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Introduction to Salesforce

Business Value & ROI

March 2021
BUs often face these barriers …..

Leadership Alignment Culture & Collaboration Change Management & Enablement

Align on vision and expectations of employees and Incentivize breaking down silos and operational rigor Be agile in making changes and understand how to
customers enable your employees and partners

Sales Methodology & Processes Data & Sales Analytics Technical Complexity
Create simple and data-driven ways to drive optimal Obtain the right information at the right time and Reduce technical complexity, a barrier to
employee and customer experiences turn it into actionable insights via AI speed to value

Sales Excellence | Proprietary and Confidential ©2019 Salesforce

Four Factors Drive Business Value

Revenue Lift Cost Savings & Productivity


Cost Avoidance Total Cost of Ownership

We Focus on Metrics that Matter

Opportunity Size Case Deflection

Sales Productivity Customer Retention

Opportunity Win Rate Service Productivity

IT Cost Lead Volume

Deployment Time Lead Conversion
Developer Productivity Marketing Productivity
Idea Generation
Employee Satisfaction
Employee Productivity
Core Value Question to Understand Your Business

Enterprise Customers Employees

Annual Revenue # of customers # employees by role/BU
Revenue by BU or Geo Revenue per customer Fully loaded cost of
per year employees
Market Growth
Renewal Rates Work Week Profile in hrs
Cross-Sell/Up-Sell Onboarding time
Current IT Costs
Win Rates, Deal Size Employee Retention
Service Case Stats
High-Level Discovery Checklist

Goal: Listen and learn what are the most critical business issues that the customer is facing. The goal is to understand the
customer’s vision for the company, strategic initiatives, and business priorities before recommending any technology solutions

● Checklist of questions to be answered:

○ What high impact business results have we helped this client achieve with Salesforce (if existing customer)?
○ Who are the key executives and 1) what functions do they oversee and 2) what are their personal motivations and drivers to showcase their professional success?
○ What top 3 strategic initiatives is the company focused on?
○ What is the hardest challenge right now? What keeps you up at night?
○ What areas of organizational inertia would you seek to either accelerate or turn around?
○ Who can help the CxO solve that specific problem whether internally or externally?
○ What are the top revenue drivers at [Customer]?
○ What are the top costs or loss leaders at [Customer]?
○ How has COVID-19 disrupted the [Customer] business as usual?
○ Who is [Customer]‘s main competitor or who is an upstart that keeps them up at night? Why are they losing ground to that competitor?
○ What is [Customer]‘s main KPI? How do they measure success? Do they have any Customer KPIs (e.g., time to resolution for service, quote turnaround time, more
info here)
○ With which transformational partners does [Customer's] executive team already have strong relationships?
○ What is their current status and view of Salesforce (relevant if existing customer)?
■ Current ACV/AOV
■ Value Realization
■ Contract structure
■ Contract sentiment
■ Current product adoption and usage
■ Deployment sentiment

Evaluating End to End Business Capabilities

Successful Subscription Management requires focus on end to end business capabilities

Marketing Sales CPQ Billing Success Service

Digital Experience Opportunity Product Catalog Billing Management Customer Onboarding Case Management
Management Management Management (One-Time)
Customer Training Service Contract
Lead Management Account and Contacts Pricing Management Invoice Management Management (SLA
Management Customer Health and Entitlements)
Campaign Guided Solution Revenue Recognition Monitoring
Management Customer 360 Configuration Self-Service
Credits and Feedback/VOC
Email Marketing Cross/Up Sell Promotions Collections Asset Management
Management Management
Social Media Trials, Setup Fee Omni-Channel
Marketing Activity Management Quote Management Support Contact Center

Preference Forecast Discounts & Approval Projects Billing Unified Agent

Management Management Experience
Contract Lifecycle
Customer Journey Territory Management Management
Sales Compensation Electronic Signature
Marketing Analytics &
Attribution Sales Enablement Quote to Order
Subscription Model - Value Map

Business Capabilities Strategic Factors Business Objectives

Customer Journeys
Customer 360 Productivity Subscription business revenue to
Renewals Management $XXX USD per year, in next 3 years
Cross-Sell and Up-sell Customer
Guided Selling Connect with customers across all
channels to provide unified
Contract Lifecycle Management Risk experience
Discounts and Approvals Management
Subscription Billing Create
New self-service and intelligent
Product and Asset Management Automation solutions to enhance customer
Customer Health Monitoring experience
SLA and Entitlement Management
Visibility Innovate
Self-Service Create new solutions to provide
competitive differentiation
Implementation success
Project Team overall structure
Project Board Approves the plan and
deviations to the plan.
Direction Senior User Executive Project Owner Senior Supplier Senior Supplier
Approves to go to next stage.
At least a meeting at each DP,
Level (Visma BU) Sponsor
(Visma BU)
(Visma GSH) (Visma GSH) (external supplier)
but also when major
deviations and ending the

Day to day management of

Project Management the project, follow progress
against goals, time, cost,
Management Project Manager/Main contact Project Manager Project Manager/Main
quality, scope, risk, benefits.
Level (Visma BU) (Visma GSH) contact
Prepare Project Board
meetings and have weekly
(external supplier)
meetings with the project
delivery team.

Supplier (implementation) Teams Delivering the projects

products at a certain quality
Delivery Visma BU (Customer) Visma GSH (Supplier) External (Supplier) within a certain timeline and
cost. Create plans to deliver
Level System Admin Edu Lead Data Migration Team Business Analyst Senior Supplier(s): Team/Project Senior Supplier(s):
products. Representatives
Process Owner Senior User/SME
Product area
Manager Trainer
Product area
Manager Developer
participate in weekly project
Representative Representative Data Migration Data Migration meetings.
Implementation in phases as a best practice
Q1 2021 Q2 2021 Q3 2021 Q4 2021 Future


Service Cloud MVP Continues improvements with Service Cloud phase 2:

Automation, Customer Success
implementation “Change Requests” Packages etc.

Experience Cloud

Sales Cloud MVP Continues improvements with CPQ

implementation “Change Requests”
Core processes
Sales Cloud

Core processes
Measuring the ROI
on a GSH project
Capturing baseline metrics

Capturing baseline metrics before the implementation process will help you analyze your ROI in
the most effective manner post implementation.

You can start off by boiling down all quantitative benefits gathered from performance metrics
across each department and then move to measuring qualitative benefits (which cannot be
quantified), such as user adoption and customer happiness.
Metrics Description

Profit margin improvement Is there an increase in profit margin?

Revenue improvement Is there an increase in top-line revenue?

Win rate improvement How many opportunities have converted to sales

Opportunity size Is there an increase in the average deal amount?


Is there a decrease in the average length of

Sales cycle time
opportunity cycle?

Is there an improvement in the amount of time

Sales productivity
spent on productive activities?

Is there a reduction in time spent on creating

Reporting time

What is the accuracy level of forecast vs. actual

Forecast accuracy/revenue visibility

Is there an improvement in publishing, managing

Sales content management
and presenting sales content?
Metrics Description

Is there an increase in the amount of pipeline

Marketing campaign effectiveness
generated through campaigns?

Lead volume Is there an increase in total volume of inbound leads?

Is there an increase in number of leads converted to

Lead conversion rate
sales opportunities?

Cost per lead Is there a decrease in cost per lead?

Service and Support Metrics Description

Is there an increase in the number of cases successfully

First call resolution rate
resolved in the first call?

Is there an increase in the number of cases deflected to self

Self-service case
service customer portal?

Is there a decrease in the amount of time taken to process a

Case resolution time

Is there a decrease in overall cost of service/support

Service/support cost reduction

How better is the customer retention now? Is there a decrease in

Customer retention
time taken for initial response?

Customer satisfaction Is there an increase in overall customer satisfaction rate?

Customer responsiveness Is there an increase in overall customer responsiveness?

New agent on-boarding time Is there a decrease in training new agent?

Metrics Description

Productivity Can you decrease the amount of time spent on invoicing etc?

Infrastructure Is the cost of infrastructure/integrations etc. decreasing?


User support Can you decrease user support?

User training Shorter time to train and onboard employees?

Audit fees Do you decrease the amount of errors and avoiding audit fees?

Less errors means less work, more satisfied customers and

Decrease user errors
making sure you don’t forget to invoice your customers.

Better analysis and forecasting is important for decisions making

Increased analysis and forecasts
processes and business strategy
Metrics Description

IT costs
(Support/admin development, integration,
What are the overall costs associated with IT?

infrastructure management, user training,


Coding productivity Is there an improvement in coding productivity?

User Adoption Metrics
Although ROI is often measured in terms of numbers, it is also based on indirect benefits like user
adoption and the team’s accomplishments after enabling a new system. One of the largest impacts
on system ROI is employee adoption. Bear in mind, a new system might be the magic elixir that
powers up your entire business process, but at the end of the day, it’s only as good as the people
who use it regularly. So as a company, you need to exercise due diligence while analyzing the
impact of user adoption. The below mentioned metrics cannot be calculated on a balance sheet,
but it is definitely an exercise worth pursuing.

● Improved data metrics and data quality

● Improved focus on business instead of technology
● Improved use of mobile devices to access work
● Support for organizational change
● Enhanced business Image
The Happiness Metrics
Most ROI reporting will be inclined to hardcore numbers like the increase in conversion rates,
reduction in sales cycle, a growth in average deal sizes and so on. But it might also be a grave
mistake to overlook how happy and comfortable your employees are with the brand new
technology you have equipped them with. Your ROI reporting will be incomplete if you fail to
measure how your users feel.

A few metrics to consider measuring:

- Peakon eNPS for the team using the system (compare before and after)
- The Peakon question “I have the tools necessary to do my job”
- A survey - “is our CRM/Subscription mgmt system any good?” OR “The system makes my job
easier” - Yes or No

This way you will stay abreast on the user experience without having to deal with complex
reporting mechanisms.
Business Enablement

Do you have business models that you can’t implement due to limitations in existing systems
today? Many times, a more powerful tool unlock innovation in how we do business. These are
often the most interesting ROI’s to measure.


● New pricing models

● Customer Success Packages




Team spirit
Sales Excellence Capability Map
Sales Excellence Capability Map

Strategy & Customer Centric One Team Aligned
Segmentation Business Processes Around the Customer

Human-Centered Design Aligned Vision
Sales Support
Management Connected Experiences Employee Experiences
Personalized Experiences Maximized Collaboration
Account &
Channel Sales
Contact Empowered Employees
Strategy Enablement
Leanest Possible
Capacity &
Tech Stack Sense and Respond
Quota Forecasting
Business / IT Partnership Shared Insights
Sales Lead Nimble Technology Strategy Feedback Loops
Virtual Selling
Methodology Management
Democratized Technology and Delivery Activated Agility

Sales Sales Modernized Architecture and Data Culture of Learning

Compensation Performance
Management Management
Success Fundamentals
& Pipeline Lean Governance
Human Centered Change

Sales Excellence | Proprietary and Confidential

SALES ©2019 Salesforce
EXCELLENCE OUTCOMES ↑ Sales Growth … ↓ Operational Cost … ↑ Retention … ↑ Innovation

Sales Excellence Capabilities

Capability Definition
Account segmentation is the process of identifying groups of customers with similar needs, growth potential, complexity and other
Account Segmentation attributes; prioritising the resulting groups and then aligning the available sales resources to them, in order to deliver the business goals
and objectives.

Channel strategy is the process by which an organization goes to market to sell products or services. This includes Direct Sales, B2B
Channel Strategy commerce, and Partner Relationship Management. It is the final piece of a “go-to-market strategy” of which customers are being
targeted, with which products/services; with what marketing, via what channels.

Sales methodology is the process of establishing a set of best practices to guide how sellers approach each step in the sales motion
Sales Methodology and sales process.

Sales analytics is the process of utilizing insights gathered from data to make the best decision possible and maximize sales team
Sales Analytics performance.

Territory management is the process of creating territories based on multiple factors and allocating resources to territories to maximize
Territory Management sales and profits.

Quota and capacity planning is the ongoing process of aligning a company’s financial objectives with the capability of sales employees
Capacity & Quota to meet those objectives. It comprises capacity planning, quota setting, and quota maintenance phases that form a key part of the
Management company’s annual financial planning cycle, in addition to providing ongoing insights to leaders on sales performance and sales

Sales Compensation Sales compensation management is the process of maximizing sales team performance by driving the right behaviors through incentive
Management compensation.

Pipeline strategy and programs is the process by which data is used to analyze pipeline generation, the open pipeline, and pipeline
Pipeline Strategy & Programs conversion, and by which pipeline programs are used to generate pipeline for specific products and services.
Sales Excellence | Proprietary and Confidential ©2019 Salesforce

Sales Excellence Capabilities

Capability Definition
Account & Contact Account and contact management is the process by which accounts are created and managed to drive growth, and by
Management which contacts are identified, created, and mapped.

Lead management is the process by which leads are created, qualified, routed, worked, and converted to accounts,
Lead Management
contacts, and opportunities.
Opportunity and pipeline management is the process by which opportunities are created, qualified, configured, priced,
Opportunity & Pipeline
quoted, negotiated, and closed, and by which sales coaching is used to effectively move opportunities through the
Sales support is the process of using a variety of functions to support sellers throughout the opportunity management
Sales Support
Forecasting is the internal process by which individuals and teams predict future month/quarter end sales bookings
based on opportunity data and insights.

Sales performance management is the process ensuring that a set of activities and outputs meets an organization's
Sales Performance
Management goals in an effective and efficient manner. Performance management can focus on the performance of an organization
and its people.

Sales enablement is the process of proactively aligning the sales organization's competencies to meet the customer
Sales Enablement
Virtual selling is the process of creating a sustainable virtual selling organization that provides solutions and services that align with the
Virtual Selling customer buying journey in a work from anywhere environment.
Sales Excellence | Proprietary and Confidential ©2019 Salesforce
Focus on driving Value

A Business Value Map to Create Alignment for the Team

The focus should be on DRIVING BUSINESS GOALS and OBJECTIVES, not on enabling individual business capabilities


Create a Collaborative Culture to Account Account & ● Accelerate sales cycle

Drive Employee Experiences Segmentation Contact Mgmt
Sales Growth ● Close larger deals
Channel ● Close more deals
Create a Sales Strategy to Align to Lead Mgmt
Buyer Needs ● Convert more qualified leads
Sales Opportunity &
Build a Sales Organization that Methodology Pipeline Mgmt ● Grow pipeline
Customer Engagement Optimizes Performance ● Grow total sales
Sales Analytics Sales Support ● Increase cross/up-sell
Improve Commercial Collaboration
to Drive Lead Quality and Growth ● Increase forecast accuracy
Territory Mgmt Forecasting
Operational Cost ● Increase opportunity size
Improve Seller Productivity and
Reduction Performance to Drive Growth Capacity & Performance ● Increase pipeline coverage
Quota Mgmt Mgmt ● Increase quota attainment
Enable Account and Data Visibility to
Compensation Sales ● Increase revenue per customer
Drive Insights and Actions
Mgmt Enablement
Innovation in Serving ● Increase sales per rep
Key Clients Build Trust through Personalization Pipe Strategy & ● Increase win rate
in a Virtual Selling Environment Virtual Selling
● Reduce discounts given
Sales Assessment/Discovery process and How
Does it Drive Value?
Customer Engagement Journey

Understand the right problem to solve in order to Understand the current context and provide a set of Quickly put ideas into actions to experiment, build
co-create a strategy and plan of action. recommendations and a roadmap. new capabilities, and scale value for long term
sustainability. Track and monitor progress at regular
intervals to understand how execution is moving the


Sales Excellence | Proprietary and Confidential ©2019 Salesforce

Our Engagement Drive Alignment and Value
Business Value and Assessments using our Readout Provides Results Drive Alignment,
Scoping Maturity Model Actionable Results Action and Value

Quantitative Scores

Recommendations Alignment
Provide best practice Build consensus on where we are
suggestions, based on today and how we will move forward
assessment findings

Qualitative Insights Plan of Action

Prioritization Set a clear path forward for closing
Set a Value-based Foundation Interviews Build Relationships Identify areas most identified gaps
critical to address for
● Create a Business Value ● Gather qualitative insights moving the needle
Map to align on business through interview with a diverse
goals, business objectives, set of stakeholders Roadmap Business Value
business capabilities and ● Use Maturity models to help Identify high priority Create shared understanding of how
metrics capabilities through capabilities tie to business value
customers understand how they
● Narrow down set of stack up against best in class gap analysis
business capabilities to

Sales Excellence | Proprietary and Confidential ©2019 Salesforce


How the Assessment Fits into the Journey

Introduction Interviews Readout Alignment Wrap-Up

Meetings Collect Insights Recommendations Path Forward Hand-Off

Executive Sponsor Capability Stakeholders Executive Stakeholders Executive Stakeholders Executive Sponsor

● Review experience ● Complete 8-10 ● Share themes, findings ● Share final readout with ● Obtain commitment to
● Create business value interviews and recommendations updated move forward with
recommendations and roadmap
map and determine ● Obtain system demos ● Prioritize
roadmap ● Have customer fill out
in-scope capabilities ● Synthesize findings recommendations ● Provide a set of next satisfaction survey
● Identify stakeholders & ● Co-create roadmap steps
schedule interviews

Wk - Add Wk - Add Wk - Add Wk - Add Wk - Add

Sponsor identified Interviews complete Initial readout complete Final readout complete Recommendations
Value hypothesis created Alignment on action plan accepted

Sales Excellence | Proprietary and Confidential ©2019 Salesforce


Required Commitment from Stakeholders

Time Commitment
Role Details on Role

Senior Sales Leader (usually VP

Executive Sponsor 10 hours
or above, ideally SVP or above)

Sales Leader (usually Director or

Project Sponsor 20 hours
above, ideally VP or above)

Anyone who has access to

Interview Coordinator 5 hours
Combination of sales leaders,
Interviewees sales managers, sales reps, 2 hours each
sales operations, etc.

Sales Excellence | Proprietary and Confidential ©2019 Salesforce

Sample Outputs

Maturity Levels for the Selected Capabilities

Achieve your goals and grow business value

Business value increases over time as:

High ● Processes mature
● Individual and organizational behaviors change
● Business value becomes part of your DNA Optimizing The organization has clearly
defined desired business
Business Impact

outcomes it wants to
Performing The organization has
achieve, and has the
defined the outcomes
mechanisms in place to
it wants to achieve,
measure progress.
Emerging Desired business and has started to
outcomes have been define the measures
defined, but there are no that will be used to
Minimal Desired business
success metrics nor is track progress.
outcomes have been
there an approach for
Desired business defined at a high level.
tracking progress.
outcomes have not
been defined.



Themes, Findings and High-Level Recommendations

Top Themes Findings Recommendation Summary
License Other
Our recommendations are directly
aligned to the Sales Excellence Create a consistent account
Framework and the key themes that Account management process that
minimal yes
resulted from the assessment. Management drives a strong engagement

Themes = Key grouped findings from the Pipeline

assessment Management minimal yes
& Forecasting
Recommendations = Strategies to get
from here to there

yes yes

Change, and no yes

Detailed Recommendations


This section provides the details of each

recommendation (typically one slide for
each them on the previous slide).

Recommendation Prioritization


Our recommendations are directly

aligned to the Sales Excellence
Framework and then prioritized based on
level of Investment and Value.

Priorities = Recommendations prioritized

by key criteria



Our recommendations are used to create a

roadmap based on priorities, dependencies
and duration of effort.

Roadmap = Directional outcomes to achieve.

● Recommendations on the roadmap will
drive specific KPIs
The full architecture
Example Visma Ecosystem


Data Consumption
High Level Sales Process flow
Salesforce Sales Cloud
Based on Visma BU’s needs there are activated / created following features:

● Account & Contact duplicate checker (standard)

● Contact to multiple Accounts (standard)
● Einstein Activity Capture (standard)
● Multi-currency (standard)
● “Round Robin” for automated Lead distribution (app)
● Document generation template (app)
● Contact anonymization (custom)
● Unqualified Lead deletion (custom)
● Fields for tracking GDPR consent (custom)
● Integration to public database (Bizweb, Vainu) for customer creation (custom / app)
● One-off / recurring revenue calculations for the Opportunity (custom)
● Component to register multiple physical / email / e-invoice addresses per 1 Account (custom)
Visma Salesforce Standard Package
Visma Salesforce Standard Package (SPK) is developed as a “template org”:
● Based on best practices basic use cases from other Visma BUs
● Commonly requested features
● Commonly requested Integrations

Salesforce Standard Package can help Business Units to better understand Salesforce functionality
and possibilities before they proceed with the further requests for the process automation and
more advanced Salesforce features. SPK consists of the assumed standard (!) functionality that can
be adjusted to Business Unit needs in the next project phases.

Visma Standard Package v.1 included following integrations:

● Salesforce ←→ Jira integration (new one)
● Salesforce ← → Confirmit
● Salesforce ← → Self Service Portal
● Salesforce ← → VOM
● Salesforce ← → Khoros (roles)
Visma Standard Package v.1 Solution Documentation
Salesforce demo for
Visma bWise
● Introduction
● Salesforce as a business platform
● Salesforce solution for:
○ Sales Cloud
○ Service Cloud
○ Experience Cloud
○ Other (Jira, NPS surveys, phone integration etc.)
● Q&A
Salesforce as a
business platform
Salesforce as a Business Platform
● Cloud-based platform with multi-tenant architecture - each Visma BU gets their
own Salesforce instance customizable according to the BU needs
● Originated as a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) platform and it grows
all the time striving to provide 360 degree overview of the Customer
● Key products - Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Experience Cloud, Marketing
Cloud/Pardot, B2B Commerce Cloud etc.… CPQ, Surveys, Voice, Einstein (AI),
Tableau, Slack...
● From the end of 2020 Visma has unlimited agreement - access to Premier
Support & Accelerators
Salesforce objects:
same data across different functions

Salesforce object is the overall definition of the type of information you are storing. For example, the case object allow you to store information regarding
customer inquiries.

For each object, your organization will have multiple records that store the information about specific instances of that type of data. For example, you might have a
case record to store the information about Joe Smith's training inquiry and another case record to store the information about Mary Johnson's configuration issue.
Salesforce Sales Cloud
With Sales Cloud you always have an information you need to close deals,
collaborate and sell as a team, generate leads, manage contacts, track
opportunities and more.

● Accounts & Contacts

● Leads & Opportunities
● Contracts & Assets
● Products & Pricebooks
● Activities (Emails, Tasks, Events, Calls)
● Reports & Dashboards
High Level Sales Process flow
Salesforce Sales Cloud
Based on Visma BU’s needs there are activated / created following features:

● Account & Contact duplicate checker (standard)

● Contact to multiple Accounts (standard)

● Einstein Activity Capture (standard)

● Multi-currency (standard)

● “Round Robin” for automated Lead distribution (app)

● Document generation template (app)

● Contact anonymization (custom)

● Unqualified Lead deletion (custom)

● Fields for tracking GDPR consent (custom)

● Integration to public database (Bizweb, Vainu) for customer creation (custom / app)
Salesforce Service Cloud
Service Cloud allows you to manage various customer support processes
within the same tool where Sales process is managed.

● Concept of case (“tickets”)

● Assets and relation to Products in Sales process
● SLAs
● Jira integration
● NPS integration
● Phone/chat integration
Salesforce Experience Cloud
Experience Cloud is a Salesforce platform that gives companies the tools to
create branded online spaces (communities). These communities can be
created for connecting with customers, external partners and employees.

● Salesforce Customer Community

● Salesforce Partner Community
● Salesforce Employee Community
Team spirit
Salesforce trailheads
Salesforce terminology
Term Salesforce Definition Visma Example

Lead A lead is a sales prospect who has expressed All the prospects that will be coming from Eloqua will be registered as leads and then converted to
interest in your product or company. Account, Contact & Opportunity if applicable. Leads also can be registered manually by Sales reps to
track potential contacts that might be converted to the real accounts.

Account An account is an organization, company, or All customers (companies & organizations) with whom Visma works - either as with buying customers or
consumer that you want to track—for example, a as with prospects. We don`t track partners & competitors as accounts in Salesforce.
customer, partner, or competitor.

Contact Contacts are the individuals associated with your All the contact persons (end-users, decision makers, superusers etc.) who work with the account
accounts. (directly or indirectly) should be registered with this account and assigned specific role they perform for
this account.

Product Items and services that you sell to customers Any article sold by Sales reps. Typically each item in BU or Product specific price list. For example:
product would not be just EasyCruit in general, but each subscription service, package, licence EasyCruit
solution consists of etc.

Opportunity Opportunities track your sales and pending This is the attempt (successful or not) to sell some specific products on some specific prices to the
deals. specific account. Opportunities are used to build the sales pipeline.

Quote A record showing proposed prices for products A proposal of the products+prices for the specific account that is ready to be sent out for the approval.
and services. Quotes can be created from This is a step before the Contract is created to get aligned with the customer of the scope & pricing of
opportunities and emailed as PDFs to the products to be delivered. Quote as an offer is usually issued for some limited amount of time for
customers. customer to make a decision.

Contract A contract is an agreement defining the terms of Contract object in an entry in Salesforce containing the details like start/end date, payment terms,
business between parties. renewal process and some special terms for the Contract document (agreement) to be signed by the
Salesforce terminology
Term Salesforce Definition Visma Example

Asset A specific model or type of product that a customer owns. Depending on how Products Visma has sold to Customer.
your organization uses assets, they can represent your products that the
customer has purchased and installed or your competitor’s products that the
customer uses.

Case Detailed description of a customer’s feedback, problem, or question. Used to Any requests from customer regarding sold and delivered products. Bugs,
track and solve your customers’ issues. Service Requests, How- to questions etc.

Entitlement management features include:

Entitleme ● Entitlements, which let support agents determine whether a Used for SLAs, to track Case resolution time and time for first Response
nt customer is eligible for support.
● Entitlement processes, which let you design timelines that include all
the steps that your support team must complete to resolve support
records like cases or work orders.
● Service contracts, which let you represent different kinds of
customer support agreements like warranties, subscriptions, or
maintenance agreements. You can restrict service contracts to cover
specific products.
● Community access to entitlements, which lets community users view
entitlements and service contracts and create support records from
● Reporting on entitlement management, which lets you track the way
entitlements are used in your Salesforce org and whether service
contract terms are being met.

All the tasks, calls & emails registered for the lead, account, contact person,
Activities An event, a task, a call you've logged, or an email you've sent. You can relate opportunity or case - kept in the order to be able to track what
an activity to other records, such as an account, a lead, an opportunity, or a communication with the customer took place from the one-Visma
Salesforce terminology
Term Salesforce Definition Visma Example

Permission A collection of permissions and settings that gives users access to specific Extra permissions comparing to the users from the same profile. For example can
set tools and functions. be used to extend functionality for the superusers.

Roles link any user with the domain user is representing, for example: Sales Rep,
Role Assigned responsibility of a user, partner account, or contact for specific Sales Manager, Service Manager, Service Agent ,System Administrator
accounts and opportunities. Administrators can define user roles in Setup.
Each User can have only 1 Role

Profile Profiles define how users access objects and data, and what they can do Profiles are splitting users by BU and functions / areas of work and license types -
within the application. When you create users, you assign 1 profile to each e.g. Sales user, Service user, Consulting user, Light user etc.

Full licence Lightning Enterprise CRM License. Has full CRM access. Can be extended Used for Sales, Consulting. Also typically used by Service Agents if Knowledge is
with Live Agent, Knowledge etc feature licences used and Service Agents work with lot of cases simultaneously and need to use

Self-Service N/a Visma Enterprise Division`s made Self-Service Portal to ensure ability to
Portal Customers access and create support cases and work with Knowledge from
Visma Salesforce Standard Package
Visma Salesforce Standard Package (SPK) is developed as a “template org”:
- that fits basic CRM use cases for Sales and/or Support processes within Visma and
- that can be fast & easy implemented for the BU’s interested in it

Salesforce Standard Package can help Business Units to better understand Salesforce functionality
and possibilities before they proceed with the further requests for the process automation and
more advanced Salesforce features. SPK consists of the assumed standard (!) functionality that can
be adjusted to Business Unit needs in the next project phases.

Visma Standard Package v.1 included following integrations:

● Salesforce ←→ Jira integration (new one)
● Salesforce ← → Confirmit
● Salesforce ← → Self Service Portal
● Salesforce ← → VOM
● Salesforce ← → Khoros (roles)
Visma Standard Package v.1 Solution Documentation

Visma Standard Package v.2 is coming...





Team spirit
User Adoption

Sales Cloud

● Define adoption.
● The benefits of having high adoption.
● Identify the best time to address your company’s adoption.
To understand how to address adoption, you first need to know what it is. At its core,
adoption is about someone using a solution that’s available to them.

Bark Vader is a good pup with a bad back. Bark Vader is missing out on an We have plenty of tips and tricks. And your
The good news is, there’s a special dog opportunity to solve his back woes; if he users will be happier for it—just ask Bark
bed for that. His parents buy him the bed, doesn’t sleep in the bed, his back won’t Vader.
but being the skeptic that he is, Bark get better.
Vader opts to sleep next to the bed.

Benefits to your reps:

● Enhances productivity
● Strengthens customer relationships with better information about their customers
● Creates mobility: Reps can work from anywhere

Benefits to your company:

● Boosts revenue
● Creates real-time visibility into current and future deals
● Greater transparency
● Provides a 360 view of your customer base
Secure Executive Alignment

Execs should support the new implementation. Their commitment will look different for different
companies, but here are some examples of things to ask your execs.

● Require that sales reps log in to the system a certain number of days per month.
● Participate in launch emails or videos, showing their support and expectation that the reps
will use Salesforce.
● Only use Salesforce for forecasting and pipeline, and require that the entire sales team do
the same thing.
● Enforce a rule that reps can only be paid commission on deals that are entered in Salesforce.

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