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HR End Sem

Created @October 10, 2022 7:09 PM





Module 2
2.2 Typology - Respect, Protect, Fulfill + As

Olivia: 242 + Committee of economic social rights (general committee)

4 As

2.3 Situations of emergency and Derogation from certain human rights.

Derogation - Olivia:

GC 29

Siracausa Principles

Lawless v Ireland, etc.

2.4 Restriction of human rights – Absolute prohibition [torture; ill-treatment] – Expulsion

of aliens

4.4 also taught here.

2.5 Limitation to Human Rights – Legitimacy; Legality; Necessity.

Module 3
3.1 Regional Human Rights Standards and Mechanisms- European Convention on the
Protection of Human Rights 1950 and institutions; Latin American standards and
mechanisms for protection of human rights; African standards and mechanisms for
protection of human rights

HR End Sem 1
3.2. Workings of International Human Rights Court and their effectiveness
3.3. The Human Rights Council, and the Universal Periodic Review – The Human
Rights Council and its Special Procedures – UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies and State
Reporting - UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies and Individual Communications

Module 4
4.1. The prohibition of discrimination – notion of discrimination – Article 26 of ICCPR ;
UN Charter; UDHR; Article 24 ACHR; Article 14 ECHR, CEDAW.
4.2. Obligations of a State: Scope – Formal discrimination; Substantive discrimination;
Direct discrimination; Indirect discrimination - Discrimination in private sphere -
requirement of 'equality before the law'; requirement of 'equal protection of the law' ;
requirement to 'prohibit any discrimination ; duty to guarantee to all persons equal and
effective protection against discrimination

formal v substantive

direct v indirect

discrimination by pvt parties

eq before law, eqw protection of law, → 4 elements.

4.3. Racial discrimination - (a) International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms
of Racial Discrimination, 1965 (b) UNESCO Declaration on Race and Racial Prejudice,

caste distinction looked into too.

Module 5
5.1 Role of national authorities protecting human rights – Domestic courts; Quasi
Judicial Human Rights Institutions – The Paris Principles on National Human Rights
Institutions-National Human Rights Commission; Quasi judicial International institutions
5.2 Statutory framework in India—the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993, The
Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989,

HR End Sem 2
Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012, The Protection of Women from
Domestic Violence Act 2005

all with recent amendments.

Module 6

6.1. Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights

6.3. Business and human rights
6.4. Rights of Transgender [LGBTQIA++]
6.5 Rights of the Prisoners

HR End Sem 3

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