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Bushong: Radiologic Science for Technologists, 11th Edition

Chapter 02: The Structure of Matter

Answers to Challenge Questions

1. a. Any quantum of electromagnetic radiation. It has no mass and no charge.

b. The first description of an atom having a nucleus.
c. Positively charged beta particle.
d. Neutrons and protons.
e. An arrangement of all known elements into rows and columns. The rows relate to
the number of electron shells present; the columns relate to the number of electrons in
the outermost shell.
f. Time required to reduce radioactivity to half its original value.
g. Tungsten.
h. The nucleus of the helium atom—two neutrons and two protons.
i. Innermost electron shell.
j. New substance that is formed when two or more atoms of different elements

2. 17 orders of magnitude.

3. The number of protons, neutrons, electrons, and nucleons are, respectively: O: 8, 9, 8,

17; Al: 13, 14, 13, 27; Co: 27, 33, 27, 60; and Ra: 88, 138, 88, 226.

4. 99 amu; 1.64 ´ 10−25 kg.

5. K = 2, L = 8, M = 8, N = 2.

6. 200 electrons.

7. a. 58 keV.
b. 67.2 keV.
c. 70 keV.

8. 60Ni – 61Ni – 62Ni = isotopes.

Co – 60Co – 61Co = isotopes.
Fe – 59Fe – 60Fe = isotopes.
Co – 59Fe = isobars.
Ni – 60Co – 60Fe = isobars.
Ni – 61Co = isobars.
Ni – 59Co – 58Fe = isotones.
Ni – 60Co – 59Fe = isotones.
Ni – 61Co – 60Fe = isotones.

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Answers to Challenge Questions 2-2

9. Approximately 2.5 MBq.

Type Mass Energy Charge Origin
µ 4 amu MeV +2 Nucleus
β 0 amu keV −1 Nucleus
β+ 0 amu keV +1 Nucleus
γ 0 MeV 0 Nucleus
x 0 keV 0 Electron Shells

11. Periodic table of the elements.

12. Niels Bohr.

13. Electrons, protons, and neutrons.

14. The energy required to hold nucleons together as a nucleus (nuclear binding energy).
The energy required to maintain electrons in orbit about the nucleus (electron binding

15. No. Positive charges (protons) do not move, they are confined to the nucleus.

16. An ion pair is formed when an electron is removed from an atom by ionizing

17. The arrangements of electrons in the outermost shells.

18. Electrostatic force of attraction, electron binding energy.

19. Mass and charge on the particle. An alpha particle has four units of mass and two
units of positive charge. A beta particle has essentially no mass and one unit of negative

20. Fixed 14C in petrified wood decays, while 14C in living wood is replenished.

Copyright © 2017, Elsevier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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