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Alexia A.

Daan 10-Benevolence 01/01/2023

“Grade 9-Alexandrites Most Auspicious Social Media”

Social constructivism is a variety of cognitive constructivism that emphasizes the
collaborative nature of much learning. Social constructivism was developed by post-
revolutionary Soviet psychologist Lev Vygotsky. Vygotsky was a cognitivist, but rejected the
assumption made by cognitivists such as Piaget and Perry that it was possible to separate
learning from its social context. He argued that all cognitive functions originate in social
interactions and that learning did not simply comprise the assimilation and accommodation of
new knowledge by learners; it was the process by which learners were integrated into a
knowledge community. The central idea of constructivism is that human learning is constructed
and that learners build new knowledge upon the foundation of previous learning. This view of
learning sharply contrasts with one in which learning is the passive transmission of information
from one individual to another, a view in which reception, not construction, is key. Vygotsky’s
social constructivist theory can provide adult ESL students with the ability to construct their own
meanings by critical thinking. Social constructivism is a learning perspective founded on the
assumption that learning is focused on learners and promotes their active participation as they
manage to construct their own knowledge depending on their own reality. Social constructivism
is a theory according to which that all human knowledge and development is the result of social
interaction and language use, making it a shared, rather than an individual, experience. It is a
perspective of learning that emphasizes social cognition or learning through interaction with

Heutagogy, a concept coined by Stewart Hase of Southern Cross University, is the study of
self-determined learning. The notion is an expansion and reinterpretation of andragogy, and it is
possible to mistake it for the same. However, there are several differences between the two that
mark the one from the other. Heutagogy places specific emphasis on learning how to learn,
double-loop learning, universal learning opportunities, a nonlinear process, and true learner
self-direction. Heutagogy is a form of self-determined learning with practices and principles
rooted in andragogy, has recently resurfaced as a learning approach after a decade of limited
attention. In a heutagogical approach to teaching and learning, learners are highly autonomous
and self-determined and emphasis is placed on development of learner capacity and capability
with the goal of producing learners who are well-prepared for the complexities of today’s
workplace. The approach has been proposed as a theory for applying to emerging technologies
in distance education and for guiding distance education practice and the ways in which
distance educators develop and deliver instruction using newer technologies such as social
media. Heutagogy is a term derived from the Greek word ‘’heuriskin’’, which means to discover
and also underlies the etymology of the word heuristic. The meaning of the heuristic is to enable
someone to discover or learn something for themselves. Heutagogy is derived from the same
Greek root and was coined in 2000 by Hase and Kenyon to indicate self-learning. Heutagogy,
aka self-determined learning, is a student-centered instructional methodology that focuses on
the development of autonomy, capacity, and capability.

Social constructivism would be a great way of learning. It is where students can learn by
sharing knowledge and ideas through social interaction. Reasearch indicates that according to
the theory of social constructivism, social worlds develop out of individuals’ interactions with
their culture and society. Knowledge evolves through the process of social negotiation and
evaluation of the viability of individual understanding. Basically, every conversation or encounter
between two or more people presents an opportunity for new knowledge to be obtained, or
present knowledge expanded. The exchange of ideas that goes along with human contact is at
play here (Lynch, 2021). It is a construction of learning new information and ideas by getting
information based on knowledge shared by other people. Research shows that i n constructivist
classrooms, the teacher has a role to create a collaborative environment where students
are actively involved in their own learning. Teachers are more facilitators of learning
than actual instructors (Western Governors University, 2020). This type of learning requires
interactions and conversations with people to construct and expand knowledge. According to
the study, collaborative, or cooperative learning involves students sharing background
knowledge and participating in a reciprocal nature to negotiate and settle on a shared
constructed meaning (Kennisgeving Voor Omleiding, n.d.).

Heutagogy is a self-determined learning. Students choose their own learning path. It

encourages students to find problems and also answer it and find solutions by themselves. the
study stated that in double-loop learning the learner does not seek out different strategies to fix
an error; instead, the governing variables are examined. In the case of the math problem, a
better solution may be to ask someone for help in understanding and solving the problem. In
essence, rather than just dealing with the symptom, double-loop learning involves getting to the
root cause of a problem which usually is related to underlying norms, policies, procedures or
processes. In double-loop learning the learner analyzes and evaluates the situation more
holistically (Halupa 8). This can be very helpful in making students have a deeper understanding
on topics they are interested in learning. This can also help them build confidence and
independence.Heutagogy in education helps the students to reach a particular goal while
sharing knowledge with their peers and teachers. It makes them independent and confident,
and ready to achieve their aim (Mukherjee 12).
Reference list

Kennisgeving voor omleiding. (n.d.).

Lynch, M. (2021, December 11). Articulation Disorder: Everything You Need to Know. The




Western Governors University. (2020, October 21). What Is Constructivism?
Works Cited

Halupa, Colleen. Pedagogy, Andragogy, and Heutagogy. Jan. 2015,

Mukherjee, Sayantani. “What Is Heutagogy? How Can Teachers Use It? - Classplus Growth

Blog.” Classplus Growth Blog -, 27 Dec. 2022,


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