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Cash management Principle:

- B1: Encourage collection of receivable

- B2: Delay payment of liabilities

- B3: Keep only neccesary level of assets

- B4: Plan Expenditure

- B5: Invest excess cash

II. 2 methods of accounting for bad debt :

 Direct Write-off Method – Xóa nợ trực tiếp
 Allowance Method – Trích quỹ dự phòng
III. Các phương pháp dự báo nợ xấu:

1. Percent of credit Sales ( Phần trăm doanh số bán chịu ):

Estimated Bad Debt Expense = Current Period Sales

* % of Bad Debt

→ Emphasis on Matching

2. Percent of Account Receivable ( Phần trăm khoản phải thu ):

a. Estimate for Allowance for Double Account :

Year-end Accounts Receivable × Bad Debt %
→ Bad Debt Expense = Estimated Allowance for Double Acc – Balance in
Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

→ Emphasis on Realizable Value

3. Aging Acc. Receivable Methods

→ Emphasis on Realizable Value

IV. Notes Receivable:

Interest = Principle of Note * Annual Interest Rate * Time expressed in years

Trong đó :
 Principal of the note : số lượng (không bao gồm lãi)
mà nhà sản xuất của các lưu ý đồng ý trả cho người
thụ hưởng
→ Note receivable

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