Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Perfect

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1) My father __________ (to start) snoring when he __________ (to be) 50.

2) My assistant __________ (to print) out the documents before I __________ (to
come) to the office.
3) The vegetables are in the fridge. We __________ (already/to go) shopping.
4) Mary’s mother-in-law __________ (to pick up) her litter before the police officer
__________ her.
5) Jacob __________ (to draw) a new scheme yesterday morning.
6) The best interviewee __________ (to phone) our manager this week.
7) Max __________ (to be) furious the day before yesterday. That’s because he
__________ (to quarrel) with his neighbour.
8) I __________ (to have) breakfast, __________ (to wash) up and __________ (to
leave) for work.
9) Noah __________ (never/hear) about this custom.
10) There’s a wide range of dishwashers. They __________ (to update) the

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