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Integrated Approach in science and technology for Sustainable Future

Biotechnology for Sustainability

Integration of microbiology, genomic sciences, Bioengineering
The Looming Crises? Biodegradable plastics (Biopolymers) Future plastic material
Tailoring PHA subunit composition for different applications
 Polyhydroxyalkanoates PHAs are biodegradable biopolyesters produced by a variety of . Mycelium is the root-like structures that extend out of fungi and
gram negative and gram positive bacteria. underneath the outer layer of the cap. However, the product called
The biosynthesis of PHA is caused by certain deficiency conditions (lack of macro nutrients) mycelium is a bio-engineered form of hyphae that is made from
and excess supply of carbon sources. agricultural waste mixed with these root-like structures as binding
PHAs are renewable biodegradable and Biocompatible. agents.
 Short chain length (scl)PHAs 4-5 carbon
Biodegradability, Lightweight and strength are also very desirable
medium chain length (mcl)PHAs subunits 6-14 carbons
PHB has additional advantages, air impermeability, water insoluble and thermoplastic properties, whether it is for single-use purposes or longer-term usage.
nature It is also hydrophobic and flame resistant, which are beneficial
Most of PHAs can be produce by plants using genetic engineering properties for applications such as packaging and clothing.
Mycelium foam is resilient, insulating, and breathable decompose
in soil within 45days.

Biodegradation of LDPE
Petro plastic Degradation Organisms Four strains isolated from landfills
Acinetobacter sp. (pitti)
Delftia sp
Bacteria in the gut of great wax worm Galleria mellonella hydrolyses PE Micrococcus species
Bacillus species, Rhodococcus species , pseudomonas species hydrolyse PE Pseudomonas species
into PHA
Four well characterised, sequence species:
Fungus species like Aspergillus, fusarium species depolymize PE Ralstonia eutropha H16
Pseudomonas aeroginosa stains DMS 500071 degrades PS Pseudomonas chloroaphis PA23-63 Development of bio-plastic production technologies from
Pseudomonas putida LS46 microalgae
Pseudomonas Montiellii Mo2 possibilities to produce other products like fibers for yarns, ropes and
nets will be explored
Ideonella sakaiensis 201-F6 The efficiency of PHB production using microalgal biomass collected
from high-rate algal pond may reduce the operational costs, making it an
Two unique enzymes able to serve interesting prospect for many industrial, therapeutic, and diagnostic
in PET hydrolysis. applications.
 PET hydrolase: hydrolyzes PET
into mono(2-hydroxyethyl)
 MHET hydrolase (MHETase) :
hydrolyzes MHET into terephthalic
acid (TPA) and ethylene glycol (EG)

Name : HAJIRA FATIMA References

Department: Biotechnology MSc, First year , Sem 1 2.

organization: university of science for womens 4.


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