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.58 ~ OF SOLID STATE ~ Vol. i, No.

1963 -1964

December 2nd - January 18th

Gainesvll.~ I Florida a U.S.A. Winter YJ~rtltute in Quantum Chemistr~t Solid

State Ph~slcs t and (;bmntum Biology

Secretary: A d ~ s t r a t l v e Secretary,
Quantum Theory Project,
University of Florida,
Florida, U.S.A."


Janmaryl~ -January4~

~ r i s t o ~ , Zm~nd. S o l i d S t a t e Physics

Secretary: ~A~nlstratlve Secretary,

Institute of Physics & The Physical Society,
47 Belgrave Square,
London S.W.I, England.

September 6th - S e p ~ e r 13th

Nottingham, England International Conference on M~netism

Secretary: Administrative Assistant,
Institute of Physics & The Physical Society,
47 Bel~ave square,
London S.W.I,

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