasized, there is a lot to be optimistic about.

Estão CORRETAS apenas:

a - I e II

b - III e V

c - I e III e V

d - I e III

3 - Exempli que o que são falsas cognatas com suas palavras, dê pelo menos 2


4 - Leia as frases abaixo e escolha a melhor forma de tradução:

"That British physician has a very strong accent.”

( ) Aquele siculturista britânico tem uma cadeira forte.

( ) Aquele médico britânico tem um sotaque muito forte.

“You have to return these magazines to the library.”

( ) Você tem que devolver estas revistas para a biblioteca.

( ) Você tem que devolver estas revistas para a livraria.

“That particular novel is very good”

( ) Aquela novela especi camente é muito boa!

( ) Aquela romance especi camente é muito bom!

G d luck, save the Bu flies!

5 - Leia atentamente;

Good notice from the Polo Automotivo Jeep

Actually, the Polo Automotivo Jeep, the plant of Stellantis in Goiana (PE) inaugurated in
2015, this month reached the mark of 1 million vehicles produced. The Jeep Compass,
Renegade and Fiat Toro models are made at the unit. Later this year, a new 7-seat Jeep
SUV will be pretend to produce on the place.

The production volume was celebrated during a visit by the Stellantis Worldwide CEO,
Carlos Tavares, to the place. The Jeep fabric has an annual production capacity of
280,000 units and currently operates at full capacity, with an average of 1,000 vehicles per
day. at-em-pe-alcanca-1-milhao-de-carros-produzidos/

Algumas das palavras grifadas são fake friends, com isso temos uma compreensão
errada sobre a noticia. Marque a alternativa que preencha o lugar dessas fake friends

a - News - nowadays - plant - intend - factory

b - News - truly - plane - intend - fabric

c - Notice - currently - plant - pretend - factory

d - News - nowadays - plant - pretend - fabric

G d luck, save the Bu flies!

6 - Identi que com um circulo em volta o uso incorreto dos emphasizers, e logo após
explique o porquê do erro;

a - Too; uses:

Camilly is too beautiful, He’s the prettiest boy I know.

Camilly, change ur clothes! Those clothes are too dirty.

Camilly don’t drive too fast. You’ll have an accident.


b - Enough; uses:

Evellyn doesn’t get enough sleep.

Evellyn is awake enough to take the test.

Evellyn is enough tall to write on the whiteboard.


c - Very, uses;

Duda is very cool!

Duda told me the way home is very far, she hates it!

Duda's sister is very smart!


7 - Read with attention the text bellow;

The Baseball game

Dad took his son Chris to a baseball game. The Los Angeles Dodgers were playing
the San Francisco Giants. The Dodgers were the home team. The Giants were the
visiting team. Dad and Chris walked into Dodger Stadium. Many people were there.
Most of them wanted to see the Dodgers win. They wanted to see the Giants lose.
Dad and Chris found their seats. They sat down. Chris told his dad he was hungry.
His dad bought two bags of peanuts for Chris. He bought two hot dogs for Chris. He
bought a big soda for Chris. A foul ball came their way. People dived for the foul
ball. They knocked Chris' soda over. His dad bought him another soda. 

Adapted from: <>

tips: son - lho / people - pessoas / seats - acentos / knocked - derrubou /

bought - comprou
G d luck, save the Bu flies!
Releia a sentença em destaque o pronome THEY refere-se a:

a - Dad
b - The Giants
c - Chris and Dad
d - The Dodgers
e - Many people

8 - Ainda sobre o texto acima o que Chris e Dad zeram?

a - They went to the Giants Stadium.

b - They went to a baseball game.
c - They watched a baseball game on TV.
d - They went to a basketball game.
e - They played football with friends.

9 - Escolha a forma correta do uso dos Intensi ers;

Myka brought far_____clothes. It’s______hot! I love the winter!

a - too much a - too

b - so many b - so
c - too many c - enough

Do we have______? Everyone in this group

a - money enough
b - too money a - so
c - enough money b - too
c - very

10 -

Helping colleagues

Myka: Hey, Duda. Can you help me?

Camilly: On what speci cally?
Myka: I'm having dif culty with Rafael's subject. I am very bad.
Camilly: What biggest problem do you have in the subject?
Myka: I don't understand ANYTHING!
Camilly: Ha ha ha you are so funny! I’m help you. I'll make a summary of the content and
send it by Whatsapp, okay?
Myka: Thankful! Camilly you're the best sister!
Myka: I'll pass it on to the other Butter ies too.

“content" , é aposto de:

a - dissatis ed
b - purport
c - lining
d - tenor

G d luck, save the Bu flies!


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