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Title: The Visitor FADE IN: EXT. ABANDONED CEMETERY - NIGHT The moon is full, casting an eerie glow over the cemetery. The sound of crickets and rustling leaves can be heard. Suddenly, a shadowy figure appears, making its way through the graves. CUO: INT. ABANDONED CHAPEL - NIGHT The figure enters the chapel, its face hidden by a cloak. It moves to the altar, where a single candle burns. The figure whispers something inaudible, and the candle flickers. CUO: EXT. CEMETERY - NIGHT The graves begin to shake, and the earth cracks open, revealing a dark void. A chilling wind blows, and a haunting melody fills the air. CUT TO: INT. ABANDONED CHAPEL - NIGHT The figure removes its cloak, revealing a woman in her early thirties. She moves to the door, and we see the nameplate: "Father James." She exits the chapel, and the wind picks up, blowing her hair back. She walks towards the void, and we see dozens of shadowy figures surrounding her. She stops at the edge of the void and whispers something inaudible. The shadowy figures disappear, and the wind dies down. The void closes, and the earth becomes still. CUT TO: EXT. CEMETERY - NIGHT The woman stands alone, staring at the grave of a young girl. She kneels down and places a flower on the grave. WOMAN: Goodbye, Lily. | hope you found peace. CUT TO: EXT. ABANDONED CEMETERY - NIGHT The woman walks away from the cemetery, disappearing into the darkness. FADE OUT.

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