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Product, Price, Place, Promotion.

Product- Enlightening experience in the Mahabodhi temple where prince Siddhartha

attained Enlightenment and became Buddha. In the Mahabodhi temple, you can see its
magnificent architecture and design, lotus pond, Stupas and Shrines. It also contains a
metal statue of Buddha over 5ft in height and resembles Buddha holding the earth,
signifying his achievement of enlightenment. Apart from these, you can also get your divine
experience under the Bodhi tree.

Price- There's no entry fee. However, the charge for cameras is 100 rupees, and 300 rupees
for video cameras.

Place- The Mahabodhi Temple is in Bodh Gaya, Bihar, India. Bodh Gaya is 15 km from Gaya
and is about 120 km from Patna. It is one of the four holy sites related to the life of the Lord
Buddha. Since the airport is also nearby, it attracts more tourists because of the travel
convenience. The site is being visited by many pilgrims/tourists (national/international).

Promotion- The site was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2002. The Government
of India and the State Government of Bihar promote the site through their Tourism
Departments. An NGO has also proposed a scheme for constructing the tallest statue in the
world, a Buddha 152.4 m high near the temple. Unique festivals and events are being
conducted by the Bodhgaya Temple Management Committee (BTMC).

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