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Applied Electronics II

Lecture -3

Application/Wave Shaping Circuits

• Waveform generator circuits

• Oscillator circuits

• Sample and hold circuit

• Schmitt trigger circuits

• Multivibrators

• Timer circuits

• Filters

Waveform generator circuits

• A Waveform Generator is a device

or circuit that produces a variety of
different waveforms at a desired frequency.
• It can generate Sine waves, Square waves,
Triangular and Saw tooth waveforms as well
as other types of output waveforms.

Oscillator circuits
• Oscillators are electronic circuits that produce a periodic waveform with only the dc
supply voltage as an input.
• Oscillator circuits convert direct current (DC) from power supply to an alternating
current (AC) signal.

Amplifier Vs. Oscillator

• An Amplifier produces output signal by • An Oscillator generates an out put

improving the amplitude of some signal from a DC input power. It does
external input signal. not require an external input signal.

Classification of Oscillators
 Electronic oscillators can be broadly divided in to three major classes:
• Harmonic /sinusoidal oscillator : Produces sinusoidal waveforms.
 Phase-shift oscillator
 Wien bridge oscillator
 Tuned oscillator
 Crystal oscillator
• Relaxation oscillator: Produces non-sinusoidal waveforms (square wave, triangle wave).
• Voltage controlled oscillator (VCO): Produces a variable frequency signal controlled by
input voltage.

Phase-Shift Oscillator
The amplifier must supply enough gain to
compensate for losses. The overall gain must
be unity.

The RC networks provide the necessary phase

shift for a positive feedback.

The values of the RC components also

determine the frequency of oscillation:

2π 6RC

Wien Bridge Oscillator

The amplifier must supply enough gain to

compensate for losses. The overall gain must
be unity.

• The feedback resistors are R3 and R4.

• The phase-shift components are R1, C1 and

R2 , C2.

Tuned Oscillator Circuits
Tuned oscillators use a parallel LC resonant circuit (LC tank) to provide the

There are two common types:

Colpitts —The resonant circuit is an inductor and two capacitors.

Hartley —The resonant circuit is a tapped inductor or two inductors and

one capacitor.

Colpitts Oscillator Circuit
• A Colpitts oscillator is the electrical dual of a Hartley
oscillator, where the feedback signal is taken from an
"inductive" voltage divider consisting of two capacitors
in series.
• The frequency of oscillation is determined by:

fo 
2π LC eq

C 1C 2
C eq 
C1  C 2

Hartley Oscillator Circuit
• The Hartley oscillator is an electronic oscillator circuit in
which the oscillation frequency is determined by a tuned
circuit consisting of capacitors and inductors, that is, an
LC oscillator.
• The circuit was invented in 1915 by American engineer
Ralph Hartley.
• The frequency of oscillation is determined by:

fo 
2π L eq C

L eq  L 1  L 2  2M

Crystal Oscillators
A crystal oscillator is an electronic oscillator circuit that uses
the mechanical resonance of a vibrating crystal of piezoelectric
material to create an electrical signal with a precise frequency.
The crystal has two resonant frequency models:

Series resonant condition

• RLC determine the resonant frequency
• The crystal has a low impedance

Parallel resonant condition

• RL and CM determine the resonant frequency
• The crystal has a high impedance

The series and parallel resonant frequencies are very close,

within 1% of each other.

Series Resonant Crystal Oscillator
• RLC determine the resonant

• The crystal has a low impedance

Parallel Resonant Crystal Oscillator
• RL and CM determine the resonant

• The crystal has a high impedance

Sample and Hold Circuits
• A sample and hold circuit is an analog device that samples a continuously varying analog
signal and holds its value at a constant level for a specified minimum period of time.
• They are typically used in analog-to-digital converters (ADC) to eliminate variations in
input signal.

Schmitt Trigger Circuits
• The Schmitt trigger is a binary circuit
and closely resembles a
• It has two stable output states and
the magnitude of the input voltage
determines which of the two is

• A multivibrator is an electronic circuit with two equilibrium states.
• They are useful as pulse generating, storing and counting circuits.
• There are three types of multivibrators:
 Astable multivibrator
 Monostabel multivibrator
 Bistable multivibrator
• They are basically two-stage amplifiers with positive feedback from the output of one
amplifier to the input of the other.

Types of Multivibrators

Astable/Free-running Multivibrator
• An astable is a multivibrator with
both states are unstable or the
circuit continuously toggles between
the states.
• When Q1 is OFF, Q2 is ON and vice
• Switching is depending on RC time
constant in the circuit.

Monostable Multivibrator
• In a monostable multivibrator, also
called one-shot only one state is stable.
• It can be brought into the unstable state
by applying an appropriate signal to the
trigger input.
• It has one energy-storing element i.e.
one capacitor.

Bistable Multivibrator
• In a bistable multivibrator, also
called flip-flop, both states are
• The circuit can be forces to go from
one state to another by applying an
appropriate signal to the trigger

555 Timer Circuit

The 555 Timer is an example of a versatile Timer IC.

Astable Operation

The timer output is a repetitive square

The output frequency can be calculated
as shown here.

555 Timer Circuit
Monostable Operation

The timer output is a one shot pulse. When an input is received it triggers a one shot pulse.
The time for which the output remains high can be calculated as shown.

Reading Assignments
• Filter Circuits:
• Types of filter circuits
• Passive Vs. Active filters
• Common frequency responses

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