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Muticulturalism in India.

Multiculturalism means the amalgamation of different religions, races, linguistic

groups and so on. That each social groups in India follow different customs and
rules, and they follow their own tradition for very long ages.

Unity in Diversity:
It means the people, who live peacefully with many differences among them.
According to Indian constitutions, there are about 22 regional languages are
recognized by the government as the official languages for the better functioning
of the government. In India itself there are around 1600 languages. Different
dialects in each language, give further diversity in their own language and

Positive aspects of Multiculturalism in India:

1. Peaceful coexistence of people in the cities, which has a greater impact on the
rights and rules.
2. Respect other tradition and norms and support others, For example, the Deepavali
festival and Holi (Festival of Colours) is celebrated in different countries around
the world.
3. Globalization concept has a positive role in where one can learn new things.

Negative aspects:
1. Ethnocentrism: One religion is superior and another as inferior is one such
creates a major issue in the community. Ex: Communal clash among the people.
2. Son of the soil doctrine is giving importance to one set of people over others
for example giving job preference to the local people over other states or
3. Clashes among the people for hatred.

As India is a multicultural country with different races, religions, communities

and languages that have many problems it is one of the great examples on a global
level to act as an example to many countries.

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