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Muhammadiyah Makassar KELAS G SEMESTER 5 S1-PGSD

PROGRAM : Program S1 Hari :
Semester :5 WAKTU :
Jurusan : PGSD-S1(S1) Kampus : FKIP
Mata Kuliah AIK V Ruang :
Dosen M. Amin Umar, S.Ag., M.Ag. Jml. Kuliah :

Pertemuan Ke
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1 NURFADILAH 105401108620 A A A
2 RISTI RAMADHANI 105401117720 i Izin Dad
3 ISMI 105401117820
4 MULIANA 105401117920 3X kuliah, KM
5 DEA ADELIA ANDI BASO 105401118020 i Izin Dad
6 EVI AYUMI S 105401118120 s
7 NURUL ASMILA 105401118220 A
8 KHAERAH UMMA 105401118320 i izin dad
9 RESKI NURASMI 105401118420 s
10 JIHAN WULANDARI 105401118520 i Izin Dad
11 SAKINAH 105401118620 A i A i
12 Sriwahyuni ✖️ 105401118720 KM, ikut kelas C
13 ARIKA RIFDHA AQILAH 105401118820 i izin Dad
14 ST. AMINAH BASRI 105401118920
15 RACHMATIAH 105401119020 i
16 SAFAR MUHAYMIN 105401119220 i A
17 ANDI TRIULIANTI 105401119320 i izin dad
18 LU'LUL JANNAH 105401119520 i izin dad
19 ANDI TAPPARENG 105401119620 A A i
20 IKKERA ATTISSA 105401119720 s
21 NURSYAHADA 105401119820
22 SRIWAHYUNI DWI PUTRI 105401119920
23 NADIA AGHNI ANISYAR 105401119820 s i izin dad
24 NURUL HAKIKI 105401120120
25 NURFADILAH APRILIA 105401120220
26 NURQADRI 105401120320
27 AZIZAH ZESMILA 105401120420 i izin dad
28 SULIANTI S. MUALLA 105401120520 i izin dad
elas C
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