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1 bolt A frightened rabbit will 

bolt for its hole.

For a minute there I thought you were going to bolt and run.
Then the clock struck, and he had to bolt off at once to catch the only train
that would get him back to Tercanbury in time for call-over.
Remember to bolt all the doors and windows.
The safety belt is easy to fit as there's no need to bolt it to seat belt
anchorage points.
Loosen the bolt so the bars can be turned.
Don't bolt your food you'll get indigestion!
I had to bolt down my breakfast.
2 bulge Your cheeks bulge with your last saved breath.
Sunday newspapers bulge with advertisements from self-proclaimed
geniuses and stock-picking swamis.
Twenty seconds after that, his cheeks started to bulge and his face began to
turn purple.
The Justice Department files of the twenties and thirties bulge with letters
from blacks and whites on the subject.
The large hill looked like a small bulge in the land when viewed from a
Try icing your knee so that the bulge will go down.
After bumping her head on the cabinet, a noticeable bulge formed in the
spot where the injury occurred.
You could tell that Anthony was becoming angry, because the veins in his
forehead began to bulge.
The apple made a bulge in his pocket.
When I tried to sneak my own drink into the movies, the theatre employee
questioned the bulge in my purse.
3 budge He sensed she wasn't going to budge this time and relented.
The dog refused to budge.
He refuses to budge from his principles.
The car won't budge an inch.
She pushed at the door but it wouldn't budge.
She won't budge from her opinions.
It took four of us to budge the rock.
4 crack The code was difficult to crack.
He too is helping to crack it.
Crack an egg carefully into a bowl and scoop away the egg yolk.
Don't pour hot water into the glass or it will crack.
We can crack nuts with nutcrackers.
5 conceal She could not conceal a snort of laughter.
I conceal nothing from you.
He tried to conceal his heavy drinking from his family.
He had to conceal his identity to escape the police.
It is harder to conceal ignorance than to acquire knowledge.
She couldn't quite conceal the deep disappointment she felt.
6 clench His hands continued to clench and unclench.
Breathe out slowly and then clench your abdomen muscles.
I felt my jaws clench and teeth grind together.
Mike clench his hand with a wrathful spark in his eyes.
He had to clench his teeth to stop himself from shouting with delight.
The doctor told him to relax and not to clench his hands like that.
7 clutch Don't clutch up on the contest.
A drowning man will clutch at straws.
I had to clutch my arms to my chest to stop myself from opening the door.
I clutch at his arm, and he holds me, and does not let me go when I am
8 drag Drag up a chair and join the conversation.
Don't drag me into your plan.
The truck used a cable to drag the car.
Do not argue with an idiot.He will drag you down to his level and beat you
with experience.
I managed to drag myself out of bed.
Do you have to drag politics into everything?
9 grimace Do not grimace like that when the teacher is speaking.
/ˈɡrɪm.əs/ With a grimace, she dragged herself next to a tree stump and leaned against
it, exhausted.
Thomas made a grimace after he had tasted the wine.
His face twisted in a grimace of pain.
10 nudge She tried to nudge him into changing his mind .
We have to nudge politicians in the right direction.
We tried to nudge them towards a practical solution.
Oil prices continue to nudge higher.
I had a feeling that the challenge appealed to him. All he needed was
a nudge.
I gave him a nudge to wake him up.
You may already be convinced of the benefits, but just need that
extra nudge to get started.

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