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Customer 1: Micaela Mera

Customer 2: Jordan Loaiza

Waiter: José Núñez

Customer 1: Wow this restaurante looks very Good

Customer 2: Yes, It is

Waiter: Good afternoon ladie and gentleman, May I take them to a table?

Customer 1: Of course

Waiter: Here is the menu so you can choose

Waiter: Any idea of what would you like for starter?

Customer 2: What is the specialty of the house?

Waiter: The prawn cocktail is very good and we just had a very good quality fresh prawns this

Waiter: And for the lady?

Customer 1: I will take the Iberian Ham, please

Waiter: Good choice, and for the main dish? Or you want more time to think about it?

Customer 1: I will take the Wellington Fillet medium well

Customer 2: Well in my case I will love a Honey roasted chicken
Waiter: Very good choices, and for dessert?
Customer 1: For my dessert I will had a Tiramisu
Customer 2: And I will take a Cheesecake with raspberry coulis
Waiter: Great, I have the order so in in about 15 minutes you start to have your food, have a good
day and I hope you enjoy your food.
Customer 1 and 2: Thank you

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