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Imię i nazwisko: _______________________________ Klasa: ________ Imię i nazwisko: _______________________________ Klasa: ________
1 Uzupełnij zdania, wybierając opcję A lub B. 1 Uzupełnij zdania, wybierając opcję A lub B.
1 The problem of bullying means that some people … 1 The problem of unemployment means that a lot of people …
A can’t find a job. B are cruel to others. A can’t find a job. B haven’t got a place to live.
2 They arrested the burglar for… 2 They arrested the thief for …
A breaking into a house. B stealing from a supermarket. A selling drugs. B stealing things.
3 The currency of a country is … 3 A flash mob is…
A the number of people living there. B the money people use there. A a new, strange fashion. B a large group of people.
4 A witness is a person who … 4 A victim is a person who …
A has seen a crime. B suffered from a crime. ___ / 4 A has seen a crime. B is hurt because of a crime. ___ / 4
2 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki. Cztery wyrazy zostały podane 2 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki. Cztery wyrazy zostały podane
dodatkowo. dodatkowo.
bullying community crowdfunding duty donate border clickbait community court currency
elections fine judge respect warden duty evidence poverty solve trial
1 During the event people were asked to ______________ money to help sick 1 It’ll be difficult to ______________ this problem without professional help.
children. 2 He does volunteer work to help the poor members of the local
2 At the end of the trial, the ______________ decided to send the criminal ______________.
to prison. 3 There wasn’t enough ______________ against him, so the judge let him go
3 He raised the money he needed for his trip through ______________. free.
He asked people on the Internet to give him some money. 4 Some countries in the European Union don’t use euros, but have their own
4 The next national ______________ will be held next year. People will choose ______________.
their members of parliament. 5 I followed the link to find some more useful information about this topic, but it
5 He was stopped by the police and had to pay a(n) ________________ for was just ______________.
driving too fast. 6 In the west, Poland shares a(n) ______________ with Germany. ___ / 6
6 We have to ______________ the rights of other people. ___ / 6 3 Uzupełnij zdania poprawną formą wyrazów w nawiasach.
3 Uzupełnij zdania poprawną formą wyrazów w nawiasach. 1 The man who broke into our neighbours’ house was arrested for ( burgle)
1 There was a (rob) ______________ in a bank in the city centre yesterday. ______________.
2 The problem of (homeless) ______________ means that people don’t have a 2 The problem of (poor) ______________ means that people don’t have
place to live. enough money to live a normal life.
3 Her (punish) ______________ for the crime was to pay a fine. 3 There are two leading (politics) ______________ parties in the USA.
4 As a(n) (law) ______________, it’s my job to defend my clients in court. 4 A dangerous (prison) ______________ escaped last week.
5 A large group of football hooligans started to ( vandal) ______________ some 5 He works for a charity and says his job is very ( reward) ______________.
shops and cars after the game. ___ / 5 ___ / 5

Repetytorium Ósmoklasisty cz.2 © Macmillan Polska 2021 Photocopiable Repetytorium Ósmoklasisty cz.2 © Macmillan Polska 2021 Photocopiable
Repetytorium Ósmoklasisty cz.2 © Macmillan Polska 2021 Photocopiable Repetytorium Ósmoklasisty cz.2 © Macmillan Polska 2021 Photocopiable

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