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SESSION 2 Core System and Program Components

Systems and processes are building blocks of any organization or program. These
are interrelated components that work together to achieve a set of objectives. It is
important that these concepts be cascaded to the program beneficiaries in order for
them to understand further the existence of the program, how they are affected of
these systems and components and their co-responsibilities towards achieving these
program objectives.

At the end of the session, the partner beneficiaries should be able to:

1. Outline the Pantawid Pamilya Program Cycle

2. Recall the mechanisms involved in addressing future issues and concerns.

Two (2) hours

Group Activity, Gallery Walk, Lecture- Discussion


1. Four (4) sets of Pantawid Forms (BUS, CVS, GRS)
2. Two colors of small metacards (red and blue) and markers
3. Scissors and masking tape
4. Manila paper


1. Divide the groups into four and tell them to assign a leader. 2.
Distribute to them the materials needed.
3. Instruct them to fill out the forms and identify the purpose of these forms. They
have to write it in the manila paper.
4. After 10 minutes, they will post their output.
5. Once all groups have posted their output, all group shall tour around the venue
and look into the output of other groups.

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6. They will review the output of other groups. If they agree with the content and
the accuracy of the filled out forms, they will put a blue metacards. If not,
they shall put a red metacard.

Note to the Facilitator:

∙ Take note of the reactions of the groups. Observe how confident or unsure they are
of their outputs. This will gauge how intensive the discussion of this session will be.


1. How did you feel about the workshop?
2. Are you familiar with the forms provided and its purpose?
3. Did you find it easy or difficult to accomplish the forms?


I. The 4Ps Eight Step Implementation Cycle

The implementation of the Pantawid Pamilya follows an eight-step cycle:

1. Selection of target areas;
2. Supply-side assessment;
3. Selection of household beneficiaries;
4. Registration and validation of household
5. Preparation of the Family Registry;
6. Release of the initial cash grant;
7. Verification of compliance; and
8. Release of the second and succeeding cash
grants based on their compliance.
Steps 1 to 3 shall cover the selection of target areas and HHs (demand-side)
based on the assessments of their eligibility and availability of health and
education service providers (supply-side). These shall be primarily the
responsibilities of the RPMOs.

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Steps 4 to 6 will focus on activities engaging with the prospective HHs such as
registration and the release of the initial cash grants. These shall be undertaken
by the DSWD and local government units (LGUs).

Steps 7 to 8 shall cover the cyclical process of verifying compliance with the
conditions and the initial release of cash grants and succeeding payments.

Additional steps not necessarily part of the cycle shall include beneficiary updating
of HH data and implementation of Graduation and Exit Strategy in preparation for
their eventual exit from the program upon the readiness of the HH which shall be
determined through the applied periodic HH assessments – STS (every 3 years)
and Social Welfare and Development Indicators (SWDI) tool administration

In addition, there shall be HH replacement yearly to complete the set physical

target for the program, as per annually approved GAA.

Pantawid Pamilya Cycle

3 4 5
Selection of Household Registration and Validation of Households Family Registry Preparation

Supply-Side Assessment
1st Release

1 8 Verification of
Selection of 2 Succeeding Releases
nd Compliance with
Provinces / 7 Conditions
Community Assemblies
Updates/Grievance and Complaint
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Note to the Facilitator:
∙ Print this cycle in a metacard. You will need this during the
1. Selection of Provinces, Municipalities, Cities, and Barangays

Pantawid Pamilya followed the criteria and two-step beneficiary selection

process of NHTS-PR. The first step is the geographic targeting or
selection of provinces, municipalities, cities, and barangay. The second is
the selection of beneficiaries based on eligibility.

2. Supply-Side Assessment (SSA)

Supply-side assessment is conducted upon the selection of the program’s

target areas. It determines the availability and condition of health and
education facilities in the target areas and identifies the areas’ gaps and
needs and their corresponding solutions and recommendations. SSA is
important to enable program beneficiaries meet the conditions of the

SSA is also conducted to secure commitments from the LGUs and key
partner agencies to comply and respond to the expected increase of
demand for education and health services from beneficiaries.

3. Selection of Households

This stage includes selection of poor households as potential beneficiaries

of the program and selection of eligible household beneficiaries.

4. Registration and Validation of Beneficiaries through Community


Registration and validation of household beneficiaries take place after the

selection of eligible households. The list of selected eligible households is
posted in conspicuous areas in the barangay. After one month of posting,
a community assembly is conducted.

The community assembly serves as the venue for orienting the eligible
households on their roles and responsibilities in the program, registering
and validating of eligible households, signing of oath of commitment in the
program, and enrolling in the Land Bank cash card program and
distributing identification cards.

5. Finalization and Issuance of the Family Roster (Preparation of the

Final List of Validated and Registered Household Beneficiaries)
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After the Regional Director’s approval of the encoded registration forms,
the NPMO confirms and prepares the final list of the registered
households within two weeks. This list has the final composition of each
household in the database. The validated roster of each household
beneficiary is the basis in preparing the Notice of Approved Payroll Action
(NAPA) that is submitted to the Finance Management System (FMS) for
payroll processing.

6. Initial Release of Grant Transfer

Release of grants to household beneficiaries is according to the mode of

payments identified to specific area of program implementation, based on
the agreement of the Regional Action Center (RAC), which is composed of
DSWD and Land Bank offices in the region. The mode of payment is
convenient and cost-efficient to the beneficiaries. It is accessible to them
and requires them with the lowest transportation cost.

7. Compliance Verification

Compliance verification monitors and records how the beneficiaries comply

with the program conditions applicable to their household, which is the
basis for households’ grant payment. It is conducted every two months by
the DSWD, DepEd, and DOH.

8. Second Payment and Succeeding Release of Cash Grants

The second payment and succeeding release of cash grants depend on

the beneficiaries’ compliance with the conditionalities on health and
education, subject to verification.

Failure to collect the transfer of cash grant for two consecutive payment
periods prompts the RPMO to conduct an investigation and provide
necessary interventions.

II. Core Program Systems and Processes

a. Beneficiary Data Management System (BDMS)

b. Beneficiary Registration is the process of enrolling eligible HH beneficiaries in
the program. The HH registration shall serve as the entry point of the HH
beneficiaries into the Program. It shall be conducted rigorously as it will affect
the subsequent activities and procedures such as compliance verification,
payment and case management. Given the significance of the completeness
data and its accuracy, the registration process will require submission of
different documents necessary for capturing correct data.
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The BDMS ensures that all validated eligible households are enrolled in the
program and their data are updated and accurate. It tracks information
changes, like new birth, new enrolees, transfer of residence, transfer of
school and health centers and other pertinent information that affects
compliance monitoring.

Key Steps to Follow by the Beneficiary:

a) Understand the types of updates needed. (At present, there are nine
types of updates)
b) Fill out the Beneficiary Update Form and attach the complete documents
c) Submit documents to City/Municipal Links or Social Welfare Assistants
in the nearest DSWD/Pantawid Office.

Note to the Facilitator:

∙ For further guidance, the facilitator may refer to the following referencesL o
Data Management and Beneficiary Updating section of the Operations
o BDMD Updating Guide Booklet for Beneficiaries.
o Beneficiary Data Management System Field Operations Manual ∙ You
may also print and provide copies to the beneficiaries if possible. b.
Compliance Verification System (CVS)

The Compliance Verification (CV) refers to the monitoring and recording of

how the HH-beneficiaries comply with the program conditions applicable to
their HH, which shall be the basis for HHs’ succeeding grants payments
after the initial grants. It shall be conducted every two months by the
DSWD, DepEd, and DOH.

It ensures that all qualified household beneficiaries are diligently and

conscientiously monitored for compliance; with correct compliance data as
basis for payment; and ensure that the capture of data on non-compliant
beneficiaries serve as basis for case management. There are four
standardized compliance monitoring tools used in the program.
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The Standardized Compliance Monitoring Tools CVS shall use
Compliance Verification Forms as tools for verifying the compliance of
beneficiaries to the program conditions.

There shall be 4 types of CV Forms:

a. Compliance Verification Form 1 (CV F1): Master List

The CV Form 1 is a monitoring tool that contains the list of all beneficiaries
for monitoring in education, health and FDS. It contains monitoring
information such as complete name of household members, sex,
birthdate, and names of school and health facilities.

b. Compliance Verification Form 2 (CV F2): Education

The CV Form 2 is a compliance monitoring tool for education that contains

the list of beneficiaries 3-18 years old and continuing children enrolled in
an educational facility. The school facility head accomplishes this form
based on the reports of teachers.

c. Compliance Verification Form 3 (CV F3): Health

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The CV Form 3 is a compliance monitoring tool for health that contains the
list of children beneficiaries 0-6 years old and pregnant women in a health
facility. The health facility head accomplishes this form based on the
health center records.

d. Compliance Verification Form 4 – (CV F4): Family Development

Session (FDS)

The CV Form 4 is a compliance monitoring tool for the attendance to FDS.

The C/ML accomplishes this form.

Beneficiaries may verify their recorded compliance in the Pantawid

Pamilya Information System!
• They may text 0918-9122813 for all networks and to 16545 for Smart,
Sun or Talk and Text users.
• Follow this format:
c. Grievance Redress System (GRS)

The GRS is a mechanism for the systematic and transparent management

of grievances. It is a venue where both the program beneficiaries and the
general public can report their grievances for resolutions. The GRS is a
guide for program staff on handling and resolving grievances that
invariably emerge in the program implementation.

Further, it functions to disseminate right information, respond to queries,

and clarify issues – arising in the course of the progression of the
program; address inadequacies, limitations, deficiencies and weaknesses
in the policies, rules and regulations in program implementation over time;
establish a systematic, professional and realistic procedures in managing
grievances for effective and efficient service delivery; and provide direct
access to the poor in availing different government services

The grievance redress process is outlined below:

1. Submission/Report of a grievance
2. Recording of Grievance
3. Case Assignment/Case Referral
4. Fact-finding
5. Resolution

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6. Feedback
7. Appeal
8. Final Feedback

A complaint shall be filed through any of the established GRS channels:

1. GRS helpdesks at the national, regional, provincial and cluster

offices; 2. a telephone call;
3. a text message via WiServ or regional text hotlines;
4. 8888 complaint hotline;
5. snail mail;
6. electronic mail; and
7. other social media network

Note to the Facilitator:

∙ Review the grievance category description and resolution indicators.

d. The Family Development Sessions

∙ Pantawid Pamilya sees the partner beneficiaries to have the most crucial
role in achieving transformation and development of the family.

∙ It designed the Family Development Session (FDS) to provide grantees

and parents a venue to enhance and acquire new skills and knowledge in
responding to their parental roles and responsibilities, particularly on health
and nutrition, education and psychosocial needs of their children;
promoting positive family values; strengthening of marital relationships;
and advocating active citizenship, spiritual development, gender
sensitivity, disaster resiliency, financial literacy, entrepreneurial skills
towards the improvement of the overall well-being of families/households
members of the program.

∙ With the passage of Republic Act 11310 or the 4Ps Law, FDS is designed
to provide a 7-Year FDS Learning Program (7YFLP) by clustering the
learning modules into three intervention packages corresponding to SWDI
levels of the beneficiaries (survival, subsistence, self-sufficiency). Level 1
package aims a paradigm shift for the beneficiaries to demonstrate change
in family relationships because of program inputs. For Level 2 package,
beneficiaries are able to access relevant programs and services. For Level
3 package, parent groups are empowered as self-help groups who can
address community needs.

∙ FDS employs neighborhood-based family psycho-educational activities to

promote, empower, and nurture families towards strengthened capacity so

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they could meet their familial and parental responsibilities as well as be
active and participative in community development activities.

∙ As one of the program conditions, grantees or responsible persons are

required to attend a session at least once a month on a schedule when the
target participants are most available and based on the agreement of the
parent group and the C/ML

∙ The FDS aims to:

a. Enhance basic knowledge and skills of HH-beneficiaries on family life

management including:
i. Roles as a parent and as a HH-beneficiary of the Program;
ii. Value for education, health and nutrition of the HH and its children,
including the youth
iii. Prevention and detection of any forms of abuse in the HH
iv. Promotion of healthy family relationships
v. Management of HH resources and productivity including financial
vi. Preparedness and response of the family to disaster
b. Inculcate to the HH-beneficiaries positive values and attitudes towards
the individual, family, and community, especially on the rights and welfare
of women, children, IPs, persons with disability (PWD), and other
vulnerable groups.
c. Encourage individual and peer monitoring and support for improvement
of their compliance to program conditions and performance of their
commitments to the case management process;
d. Strengthen the parent groups’ capacities in networking, cooperation,
collaboration, and demand of other support services.
e. Provide a venue and/or strategy for group organizing for accessing
convergence of programs and services that may contribute to the
improvement of the well-being of 4Ps HHs and communities.
III. Transition Strategy

In preparation for the graduation of the household from the program,

transition strategies are implemented under the DSWD convergence
framework. The main transition strategy is to facilitate provision of support
and referrals to programs and services that prepare household
beneficiaries in exiting the program. This includes provision of Sustainable
Livelihood Program (SLP), FDS Plus, Community-Driven Development
Program (CDDP), and Case Management and Referrals.

IV. Exit Rules

Subject to the following instances, a qualified household-beneficiary

shall be deemed to exit from the Program, when:

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a. The last monitored child in the household turns 19 years old;

b. The last monitored child in the household finishes high school;

c. The household reaches the 7-year duration in the Program;

d. The household is no longer poor, based on the latest assessment thru

the adopted standardized targeting system;

e. The household voluntarily waives its membership from the Program; or

f. The household commits offenses wherein the sanction is delisting,

subject to the standards to be developed by the DSWD.

Reflection: The program is limited to seven years and the cash grants are
limited to three children aged 0-18 years old. Is this enough to sustain the
family’s needs? Given this limitations, what are your plans?

Note to the Facilitator:

∙ After gathering the insights of the beneficiaries, introduce the message that
the Pantawid is not forever and the cash grants may not be enough to
sustain the needs of their family.
∙ Reiterate that aside from the cash grants, the program is providing them
other interventions for their holistic development such as the Family
Development Session.
∙ Reiterate that adherence and compliance to systems requirement (e.g.
updating) is beneficial in limiting cash grant or program related concerns.

Key Learning Points:


Request for volunteers to arrange in correct order the Pantawid Pamilya

Cycle listed in the metacards.

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∙ Call for volunteers to state the core program systems
and tell something they have understood about it.


Encourage the beneficiaries to identify their problems and services or

interventions that may help them following this proposed template:
Problem Objective Needed

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