STD 9 Lesson 4

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REPHIDIM: (Exo 17:1; Num 33:14) Spiritual Meaning:

• This place was also called Massah and Meribah. • The ‘rock’ is Jesus Christ.
• The children of Israel chided and tempted the • Christ was smitten for us (1 Cor 10:4).
Lord here when there was no water for them to • The ‘rod’ is the judgement of God.
• Moses smote the rock with his rod. The same ‘rod’ was used by Moses to smote the
• Water flowed out of the rock. river that brought the judgement of God on the
• Power of God was revealed. Egyptians and turned the waters of the river to
blood (Exo 7:20).

Smiting the rock with the rod, therefore, speaks

of Christ taking upon Himself the judgement that
was to come upon us, so that we might receive

Soon after this, the Amalekites attacked the children So even in this generation, the spirit of the
of Israel and smote the hindmost of them, those Amalekites attacks us when we are faint and
who were feeble, faint and weary (Deut 25:17,18). weary. If we murmur in times of trial as the
About the Amalekites, the Lord said that He will children of Israel did, we will become weak in our
have war against them from generation to spiritual life and lag (fall behind).
generation (Exo 17:16).

Three things had to be done to overcome the Amalekites:

Moses had to be on the hilltop with his hands In the church, there must be leaders who
held up (Exo 17:9-11). remain in the presence of God, bearing the
iniquity of the church.

Aaron and Hur had to hold up Moses’ hands There must be a group of saints in the church
(Exo 17:12). who stand by the leaders and uphold them in

Joshua had to fight the enemy with the sword There must be those who stand by the leaders
(Exo 17:13). and contend for the truth once delivered to the
saints (Jude 3).

Only then will God be with us as our Jehovah-Nissi (Banner of Victory) (Exo 17:15).
WILDERNESS OF SINAI: (Exo19:1,2, Num 33:15) Spiritual Meaning:
• The children of Israel came into the wilderness This is a shadow of being baptised with the Holy
of Sinai and camped before the mount. Ghost and fire (Matt 3:11).
• They had to sanctify themselves and be ready
for the third day.
• On the third day, the Lord came down on Mount
Sinai, in fire and directly communed with them.

God called Moses to the top of the mount, where He In the New Testament:
gave him the following:
1. Jesus divided these ten commandments into
1. The ten commandments two, namely, love towards God and love towards
our neighbour (Matt 22:35-40).
2. The pattern of the tabernacle This love is shed abroad in our hearts through the
Holy Spirit (Rom 5:5).
3. The details of the priesthood
2. We become God’s tabernacle (or temple) by
the baptism of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 3:16; 11 Cor

3. We become a holy priesthood by the Baptism of

the Holy Spirit, to offer up spiritual sacrifices
acceptable to God by Jesus Christ our Lord (1
Peter 2:5; Rev 1:6).

We should not murmur amidst trials but count it all joy when we face diverse temptations. If we
lag (fall behind), the devil will destroy our spiritual life. Therefore, being anointed with the Holy
Spirit, we should press forward.

Memory Verse:

James 1: 2, 3

My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;

Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.

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