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Energy Policy 102 (2017) 277–287

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Environmental degradation, renewable and non-renewable electricity MARK

consumption, and economic growth: Assessing the evidence from Algeria

Fateh Bélaïda, , Meriem Youssefb
University of Paris-Est, Scientific and Technical Center for Building, 84 Avenue Jean Jaurès, Champs-sur-Marne, 77447 Marne-la-Vallée cedex 2, France
University of Sousse, LaREMFiQ - IHEC, B.P. 40 - Route de la ceinture - Sahloul III, 4054 Sousse, Tunisia


Keywords: The imperative to reduce CO2 emissions is stronger than ever and investment in renewable energy is one of the
Renewable and non-renewable electricity most viable options to reduce the carbon footprint. This article explores the dynamic causal relationship
consumption between CO2 emissions, renewable electricity consumption, non-renewable electricity consumption and
CO2 emissions economic growth in Algeria by using Autoregressive Distributed Lag Cointegration approach over the period
Economic growth
1980–2012. The empirical results confirm the existence of cointegration long-run relationship among the
Granger causality
variables. We find that, in the long-run, economic growth and non-renewable electricity consumption have a
detrimental effect on the environment quality, whereas renewable energy use has a beneficial environmental
effect. Furthermore, in the short-run, results reveal unidirectional causality relationship running from GDP to
NREC, supporting the conservation hypothesis, i.e. electricity consumption is dictated by economic growth. The
results suggest broadly that renewable electricity consumption can help to enhance environmental quality in
Algeria. But so far, renewable electricity generation has not reached a level that allows a significant contribution
to energy-based carbon dioxide emissions reduction target.

1. Introduction dependence of the Algerian economy on oil revenues and prices of

fossil fuels raises several questions for future economic, environmental
Nowadays, energy consumption accounts for 80% of CO2 emissions and energy policies (Bélaïd and Abderrahmani, 2013).
which are the major source of global warming and represent the most Since 1970, Algeria has experienced a fast economic growth due to
dangerous effects of climate change. Then, it is indisputable that any its fossil fuel resources. The Algerian economy remains an oil-based
effort to effectively reduce CO2 emissions and mitigate climate change economy and comprises energy intensives sectors such as building and
must include the energy sector (IEA, 2015). transportation. Therefore, total electricity consumption is increasing
Moreover, increasing global warming impact the way governments rapidly. Electricity consumption reached 40.9 TWh in 2013, is ex-
around the world approach energy related environmental issues. As a pected to average about 75–80 TWh in 2020 and 130–150 TWh in
result, promoting sustainable development and tackling climate change 2030. Electricity demand is projected to increase at an average annual
have become fundamental aspects of both short-run and long-run growth rate of 6%. This underlines the importance of electricity
energy planning and policy making (IEA, 2015). consumption as a crucial component of the economic growth for
With the rising concerns over the environmental consequences of Algeria.
CO2 emissions from fossil fuels, renewable energy has emerged as an Algerian economy has benefited from rising energy prices over the
alternative source of energy (Apergis and Payne, 2012). According to period 2007–2013. However, Algeria has struggled to develop non-
the IEO (2015), renewable energy is intended to be the fastest hydrocarbon industries, diversifying the economy and creating private
enlarging world energy source. Specifically, renewable electricity gen- sector jobs because of heavy regulation and an emphasis on state-
eration will increase by 72% from 2013 to 2040, representing more driven growth. Additionally, much of oil revenue has been oriented to
than one-third of new generation capacity. public sector expenditure in order to maintain stability through a
The prevalence of such problems is higher in countries such as combination of minimal political reforms and generous social spend-
Algeria, where environmental sustainability, energy security and ing. The government maintains large subsidies (subsidies represent
economic growth are simultaneously important. In fact, the strong 30% of GDP) such as electricity, cooking gas, food, education, housing,

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:, (F. Bélaïd), (M. Youssef).
Received 11 July 2016; Received in revised form 25 November 2016; Accepted 5 December 2016
0301-4215/ © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F. Bélaïd, M. Youssef Energy Policy 102 (2017) 277–287

etc. Furthermore, the dramatic drop in oil prices since mid-2014 has an this paper is build up as follows: Section 2 presents the theoretical
obvious effect on the Algerian economy, according to statistics pub- background and the state of the art dealing with literature on the
lished by the Algerian Ministry of Finance, Algeria's oil and gas export subject of energy consumption, economic growth and pollutant emis-
revenues, which account for around 95% of the total, have fallen by a sions. Section 3 provides an overview of renewable energy in Algeria.
whopping 41% in 2015 to $35.72 billion from $60.3 billion in 2014. In Section 4 describes the data and the econometric methodology. We
line with the slump in global oil prices, growth slowed to 2.9% in 2015 report our empirical findings and discuss their implications in Section
from 3.8% in 2014. 5. Section 6 concludes the paper with a summary of the main findings
In contrast, Algeria's reserves for both oil and gas has been on a and provides some policy implications based on the empirical results.
downward path since 2005 due to a lack of investment in upgrading
existing fields and exploiting new discoveries, while the rise in domestic 2. Literature review
energy consumption has come at the expense of declining oil exports.
Steadily increasing in energy domestic demand in recent years was An impressive body of literature have dealt with the dynamic
driven by both demographics as well as by largely sustained economic causality between electricity consumption, CO2 emissions and econom-
activity. A challenge for Algeria is then to reduce dependence on fossil ic growth (Salim et al., 2014). Three main views have emerged in the
fuels by developing renewable energy before the fateful date of literature. The first strand is related to the relationship between
exhaustion of the fossil energies. CO2 emissions in Algeria have economic growth and electricity consumption. Economic growth and
gradually reached a high level due to over-use of energy resources. electricity consumption nexus is a very well studied topic in the
According to the WBG (2015), total Carbon dioxide emissions in literature. Pioneered by the seminal work of Kraft and Kraft (1978),
Algeria reached 78,925 thousand metric tons in 1990 and increases many other studies emerged, employing the Granger causality and
to reach 121,755 thousand metric tons in 2011. cointegration model, as a new empirical tool to study this kind of
Given these environmental constraints, in order to reduce CO2 purpose for different countries (for example, Chandran et al. (2010),
emissions related to energy consumption, renewable energy production Bélaïd and Abderrahmani (2013), Khalid (2015)). However, emanating
and environmentally friendly energy conversion technologies become a results show that there is no consensus and causality direction between
priority in Algeria. A process of shifting to green power and an the series differ from one country to another. According to Bélaïd and
ambitious program to develop renewable energy (RE) was launched Abderrahmani (2013) the heterogeneous feature in the results are
in 2001. mainly due to the specific nature of the country's economic policy,
According to the renewable energy policy network report (REPN, energy resources, different periods that data cover and the methodo-
2015), Algeria is the third largest investor in renewable energy in logical approach employed to test causality. In this first strand of
Africa. Since 2004, Algeria was the only country on the continent with a research, there is a very limited number of studies on the economic
feed-in policy in place. Whereas, as of early 2015, only eight African growth and electricity consumption nexus in Algeria. Bélaïd and
countries had enacted such policies. In addition, the country revised its Abderrahmani (2013) examine the causal relationship between eco-
energy plan to take a series of actions in the long run and adopt new nomic growth and electricity use in Algeria over the period of 1971–
renewable energy goals to be achieved by 2030 (REPN, 2015). 2010. Using a multivariate cointegration approach, they find both
The main goal behind these strategies is to reach the optimal model short-run and long-run bidirectional causality between the series. Their
of rational consumption and exploitation of fossil resources. For findings lay emphasis on electricity consumption as a prerequisite of
example, forecasts intend the volume of natural gas will be saved by achieving higher economic growth for Algeria. A high level of economic
the 22 GW of renewable energy which is equivalent to eight times the activity leads to a high level of electricity demand.
national consumption in 2014. The Algerian government intend that The second strand focuses on the causality between economic
renewable energy will supply 40% of its electricity needs by 2030 growth and pollutant emissions. It is linked to testing the validity of
(Nacer et al., 2016). the environmental kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis of an inverted U-
To the best of our knowledge, this paper presents the first known shaped relationship between CO2 emissions and economic growth.
application of ARDL modeling approach for the examination of the According to the EKC hypothesis, CO2 emissions increase with an
dynamic link between renewable and non-renewable electricity con- increase of the economic growth until reaching a threshold, and after
sumption-carbon emissions-GDP in Algeria. The choice of Algeria for that decline with the economic growth beyond this threshold. Since the
this research is also motivated by the fact that Algeria is facing several seminal work of Grossman and Krueger (1991), who were the first to
energy and environmental challenges, including high demand of energy test the EKC hypothesis to analyze the relationship between the income
while the supply is decreasing, large dependence on fossil fuel, high per capita and environmental degradation, many other studies
volatility of oils prices and severe negative effects of energy-based emerged. A long-run and inverted U-shaped linkages between CO2
carbon emissions on the environmental quality. emissions and economic growth were examined in the following studies
In fact, Algeria's energy demand is experiencing steep consumption realized for different countries like Algeria (Lacheheb et al., 2015),
rates, with growth of 8–10% annually. Steadily increasing in energy Tunisia (Fodha and Zaghdoud, 2010), Malysia (Saboori et al., 2012),
domestic demand in recent years driven by both demographics as well Turkey (Halicioglu, 2009), Iran (Asghari, 2012) and Saudi Arabia
as by largely sustained economic activity. Furthermore, CO2 emissions (Alshehry, 2012; Alkhathlan et al., 2012).
from energy use have increased by 5%/year since 2000, reaching 125 Some of these studies have also explored Granger causality between
Mt in 2014. In this context understanding the casual links between economic growth and CO2 emissions. However, the empirical results
such variables can help to better guide the needed energy sector and look to be controversial. In fact, Saboori et al. (2012) find a long-run
economic transformation for the country and more generally for unidirectional causality running from carbon emissions to economic
countries behaving similarly. growth. Fodha and Zaghdoud (2010) report a unidirectional causality
This study is in line with earlier work by Bélaïd and Abderrahmani running from economic growth to CO2 emissions. Lacheheb et al.
(2013) who analyzed the causal relationship between electricity con- (2015) study the dynamic causality between economic growth and CO2
sumption, crude oil price and economic growth in Algeria. In embark- emissions and the existence of the (EKC) hypothesis in Algeria, over
ing in this path, this research develops an ARDL Bounds testing the period 1971–2009. They find that in the long-run, economic
procedure which allows the long-run estimation without requiring growth affect significantly CO2 emissions and confirm the non ex-
pre-testing the time-series for the presence of unit roots in the data istence of the (EKC) hypothesis in the case of Algeria.
generating process incorporated in the cointegration model. Finally, the third strand combines the two previous lines of research
In addition to the introductory section (Section 1), the remainder of into the study of causal link between economic growth, energy

F. Bélaïd, M. Youssef Energy Policy 102 (2017) 277–287

Table 1
Summary of the existing studies and findings on the energy (electricity) consumption, economic growth and CO2 emissions nexus. We focused on countries having the same
specifications as Algeria (MENA countries, particularly countries that are relying in resources especially Oil and Gas and having the same GDP).

Author (s) (year) Country Period Series Methodology Causality (long-run)

Farhani et al. (2014) Tunisia 1971–2008 E, GDP, ARDL, GDP → CO2

CO2 GC E → CO2

Chebbi (2009) Tunisia 1971–2004 E, GDP, VECM, IRF CO2 → GDP


Alshehry and Belloumi (2015) Saudi Arabia 1971–2010 E, GDP, JC, GC E → GDP
E → CO2

Alkhathlan and Javid (2013) Saudi Arabia 1980–2011 E, GDP, ARDL, GDP ↔ CO2
CO2 ↔ E

Shahbaz et al. (2014) United Arab 1975–2011 EL, GDP, ARDL, VECM EL ↔ CO2
Emirates CO2 GDP → CO2

Sbia et al. (2014) United Arab 1975–2011 E, GDP, VECM, GC, GDP ↔ CO2
Emirates CO2 ARDL E ↔ CO2

Lotfalipour et al. (2010) Iran 1967–2007 E, GDP, Toda & Yamamoto procedure GDP → CO2
CO2 GC E → CO2

Ozturk and Acaravci (2010) Turkey 1968–2005 E, GDP, ARDL, GC GDP → CO2

Menyah and Wolde-Rufael (2010) South Africa 1965–2006 E, GDP, GC, ARDL CO2 → GDP
E → CO2

Saboori and Sulaiman (2013) Malaysia 1980–2009 E, GDP, ARDL, VECM GDP ↔ CO2
CO2 E → CO2

Ang (2008) Malaysia 1971–1999 EL, GDP, VECM, GC CO2 → GDP


Arouri et al. (2012) 12 MENA 1981–2005 E, GDP, Bootstrap panel, GDP → CO2
countries CO2 cointegration

Farhani and Rejeb (2012) 15 MENA 1973–2008 E, GDP, Panel cointegration methods, GDP → E
countries CO2 Panel causality CO2 → E

Omri (2013) 14 MENA 1990–2011 E, GDP, Simultaneous GDP ↔ E

countries CO2 equations models E → CO2

Farhani and Shahbaz (2014) 10 MENA 1980–2009 EL, GDP, Panel cointegration methods, GDP → CO2
countries CO2 Panel causality EL → CO2

Ozcan (2013) 12 Middle East 1990–2008 E, GDP, Panel data E → CO2

countries CO2 GDP → CO2

Note: In ‘Series’ column GDP, EL, E and CO2 refers to gross domestic product, electricity consumption, energy consumption and CO2 emissions, respectively. In ‘Methodology’ column
GC, VECM, JC, IRF and ARDL denote Granger causality, vector error correction model, Johansen cointegration, impulse response function and autoregressive distributed lag procedure,
respectively. The sign → indicates unidirectional causal relationship between the series, whilst ↔ denotes bi-directional causality.

consumption and pollutant emissions. This issue has been addressed Shahbaz et al. (2014) used a plethora of recent techniques in time
by several researchers for different countries. Empirical results differ series econometrics such as the VECM Granger causality, to determine
from one country to another. Applying a multivariate model Zhang and the direction of causality between economic growth, electricity con-
Cheng (2009) analyzed the causal relationship between economic sumption and CO2 emissions in United Arab Emirates for the period
growth, energy consumption and carbon emissions in China over the 1975–2011. They prove the existence of EKC hypothesis between the
period 1960–2007. Using vector autoregression (VAR) and error variables. They provide support for bidirectional causality between
correction model (ECM) they find two unidirectional Granger causality electricity consumption and CO2 emissions and unidirectional causality
between the variables in the long-run. The first unidirectional Granger running from economic growth to both CO2 emissions and electricity
causality is running from GDP to energy consumption and the second consumption.
is running from energy consumption to CO2 emissions. Intensive Alkhathlan and Javid (2013) utilized autoregressive distributed lag
energy consumption increases significantly the level of CO2 emissions approach to explore the multivariate dynamic relationships among CO2
and consequently the environmental degradation in China. emissions, GDP and energy consumption in Saudi Arabia during the

F. Bélaïd, M. Youssef Energy Policy 102 (2017) 277–287

period 1980–2011. Their results indicate that CO2 emissions increase the U.S. Energy Information Administration Algeria contains 707 tril-
with the increase in per capita income and suggest that electricity lion cubic feet (Tcf) and 5.7 billion barrels of technically recoverable
consumption is less polluting than other sources of energy. shale gas and oil resources, respectively. However, production of both
More recently, Alshehry and Belloumi (2015) applied a range of oil and natural gas has been on a downward path since 2005 due to a
recent advances in time series to examine the multivariate dynamic lack of investment in upgrading existing fields and exploiting new
relationships among CO2 emissions, GDP and energy consumption in discoveries and repeated project delays resulting from slow govern-
Saudi Arabia over the period 1971–2010. They find that the growth ment approval, technical problems and infrastructure gaps.
hypothesis is verified for Saudi Arabia. In addition a bidirectional long- The Algerian potential capacity of renewable energy (solar and
run causality between GDP and CO2 emissions and a unidirectional wind) that can be harnessed by commercially available technologies is
long-run causality running from energy consumption to CO2 emissions enormous. Meanwhile, the electricity generation mix is still predomi-
are found. nated by fossil fuels, especially natural gas (93%) and the renewable
However, limited research has been conducted on the nexus energy is poorly exploited. Electricity generation from renewable
between renewable electricity consumption, economic growth and sources in Algeria's energy mix was negligible until the recent
carbon emissions, especially for Middle East and North African introduction of 150 MW hybrid solar/gas power plant in Hassi-Rmel
countries (MENA). Recently, new line of research has focused on the (south Algeria) (Nacer et al., 2016). The goal is to reach a contribution
relationships between renewable energy consumption, economic of about 6% of the electricity production by 2015 through the
growth and pollutant emissions. Nonetheless, very few recent studies photovoltaic, solar thermal and wind sources.
focused on the decomposing effects of electricity consumption into The Algerian electricity system is composed of many generation
renewable and non-renewable electricity consumption such as Menyah sources, such as gas, oil, solar, wind and other renewable sources.
and Wolde-Rufael (2010), Salim et al. (2014) and Jaforullah and King However, about 98% of Algeria's electricity generation rests on fossil
(2015). fuel sources. Especially, over 92.4% of the Algerian electricity produc-
Sbia et al. (2014) analyzed the impact of foreign direct investment tion are derived from natural gas and 6.5% from oil (WBG, 2015). The
on energy consumption by incorporating renewable energy, trade Algerian Ministry of Energy and Mines has set ambitious goals for
openness, CO2 emissions and economic growth in energy demand electricity generation, aiming to generate 40% from renewable sources
function, in United Arab Emirates. They explored the causal relation- by 2030 (Nacer et al., 2016). The electricity market is almost entirely
ship between economic growth, energy consumption and carbon held by the national company SONELGAZ, which manages the
emissions using a long quarterly data which cover the period from electricity system and provides local electricity and gas distribution.
1975Q1 to 2011Q4. Using autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) and Coverage of the country by the power grid is at 98% (34% in 1970) with
error correction model (ECM) they find, among other results, two a capacity of 11.325 MW through 2009. This network has over 6.5
bidirectional Granger causality between the variables in the long-run. million customers. Since 1995, electricity generation increased con-
The first bidirectional Granger causality is between carbon emissions siderably in Algeria (as shown in Fig. 1). According to SONELGAZ, the
and economic growth. The second bidirectional Granger causality links country's public utility in charge of electricity generation and distribu-
energy consumption to CO2 emissions. tion, Algeria's electricity generation capacity reached 15.2 GW at the of
Farhani and Shahbaz (2014) explored the causal relationship 2014, up from 12.9 GW at the end of 2012 and 11.4 GW at the end of
between renewable and non-renewable electricity consumption, eco- 2011.
nomic growth and CO2 emissions for 10 Middle East and North Africa The price of electricity in Algeria is one of the lowest prices in the
(MENA) countries over the period of 1980–2009. Their short-run Middle East and North Africa region (MENA), especially for residential
dynamics reveal the unidirectional causality running from renewable customers, it was fixed to 2.2 dinar/kWh (equivalent to 0.027 $/kWh)
and non-renewable electricity consumption and economic growth to in 2005.
CO2 emissions. In the long-run, the find a bidirectional causality During the previous years, Algeria's electricity demand has been
between electricity consumption (renewable and non-renewable) and increasing rapidly, mainly due to expansion of economic activities and
CO2 emissions. population growth. Net electricity consumption was 45 billion kilowatt
Table 1 illustrates some earlier relevant studies analyzing the causal hours in Algeria in 2014. From 2008–2014, Algeria's electricity
relationship between CO2 emissions, energy consumption and econom- consumption has increased by an annual average of roughly 8% (EIA,
ic growth as well as their main features, employed methodology and 2014). According to the WBG (2015), in 2011 per capita consumption
main findings. We focused on countries having the same specifications
as Algeria, MENA countries, particularly countries that are relying in
resources especially Oil and Gas and having the same GDP.
Table 1 show that findings of the literature review on the causal
relationship between CO2 emissions, energy consumption and econom-
ic growth differ from one country to another stressing a persistence of
ambiguity among the results.
However, to our knowledge, in this strand no studies are done to
explore the causal relationship between renewable and non-renewable
electricity consumption, economic growth and pollutant emissions in
Algeria. The following empirical study is a contribution to fill this
omission in existing energy literature for the case of Algeria.

3. Renewable electricity in Algeria: an overview

Algeria is the third-largest oil producer in Africa, after Nigeria and

Angola, and the leading natural gas producer in Africa. Moreover,
Algeria has one of the greatest reserves of natural gas and oil in the
world, estimated at 4.51 trillion cubic meters of natural gas and
12.2 billion oil barrels. Furthermore, Algeria is estimated to hold the
third-largest amount of shale gas resources in the world. According to Fig. 1. Electricity generation in Algeria.

F. Bélaïd, M. Youssef Energy Policy 102 (2017) 277–287

reached 1091 kWh per person. Forecasts indicate that Algeria's

electricity consumption is projected to rise sharply; it is expected to
reach 75–80 TWh in 2020 and 130–150 TWh in 2030. According to
the national energy balance of 2009, electricity consumption is divided
into three main strands: the Industry Construction & Public Works
(I.CPW); Transport (Tr); Residential and others including agriculture
Electricity consumption during the 1999–2009 period is fast
increasing for the three sectors. For the residential sector, electricity
consumption is increasing too fast, from 3.134 ktoe in 1999 to 5.524
ktoe in 2008, with an increase of 76.26%. In 2009, this growth
experienced a slight decline of 1.60%, which may be due to climatic
variations. For industry, construction and public works (I.CPW) the
record shows an increase less than that of the residential sector, from
Fig. 3. The Algerian program goals: Contribution of renewable energies for electricity
1.950 ktoe in 1999 to 2.721 ktoe in 2000, this represents a rate of
generation by 2030 (Nacer et al., 2016).
39.60%. The evolution of consumption in the transport sector is not
84% of the territory and the solar energy potential of Algeria represents
Like the developing countries where energy demand in the resi-
over 60 times the current electrical consumption of the European
dential sector is the highest of all other sectors, in Algeria the
residential sector is the greatest consumer of electricity. Despite the
The development of renewable energies first gained the interest of
technical progress in equipment with low energy consumption, over
policymakers in Algeria since the mid-eighties. The solar power
40% of total electricity in Algeria is consumed by the residential sector
development was initiated between 1985 and 2000 by the program
(APRUE, 2009).
called the solar energy great south program” that set up the objective to
The over-use of electricity and intensive gas flaring to generate it,
install stand alone PV plants for different applications in remote
are the major causes of CO2 emissions in the country. Fig. 2 underlines
isolated areas such as lighting in rural houses, water pumping,
that since 1970, CO2 emissions increase in Algeria due to fossil fuel
telecommunication repeaters, traffic lighting for 2.000 km in the
production and consumption. For example, in 2013, CO2 emissions
Sahara pathway and small refrigeration systems (Maafi, 2000).
reached 113.87 Mt (EIA, 2015).
Recently, an updated version of the program aims to produce about
In order to meet the increasing electricity demand, one of Algeria's
22.000 MW of renewable electricity from 2015 to 2030, of which
electricity sector main challenges is the ability to integrate renewable
4.500 MW will be implemented by 2020 (see Fig. 3). The distribution
energies into the national energy mix and finance new generation
of this program by technology sector, appears as following:
projects amid fixed electricity prices and energy subsidies.
Algeria is initiating a process of shifting to green power by
• Solar Photovoltaic: 13.575 MW
launching a challenging program of development of renewable energy
• Wind: 5.010 MW
and energy efficiency.
• Solar thermal: 2.000 MW
During recent years, the Ministry of Energy and Mines along with
• Biomass: 1.000 MW
the primary utility in Algeria, SONELGAZ, have been implementing a
• Cogeneration: 400 MW
renewable energy plan with the goal of solar energy constituting about
40% of the electricity generation by 2030 (Nacer et al., 2016), mainly • Geothermal: 15 MW
through concentrated solar power (CSP).
Achieving this program, will provide 40% of total electricity
The renewable electricity potential in Algeria is strongly dominated
production, which will be generated using renewable sources by
by solar electricity, because of high solar radiation. Because of its
2030. The volume of natural gas that will be saved by the
geographical location, Algeria holds one of the highest solar potentials
22.000 MW of renewable electricity is equivalent to eight times the
in the world which is estimated at 13.9 TWh per year. The country
national consumption in 2014.
receives annual sunshine exposure equivalent to 2.500 KWh/m2. It is
Notwithstanding all the efforts to promote renewable energy carried
estimated that only one twentieth (1/20) of the surface of the Sahara
out over the last decade, Algeria continues to lag far behind most
covered with solar panels could supply the entire planet in electricity.
countries in the world in term of solar and wind energy deployment.
Algeria's surface area is 2.381.741 sq km, the Sahara alone accounts for
Although Algeria has begun a few initiatives to promote renewable

Fig. 2. CO2 emissions in Algeria.

F. Bélaïd, M. Youssef Energy Policy 102 (2017) 277–287

energy, generating as much energy from renewable sources as its Where εt is the error term, CO2 denotes carbon emissions defined
current production of fossil fuels is a pipe-dream. The share of in Million metric tons; REC is total renewable electricity consumption
renewable in electricity generation is still very low (less than 1%). defined in billion of Kilowatt hours; NREC represents total non-
Furthermore, the Algerian program of renewable energy is still at the renewable electricity consumption defined in billion of Kilowatt hours;
pilot phase. GDP denotes the real GDP in billions of constant 2005 U. S. dollars. We
Despite being a hydrocarbon-rich nation, Algeria will have to estimate the long-run coefficients of the ARDL model using Eq. (2).
understand that fossil energy is coming to an end and that renewable p q1 q2
energy is the main source of future energy. Algeria, with one of the ln CO2t = β0 + ∑ γi ln CO2t −i + ∑ δj RECt −j + ∑ φm NRECt −m
largest solar fields in the world, is very well placed to be a major player i =1 j =1 m =1
in the lucrative international market of renewable energy in the coming q3

years. + ∑ μr GDPt −r + εt .
Increasing use of renewable energy potential represent a major tool r =1 (2)
to strengthen the economic diversification and could bring various To explore the short-run dynamics of the respective variables we
benefits to Algeria, including the reduction of carbon emissions and estimate the vector error correction model presented in Eq. (3).
enhancing the quality of the environment, diversification of energy
p q1
supplies, meeting the rising energy/electricity demand at a lower cost,
Δ (ln CO2t ) = β0 + ∑ γi Δ (ln CO2t −i) + ∑ δj Δ (RECt −j )
freeing up additional exporting volume of oil and gas, and creating new i =1 j =1
jobs. q2 q3
However, transition to more renewable energy use will require an + ∑ φm Δ (NRECt −m ) + ∑ μr Δ (GDPt −r ) + ϑZ t −1 + εt .
urgent plan to promote concerted efforts to harness its renewable m =1 r =1
energy potential, diversifying power production by increasing genera- (3)
tion from sustainable sources and preserving fossil fuel resources.
Where Δ is the first difference operator, Zt−1 is the error correction
In this context, policy makers should encourage more effort to
term (ECT), which is derived from the long-run cointegration relation-
contain and reorient domestic energy demand and improve energy
ship. It measures the magnitude of the past disequilibrium.
efficiency, by committing to a realistic renewable energy program,
An evaluation of statistical relationships between the above cited
which could include the private sector and provide the opportunity for
variables involves the following three main steps illustrated in Fig. 5.
building a real public/private partnership. Finally, Algeria has a
number of arguments to expand its energy mix and enhance energy
efficiency through the implementation of dynamics of innovation and 4.2.1. Step 1. Unit root test
technological development. Moreover, to capture more market oppor- First, as usual the order of integration of each variable needs to be
tunities technological development needs to be seen as the keystone of established. We use the Zivot and Andrews unit-root test, as it has been
the national energy policy. to have better overall performance than the traditional ADF test. The
key advantage of Zivot and Andrews (1992) test is that it takes into
4. Data and methodology account endogenous structural break in the data.
Shahbaz et al. (2013) pointed out that traditional unit root tests
4.1. Data presentation (Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) and), Philips-Perron (p-P) tests) do
not take into account the structural break in the series. This step help
The annual data used in this research cover the period from 1980 to determines the stochastic nature of the four considered series and their
2012. The variables used for the model include CO2 emissions (CO2), order of integration.
total renewable electricity consumption (REC), total non-renewable
electricity consumption (NREC) and real GDP per capita (GDP). The
4.2.2. Step 2. ARDL cointegration test
data on CO2 emissions, renewable and non-renewable electricity
The second step in the analysis focuses on testing long-run
consumption are sourced from the US Energy Information
relationship between variables (or cointegration). We used the auto-
AdministrationGs database. However, GDP data are obtained from
regressive distributed lag approach proposed by Pesaran et al. (2001)
the World Bank Development Indicators online database.
to examine cointegration. The advantages of such approach are:
Fig. 4 provides the distribution of CO2 emissions, renewable
electricity consumption, non-renewable electricity consumption and
economic growth (GDP) in Algeria from 1980 to 2012. The diagram • Can be applied irrespective of whether the explanatory variables are
I(0) or I(1).
presented in Fig. 4 suggests that non-renewable electricity consump-
tion and CO2 emissions have similar long-term trends and seem to • The procedure captures both short-run and long-run dynamics
when testing for the existence of cointegration.
grow more quickly from 2002 to 2012. Concerning the non-renewable
electricity consumption and real GDP, Fig. 4 show that beyond 1995 • Offers explicit tests for existence of a unique cointegration vector
rather than assuming that it exists.
there has been a rapid growth of the two series, which can be explained
by the economic reforms undertaken by Algeria in this period, i.e. • When Johansen cointegration approach requires a large data
sample, bound testing is more suitable for small sample size data.
gradual opening up of the Algerian economy and moving toward a
market economy.
4.2.3. Step 3. Granger causality test
4.2. Model specification and modeling approach Although finding a cointegration link between the variables in-
cluded in the model, the direction of causality is not identified. Thus, in
We use recently developed cointegration techniques to examine the the third step, we use a vector error correction model (VECM) with an
relationship between CO2 emissions, renewable and non-renewable error-term defined by the long-run cointegration vector found in the
electricity consumption and economic growth in Algeria covering the second step to detect the direction and the nature of causality. In the
period 1980–2012. The study will be based on a standard log-linear presence of cointegration between variables, the VECM model sepa-
functional form among: CO2, REC, NREC and GDP. rates the shrot-run and long-run relationship among the variables.
CO2t = β0 + β1 RECt + β2 NRECt + β3 GDPt + εt . We perform the Granger causality tests based on error correction
model for the following specifications:

F. Bélaïd, M. Youssef Energy Policy 102 (2017) 277–287

Fig. 4. Trends of variables (before taking logarithm).

n n n
5. Results and discussion
ΔCO2t = α0 + ∑ α1k ΔCO2t −k + ∑ α2k ΔRECt −k + ∑ α3k ΔNRECt −k
k =1 k =1 k =1
n 5.1. Order of integration (ZA tests)
+ ∑ α1k ΔGDPt −k + λ1 ETCt −1 + μ1t .
k =1 (4a) In order to analyze the stochastic properties (unit roots and
n n n
stationarity) of the four series, the Zivot and Andrews unit root tests
ΔGDPt = ρ0 + ∑ ρ1k ΔGDPt −k + ∑ ρ2k ΔCO2t −k + ∑ ρ3k ΔNRECt −k have been performed. The results of the ZA tests are detailed in
k =1 k =1 k =1 Table 2. The variables CO2 emissions, real GDP per capita and total
n non-renewable electricity consumption have unit root at level with
+ ∑ ρ4k ΔRECt −k + λ2 ETCt −1 + μ2t . intercept and trend. The (one time) structural breaks are found in CO2
k =1 (4b)
emissions, real GDP per capita, total non-renewable electricity con-
n n n sumption in 1996, 1990 and 1993 respectively.
ΔNRECt = γ0 + ∑ γ1k ΔNRECt −k + ∑ γ2k ΔCO2t −k + ∑ γ3k ΔRECt −k Results show the stationarity of REC and the non-stationarity of
k =1 k =1 k =1 CO2, GDP, NREC at level. But all the variables are found to be
stationary at first difference. Then the integration of CO2, GDP,
+ ∑ γ4k ΔGDPt −k + λ3 ETCt −1 + μ3t .
NREC and REC is of order 1, i.e. I(1). The unique order of integration
k =1 (4c)
of these variables leads us to test the existence of cointegration between
n n n them. In doing so, we performed the ARDL cointegration tests in the
ΔRECt = θ0 + ∑ θ1k ΔRECt −k + ∑ θ2k ΔCO2t −k + ∑ θ3k ΔNRECt −k presence of structural breaks. The null hypothesis concerning the
k =1 k =1 k =1 presence of a unit root process with drift excluding exogenous
structural change is not rejected for level series except for REC but is
+ ∑ θ4k ΔGDPt −k + λ 4 ETCt −1 + μ4t .
k =1 (4d) rejected for the first difference series.

Where Δ is the-first difference operator, k is the lag length based on

likelihood ratio test. For i=1,2,3,4, μit, represent the serially uncorre- 5.2. ARDL cointegration test
lated random error terms with a zero mean. For i=1,2,3,4, λi, denote
the adjustment coefficients, they show speed of adjustment toward the Table 3 illustrates the results for cointegration using the ARDL
equilibrium path of any deviations from the long-run cointegration bounds testing approach. The computed F-statistics of 3.2847 is higher
relationship (Bastola and Sapkota, 2015). Finally, the ECTt−1 repre- than the upper bound critical value at the 1% significance when CO2 is
sents the cointegration vector. used as dependent variable. However when the GDP and NELC are the

Fig. 5. Model steps.

F. Bélaïd, M. Youssef Energy Policy 102 (2017) 277–287

Table 2 Table 5
Zivot and Andrews structural break unit root tests. Short-run analysis.

Variable At level At 1st difference Dependent variable = ΔCO2

Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
t-statistic Break year t-statistic Break year
Constant 0.0025 0.0066 0.3795 0.7075
CO2 −2.7435 (0) 1996 −10.9152 (0)* 2005 Δ (NRECt ) 0.3887 0.2023 1.9210 0.0662
GDP −2.8107 (1) 1990 −4.6082 (0)* 1995 Δ (CO2t−1) 0.0483 0.1521 0.3179 0.7532
NREC −4.1585 (0) 1993 −6.5274 (0)* 1989 Δ (GDPt ) −0.5427 0.4346 −1.2488 0.2233
REC −5.5037 (0)* 2003 −5.7825 (4)* 2003 Δ (RECt ) 0.0169 0.0145 1.1639 0.2554
ECT(CO2t−1) −0.3433 0.1378 −2.4902 0.0198
The 5% critical value of the test is −4.93 and the 1% one is −5.34. Lag order is shown in
parenthesis. R-squared 0.2865 Mean dependent 0.0125
means that the statistic is significant at 1% level. var
Adjusted R-squared 0.1438 S.D. dependent 0.0234
Table 3
Results of ARDL cointegration test.

Estimated models Bounds testing to coinegration 5.3. Parameter stability

Optimal lag length Break year F-statistics Unstable parameters can bias the results in the model misconcep-
tion, then our goal here is to test the estimated long-run parameters in
F(CO2 | GDP, NREC, REC) 2 1996 3.2847*
F(GDP | CO2, NREC, REC) 1 1990 1.2211 order to study their change over time. Therefore. we perform a Pesaran
F(NREC | CO2, GDP, REC) 1 1993 1.3523 and Pesaran (1997) test for testing the long-run parameter stability in
F(REC | CO2, GDP, NREC) 1 2003 2.8412 the cointegrating equation, where CO2 emissions is the dependent
variable. This test requires estimating the error correction model given
Significance level Critical values by Eq. (4a) by ordinary least squares and the residuals by the
cumulative sum of recursive residuals COSUM and the COSUM of
Lower bounds I (0) Upper bounds I (1)
square COSUMsq tests. Figs. 6 and 7 show the results of COSUM and
1% level 2.2000 3.0900 COSUMsq stability tests. The vertical axe, the horizontal axe and the
5% level 2.5600 3.4900 red dotted lines of the COSUM respectively represent year, COSUM
10% level 3.2900 4.3700 statistics and the 5% critical bounds for the statistics. The results of
COSUM and COSUMsq tests show the stability of the ARDL para-
significant at 1% level.
meters. In fact, both diagrams are situated inside the critical bounds.
dependent variables, the computed F-statistics, which are respectively
given by 1.2211 and 1.3523, are smaller than the lower critical value at 5.4. Granger causality test
the 1% level.
These results suggest the existence of a unique cointegration In order to examine the sources and the direction of causality and to
equation (given by Eq. (4a)) when CO2 emissions represent the distinguish between a long-run and a short-run relationship among
dependent variable. variables, we used a vector error correction models VECM. Three tests
The next step requires the examination of long-run marginal impact were performed. First, we applied the joint F-test to test the signifi-
of economic growth, renewable electricity consumption and non- cance of the sum of lagged terms of each explanatory variable (short-
renewable electricity consumption on CO2 emissions. The long-run run causality). Second, we applied a t-test to examine the significance
results detailed in Table 4 reveal that the impact of real GDP on CO2 of the error-correction terms (long-run causality). Third, we employed
emissions is negative and statistically insignificant. Besides, we find a joint F-test to examine the joint significance of the sum of lagged
positive impacts of renewable electricity and non-renewable electricity terms of each explanatory variable (the two sources of causation) and
consumption on CO2 emissions but such impacts are statistically the error correction term (short-run adjustment to reestablish long-run
insignificant. Notably, the effect of renewable electricity consumption equilibrium).
on CO2 emissions is very weak compared to the effect of non-renewable Table 6 provides the results of the tests on Granger causality
electricity consumption. derived from the vector error correction models for both short-run and
The short-run results are reported in Table 5. We find that the long-run and summarizes results on their respective direction of
impacts of renewable electricity and non-renewable electricity con-
sumption on CO2 emissions are positive but statistically insignificant.
Furthermore, real GDP have a negative effect on CO2 emissions but is
statistically insignificant.

Table 4
Long-run analysis.

Dependent variable = ΔCO2

Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

Constant 1.9659 0.7283 2.6991 0.0115

GDP −0.1211 0.2183 −0.5545 0.5835
NREC 0.3374 0.0400 8.4371 0.0000
REC 0.0496 0.0290 1.7050 0.0989

R-squared 0.8045
Adjusted R-squared 0.7843
Fig. 6. Plot of cumulative sum of recursive.

F. Bélaïd, M. Youssef Energy Policy 102 (2017) 277–287

consumption Granger-cause CO2 emissions. Our finding differs from

that of Menyah and Wolde-Rufael (2010) who found a unidirectional
causality running from CO2 emissions to renewable energy consump-
tion for the USA. They argue that renewable electricity consumption
has not reached a level where it can make a significant contribution to
decrease CO2 emissions (Menyah and Wolde-Rufael, 2010).
A long-run unidirectional causality running from non-renewable
electricity consumption to CO2 emissions is in line with Menyah and
Wolde-Rufael (2010) who considered nuclear energy consumption
instead of non-renewable electricity consumption. It is also consistent
with the finding of Bastola and Sapkota (2015) in Nepal, who analyzed
the relationships among energy consumption, CO2 emissions and
economic growth. But our finding differs from the bidirectional
causality between non-renewable energy consumption and CO2 emis-
Fig. 7. Plot of cumulative sum of squares of recursive residuals.
sions found by Shafiei and Salim (2014) for OECD countries.
The result indicating that economic growth Granger-cause CO2
causality (for both short-run and long-run). emissions in the long-run, implies real GDP have positive and
significant effects on CO2 emissions in Algeria. It is in line with
According to Table 6, there is evidence of a unique unidirectional
short-run Granger causality running from real GDP to non-renewable Shafiei and Salim (2014) for OECD countries. But it differs from that
of Menyah and Wolde-Rufael (2010) for the USA who found a
electricity consumption. This short-run finding confirms the conserva-
bidirectional causality between the series. The result of the long-run
tion hypothesis, implying that energy conservation policies intended to
causal relationship between real GDP and CO2 emissions is similar to
diminish non-renewable electricity consumption will not have a
the finding of Shahbaz et al. (2014) who examined the causal relation-
negative effect on economic growth.
ship between electricity consumption, real GDP and CO2 emissions in
Our result differs from the bidirectional causality found by Bélaïd
the case of UAE. It is also similar to Bastola and Sapkota (2015) in
and Abderrahmani (2013) between GDP and non-renewable electricity
Nepal. However, this result differs from that of Menyah and Wolde-
consumption, supporting the feedback hypothesis, in Algeria. Our
Rufael (2010) who find a bidirectional causality between CO2 emissions
result is not in line with Marques et al. (2016) in France, who found
and real GDP in the US.
evidence of the feedback hypothesis. Our finding differs also from the
Finally, Table 7 summarizes results of the Granger causality derived
following former studies realized for multi-countries, who examined
from the vector error correction models for the Joint (short-run/long-
the two types of energy and confirm the feedback hypothesis, like Salim
run) and its respective direction of causality. According to Table 7, the
et al. (2014) for OECD countries, Apergis and Tang (2013) for 85
joint F-test indicates that the null hypothesis that the coefficients on
developed and developing countries, Apergis and Payne (2012) for six
the ECTs and the interaction terms are jointly zero is rejected in REC
central American countries, and Apergis and Payne (2011) for 16
emerging economies. equation given by (4d). The results of this test confirm the presence of a
unidirectional Granger causality running from the variables; CO2
Turning to the long-run, Table 6 shows that the estimated
coefficient on lagged error correction term in Eq. (4a) is significant at emissions and real GDP to the variable renewable electricity consump-
tion. We also found a unidirectional causality running from real GDP to
1% level and have expected negative sign. This implies the existence of
long-run unidirectional causality running from the variables; renew- CO2 emissions.
Notwithstanding, results interpretation requires due caution be-
able electricity consumption, non-renewable electricity consumption
and real GDP to the variable CO2 emissions. The error correction cause of the lack of consensus on the results and the direction of
causality which may be assigned to the particularity of the country's
coefficient of −0.34 is the speed of adjustment, indicating that 34% of
deviations in the long-run relationships, for the CO2 emissions in Eq. economic policy, diversity of energy resources, the variables used at
different times and the methodological approach applied to test
(4a), are corrected in the current period to bring the system back to the
equilibrium. causality.
Our results reveal that in the long-run, renewable electricity

Table 6
Results of the VECM Granger causality test and direction of causality (Short-run and Long-run).

Dependent Sources of causation (independent variables) Direction of causality

Short-run (SR) Long-run (LR)


(4a) ΔCO2 – −0.54 0.39 −0.02 −0.34 *

[−1.25] [−1.92] [−1.16] [−2.49] REC → CO2

(4b) ΔGDP −0.03 – −0.14 −0.01 −0.08 GDP → CO2

[−0.34] – [−1.74] [−0.05] [−1.14]

(4c) ΔNREC 0.31 −0.83* – −0.004 −0.09

[−1.91] [−2.19] – [−0.34] [−1.78]

(4d) ΔREC 2.88 1.89 −0.31 – −0.97

[−1.48] [−0.44] [−0.14] [−3.15]

Denotes significance at the 1% level.

F. Bélaïd, M. Youssef Energy Policy 102 (2017) 277–287

Table 7
Results of the VECM Granger causality test and direction of causality - Joint (short-run/long-run).

Dependent Sources of causation (independent variables) Direction of causality

Joint (short-run/long-run)


(4a) ΔCO2 – 3.12 *

4.13 *
3.21 CO2 → REC
(4b) ΔGDP −0.65 – 1.89 2.12 GDP → REC
(4c) ΔNREC 2.77 2.87 – 1.67 GDP → CO2
(4d) ΔREC 5.22* 6.63* 5.27* –

Denotes significance at the 1% level.

6. Conclusion and policy implications generation mix by 2030, whereas Morocco is targeting to generate 42%
of total energy from renewable sources by 2020. In the medium and
This paper attempts to explore the dynamic relationship between long term, it can be opined that Algeria could pursue the effort to
CO2 emissions, economic growth, renewable and non-renewable elec- stimulate and oversee development of the countrys renewable energy
tricity consumption in Algeria during the period 1980–2012. In view of sector such as wind and power solar.
this goal, we considered an econometric model based on unit root test Finally, it is important to stress that Algeria needs to accelerate
(ZA tests), ARDL bounds testing cointegration approach, and VECM promotion of renewable energy generation to meet rapidly domestic
Granger causality to examine the existence and direction of possible growing energy demand and to preserve as much of its domestic oil for
causal relationship between the series. Besides the importance of export as possible. Actually Algeria generates about 93% of its
informing the policy debate, this paper seeks to add knowledge to electricity from natural gas. In 2014, gas injection accounts for nearly
previous research in the area by providing a more comprehensive 43% of enhanced oil recovery production (EIA, 2016). Renewable
overview on all aspects of the causal link between renewable and non- energy purchasing might offers the country electricity at a stable price,
renewable electricity consumption, CO2 emissions, and economic promises a significant energy conservation potential, and enables
growth in Algeria. We find a variety of causal relationship between natural gas and oil reserves to be freed up for export market.
the series. Our results reveal that CO2 emissions in Algeria are Nevertheless, there is a need of reforms and strengthen the renewable
dependent on renewable electricity consumption, non-renewable elec- energy legal and regulatory framework to stimulate private entrepre-
tricity consumption and economic growth. neurs participation in developing energy sectors, provide favorable
The long-run unidirectional Granger causality running from real financial and fiscal incentives for renewable investors and developers,
GDP to CO2 emissions, but not vice versa, implies that diminishing CO2 more active partnership at the regional level and more freedom of
emissions means diminishing economic growth. Another important action for national companies, especially in view of growing demand of
result is that renewable and non-renewable electricity consumption electricity. Algeria should also be aware of the key barriers to the
Granger cause the CO2 emissions in the long-run, but the inverse is not development of renewable energy and adopt an innovative approach to
true in Algeria. This means that an increase in electricity consumption tackle these barriers including: adequate harmonized legal and reg-
brings about an increase in CO2 emissions. Hence, it is an appropriate ulatory framework; extensive use of electricity subsidies, representing
way to decrease CO2 emissions by reducing renewable electricity the cornerstone of social-contract in Algeria; projects financing and
consumption in Algeria. The empirical results of this study seem to investment mechanisms.
provide important policy implications for Algeria. Algeria currently lags behind most other countries in the world and
The study provides ideas on the design and the implementation of in the MENA region like Morocco and Jordan in terms of renewable
future economic, environmental and energy policies in Algeria, such as energy deployment. The projections for growth in demand for energy,
developing strategic plans to reduce carbon emissions to protect the and especially electricity, in the MENA countries until 2020 are very
environment for future generations. In addition, this analysis could be high. Otherwise, the electricity generation mix in the region is mainly
useful for identifying the most effective measures for energy efficiency based on fossil fuels particularly natural gas. In this context, expanding
programs and for helping policy makers to better understand the renewable energy sources energy is a cornerstone of the MENA
relationship between the variables used in this study. countries' efforts to address energy security of supply, environment
Actually falling oil prices, have raised many questions about quality, and climate change issues. It is more than urgent to promote
Algeria's economic model and its vulnerability to changes in oil prices. deeper regional energy cooperation and developing concrete strategies
Renewable electricity has emerged as an important alternative of to exploit the strong levels of complementarity and interdependence
energy source and offers a variety of opportunities to reduce green- between the different MENA countries by taking into account the
house gas emissions associated with electricity generation, transmis- peculiarities of each country in the region. The huge potential of
sion, and distribution. The huge potential of renewable energy sources renewable energy sources in the MENA region might provide mutual
in Algeria might provide huge benefits in terms of energy security, benefits in terms of energy security, replacing carbon-intensive energy
replacing carbon-intensive energy sources, providing affordable elec- sources, enhancing environmental quality, providing affordable elec-
tricity, stabilizing energy prices, economic growth and green job tricity, stabilizing energy prices, economic growth and job creation.
creation. Investment in renewable energy projects can contribute to Due to its strategic geographical situation and its huge renewable
reducing unemployment, which actually stands at 11.2%. energy potential, Algeria is very likely to play a key role in future trans-
Currently Algeria is seeking to make its economy more sustainable Mediterranean renewable electricity supply scheme.
and to develop a green economy in the next decade and displace gas for Algeria should be at the forefront of the green growth efforts and
domestic power generation. The potential scope for renewable energy this can be supported by: using renewable energy sources rather than
deployment in Algeria is huge. Algeria is one of the largest potential fossil fuel to generate electricity, increasing efficiency of existing power
markets for renewable energy across the MENA region. Algeria is plants, reducing energy demand by increasing efficiency and conserva-
targeting sufficient renewable energy to account for 40% of its energy tion in dwellings, businesses, and industry sectors. This is an ambitious

F. Bélaïd, M. Youssef Energy Policy 102 (2017) 277–287

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