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Siti Saidah Siregar

Drilling is one of the major techniques of recent classroom

pronunciation practice, although this method has its roots in
the historical audio-lingual era.
Kelly (2001) claims that drilling is fundamental for the
teaching of both segmentals and such suprasegmentals as
word/sentence stress or intonation
In simple words, DRILLING is valuable for the two key
sides of pronunciation training - perception and production.

Celce-Murcia simply as repetition of a teacher-modeled

word or structure; therefore, the main role of the teacher is to
provide a model of a word, phrase, or sentence, and students’ task
is to repeat the perceived model.
We consider the online tool found at Color Vowel
Chart as suitable for drilling of individual speech
sounds.This visual media tool might potentially aid the
practice of individual English vowels, since here the speech
sounds are produced by a native female speaker of English
and are arranged in a chart according to colour codes, e.g.
the vowel /i:/ is colour coded as green tea, /oʊ/ as rose
coat, etc.

After clicking a field in the chart, a particular vocal is

produced in both isolation and in the corresponding colour
code for students to repeat.
For drilling problematic speech sounds,
teachers may employ Tongue Twisters.
Their use is believed to be beneficial for both
primary and secondary level learners of any
proficiency. The most extensive collection of
English tongue twisters and short tongue twister
tales, although in non-alphabetical order.
Another web domain, namely Sozo
Exchange could be valuable for drilling
individual words or phrases, because it contains
videos that enable secondary level learners,
preferably of at least A2 proficiency, to see and
hear how certain words or phrases are
pronounced by native speakers of English.
At the beginning of each clip, the speaker
explains the meaning of the word. While the
speaker models a word, we may observe
movements of the lips, jaws, facial muscles, and
also positions of the tongue and teeth.
Color Vowel Chart Tongue Twisters Sozo Exchange

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