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Topic: Standardized tests do not really evaluate one’s ability.

First of all, people have different Multiple Intelligences. According to Howard

Gardner, there are eight different types of intelligence: Visual-Spatial Intelligences,

Linguistic-Verbal Intelligences, Logical-Mathematical Intelligences, Bodily-Kinesthetic

Intelligences, Musical Intelligences, Interpersonal Intelligences, Intrapersonal intelligences,

and Naturalistic Intelligences. He suggested a person might have particularly stronger or

weaker intelligences, and one’s strength differs individually.

However, tests are not differentiated for individuals. People got the same test papers

and scored in the same way. This is where the problem of standardized tests shows up. One’s

abilities may be neglected and erroneously evaluated if tests depend on specific parts of

intelligence. For example, if one student’s talent is in athletics, he cannot find his strength in

math or music tests. Research actually revealed that standardized tests usually reflected only

a limited range of Multiple Intelligences. “Analytical ability scores were significantly

positively related to only logical-mathematical test scores.” (Birsen, 2014). People who have

strength with logical-mathematical intelligences were good at analytical scores, and this

shows that students with different intelligence strength may be evaluated bad in analytical

tests. Another study examined the relationships between multiple intelligences and academic

achievement. “It was the logical-mathematical intelligences which showed significant

relationships with academic performance, and it was the intelligence that better predicted this

achievement. It was the bodily-kinesthetic intelligence that was significantly related to motor

competence and the best intelligence that predicted its achievement” (Perez, 2014). This

study shows that academic performance is more related with logical-mathematical

intelligence than other intelligences. These two studies demonstrate standardized tests might

lead to an erroneous evaluation of one’s abilities depending on which intelligences were


Multiple Intelligences also affect how students learn subjects individually. According

to a study conducted by an English teacher Jeongmin Lim, Lim constructed English classes

that respect students’ individual intelligences. He made horizontal individualized classes

where activities, reflecting 8 types of intelligences, were added when he taught each chapter

of the English textbook. This study found “Diversification of English teaching methods based

on the multiple intelligences theory has a positive effect on improving students’ academic

achievement” (Lim, 2008). Another study related to teaching strategies also found similar

results. “The results showed that students who were instructed through teaching strategy

based on Multiple Intelligences achieved higher scores than ones which were instructed

through the traditional instruction” (Abdi, 2012). Following studies showed students

experienced positive effects when they are taught subjects based on their intelligence, and

standardized tests cannot evaluate one’s abilities because tests cannot reflect all types of 8


One’s test performances are also influenced by factors that are not based on tests

themselves. There are two different factors, and one of them is surroundings. Individuals

cannot control outside factors, such as classroom environment, but those factors affect

students’ conditions. This might cause a decline in students’ performances in standardized

tests, and this leads to inaccurate evaluation of students’ abilities. According to an article

(Choi, 2020), students who took KSAT experienced inconveniences because of transparent

boards that were newly adapted because of covid 19. Protectors were too large, so test papers

did not fit in the desk. This might lead to a decline of Korean test scores since students need

to see long passages in several pages and solve problems. Statistical research also showed
that people got distracted with other people’s behaviors during the test. According to a survey

conducted by Hackers TOEIC, the most disturbing behavior was coughing during the

listening section of the test. Shaking legs took second place, and loud page turning sounds &

noisy pencil sounds also distracted people during the test (Kang, 2014).

Another disturbing factor comes from an individual’s mental & physical health.

Students might experience test anxiety. “Test anxiety is a psychological condition in which

people experience extreme distress and anxiety in testing situations. People can become so

anxious that they are actually unable to do their best” (Cherry, 2021). Mental problems, such

as extreme stress, can also cause physical problems. According to dr. Ryu, who is a director

of gastrointestinal center, students might experience irritable bowel syndrome caused by

nervousness (Min, 2021). Test results proved that anxiety decreased body temperatures, and

low body temperatures caused a stomach ache and muscle pains (Lee, 2010). With disturbing

health problems, students are not able to show their true abilities because they are not able to

completely concentrate on their tests. We can see that outside factors also influence erroneous

evaluation of one’s abilities in standardized tests.

References 한글 번역?

Birsen, E. (2014). The Relationships Among Sternberg's Triarchic Abilities, Gardner's

Multiple Intelligences, and Academic Achievement. Retrieved December 8, 2021,

Pérez, L. M. R. (2014). Relationships among multiple intelligences, motor performance and

academic achievement in secondary school children. Retrieved December 8, 2021,

Lim, J.-min. (2008, April 1). 다중지능이론에 근거한 영어교수학습방법의 다양화.

기초학문자료센터. Retrieved December 8, 2021, from
Abdi, A. L. (2012, November 30). The effect of teaching strategy based on multiple
intelligences on students' academic achievement in science course. Universal Journal of
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Choi, D. (2020, December 10). "수능 가림막 때문에 시험 망쳤어요"…수험생 불만

속출. Nate news. Retrieved December 8, 2021, from

Kang, In-gwi. (2014, August 8). "쉿!" 토익 시험 민폐 1 위 '소음'...2 위는 '다리 떨기'.

머니 S. Retrieved December 8, 2021, from

Cherry, K. (2021, April 2). Test anxiety can make it difficult to do well on exams. Verywell
Mind. Retrieved December 8, 2021, from

Min, J. (2021, October 14). 배가 수시로 아프다면?...과민성대장증후군 의심할 수 있어.

제주교통복지신문. Retrieved December 8, 2021, from

Lee, H. (2010, November 14). '시험 울렁증' 극복할 수 있다. KBS 뉴스. Retrieved
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