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Date and time : Thursday,Desember 8st 2011

Grade : II (two)

Subject : English

Teaching Hour : 10 minutes

Number of Meeting : 3rd Meeting

Time Allocation : 1x10 minutes

Basic Competence : Recognizings Kinds of Animals

Indicator : Describe the name of the animal and its color and guess the name
of animals.

Purpose : At the end of lesson, The Students are expected to be familiar with
various kinds of animals and know their names in english.

Main Topic : Animals

Sub Topic :

1. The names of animals.

2. Various types of animals.
3. The colors of animals.
4. Spelling the name of animals.

Tutorial Method : Display by power point discussion, Interactive lecturing ,Video.

Teaching Scenario :

1. Opening : Greeting and praying , then precence the students.

2. Main activity :

a. Apperseption
 The teacher asks student to mention kind of animals.
 The teacher read a story about animals.
 The teacher asks students to mention kind of animals in the story.
b. Presentation :
 The teacher shows the pictures of various kinds of animals.
 The teacher mention the names of animals in the picture then the
students repeat after him.
 The teacher shows a video about animals.
 The student watch the video and then they mention the names of
animals in the video.
 The student mention the colors of animals on video.
 The teacher make a game of guessing the names of animals.
 The teacher asks students to raise their hands to follow the game.
 The teacher choose the students who raise their hands.
 The teacher ask students to stand up and guess the name of animal
from the picture.
 The teacher asks students to choose other students to guess the
name of animals from the picture.
 The teacher and the student give applause and excuse the student to
sit down.

c. Evaluation
 Display the names of animals in the world.
 Guest the display about animals.

d. Follow up
 Concluding the material

3. Closing : Greeting and praying

Material : Kinds of Animals

1. Animals that live on the land.

Lion, Buffalo, Cow, ant, rabbit, pig, tiger, mouse, sheep, zebra, got, elephant,
camel, dog, hyena, anteater, chimpanzee, skunk, wolf, gorilla, porcupine,
kangaroo, koala, hippopotamus, giraffe, reindeer, rhinoceres, leopard, bear, panda

2. Animals that live in water.

Fish, shark, eel, crab, shrimp, carp, dolphin, whale, swordfish, seacow, guppy,
gold fish, discus fish, salmon, piranha, pearl cat fish, archerfish, angel fish, spotted
sunfish, red oscar, koi, neon tetra, minnow, siamese fighting fish, stikleback etc.

3. Animals that live in the air.

Eagle, parrot, pigeon, owl, butterfly, crow, canary, woodpecker, sparrow,
quail, bat etc.

4. Animals that live on the land and in water (amphibians).

Crocodile, turtle, snake, fire salamander, emperor newt, alligator, painted frog,
climbing tod, hornet frog, tiger salamander, poison dart frog, spanish ribbed newt,
chilean red spotted toad, red salamander, alpine newt, crested newt, african bullfrog

The colors of animals :

a. This is a brown bear g. This is a green duck
b. This is a blue bird h. This is a gray elephant
c. This is an orange cat i. This is a pink flamingo
d. This is a brown chicken j. This is a green frog
e. This is a brown cow k. This is a yellow giraffe
f. This is a yellow dog l. This is a black gorilla

Spelling the name of animals

1) Eagle : E-A-G-L-E 7) Monkey : M-O-N-K-E-Y
2) King Cobra : K-I-N-G-C-O-B-R-A 8) Crocodile : C-R-O-C-O-D-I-L-E
3) Cow : C-O-W 9) Tiger : T-I-G-E-R
4) Lion : L-I-O-N 10) Turtle : T-U-R-T-L-E
5) Butterfly : B-U-T-T-E-R-F-L-Y 11) Fish : F-I-S-H
6) Cat : C-A-T 12) Ant : A-N-T

Media : Discussion,Laptop, LCD (by power point presentation)

Resource : Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas II untuk SD

Evaluation : Oral and Display

Yogyakarta, November 29th 2011

Headmaster Teacher

(Dr. Ali Mustadi, M.Pd) (Muhammad Chusnul Al Fasyi,

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