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Running Head: Impacts of Film on Popular Culture 1

Impacts of Film

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Impacts of Film on Popular Culture

Films are events or stories recorded by a camera with significant moving images shown

on televisions and cinema. The films are standard globally since they act as entertainment and

offer several benefits like teaching people history, acting as a mirror of culture, inspiring people,

and shaping culture. The audiovisual output and input gadgets are common in modern society

that people usually watch films daily. Hence, the film industry is arguably the most significant

and influential in contemporary society that the contents portrayed can impact society depending

on the content displayed by the films. Moreover, the films are also fundamental since they help

people overcome parenting challenges and desensitize sympathetic feelings. The films have

benefits and effects on society since they are educational. They act as the mirrors of the culture,

are used as references of history, and are depicted as an inspiration. However, the films are

limited since they offer contents that have led to cultural diversity and unwanted materials

resulting in violence and sexual activities in society. Although there are significant benefits of

films in the community that impact cultures. They can be immoral and influence people's

behavior through their themes like sexuality, racism, and violence. The films also substantially

affect America since they changed the way people dressed, the music they listen and adopt

improper behaviors. Besides that, films are used as mirrors of the culture in society, are used in

shaping beliefs and values, and offer benefits of training good morals among communities.

Most people in society take what they see in movies and films and try to copy and apply

them daily. The cinema offers diverse themes like violence adopted by people in society,

especially children making violent behaviors and using unacceptable language. The changes and

adoption of such behaviors impact the popular culture if America as the culture transforms to a

modernized and new way of living that can impact society. The entertainment industry exhibits

violence and how it arises through films' influence (Crothers, 2021). However, the kind of films

with sex, violence, and drug use need to be limited to a specific age to help maintain the

American popular cultures as some of the movies need to be banned from being viewed to the

public as they create an impact culture. For example, "Perfect High" is an American movie that

has impacted popular American culture by introducing teenagers and children to drug use and

abuse. Perfect High was a television film premiered on lifetime starring Bella Thorne where it

covered prescription f drug as the central theme with addiction of drugs and substance use by the

characters. Significantly, the film impacted popular culture since several youths adopted drug

and substance consumption in the western territories. The massive adoption of characters can

also be optimistic that people in the society can take the good deeds portrayed in the films,

making them offer significant benefits. For example, the religious film can enable people to grow

spiritually, especially young children, that can allow them to change their moral behaviors. The

genre can be used as a reference for good morals required in the society b offering teachings to

people, making them have good morals, practices, and behaviors in the society.

The power of films and audiovisuals is manifested to impact American popular culture as

they significantly create content that includes gender stereotypes. Few movies have attempted to

go against the women and men's conception as they create gender inequity and discrimination

copied on the modern generations. The film portrays and polarizes men and women by defining

the genders as stereotypical standards in the entertainment industry. However, the cookie-cutter

tends to be tainted by the ambiguity that the mainstream films show that women are typically

inferior to men (Parc, 2017). The women are obligated to midwifery and household activities as

men are given high-end priorities and roles that the women depend on the male for survival in

marriages. The behavior has been copied, impacting popular culture since the women are given

roles that portray stereotyping over men's roles. For example, movies like Rocky, Pretty

Woman, and American Beauty show gender stereotyping that has influenced the way people live

in the United States. The film explains how women are portrayed n scripts and screens as a pure

pleasure for men. The joys portrayed in the movies show stereotyping and as a tool for use by

men. The habits have been copied on modern society and most parts of the world, leading to the

loss of the cultures that kept women as wives and essential to the community to be used for

enjoyment and pleasure activities. Moreover, the movies portray romance for pleasure which has

misled the young generation to engage in sexual activities at a relatively young and tender age.

The youths copy the movements of romance and engaging in sexual activities that the culture of

making at an older age has changed to kids engaging in marriages due to the influence of the

films they watch.

Films and movies can impact society and children when they are themed with violent acts

for fun. The youths and children can see the moving pictures with violence by approximately

thirty minutes more than the adults' experiences in their lifetime. The kids copy the violent

screen that they engage in violent activities and other factors like drug use that influence them to

participate in violent activities. Popular culture was affected by films since the youths and

children copied violent acts in their daily activities (Hall, 2019). Violence is seen as an essential

principle in society since the individual believes that violence is a form of self-defence and can

be used to attain what they require and cannot be afforded. Cinemas are evolving to become

more violent each year, making the evolution of the popular culture as the society copy the

violent activities on the films. Children consuming movies with violence in society are likely to

engage in sexual activities while at a relatively young age. The children can also affect their

future life that they can engage in sex outside their marriages. However, male children are more

influenced by violent acts since they copy the violent activities they engage in society. Moreover,

girls' emotions in society change their attitudes towards men when they watch content with

sexual harassment and content that they believe can fall victims changing their moods and

emotions. The emotion among the female children can affect their life since they can get low

self-esteem and get affected with mental disorders that can result from anxiety, stress, and

depression upon watching films with sexual harassment. For example, American movies with the

genre of action have violence copied and applied by most people in society, especially among

men who try to engage in violent activities with the mentalities they engage in self-defense.

Engaging in violent activities like fights and terrorism affects American culture and history since

the exercises have not been practiced but are depicted in the films, creating a relatively bad

image of the Americans.

The films in society lead to inspiration and adaptation of unwanted fights and programs

that have significantly led to cultural diversity. The films create a new way of living where they

introduced new measures and activities that were not common. Moreover, some movies in the

society result in fights in the society that is contributed by their themes and genres. For example,

the film "Fight Clubs" produces in 1999 inspired real-life conflicts n clubs as most of the people

in the American society engaged in the battles that they had copied ad adapted to the nature of

the movie. The film was based on a story that a man vented his frustrations and anger caused by

the boring life he had to engage in diverse fights (Wen et al., 2018). The monotonous life was

mainstream that he had to join in a fight club that was taking place underground. Since the

movies were produced and released, the number of fight clubs in real life significantly increased

and sprang across the United States, especially in states like New York that introduced an

underground fight. Despite the inspiration and adaptation of the fight clubs in American society,

the film resulted in the spread of the fight clubs globally. It was introduced in the Thai fight

circuits and Moscow, where the film boomed in its sales. By inspiring fight clubs in real life, the

film significantly impacted the way the American society and lost people lived by creating an

alteration of the popular culture that was not associated with fight clubs. Moreover, romantic

movies offer couples and individuals the benefits of acknowledging their loved ones by

demonstrating why love is worth fighting for in the community. Romantic films can lead to

powerful emotions that make people laugh and cry from their flaws, creating the meaning of love

and a better understanding of love. Lastly, crime films are used to warn societies of the dangers

of terrorism, war, and criminal practices. As a result, people live with minimal crime cases since

they know the penalties that are likely to occur from crimes.

Films in society offer a unique and relatively powerful ubiquity within the popular

American culture that facilitates cultural diversity. Most of the American territories and nations,

including the United States, have received the evolution of entertainment that changes with the

advancement of modern technology. In the 20th century, the leading territories in America had

had over 6.8 billion cinemas introduced to the market. The convergence state and nature of the

entertainment industry change the nature of movies that have created a consumption pattern

across the main channels (Croy et al., 2019). The high rate of consumption of the films made in

the society offers significant benefits by raising revenue to the local federal and state government

since the consumption of the contents on the movie are done digitally and on televisions that

have to pay to display the contents on their program. The benefit of creating economic impact is

that the effect produced on the economy is relatively wide that it resulted in alteration of the

famous American culture. For example, the revenue raised from the film and entertainment

industry is used in the development plan of the federal and state government to create an impact

on popular culture. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the United States' economy was growing at a

slower rate. The film industry facilitates a fast economic development that the resources are used

in developing the infrastructure and technology that has led to changing the way people live in

society. Films influence American history since the development of the economy is associated

with the American Revolution, leading to urbanization. Hence, the movies and movies in

America resulted in Revolution that promoted American history.

Films are used to create diverse aspects of life that the society is reminded of the

importance of education and the effects like violence. Films in society are used to describe and

illustrate how violence and sex occur in a society. The community needs to know the impacts

caused by the aspects. Sexual assault and women violence is common in society. The films are

used to educate the entire society about the effects caused when women's violence isn't

significant in society and how females can prevent themselves from sexual harassment and

violence. Moreover, films can offer education to society. For example, school-based movies give

school stakeholders essential strategies to make schools better places for learners to avoid

engaging in aspects that can affect others like violence and sexual harassment. The movies

awaken society's sense of empathy when offering educational elements like violence where the

individuals watching get the moods of the films that they emphatic on the minority groups that

are affected in society.

Films and movies offer the benefits of understanding diverse cultures globally. Educating

different groups on cultures helps eradicate negative perspectives that are perceived about given

cultures. People getting to learn more cultures in the society can accept other groups' regardless

pf their beliefs, traditions, and backgrounds. In America, minority groups used to be

discriminated against in the history of America, that the black Africans and the African

Americans were used as slaves since they were seen as minorities. The significant

discriminations led to the beautiful black women being used by the whites on their farms for

leisure and refreshments that they cold sexually harass the African-Americans by believing they

were inferior to hesitate the offers. However, the rise of the film industry in the world led to a

change of perspectives and reduced discrimination. The whites started to have a good attitude

toward the black communities in America. The films are used to educate and highlight the

cultural practices of diverse groups that it led to change of habits, discrimination, and sexual

harassments since all the communities are seen as one without imbalance. For example, Netflix

provides online streaming hosts for films globally that are streamed in diverse languages. Some

are translated to enable the people in the society to understand the cultures portrayed in the


Films act as a driver for propaganda, education, culture, and leisure in the United States.

The movies are used to educate people in the society where they also deliver messages to the

community where most of the content is based on fake news and information that can affect and

influence the society way of living and people's lives. The films' representations and depression

presented in movies present a unique art of the culture. The collectiveness of the film in society

has changed the way people live by acting as a form of leisure that is a significant change of the

culture. The American popular culture used to have the native Americans, African-Americans,

and Latin-Americans engage in sporting activities that their life changed by spending their

leisure in cinema halls and theatre arts over the sporting activities (Itoo et al., 2017). However,

the cinema attendance in America created a robust and independent effect on the mental

wellbeing of the film viewers by creating a visual stimulation and experiences of people in the

society changed their behaviors and emotions towards the films. The nature of the movie is

socially available that the people get obsessed with changing their routines to engage in

watching. However, people reflect the society's present, past, and future by offering a suggestion

of the future technology and highlighting cultural practices of individuals in the society.

Spending American history is associated with an evolution that the films promote the

technological advancements by offering suggestions of the future life of Americans. The films

promote technological advances that are significant in the American Revolution and


The films in America promoted American history by acting as the mirror to the famous

American Culture. The relationship between popular culture and movies entails a collated

dynamic that the American film created a relatively strong influence in the film consumers'

culture. The films play an integral part in American history and culture by acting as a product of

history and culture by prevailing the Americans' beliefs, attitudes, and beliefs. Certain ideologies

are illustrated in American history in the films that depicted the proper dressing codes and the

importance of peace in the American culture. The films describe how the Americans lived with

stability, which should prevail in modern society over engaging in violent activities and sexual

assaults in society. Moreover, some films represent the world war and violent activities in

American history that require modern people to change their way to avoid the reoccurrence of

such activities, resulting in massive effects on society. For example, The Day after tomorrow is

an American film that supports American history and brought about the global warming of life in

society. The film is a 20th-century film produced in 2004 that is scary enough for global warming

to society and Americans (Omoera et al., 2017). Most people who watched the movie got

concerned about global warming that they learn about the causes and effects of global warming

in America's history. Hence, the people in society get to take care of the activities they get

engaged in, impacting the deadly global warming in society. Some of the causes include violence

that included nuclear weapons that can result in the effects in society, hence acting as educative

and reflecting people's culture that they lived peacefully without much violence. The violent

activities use nuclear weapons and weapons that emit dangerous gases that can create a 0-zone

layer which facilitates global warming. Moreover, movies describe the effects of violence in

society, which lead to people in America and culture engaging in peaceful activities like

negotiations and peaceful demonstrations that cannot affect the lives of others in society.

The powers of films are manifested for the exploitation they make socially, economically,

and politically throughout American history. The movies are used to portray the social lives of

groups in society that others can copy as some of the lifestyles are essential to most

communities. Moreover, the films can have an intensive explanation of the political setting and

history of a given nation, for exe=ample, the United States that enable the citizens to know and

understand the fighters for their rights, freedom, and essential activities politicians promoted.

The films have the powers that are copied and used by the society to celebrate the political

leaders that supported them when they needed them and having to have an understanding of their

past activities where the films act as the references to the past events and history (Al Murshidi,

2020). As technology grows, the economic and political leaders have used the movie to change

the shape of people for their benefit and the benefit of the society they lead. Moreover, films in

the community enable the viewers to shape their values and believes in society. The films portray

the beliefs and values of diverse groups globally that they are copied and maintained. For

example, the actors and musicians in the movie can wear traditional attires as costumes that can

help keep the cultures of the people which they copy the dress codes and lifestyles of the film

stars. Moreover, American society uses common phrases and slogans in the films regarding the

cultures, values, and beliefs of the people that the selected cultural beliefs are rendered.

In conclusion, movies and films have significant impacts on popular culture as they affect

how people act in modern society. The youths and children change their behaviors through

moving pictures as they try to cop and apply what is portrayed on the screens. Behaviors that

impact the culture like sexual violence and drug abuse are copied from the movies since people

believe they are not ad activities since they are shown on cinemas and screens. The copied

behaviors have affected the way people live n America and most parts of the world. The films in

society lead to inspiration and adaptation of unwanted fights and programs that have

significantly led to cultural diversity. The films create a new way of living where they introduced

new measures and activities that were not common. Moreover, movies in society act as a driver

for propaganda, education, culture, and leisure. Most of the films are used to educate people in

the society where they also deliver messages to a society where most of the content is based on

fake news and information that can affect and influence society's way of living and people's

lives. Lastly, it's significant that the films in the society offer a unique and relatively powerful

ubiquity within the popular American culture that facilitates cultural diversity. Despite the

impacts, movies are becoming common in modern society as they are used as a form of

entertainment and leisure in contemporary society, which promoted significant effects in society.

Hence, the films aired to people have changed the rich and famous culture to a modernized

society with destructive behaviors not practiced in ancient times.



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