Writing 8 GRUPO 3

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Writing 8: Local concerns

TATIANA: Hello Erika, what do you think about environmental pollution?

ERIKA: In my opinion, environmental contamination is a serious problem that not only

affects the community but also the world. If we do not take care of the environment, we
will have health problems.

TATIANA: It's a good prospect, but ERIKA, why do I notice you're so down, what

ERIKA: I'm fine but sewage problems arose in my neighborhood, we want a dignified
life. With my family we have sued the municipality to solve our problem.
If we do not have a water supply, our community will not have clean water of sufficient
quality and quantity.

TATIANA: Sounds good to me, but I have analyzed the problem that you are telling me
about and in my opinion another problem arises in the sewage. These waters become
potential vehicles for many diseases and environmental disorders.

ERIKA: Seriously, where did you get that information from? I am more interested in the
subject and thus to help my community and perhaps it can be taken as an example of
change for neighboring communities.

TATI: I am in a group of volunteers that is in charge of recycling. If you want, you can
come so that we can help you solve your problem and guide you in a better way.

ERIKA: wow, I didn't know, but come on, I'm very interested

TATI: Yes, look, in fact, I came here. PAUL is one of my volunteer colleagues, he
knows more about the subject.

TATI: Hello paul how have you been

PAUL: All right, all right.

TATI: Paul, let me introduce you to my friend ERIKA, look, I'm telling you, she has
problems in her neighborhood about sewage and she has spoken to the municipality
and they haven't given her any response.

PAUL: Yes, in fact, I have some solutions towards wastewater that takes, for example,
communities abroad, in fact, you could talk to the board of directors of the parish
council of your neighborhood so that they can schedule a meeting with those in charge
and they could provide a solution to your problem. problem such as the following:

• A startup in Iowa, United States, developed a rotating algae biofilm system to

not only remove nitrogen and phosphorous, but also to allow wastewater to be
• Experts say there is only one way to sustainably tackle the pollution problem:
capture, transform and reuse all the waste, and turn it into a valuable resource.

PAUL: These are feasible solutions that can help your community in the economic field.
They are not very expensive, depending on good living and regular coexistence
between neighbors, which is also a right of people.
ERIKA: That is, it seems like a good idea to me and I hope they give use and reason to
my request so that they give a prompt solution to this problem.

TATI: Don't worry, it will take time but the solution will come sooner than expected.

ERIKA: Another problem that affects the neighborhood or cantonal community is the
accumulation of garbage. There is also a factory that emits CO2 into the air. Air
pollution will get worse if we don't reduce CO2 emissions.

The accumulation of garbage is serious since water sources such as rivers, aquifers,
lakes and the sea have been affected. These are incapable by themselves of
absorbing and neutralizing this polluting load called garbage accumulation. The bodies
of water have lost their natural conditions of physical appearance and their capacity to
sustain an adequate aquatic life, which responds to the ecological balance that is
expected of them to preserve the bodies of water, green areas and good neighborhood

TATIANA: Seriously, it is a serious problem because it can cause diseases, but PAUL,
I understand that Quito has two municipal organizations for waste management. The
first is the Empresa Pública Metropolitana de Aseo de Quito, EMASEO EP, it is the
municipal institution in charge of sweeping and collecting non-hazardous household
and industrial solid waste, sweeping public spaces.

ERIKA: Currently, there is no separation of reusable material in this area of operations,

however, there is an Urban Solid Waste Separation Plant, which is managed directly by
EMGIRS-E (Metropolitan Public Company for Integral Solid Waste Management ). It
helps the environment but in my opinion caring for the environment is the duty of all
people in the world.

TATIANA: The solution does not lie exclusively in an administrative measure, but in a
change in our way of being responsible with the environment. If we use cloth covers
and reuse plastic bags, we will have a clean citadel. The factory must be careful with
the CO2 it emits so as not to contaminate the citadel. Today we must live in the age of
the three "R's": recycle, reuse and reduce.

PAUL: Thank you for your attention

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