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Training manual

What is Platinum Brewed & Hung?

 Platinum Brewed & Hung is not a restaurant, we are the first Platinum Tap room, that serves our
customers Beers on tap, and we offer slow bbq meats, veggies, sides, all to compliment our Beer
 We are many things but not boring. It’s a place where we serve great food and drinks with the best
beers on tap.
 It’s a place where we obsess about the consistency and quality of our food and drinks, especially
our beer.
 We are relaxed about the way we serve our food and drinks, yet we keep our focus on keeping our
customers happy.
 It’s a place where you can be yourselves and where the only rules that matter, are those that help
everyone get along and the customers having a great time and an experience they will not forget
and will come back to.

Where can you find Platinum Brewed & Hung?

 Website www.
 Facebook page
 What you get A great Barbeque experience with a lot of theatre and the best beer
in Vietnam

 Born December 2018

 Address 74/3 Hai Ba Trung street, District 1

 Phone number

 Opening times Monday – Thursday

16:00 – 23.00
Friday – Sunday
16:00 – 00.00
How we train you

We have put together this training manual to assist you on your journey with us.
When you work in the front of house, you play an essential part in every customer’s experience of Platinum
Brewed & Hung. You are the face of the restaurant, you are Platinum.
We’re crazy about consistency: we want our customers to have a great time, every time they visit us. We can
only achieve this together & if you know what you’re doing and if you believe in what we are doing.

When you start working with us, we’ll show you how to do every part of your job. Don’t be shy, ask
questions, taste the food, taste the beer. If you are not sure, ask. Rather be that way than to pretend to know
what’s going on.

We’ll also tell you why there’s certain way we want you to do things. Alongside your practical training, this
manual will give you extra tips to make your work easier and the answers to most of the questions you might

This manual is your career path with us, whether you are a part time staff member, or a full-time staff
member, we are all Platinum together. We cannot grade your work without having each section completed.
You can keep this manual during your first 2 weeks with us, so that you can read the relevant sections before
or after we give you your practical training. You can also write notes in it to help you remember the
practical stuff and the information we give you verbally.

Your training plan will last for as long and how quick you get what we need you to get, although we’ll keep
training you.

You’ll spend a bit of time at first, so that you can become familiar with our food and drinks. Then you’ll
spend lots of time on the floor, doing the pass, running food & drinks and, most important, learning how to
take care of our customers. It’s important to us that you understand how all of front of house parts of the
restaurant work together, to deliver our customers a great experience.
We’ve chosen you carefully and are excited to have you with us. We can do great things together.
We’ll support you and will help you learn and grow with us. What we expect in return is that you’re
committed to your training so that you’ll learn every aspect of your work. If at any point you don’t feel
confident with a particular area, please let us know. We want you to ask questions and contribute your
feedback and ideas: You’re part of our team now, and we want you to be involved in it and give the best that
you can.

Induction & orientation

Your manager will take you through an induction and orientation of the restaurant. This will include:
Documents received / Information given Your signature Trainer’s signature
Tài liệu đã có /cung cấp thông tin Chữ ký của bạn Chữ ký của trainer
Hồ sơ làm việc
Passport / Right to work
Hộ chiếu
National Insurance card
Chứng minh nhân dân
Starter pack
Bằng cấp
Contract of employment
Hợp đồng lao động
The Book
Tài liệu liên quan

Restaurant Tour

Entrances (incl. delivery/staff entrance if applicable)

Nguồn xin việc
Staff areas
Vị trí ứng tuyển
Storage areas
Khu vực
Kitchen (incl. emergency shut-off points) & dishwasher
Bếp& rửa bát
Văn phòng
Quầy bar
Restaurant floor
Khu vực nhà hàng
Dumb Waiter / Scullery
Tạp vụ
Emergency Procedures
Quy trình khẩn cấp
Fire alarm call points
Điểm báo cháy
Fire extinguishers/blankets
Bình cứu hỏa
Emergency exits
Lối thoát hiểm
Emergency meeting point
Điểm tập hợp khẩn cấp
Evacuating disabled customers
Sơ tán khách hàng
First aid boxes & first aiders
Hộp sơ cứu&sơ cứu
Reporting accidents & incidents
Báo cáo tai nạn &sự cố
An toàn lao động
Using chemicals & Safety
Platinum TIPS: How not to mess up
 Acknowledge anyone walking through the front door, be friendly and greet them with a smile, don’t
wait for them to come to you.
 Eat meat – after all we have a fantastic BBQ , be open to try new things
 Leave your phone in your bag in staff room – no cell phones will be allowed on the floor during
service time. Should you be expecting an important phone call, you can request the Manager on duty
to keep your phone for you.
 If you have money on your, leave it with the manager on duty. Money in pockets during service time
could mean you have stolen tips. We don’t want to be faced with that situation.
 Tips will be counted every night at closing time during cash-up. The GM, cashier and one other
member, that will rotate every night, will sign on the cash up sheet and the tips will be put in an
envelope in the safe. The cashier will have a note book where he will write down the tip amount
every night and it will be available to all staff to have a look at whenever they feel like it. The tips
will be divided between all staff once a month.
 Speak English on the floor and we address customers in English. We only speak Vietnamese, when a
customer speaks Vietnamese to us. PLEASE NOTE: We will have many customers who will be
coming to our restaurant that will be Vietnamese and foreigner together. Do not stare at them, let
them be. Do not start by speaking Vietnamese to the Vietnamese person, make sure to address them
both in English.
 If you drop something on the floor it needs to be washed. If a guest drops something on the floor,
listen for the sound, and replace whatever it is in a speedily manner.
 Always clean tables with warm soapy water and dry it with a towel. Make sure out clothes are
soaked in hot water and detergent at the end of the night.
 Always place coasters under cold drinks i.e beer glasses, soft drink glasses. There is no need for a
coaster under a red wine glass.
 Talk to customers like normal human beings, engage, show your personality, don’t flirt with
customers – be professional
 Only clear the food off a table once everyone has finished. If you are unsure if they are finished
eating, politely ask if they are. The guest will let you know.
 If you are unsure about anything, ASK for help! If you don’t know, ASK. If you cannot understand
something, let the person know, so they can understand you by simple saying: “I’m sorry, I don’t
understand, let me get someone to help you”
 Taste, taste, taste, it is so important that you taste everything on the menu so that you are
comfortable with all items on the food and drink menus and can explain and recommend them to our
customers. We do not want to hear from staff: “I only eat Vietnamese food” then you shouldn’t be
working with us. Everybody loves to try new things

Follow the rules above and you will be a great staff member
Thực hiện các qui định dưới đây bạn sẽ trở thành một nhân viên tuyệt vời

How to mess up:

Thế nào để gây rối:
 Arguing or fighting with other staff or managers, arguing with guests or fighting will mean
immediate dismissal from the restaurant
• Tranh cãi hoặc đánh nhau với nhân viên hoặc người quản lý khác, tranh cãi với khách hoặc
đánh nhau sẽ đồng nghĩa với việc đuổi việc ngay lập tức khỏi nhà hàng
 Do not steal tips. Together everyone works hard, we share the tips between all staff
Đừng ăn cắp tiền típ.Mọi người cùng nhau làm việc chăm chỉ, chúng tôi chia sẻ tiền típ giữa tất
cả nhân viên
 Being disrespectful to your customers, manager or colleagues
Không tôn trọng khách hàng, người quản lý hoặc đồng nghiệp của bạn
 Not following instruction or having bad behavior with managers
• Không tuân theo qui định hoặc có hành vi xấu với người quản lý
 If after 3 warnings, you still do not follow the managers lead, you will be requested to leave
Nếu sau 3 cảnh báo, bạn vẫn không tuân theo sự dẫn dắt của người quản lý, bạn sẽ được yêu cầu
nghỉ việc
 Giving a customer your private mobile number
Cho khách số điện thoại cá nhân của bạn
 Borrowing money from the till, tips or other staff members
Mượn tiền từ hệ thống máy, tiền típ hoặc nhân viên khác
(this causes come serious problems and we rather want to void this) rather speak to your
manager about any issues financially and let your manager consult HR.
(điều này gây ra vấn đề nghiêm trọng và chúng tôi muốn loại bỏ vấn đề này) thay vì vay mượn
bạn hãy nói chuyện với người quản lý của bạn về bất kỳ vấn đề tài chính nào và để người quản lý
của bạn tham khảo ý kiến nhân sự
 Not showing up for your shift without notice to the manager on duty
 Không hiển thị cho ca làm việc của bạn mà không thông báo cho người quản lý đang làm nhiệm
 No Gambling!
Không đánh bạc!

Things to say and things not to say

Nói cái gì và không nói cái gì
Things you need to practice how to say:

Những điều bạn cần thực hành làm thế nào để nói:

 Hello, how are you?

 Xin chào ,bạn khỏe không?
 Great to see you again!
 Tuyệt vời khi được gặp lại bạn!
 Welcome to our tap room!
 Chào đón đến phòng bia vòi của chúng tôi!
 Do you like traveling in Vietnam?
 Bạn đang du lịch tại Vietnam?
 Are you enjoying your meal?
 Bạn thích bữa ăn chứ?
 Would you like anotherr Drink?
 bạn muốn một loại thức uống khác không?
 Would you like some – ketchup
Bạn có muốn thêm một ít sốt cà chua không?
Mù tạc
Extra sauce
Thêm sốt
Black pepper
Tiêu đen
 How long have you been in Vietnam?
Bạn ở việt nam bao lâu?
 Where do you come from?
Bạn đến từ đâu?
 Would you like anything else?
 Bạn có cần thêm gì không?
Things not to say when talking to customers:

Những thứ không nên nói khi đang trò chuyện với khách hàng:

 How old are you?

 Bạn bao nhiêu tuổi?
 Are you married?
 Bạn kết hôn chưa?
 What is your weight?
 Bạn bao nhiêu kí?
 Have you got a lot of money, you rich?
 Bạn có nhiều tiền không? Giàu không?
 Can I have your phone number?
 Tôi có thể xin số điên thoại bạn không?
 Can I add you on Facebook?
 Tôi có thể kết bạn facebook với bạn không?
 Have you got a Vietnamese girlfriend?
 Bạn có bạn gái ở Vietnam không?
 Can you give me some money, I’ll pay you back
 Bạn có thể cho tôi một ít tiền không?, tôi sẽ trả lại bạn sau

If you say the things above you, will most probably lose your job because the
customer will think you are a “call girl” or a policeman
Do not say it
Nếu bạn nói những điều trên bạn, rất có thể sẽ mất việc vì khách hàng sẽ nghĩ
bạn là “gái gọi” hoặc một cảnh sát viên
Đừng nói thế

General Information
Late / Sick
 If you’re running late, even if it’s 5 min late, you MUST phone the restaurant and let the manager
know. If the manager is not available, then speak to the General Manager. Anything can happen and
traffic is sometimes crazy. Punishment will only occur if you do not let a manager know about your
delay. Be on top of your game, if you know the traffic is bad on the way to work, leave earlier.
 If you need to study, party till late, have family responsibility, it is your responsibility to arrange
someone to cover your shift of working (we’ve all been there, done that)
 If you are sick: contact the manager to let them know, at least three hours (3hours) before your shift.
If you call with less than 3 hours before your shift, you need to also plan for someone to cover your
shift. Always speak to the captain, assistant manager or general manager. The manager has a right to
ask you to come to work to show that you are sick.
 If you’re sick at work: make your manager aware of it immediately. (don’t kill yourself just to
please, let us help you)
 Everyone has paid sick leave. However, you need to take note: Doctors notes must be accompanied
for paid sick leave requests. Pharmacy prescriptions are not accepted a doctor’s note. (who would be
so silly to think that would work?)

Staff Food
 Staff food is available to all staff, working ANY shift, on the day. The company provides 1 staff
meal per day.
 Staff meal is served on the balcony if there are no customers. The manager has the right to alternate
eating times, depending on the business needs.
 Staff food is served at 5pm every day

 Everyone needs a break. Just make sure to chat to the manager before taking it, so we can arrange
someone in your section or to cover your duties.
 Smoking is bad, we shouldn’t smoke. However, if you’re a bad smoker, a smoke break Just touch
base with the section manager/manager before going out of your section.
 We are all grown ups who use the toilet, don’t just disappear and go to the WC, let someone know,
especially if you’re in the busy section with lots of customers
 All staff get 30% off at Platinum Beer & Hung. We encourage you to bring your friends and
family to experience the Platinum experience.
 In order to get the discount at Platinum Brewed & Hung, just let your General manager know
about it, before you come.

Requesting time off / your roster

A copy of the roster is displayed each Thursday for the week ahead, in the office. We will try to have our
rosters up 2 weeks in advance.
If you are a student/part timer and you have a study schedule, it is your responsibility to let the manager
know before your examination period.
If you require a particular day off or want to request holiday leave, you can do so by speaking to a manager
and filling in the holiday request form. The General manager will approve or decline it.

All of your personal details are stored with the management. It is important that if you change address or
phone number or any personal details, you inform your manager or general manager and it will be changed
on the system.

Closing duties
Shortly before we close up or the night, we call ‘last order’ . This means that we give our customers one last
opportunity to order food and drinks before we close the kitchen and the bar. The Manager will go to each
table and let the customers know about the “last order”

You trainer will explain this to you in more detail, but last orders have to be done properly so that customers
get everything they want before we close. Although we stop making food and drinks after last orders have
been taken, your job isn’t done yet. We never just leave out restaurant in a mess, we always prepare for the
next day.

Your supervisor or manager will show you the list with the closing duties for the floor, and they’ll show you
how they want them done. At the end of the shift, they allocate the duties to everyone in the team.
Don’t leave the floor to do them until you’ve handed over your tables to someone else. Make sure that you
tell them what stage of the meal each of your tables is at. If you’re given duties that are done on the
restaurant floor, remember to keep the noise down - there may still be customers in the restaurant. And if
you’re looking after tables until the end of the shift, make sure they get the same service as if it was 2 hours
earlier. Wait for your supervisor or manager to check that the duties have been done properly before you go

How a shift works

Always come to work 15 min before your shift starts and we work until closing time. (remember, if you’re
going to be late, make sure to call the manager on duty) if we have a big table of big spenders, any overtime
will be recorded. Payment for overtime must be approved by the Board of Directors. We prefer time off in
lieu of Overtime pay. The manager will keep record of this.

Every dinner shift begins with a staff briefing. This is when the manager informs the staff where they will be
working, what items the kitchen are running low of and other general notes on service. The briefing is held
every day after staff dinner and all staff MUST attend.

What to wear
At Platinum Brewed & Hung we ask you to wear your uniform provided. NO sandals, open-toed shoes
and no stomachs and armpits showing. Be clean, no unpleasant body smells, clean nails and hair, the girls
must wear makeup and look presentable

Runners/Part time Runners:

 Keeps Friendly, pleasant and neat imagine to customers
 Checks personal Hygiene and well-groomed appearance, always wears clean and tidy uniform
 Always be Friendly, pleasant and smiling under any circumstance
 Help the waiters to clear & clean the tables, empty glasses, empty bottles, dirty ashtrays
 Deliver food/drinks correctly to the waiters
 Polish the cutlery and make sure it is placed in the sections
 Take the bill to the manager/waiter in the section to check
 After the customers leave, help the waiter to clear and clean the table
 Sweep under the table if needed
 Take dirty dishes to kitchen and empty any dirty bins in the section
 Do not talk back or be arrogant
 Do what is asked off you and do not hide from work and be lazy
 Do not take any tips for yourself, put all tips in the tip box provided
 Work well with others and the team
 Supports to waiters/waitress/barman/cashier/Manager on any requests
 Does not interact with guests unless training has been completed and the manager is confident
you can do the job. Runners/trainee’s do not take orders from the table, unless trained to do so.
 Reports any complains to the section Waitress/ Manager immediately
 Help to prepare restaurant for service time
 Set up station, polish glasses and cutlery ready for operation, fold clean napkin, wipe and polish
cutleries of assigned section & help the staff at the end of shift to set up for the next day
 Separates plates, cutlery and ensures that they are put in correct place for washing after clearing
tables, etc.
 Helps to keep the restaurant clean at all times, if a customer spills something, you are the one
who gets the mop or broom to clean it up
 May be required to wash glasses, windows, water plants or even clean the toilets from time to


 If you cannot understand or hear what someone is saying, you need to inform them as

“I’m sorry, I don’t understand, let me get someone to help you”

 If a customer wants to order from you, you are not a waiter yet, you need to learn to

“Sorry, I’m a trainee, let me get the waiter for you”

As a runner or trainee , you are here to learn the ways of the restaurant, as mainly to back up the
waiters/waitresses or barman with any help that they need. Your main duties are to learn about our place,
the process and procedure of restaurants. You are new, be open minded to learn every aspect of the front
of house.

You do not interact with the customers. That is the waiter’s job. Waiters take care of the customers, be
patient, you will get there soon enough. If you deliver food from the kitchen, you deliver either to the
manager on duty in the section, if the waitress is busy or to the section waitress.
You can move up to be a training waiter once you know all the duties, you are confident to speak and take
orders and you can show us that you can do it well, with your managers approval.
If at any time you think you can do the job well, let us know. Failing test, is not a failure, it is how we
learn from our mistakes.

Platinum Beer & Hung set up MUST be complete by 5 pm.

Afternoon setup
Setting up the restaurant is the responsibility of the waiters & runners working from 3pm. There are always
4 Staff working this shift to ensure the restaurant is ready when opened.

 MENUS CHECK: Throw away any pages that are stained or damaged. Spare printed menu pages
are found on a clipboard on the bottom shelf of the waiter station. If you cannot find the required
pages, ask a manager for either drinks, shots or food pages to be re-printed..
 Trays: cleaning all black waiter trays with hot soapy water after shift, before going home.
 You may be required to mop the floor, clean the windows or assist in other duties from time to time.
We all help each other

There are many duties in a restaurant that need to be done each week.

A weekly checklist for opening/closing the floor is found on the wall in the staff room. This must be ticked
off each day after set-up and initialled by the person who completed the task. The squares that have a
diagonal strike through mean that the duty was done. Shaded squares mean the duty is not required on that

You can only deliver great service, if you’re well prepared, so your section and waiter station need to be
properly set up so that you have everything you need during the shift. Running around during service time to
find things that we not done in the preparation for service, is just unprofessional.

It may be that someone else set up the floor before you come on shift, or that you’re taking over someone
else’s section. Whatever the case may be, check that:

 The chairs are in the right place

 Any empty tables are clean
 There are clean cloths and sanitizer by the waiter station
 There are spare printer and PDQ rolls, spare order pads, a stapler and clean bill jars/trays by
the till
 There are business cards and flyers by the till to hand out with the bills

Setting up involves:

 Taking down chairs and preparing tables

 Refilling hand towels and toilet paper in toilets, folding napkins, polishing cutlery
 Restocking the waiter stations (polish cutlery and plates)
 Putting away any delivered foods or beverages
 Making sure the restaurant is clean and presentable for service

Initial set-up
Take the Chairs off the tables, and place under tables in correct position.
 Wipe table surfaces and the tops of chairs with hot soapy water. Use plastic buckets for this. Green
detergent is found in the kitchen and scullery. All cleaning material is in a red basket provided for
this. Keep this neat and tidy and all in the same place.
 Refill the napkins. These items are found on the waiter station at the back of the restaurant. If there
are none there, then napkins are found in a box in the storeroom. Consult a manager for more
napkins, as they will be in the locked storeroom.
 Make sure there are enough knives, forks, toothpicks, marketing materials and menu’s in the waiter
 Make sure any sauce containers are clean of sauce and presentable for the customers i.e ketchup,
chilli sauce
 If you are finished with your set up, check with the grill section or bar if they need any help

Table settings
When everything is filled and restocked, the condiments are distributed to the tables and arranged in a
cluster. There are xx table settings in total. Each of these clusters should consist of:

 cutlery set for the number of chairs at the table

 napkins

Please notify a manager when stock such as napkins/wet towels/cleaning products are running low, or if you
notice lights out or other damage in the restaurant.

Company knowledge
Kiến thức công ty

Training topic Vietnamese Competenc Trainer/ Mgr.

Chủ đề đào tạo Tiếng việt y buddy Sign
Năng lực Người đào Chữ kí
tạo giám đốc
1 Name of the company
Tên công ty
2 Name of the owners
Tên chủ công ty

3 All foreign managers

Tất cả tên của quản lý

4 Names of the office girls”

Tên của nữ văn phòng
Kế toán
Social media
Truyền thông
Thiết kế

Standards and attitude

Nội quy &tác phong

Task Vietnamese Competency Trainer/ Mgr.

Chỉ định Tiếng việt Năng lực buddy Sign
Người Chữ ký quản
đào tạo lý
Has signed committed form
and has been given all relevant
documentation to the manager
– this must be done before
starting work at the company
Đã ký vào mẫu cam kết và đã
được cung cấp tất cả các tài
liệu liên quan cho quản lý- việc
này phải được hoàn thành
trước khi bắt đầu công việc tại
công ty
Comes to work on time
Thời gian làm việc
Clean and correct uniform with
name badge showing
làm sạch và chỉnh chu đồng phụ
với bảng tên nhân viên
No long or dirty fingernails and
no body smell, untidy hair
Không để móng tay quá dài và
dơ. Không có mùi cơ thể và để
kiểu tóc gọn gàng
Task Vietnamese Competency Trainer/ Mgr.
Chỉ định Tiếng việt Năng lực buddy Sign
Người Chữ ký quản
đào tạo lý
Know the 3 rules for losing your
Ba điều khiến bạn mất việc
1. Stealing
Đánh cắp
2. Lying
Nói dối
3. Bad attitude
Thái độ không tốt

R1 No money or phone in your

Không mang theo điện thoại và
tiền khi đang làm việc
R1 Put the tips in the tip box every
Bỏ tất cả tiền tips khi nhận
được vào thùng
R1 No fighting or arguing
Không cãi nhau hay ẩu đả

R1 No borrowing or lending money

Không cho hoặc vay mượn tiền

R1 Always listen and follow your

Luôn luôn lắng nghe và luôn
luôn thấu hiểu cấp trên của bạn
R1 Always smile, work with your
team and be happy with others
Luôn mỉm cười và hợp tác làm
việc với nhóm cũng như với mọi

R1 Treat others the way that you

would like them to treat you
Đối xử với mọi người theo cách
mà bạn muốn họ đối xử với bạn

R1 Know how to polish the cutlery

with lemon so there are no
Biết cách làm sạch và đánh
bóng dao kéo bằng chanh khi
không dùng bao tay
R1 Know how to carry three plates
to the table to deliver the food
Biết cách mang một lúc ba dĩa
thức ăn đến bàn
R1 Knows the table numbers and
sections of the restaurant
(smoking, non-smoking)
Biết tất cả các số bàn, các bảng
và các phần của nhà hang(được
hút thuốc, không được hút
R1 Clean the windows (no cleaning
marks), tables & Chairs
Lau cửa sổ(không để lại vết
hằn),bàn ,ghế
R1 Check the hygiene in the toilets,
air freshner, sink, mirrors
Kiểm tra vệ sinh trong nhà vệ
sinh, bồn rửa không khí, bồn
rửa tay,mirrors…
Task Vietnamese Competency Trainer/ Mgr.
Chỉ định Tiếng việt Năng lực buddy Sign
Người Chữ ký quản
đào tạo lý
R1 Know the 4 steps of deep clean
in the bar and restaurant:
From top to bottom
Unpack, clean, pack
Biết 4 bước làm sạch sâu trong
quầy bar và trong nhà hang :
Từ trên xuống
Phía sau
Bên dưới
Không đóng gói,làm sạch, đóng
R1 Know how to rinse and clean
the clothes, trays, dirty baskets
Biết cách giặt và làm sạch quần
áo, khay,giỏ bẩn
R1 Be able to clean the service
stations and know how to
organize them
Có thể làm sạch các khu trạm
dịch vụ và biết cách sắp xếp
R1 How to polish the wine, spirits,
water and beer glasses and how
to use the dishwasher
Biết cách lau ly rượu vang, ly
rượu mạnh, ly bia và biết cách
sử dụng máy rửa chén
R1 How to balance a full tray of
drinks (heaviest in the middle to
lightest on the outside. Balance
of the hand
Cách cân bằng một khay đồ
uống đầy(nặng nhất ở giữa và
nhẹ nhất ở bên ngoài)

R1 How to empty a table of glasses

with a tray (From middle to
Cách dọn một bàn với đầy kín ly
với một cái khay
R1 Know how and when to change
Biết cách làm thế nào và lúc nào
khi thay đổi gạt tàn thuốc
R1 Knows how to fold napkins
Biết cách gấp khăn ăn
R1 Knows how to Clean condiment
bottles and check the expiry
Biết cách làm sạch những lọ gia
vị và kiểm tra hạn sử dụng của
R1 Knows how to check under
tables for dirty and food
Biết cách kiểm tra vệ sinh dưới
bàn và thức ăn

R1 Knows how to clean the mops

and dry them properly
Biết cách làm sạch giẻ lau và
làm khô chúng đúng theo qui
Task Vietnamese Competency Trainer/ Mgr.
buddy sign

R1 Knows where all cleaning

equipment is stored and how
much of each chemical to use
Biết nơi lưu trữ tất cả các thiết
bị làm sạch và liều lượng sử
dụng hóa chất
R1 Knows how to say “I’m a only a
trainee, let me get the waiter”
Biết cách để nói câu:” tôi chỉ là
một người đào tạo , để tôi gọi
phục vụ”
R1 Knows how to say: ‘I’m sorry, I
don’t understand, let me get
someone to help you”
Biết cách nói câu:” tôi xin lỗi ,
tôi không hiểu, để tôi gọi ai đó
có thể giúp bạn”
R1 Must report problems to the
waitress or manager
Phải báo cáo lại các vấn đề của
phục vụ hoặc quản lý
R1 Has put all three of the above to
the test with manager
Thử nghiệm cả ba điều trên với
quản lý
R1 Follows chain of command
Làm theo mệnh lệnh

R1 Is pro-active in learning and

practicing what he/she has
Là người chủ động học tập và
thực hành những gì mà anh chị
học được
R1 Know sections and table
numbers off by heart
Biết các phần và số bảng viết
R1 Understand how to use the
Hiểu cách sử dụng lót ly

R1 Understand basic requests, Wi-

Fi, ashtray, ice/no ice
Order taxi, where’s the toilet?
Hiểu các yêu cầu cơ bản , WI-FI,
gạt tàn, đá /không đá
Gọi taxi, toilet ở đâu?
R2 Knows the correct cutlery set up
Biết cách đặt các loại dao kéo
thích hợp

Task Vietnamese Competency Trainer/ Mgr.

buddy sign
R1 Eye for detail – table levels and
section setup – test
Biết chi tiết – cấp độ bảng và
các phần thiết lập- kiểm tra
R6 Understand setup procedure in
Hiểu quy trình thiết lập trong
nhà hàng

Section Pass Mark : 90%

By this time the trainee/runner should have a keen understanding of restaurant set up, being helpful
with staff, working well in a team.

Their English should also be of a good enough level to be able to speak to customers, take orders and
must have a good knowledge of how to refer to the manager, if there are any complaints

Test score:

English score


Staff member sign: Manager signed:

Our Guideline to PLATINUM service

Hướng dẫn của chúng tôi về dịch vụ PLATINUM
1 Greet customer(s)  Be friendly, smile and make eye contact
Chào khách hàng  Hãy thân thiện mỉm cười,và giao tiếp bằng mắt
 Speak clearly, show interest
 Nói một cách rõ rang, thể hiện sự quan tâm

2 Ask if Smoking or non-  Where would you like to sit, in the smoking, non-smoking,
smoking section upstairs, downstairs area?
Hỏi khách xem họ hút  Bạn muốn ngồi ở đâu, khu vực hút thuốc hay không hút thuốc,
thuốc hay không hút trên lầu hay dưới lầu?
thuốc  Have you made a reservation?
 Bạn đã đặt bàn(phòng )chưa?
3 Seat customers at  If there are only 2 customers, don’t seat them at a table for 4
correct number of or more.
seats of table (if we are  Nếu chỉ có 2 khách hàng đừng để họ ngồi bàn dành cho 4
busy) người
Ghế khách hàng phải  If there are children, give them coloring books and crayons,
đúng số bàn(nếu chúng also tell the kids not to go near the bbq area because they
ta kín chỗ) might burn
 Nếu có trẻ em đi kèm , đưa cho chúng những quyến sách tô
màu và bút màu, đồng thời nói với chúng không được đến gần
khu vực BBQ bởi vì rất dễ làm bỏng chúng
 Let the ladies know that there is a hook under the table for
their bags
 Hãy cho những người phụ nữ biết chỗ móc túi xách của họ
dưới bàn
4 Introduce yourself, the  Introduce yourself by saying your name and your position. Say
menu, any specials or “Good evening, my name is ………, I’m your waiter/waitress”
combo’s and let the  Giới thiệu bản thân bằng cách : giới thiệu tên,vị trí làm việc.
customer know any out say:”chào buổi tối, tôi tên là………, tôi là phục vụ bàn của bạn “
of stock items  Present customers with menus
Giới thiệu bản thân ,  Khách hàng hiện tại với menu
menu, tất cả những gì  Ask them if they would like one or split bills
đặc biệt hay những  Hỏi họ nếu họ muốn chia lẻ hóa đơn
combo đang có và cho  Introduce the menu
khách hàng biết tất cả  Giới thiệu thực đơn
những gì đang hết  Tell them if there are any items on the menu that is not
hàng available
 Nói với họ nếu có bất kỳ món nào trong thực đơn hết hàng
 Would you like to order a drink while you look at the menu or
do you need more time to look at the drinks menu?
 Hỏi họ: bạn có muốn gọi đồ uống không hay bạn cần thêm
thời gian để xem thực đơn?
5 Take drink order  Offer the customers a drink while they look at the menu
Gọi đồ uống  Hỗ trợ khách hàng về đồ uống khi họ nhìn vào thực đơn
6 Repeat drink order  Always repeat the order when there is more than 1 person
Xác nhận đồ uống mà Luôn nhắc lại về phần đã gọi khi có thêm 1 khách hàng
khách gọi  Most customers will enjoy a drink while looking at our menu
 Hầu hết khách hàng sẽ thưởng thức một đồ uống khi nhìn vào
thực đơn của chúng ta
7 Enter POS Enter the drinks order in the POS. Make sure the right drinks are
rung up to the right customer if they want split bills. If restaurant
is very busy, give the order to the barman or runner to get it in the
meantime, then enter in POS. Runner is not allowed to work on
the POS system until he passed the POS test

 Nhập thứ tự đồ uống trong Pos . hãy chắc chắn rằng đồ uống
phù hợp được chuyển đến đúng với khách hàng nếu họ muốn
chia hóa đơn. Nếu nhà hàng quá bận , hãy ra lệnh cho người
phục vụ hoặc người chạy bàn để nhận nó trong lúc này, sau đó
nhập vào POS. người chạy bàn không được phép sử dụng hế
thống POS cho đến khi anh ta vượt qua bài kiểm tra

 We do not serve drinks unless ordered into the pos, even for

 Chúng ta không phục vụ đồ uống trừ khi được yêu cầu vào vị
trí đó
8 Serve the drink  The drink should be placed on a coaster and it should be
Phục vụ đồ uống placed on the right side of the customer
 Đồ uống nên đặt trên một miếng lót và nên đặt phía bên phải
của khách hàng
9 Take food order  Ask the customers if they are ready to order or if they need
Gọi thức ăn some more time
 Hỏi kĩ khách hàng nếu họ đã sẵn sàng gọi món hoặc nếu họ
cần thêm thời gian
 If they are ready to order take the food order and ask the
ladies first and then the men.
 Nếu họ đã sẵn sàng gọi thức ăn và nên hỏi phụ nữ trước sau
đó mới đến đàn ông
 Finish with one customer before asking the next customer.
 Kết thúc với 1 khách hàng trước khi hỏi khách hàng tiếp theo
 Ask if they have any allergies
 Hỏi khách hàng xem họ có bất kì dị ứng nào không
1 Repeat the food order  Make sure you have everyone’s attention and ask them if you
0 Lập lại thức ăn đã gọi can repeat the order
 Hãy chắc rằng bạn có được chú ý của mọi người và hỏi họ nếu
họ có thể nhắc lại phần gọi món
 Repeat the order in the same sequence that you took it and for
each customer start with the starter then mains
 Nhắc lại phần gọi món theo trình tự mà bạn đã thực hiện và
cho mỗi khách hàng bắt đầu với món khai vị sau đó tới món
 After repeating the order, remove all menus from the table
and place them in place provided
 Sau khi nhắc lại món ăn ,xóa tất cả khỏi bảng và đặt chúng
vào vị trí đã được cung cấp
 Make sure that their drinks are still okay and if not ask if you
can get them anything else
 • Hãy chắc chắn rằng đồ uống của họ vẫn ổn và nếu không hỏi
bạn có thể hỏi họ cần lấy gì khác không
1 Enter POS  Enter meal order in POS and remember if busy, give the order
1 Xác nhận trên POS to the manager to enter in the POS
 • Nhập đơn đặt hàng bữa ăn trong POS và nhớ nếu bận, hãy
đưa đơn hàng cho người quản lý để nhập vào POS
1 Keep an eye on the  You should have an eye on your tables at all time. If you walk
2 drinks past a table, even if it is not you table and you see a dirty
Quan sát đồ uống ashtray or an empty bottle or glass, remove it from the table
 • Bạn nên để mắt đến bàn của mình mọi lúc. Nếu bạn đi ngang
qua một cái bàn, ngay cả khi đó không phải là bàn của bạn và
bạn thấy một cái gạt tàn bẩn hoặc một cái chai hoặc ly rỗng,
hãy lấy nó ra khỏi bàn
 If you see that the glass is nearly empty, ask if you can get
them another drink
 Nếu bạn thấy ly đã gần hết đồ uống , hãy hỏi xem họ có cần
thêm đồ uống khác không?
 Never take a glass away before it is completely empty
khôn g bao giờ lấy một ly đi trước khi nó hoàn toàn trống rỗng
 We have free water if customers want water.
Chúng ta có miễn phí nước uống nếu khách hàng muốn uống
1 Serve food  Before you take the food to the table make sure that all the
3 Phục vụ thức ăn ashtrays on the table are clean
 Khi trước khi bạn đặt thức ăn lên trên bàn thì hãy chắc chắn
rằng chiếc gạt tàn đã sạch sẽ
 Take food to the table and name the dish
Mang thức ăn ra bàn và gọi tên món
 Serve the ladies first, preferably in the order that you took the
food order
 • Phục vụ phụ nữ trước, tốt nhất là theo thứ tự bạn đã thực
hiện theo thứ tự món ăn
 Serve food from the left and clear from the right
 Phục vụ món ăn từ trái qua và dọn sạch từ phải qua
 Never lean over customers, if it is difficult to reach the
customer ask the nearest customer if he could please pass the
 • Không bao giờ chồm vào khách hàng, nếu khó tiếp cận khách
hàng, hãy hỏi khách hàng gần nhất xem anh ta có thể vui lòng
chuyển đồ ăn không
 Ask customers if they would like some black pepper or
anything else like ketchup, mustard etc. ……
 • Hỏi khách hàng xem họ có muốn một ít tiêu đen hoặc bất cứ
thứ gì khác như sốt cà chua, mù tạt, v.v.
1 Change cutlery or  Where cutlery of plates need changing, do so and deliver
4 plates cutlery on a side plate
Thay đổi dao kéo hoặc  • Trường hợp dao kéo của đĩa cần thay đổi, hãy làm như vậy
dĩa và để dao kéo trên đĩa phụ

1 Check how the food is  5 min after serving the food, go to the table and ask “How is your meal
5 Kiểm tra thức ăn  5 phút sau khi phục vụ món ăn , hãy đi đến bàn và hỏi” bữa ăn của bạn như
thế nào?”
 Ask if you could get them anything else
Hỏi xem bạn có thể lấy thêm cho họ không?
 Don’t forget to check the drinks!!
 Đừng quên kiểm tra đồ uống!!
 If there is anything to clean/clear do it now, so you don’t go back and forth all
the time and interrupt them.
 Nếu có bất cứ điều gì cần làm sạch / lau ngay bây giờ, vì vậy bạn không nên
quay đi quay lại mọi lúc và làm gián đoạn chúng.
1 Check on the next  Ask the customer if they are ready for their next course
6 course (if applicable)  • Hỏi khách hàng xem họ đã sẵn sàng cho món tiếp theo chưa
Kiểm tra món kế tiếp  Remember to fire the next course (if applicable) once you get the confirmation.
 Nhớ bắn khóa học tiếp theo (nếu có) sau khi bạn nhận được xác nhận.
1 Clearing  It is polite to wait for all the customers to finish eating before you clear the
7 Dọn sạch table
 • hãy lịch sự khi chờ đợi tất cả các khách hàng ăn xong trước khi bạn dọn bàn
 When you see the customers are finished eating, ask politely if you may clear
for them
 • Khi bạn thấy khách hàng ăn xong, hãy hỏi một cách lịch sự nếu bạn có thể
dọn sạch cho họ
 This should only be done by the waiter serving the table
 • Điều này chỉ nên được thực hiện bởi người phục vụ phục vụ bàn
1 Talking to the  Chat to the customers and offer them more drinks
8 customers  Trò chuyện với khách hàng và cung cấp cho họ nhiều đồ uống hơn
Trò chuyện với khách  Have a lite and enjoyable conversation with the customers
hàng  • Có một cuộc trò chuyện thú vị và hấp dẫn với khách hàng trò chuyện
 Don’t be shy, remember what to say and what not to say.
 • Đừng có ngại ngùng, hãy nhớ những gì nên nói và những gì không nên nói.
1 looking after section  Keep an eye on your tables to see when they will ask for the bill.
9 Quan sát sau  Để mắt đến bàn của bạn để xem khi nào họ sẽ yêu cầu hóa đơn.
2 Check bill  Check the bill and make sure that everything is on the POS after opening
0 Tính tiền customers table
• Kiểm tra hóa đơn và đảm bảo rằng mọi thứ đều có trên POS sau khi mở bảng
khách hàng
2 Giving the bill  Give the bill to each customer in a bill folder
1 Đưa hóa đơn Đưa hóa đơn cho mỗi khách hàng trong mục hóa đơn
 Let the customers do what they need to. Don’t hover over them. When they are
ready, they will let you know.
 Hãy để khách hàng làm những gì họ cần. đừng làm họ khó chịu . Khi họ đã sẵn
sàng, họ sẽ cho bạn biết.
2 Check money  Always check the money at the table. Don’t just walk away, otherwise you will
2 Kiểm tra tiền be asked to pay for shortages.
 Luôn kiểm tra tiền tại bàn.,không được bước dù chỉ một bước, nếu không bạn
sẽ bị yêu cầu trả tiền cho sự thiếu hụt.
 If the customer wants to pay by credit or debit card, we accept this. Make sure
to hand a pen to the customer to sign the receipt.
 Nếu khách hàng muốn thanh toán bằng thẻ tín dụng hoặc thẻ ghi nợ, chúng tôi
chấp nhận điều này. Hãy chắc chắn để đưa một cây bút cho khách hàng để ký
biên nhận.
 If a customer wants a red invoice, please collect the information and hand to
the cashier
• Nếu khách hàng muốn có hóa đơn đỏ, vui lòng thu thập thông tin và trao cho
nhân viên thu ngân
2 Thank customer  When customers leave always say “thank you for coming!”
3 Cám ơn khách hàng  Khi khách hàng rời đi,” hãy luôn nói lời cảm ơn vì đã đến!”
 If you know the customer say “thanks Mr. ….. See you soon”
 Nếu bạn biết tên khách hàng thì hãy nói” cảm ơn anh/chị…..gặp lại anh/chị
 If they need a taxi, ask the cashier to call the taxi company and let the
customer know when the call has been made.
 Nếu họ cần taxi, hãy yêu cầu nhân viên thu ngân gọi cho công ty taxi và cho
khách hàng biết khi cuộc gọi được thực hiện
2 Clear the table  Clear the table quickly and check for any missing cutlery
4 Nhanh chóng dọn bàn và kiểm tra xem có dao kéo nào bị mất không
 While you serve customers keep an eye on the cutlery and shooter glasses, that
it doesn’t go missing
• Trong khi bạn phục vụ khách hàng để mắt đến dao kéo và ly shoot, thì nó
không bị mất
2 Clean the table  Clean the table, wipe it down
5  Làm sạch bàn, lau bàn
 Make sure chairs are neatly at the table and ready for the next customers
 Hãy chắc chắn rằng ghế được đặt gọn gàng trên bàn và sẵn sàng cho các
khách hàng tiếp theo
Job Duties of a waiter/waitress:

1. Good Command in English and Vietnamese. Listening skills, speaking skills and written.
2. Be focused on great customer service. Can report problems to the manager on duty or GM
3. Ensure that you have enough product knowledge of menu & drinks, POS and customer service.
Must follow training provided by Management
4. You are the face of Platinum Beer & Hung, you are also responsible for the generation of income
for the restaurant, so make sure you watch those drinks and offer another drink.
5. Be punctual, efficient and courteous to guests and fellow staff. Assume a helpful and pleasing
attitude towards each guest and fellow staff members. Always speaking in a pleasant tone!
6. Be alert and well-prepared during service time. Know your stuff! It’s show time!
7. Follow the buddy system or training with lower level staffs. You ensure they stand by you when
you’re their buddy.
8. Must be able to work rapidly in peak hours and be responsible for his/her actions
9. Flexible with regards to working hours, and always committed to the Image of Charcoal
10. Follow the correct service procedure at all times.
11. Must understand and Co-operate between front of house and back of house (kitchen)
12. Is open to being helpful when requested to help outside of the job description
13. Has a clear understanding of the company regulations & staff handbook
14. Ensures all sections (mise-en-place) is completed before service and all stations are properly set
15. Ensures that work section & Restaurant is clean before leaving the shift
16. Ensures that Service delivery is completed always focusing on the guest
17. Follows all rules and Regulations set by management & Company
18. Any incident/complaint/unpleasant situation must be reported to the Manager Immediately

As a waiter, you’re responsible for making sure that every customer you serve has a great time. You have a
good command in written and verbal English, and especially great listening skills. You are responsible for
gathering information regarding guest complaints and reporting to the manager to assist the customer.

You realize you can be anyone you want to be when you step through the doors of Platinum Beer & Fire.
The person at home, is shy and meek. The person at work, is confident, sassy and can be who you want to be.
The kitchen and bar will support you by making great food and drinks, but it’s up to you to use your
personality, talent and knowledge to create a special experience for each customer.

That means doing more than just taking orders. It means treating customers as individuals and giving them a
personalised service. Not being shy and awkward. We always offer another drink and clear empty glasses.

It means paying attention to every detail, anticipating what your customers want/need. (noticing when they
need something and bringing it to them before they ask for it)

It means being flexible, however, any unusual requests by customer that you are not sure about, refer to the
manager on duty to make a decision. It means knowing you are doing, so that you can share your knowledge
with them and recommend food or drinks that you think they’ll enjoy. And it means doing this consistently,
with every customer, every time

Great service, Upselling beers & Caring about your customers experience means great tips!

What to bring

 Always have 2 pens.

 Bring a note pad to take any specific notes (groups numbers, guests names, etc.)
 Bring your smile to work, leave your problems outside!

What not to bring

Absolutely NO MOBILES on the restaurant floor or money in your pockets. If your phone is in your pocket,
it is still on the restaurant floor. If you are found using your phone on the floor OR in the store room, it will
be confiscated for the shift. If you are caught more than once, you sign a written warning.
Having money in your pocket can mean you have stolen tips. Rather avoid this horrible accusation. If you
are expecting a delivery or a family member to pick up money from you, give it to the manager to hold for

Style of service
Our style is casual, friendly and efficient. We want you to share your love and knowledge of food with our
customers so it’s more about making a connection than making a sale. Service and professionalism come
first, but please, be yourself.
Always greet everyone at the table, not just the most dep trai or dep gai!

Downstairs section waiters/waitresses always keep an eye on the door: if customers arrive and there isn’t
anyone nearby to welcome them, look at them, say ‘hi’, and tell them to choose where they want to sit or
check if they have a booking (If any booked tables, make sure they don’t sit at them)

 Why do we offer drinks FIRST? drinks orders are a good place to start and also break up the speed
of orders going through to the kitchen. Foreigner customers like to start with an ice cold beer, while
they look at the menu. Vietnamese customers might like to order first , then order drinks later. Offer
them a drink to start, while they look at our menu, anyway.
If they choose not to order a drink, that’s ok, that is their choice. You have done your job.
 Why offer Specials or combo’s: Customers like specials or combo’s , as they are very attractive
and great value for money. Do don’t be shy, know your stuff
 For big tables or groups, remember to ask them if they want to split the bill before taking an
order. Many tourists like to split the bill. It will make it easier when it comes to bill stage.


Your manager or trainer will show you how to use the POS.

ALWAYS confirm the order before leaving the table!

Besides ordering the right things on the right tables, it’s important that you remember to separate the dishes
that should arrive at different times with a course line.

If customers order starters and mains at the same time, ask them if they want to separate between starters
and main courses. If they want everything together, please make a note on the order so the kitchen can
understand your order.
That means, on your POS, you order the starters first and then you order the main courses.

This way, the kitchen won’t make everything at the same time, and they will know what dishes will come up
later and can start preparing for them.

You don’t want food to arrive like a speed train, but you also don’t want to leave long gaps in-between
courses. If you send the next course away shortly before the earlier one is finished, the flow of dishes to the
table will generally be steady, but not rushed.

For combo Platters for bigger groups or Carnivore option, we do not put all the food at once. We will refill
when the customers have finished the first serving completely.

Please NOTE:
 Only move items or bills from one table to another, if customers have moved table
 Only split bills if customers want to pay individually and get separate receipts. Always ask when you
approach the table, If they want a combined bill or split bill.
 Get your supervisor or manager to do any cancelation or void of items
 If you make a mistake, do not try to hide it. Be honest and open, so we can solve it quickly for the

 Role play training on time in motion for waiter
Bảng đánh giá thực hành cho phục vụ trong thời gian đào tạo

Topic Vietnamese Competency Trainer/ Mng

Buddy Sign
TW Role play training on time in
1 motion for runners
Bảng đánh giá thực hành cho
người chạy bàn trong thời gian
đào tạo

TW Learn the map of POS screen by

1 heart
Học thuộc bản đồ của màn
hình POS

TW POS map and order test

1 Bản đồ POS và bài kiểm tra gọi

TW Role play on time in motion

1 Đánh gia thực hành

TW Role play on how to point on

1 the menu and ask for help if
you don’t understand
Đánh giá về cách chỉ định trên
thực đơn và yêu cầu trợ giúp
nếu bạn không hiểu
TW Remember service steps by
1 heart
Học thuộc các bước phục vụ

TW English test for this level

1 Bài kiểm tra cho mỗi cấp bậc

TW Test and appraisal note – this

1 test and appraisal must be
done by a manager and a
captain as part of the captains
Kiểm tra và thẩm định - kiểm
tra và thẩm định này phải được
thực hiện bởi người quản lý và
đội trưởng như là một phần
của đào tạo đội trưởng.
Appraisal is then carried out by
the foreign manager with
captain or manager during the
same week.
Thẩm định sau đó được thực
hiện bởi người quản lý nước
ngoài với đội trưởng hoặc
người quản lý trong cùng một

Special orders
Some customers may want to make small changes to the dishes or drinks they order. We want to be flexible,
so if we can make the changes without this messing up the kitchen or bar, we’ll do it. Check with the
manager on duty for these.

At any time can a customer choose not to have something in a dish i.e no sugar, no ice, well done cooked.

If you’re making a modification or note, use the ‘modifiers’ button or remark button on the POS when you
order the item, so that the change shows on the docket and let the bar or kitchen know what they need to do.

Some customers have allergies and can’t eat certain things. Take this seriously. There’s an allergen chart in
your restaurant that you can refer to if you need to help a customer. Don’t give it to them, but double-check
for yourself and manager so that what you’re ordering for them is safe. Any doubts, check with your
manager or executive chef.

Some special dietary needs that you may come across are:
Vegetarian Someone who doesn’t eat any fish or meat, might not like dairy products
Vegan Someone who doesn’t eat any animal products at all (no eggs or dairy products)
Coeliac Someone who can’t eat any wheat products (no flour, noodles, they are severely
gluten intolerance
Nuts Nut allergies can be fatal. Let your manager know straight away if you have a
customer with such allergies
Shellfish Shellfish allergies can also be extremely serious so please let your manager know
of such a customer
Halaal Only eats meat that has been certified Halaal. Does not eat pork. Serious halaal
people will not eat from a pan that has cooked pork

Stuff that’s late or missing

If you notice that something’s late, don’t wait for a customer to ask – inform the manager immediately.
You know whats happening on your table. You manager will check with the kitchen and go back to inform
the customer of how long it will take.
Do not leave your section to shout at the kitchen. It doesn’t help at all.

Please note:
 Drinks should take around 3-5min to get to the table. (if we’re changing a keg, let the customer
know. They understand it takes longer)
 Food should take around 10-15 min to get to the table, depending on how busy we are
 If we are very busy, the manager will let you know what the waiting time for food is. (I.e 20min
waiting time.) You must let the customer know first thing, when you greet them at the table.
If we are running out of BBQ’d meats or any products, the manager or Executive chef will let you know.
We’re ok to run out of items, just not Beer!

What happens if customers are unhappy or complain:

When customers are satisfied, they’ll generally tell you and pay a compliment. When they’re not, they may
often not say anything or tell you that everything’s ‘fine’ or ‘ok’. That’s because they don’t think you
actually care or that it will not make a difference if they tell you.

Listening to what your customers don’t say is as important as listening to what they do say: silent customers
aren’t necessarily happy customers. In fact, when your customers are silent, you need to try even harder to
understand what it was they expected and didn’t get (unless they’re just having a really bad day).

Never say “I’m Sorry” as it may not be your fault. However, we apologize for anything that has gone wrong.
You can often prevent complaints before they happen. For example, if an order is late, let the customer know
early on that there’s a problem, but that you’re fixing it as quickly as possible. Be honest, and be fair to your
team: don’t blame other people if something has gone wrong.

If a customer doesn’t tell you that something’s wrong, you may still be able to tell by looking at their face or
gestures that they’re actually not happy. Don’t just ignore it – do something about it. Go up to them, and ask
them questions to make it easier for them to tell you what they’re thinking.

If customers do complain, they’ll generally have a valid reason for this: complaints happen when a customer
doesn’t get the quality of food, drink or service they deserve or expect. In general, the better the customer
are cared for and the quality of food and drinks, the fewer complaints there’ll be. And don’t promise your
customers stuff that you know you can’t deliver: it’s always better to ‘under-promise’ and ‘over-deliver’
than to disappoint.

Dealing with a customer complaint is probably going to be one of the more challenging parts of your job.
But doing it well is a way to turn around a crappy situation and make sure the customer leaves satisfied. If
they can’t be satisfied, at least they’ll probably feel positive about your efforts to make things right.

Here are a few things to remember when dealing with a customer complaint:

 Be friendly and open

 Take the time to listen and try to understand what they’re unhappy about
 Summarise their complaint, to show (and make sure) that you understand
 Don’t argue. Customers aren’t always right, but it’s not up to you to tell them that
 Tell them that you’re sorry for what has happened. That doesn’t mean that you have to agree with
the complaint, but that you’re sorry that they have a reason to complain
 Try to fix the problem by making a correction or adjustment if you can. For example, if the reason
for the complaint was food quality, talk to your manager so that they can change the dish or find
another solution for the customer
 Before things escalate, pass the complaint on to a manager.
It’s better for us if customers complain than if they don’t say anything, walk out irritated and tell everyone
they know that they had a shit time. They’re offering us their honest feedback, no matter if we agree with it
or not. At least this way, if we do agree with it, we have an opportunity to do something about it.

Wine service
If customers order wine by the bottle, there’s more for you to do than to just run it to the table.
Get the bottle and wine glasses from the bar (don’t use a tray, as you won’t have anywhere to put it when
you open the wine).
If it’s a bottle of white wine, bring the bottle along with an ice bucket filled with ice. Ask the customer if they
would like some ice separately and bring it in a small ice bucket provide for this

When you get to the table, hold the bottle at the bottom, with the label facing the customers and tell them
which wine it is. Let them feel that the bottle is at the correct temperature.
Twist the screw cap or use your corkscrew to open it at the table.

We want to keep things simple, FOR CARAFE WINE OR WINE BY THE GLASS we don’t pour a sample for
customers to taste (unless it’s a wine which we don’t serve by the glass, in which case offer it to the person
who chose the wine for tasting), and we’re not bothered about who gets served first.
Fill the glasses to just under half-full and give the bottle a slight twist and tilt upwards when you stop
pouring to prevent any drips. If there are any drips, just grab a cloth from the waiter station once you’re
done and wipe them up.

If you’re pouring from a bottle of white wine, put it in the ice once you’re done.

If the first bottle is nearly finished, offer another bottle. If a second bottle is ordered and the wine chosen is
the same as the first bottle, you can refill the original glasses. If it is a different type of wine, change glasses.

When the bottle is finished remove it. Don’t turn it upside down in the ice. Remove the empty glasses once
customers have finished their wine.

In the unlikely that customers will reject the wine, however, if it happens, let your manager know
IMMEDIATELY! They’ll check it and will offer a new bottle or a different drink, depending on the
customers’ reason for rejecting it.
Clearing & resetting tables
You should clear empty glasses, or dirty napkins while customers are eating and at the end of their meal. We
want to make the customers as comfortable as possible while they are at our premises. Too much empty
glasses, dirty napkins does not make the table comfortable.

If someone hasn’t finished their food, perhaps they were just too full to finish or something might be wrong.
Ask them if there was something they didn’t like about it. Let your manager know If that’s the case, so they
can do something about, it if necessary.

When you clear plates and bowls, try to gather them in your hands. Don’t pile them up on the table – it’s
your customers’ space, not yours. If you can’t do it all in one go, just take 2 trips to the plate drop or ask the
runner for help.

Try not to stack glasses, as they’ll scratch and break. Take all dishes carefully to the plate drop. If you can
avoid it, don’t go there with just one thing in your hand: if you have a spare hand, look around at the tables
on your way and help the other guys by clearing away anything that customers have finished with. Keep the
plate drop tidy and organised.

Once customers have left, the table needs to be reset for the next ones. Wipe it down with a sanitised cloth
(they’re kept on the waiter stations). Make sure that you wipe off all food and drink splashes. Also check the
chairs/stools and the floor underneath the tables for rubbish or anything left behind. Put the chairs/stools
back where they belong and make sure the accessories are all there and in the right place.

Although we want to reset tables quickly so we can seat new customers quickly, we want them to get a table
that’s clean and properly set up. So take a moment to make sure everything’s as it needs to be before moving
on to do other things.

System crash (‘going manual’)

Although it’s unlikely, it can happen that the computerised order system ‘crashes’, which means it can’t be
used. This is when the restaurant will go ‘manual’.

Manual means hand written triplicate dockets that must be manually send to the kitchen or bar.
White paper, goes to cashier
Pink copy goes to the bar
Blue copy goes to the kitchen

If the customer has chosen to split the bill. Please indicate the table number and seat number on the docket

Cashiers might need to manually add the bills together. These bills must be signed by the manager before
given to the customer. The manager is required to check and sign that the bill is correct. These must be kept
for inputting into the POS later when we are back online. If a customer wants a red invoice, please make
sure to get their mobile numbers, email or business card, so that we can email it to them later.

It’s important that you stay calm and organised if the system crashes. Your job will become a little more
“difficult”, but your manager will do everything they can to keep the shift running smoothly. Your manager
will show you how to continue taking orders and giving out bills when there’s no till to use.

Fortunately, system crashes are rare, and when they do happen, the system is often fixed and up and running
pretty quickly.

Cash handling and payments

Whether you’re a waiter or a bartender, your job involves handling cash & taking payments so it’s
important that you understand some of the important dos & don’ts when it comes to this:

If you are the cashier, make sure there are always 4,2 million in the cash in the till for change (at the end of
the day if it is not correct it will be deducted from tips).
The petty cash float will be kept with the Manager on duty

Payments – customer bills & tabs

When a customer asks to pay you must print their bill and present it to them, even if it’s only for one drink or
a starter. Before you give someone their bill, take a moment to check that it’s the correct table or tab that
you’re printing the bill for and that all the items on it are correct. If there’s something missing from the bill,
or if there’s something on the bill which shouldn’t be, tell your manager or supervisor straight away so that
they can correct it.

We give a business card with every bill issued to a table. The bill is placed in a bill folder. You are
responsible for any variances or shortfalls, so pay close attention when you’re taking payments.

Cash payments
If a customer is paying you with cash, always take a moment to check the amount that they’ve given you and
also to check the change that you’re giving them. Remember: if you get it wrong it’s your responsibility. You
should only accept Vietnamese Dong. In rare cases, some guests may ask to pay in US dollar or Euros. If
you’re not sure about the cash you’ve been given, check with your manager before you accept it.

Credit & debit card transactions

We use our card terminals to take card payments from our customers. When you’re about to take a card
payment always take a moment to make sure that you’ve presented the correct bill & for the right amount. If
there’s more than one person paying the bill, you will need to calculate the amount for each part-payment.
After you’ve inserted the card and keyed in the correct amount, give the terminal to the customer so that they
can enter their PIN number. People are often very wary about entering their PIN in front of someone else, so
try to be polite & not look directly at what they’re doing when they enter their number.

Once they’ve entered their PIN and returned the handheld terminal, you should wait in front of the customer
while the transaction authorises and then give them the ‘cardholder copy’ of the slip that prints out. Make
sure to keep the ‘merchant copy’. You should not write on a credit card slip other than to note the tab name
or table number to help with your end-of-shift reconciliation. You are not allowed to sign or total a slip on a
customer’s behalf, or add a gratuity - only the cardholder can do this. Once you’ve completed the payments
process for all of the cardholders who are paying each bill, remember to go back to the till & close the bill
to the correct payment type & amount for each card slip you have.

As a rule we don’t accept cheques as payment. If we ever make an exception to this then your manager will
tell you about it in advance, but otherwise you should politely tell any customer who asks that we can only
accept payment by cash, or credit/debit card. We don’t cash cheques for staff, customers or anyone else
under any circumstances.

Petty cash
We have a designated petty cash box in the office for emergencies. A manager might ask you to buy
something from a shop nearby. You can only buy something with petty cash if the manager has given
permission first and you must keep a valid receipt for whatever you buy so that we can reimburse the cash. If
you’re asked to buy something with petty cash always remember to write on the back of the receipt what it
was for & circle the amount on the front.

Tips & gratuities

Speak with your manager for advice about how tips & gratuities are handled and distributed as this might
differ from one restaurant to another. One rule which is the same everywhere is that, unless a customer is
specific in leaving a tip, you should always offer to give them their change when they are paying cash, no
matter how small the amount.

Finishing your shift

There’s stuff you need to do before you finish your shift, even if it’s late and you want to go home. Just as
you appreciate starting your shift with a tidy and organised section, the person working after you would
want that too.

Handing over your section

When you hand your section over to someone else (whether you finish your shift or go on break), there may
still be customers that one of the other guys will now become responsible for. Mistakes often happen during
changeover periods or breaks, so don’t leave your section until you’re confident that you’ve handed it over

Once you know who’s taking over from you, let them know where each table is up to, e.g. who needs to
order, who’s waiting for food, who’s ready to pay their bill. Also remember to tell them about any special
requests or food intolerances. If it’s busy, you may need to hang on an extra few minutes to make sure the
next waiter has everything under control. The service we give our customers shouldn’t suffer just because
there’s a change in the team.
Waitress Training
Đào tạo phục vụ

Topic Vietnamese Competency Trainer/ Mng

Buddy Sign
W1 Knows when to make space and
how to make space on the
Biết khi nào nên tạo không gian
và cách tạo không gian trên
W1 Waiter knows how to say “let
me get the manager” and when
to say it
Phục vụ nên biết cách nói câu: “
để tôi gọi quản lý “ và biết khi
nào nên nói
W1 Waiter knows how to say “I’m
sorry, I don’t understand/know,
let me get the manager”
Phục vụ nên biết cách nói câu :”
tôi xin lỗi , tôi không hiểu/biết ,
để tôi gọi quản lý”
W1 Ability to meet and greet
customers at the entrance
Có khả năng gặp gỡ và chào
đón khách hàng ở lối vào

W1 Know how to write F&B order

Biết cách viết F&B một cách
chính xác
W1 Knows how to place side/share
plates and cutlery
Biết phía để đặt / chia dĩa và
dao kéo
W1 Check ashtrays and change
(2 cigarette butt rule)
Kiểm tra gạt tàn và thay đổi gạt
(Quy tắc 2 điếu thuốc lá)
W1 Bring food and serve from the
left (where possible)
Mang thức ăn và phục vụ từ
bên trái (ở nơi nào có thể)
Topic Vietnamese Competency Trainer/Buddy Mng

W1 Check for drinks and offer 2n d

Or 3rd drinks
Kiểm tra đồ uống và cung cấp
đồ uống thứ hai và thứ ba
W1 Can check the table for dirty
napkins, unwanted items and
clear plates or boards
Có thể kiểm tra bàn để dọn đi
khăn ăn dơ, vật dụng không cần
thiết và làm sạch dĩa hoặc khay

W1 Bill please!!! – What to do, what

to check, how to present to the
Xin hóa đơn !!! - Làm gì, kiểm
tra gì, làm thế nào để trình bày
với khách hàng
W1 Thank you for coming / see you
Cám ơn vì đã đến /hẹn gặp lại
W1 Know the correct table setup in
all sections can reset in 2 min
for 4min – test
Biết sắp xếp bàn chính xác trong
tất cả các phần có thể đặt lại
sau 2 phút trong 4 phút - kiểm
W2 Know all promotions/Combos in
the restaurant – verbal test
Biết tất cả các chương trình
khuyến mãi / Combo trong nhà
hàng - vui lòng kiểm tra bằng lời
W1 Check floor/chairs/clean – Can
delegate to the runner what to
Kiểm tra sàn / ghế / sạch sẽ - Có
thể ra lệnh cho người chạy phải
làm gì
W1 Open and pour wine
Mở và rót rượu vang

W1 Eye for detail – table levels and

section setup – test
quan sát biết chi tiết – cấp độ
bàn và những phần sắp xếp –
kiểm tra
W1 Seat guests at correct size table
Ghế ngồi của khách hàng chính
xác theo kích thước của bàn

W1 Hand out menus and inform

customers of combo’s/specials
and out of stock items
Trao thực đơn và thông báo
cho khách hàng về combo / đặc
biệt và hết hàng
Topic Vietnamese Competency Trainer/Buddy Mng
W1 Understand setup procedure in
Hiểu quy trình thiết lập tại nhà
Module 2
Waitress road map
Topic Vietnamese Competency Trainer/ Mng
Buddy Sign
W2 Able to know the 25 steps in the
service procedure in order by
number. Example
“What is step nr 10?”
Có thể biết 25 bước trong quy
trình dịch vụ theo thứ tự. Thí dụ
Bước 10 là gì?

W2 Able to know the 25 steps in the

service procedure in order by
number. Example
“What is step nr 10?”
Có thể biết 25 bước trong quy
trình dịch vụ theo thứ tự. Thí dụ
Bước 10 là gì?
W2 Can role play al 36 steps
Đánh giá tất cả 36 bước

W2 Introduce special menu

Giới thiệu thực đơn đặc biệt
W2 Offer of drinks and suggest
Cung cấp đồ uống và gợi ý đồ

Topic Vietnamese Competency Trainer/ Mng

Buddy Sign
W2 Understand clean as you go
Hiểu nằm lòng
W2 Eye for detail. Can spot dirty
marks on wall, things out of
place, dirty windows
Quan sát để biết chi tiết. Có thể
phát hiện vết bẩn trên tường,
những thứ không đúng chỗ, cửa
sổ bẩn

W2 How to manage what is on

table. Empty glasses,
Làm thế nào để quản lý những
gì trên bàn. Ly rỗng, nước

W2 Cutlery changing – when to do

it and how to do it
Thay đổi dao kéo - khi nào nên
làm và làm thế nào để làm điều

W2 Able to deal with customers

who wants to pay later
Có thể giao dịch với những
khách hàng muốn trả tiền sau

W2 Ability to move guests during

their meal
Khả năng di chuyển khách trong
bữa ăn của họ

W2 Ability to create individual bills

for guests
Khả năng tạo hóa đơn riêng cho
W2 Ability to take large table orders
6-20 pax on POS
Khả năng nhận đơn đặt hàng
bàn lớn 6-20 khách trên POS

W2 Be proficient at POS. using

finger mot the mouse
Thành thạo POS. dùng ngón tay
di chuyển chuột

Topic Vietnamese Competency Trainer/ Mng

Buddy Sign
W2 Name all house glasses
wine/prices and types of beer
and where they are from
Biết tên tất cả các ly rượu / giá
và các loại bia và chúng đến từ

W2 Know how to make basic drinks

on the menu
Biết cách pha chế đồ uống cơ
bản trong thực đơn

W2 Open and pour wine

Mở và rót rượu vang

W2 Customer awareness. Knows

how to read a customer’s body
language: eyes, hand signals,
head movement
Sự nhận thức khách hàng. Biết
cách đọc ngôn ngữ cơ thể của
khách hàng: mắt, tín hiệu tay,
cử động đầu

POS training
Đào tạo POS

W2 Knowledge about layouts and

toolbars on the POS
Kiến thức về bố cục và thanh
công cụ trên POS
W2 Choosing correct table
Chọn đúng bàn

W2 Putting the correct amount of

people at a table
Đặt số lượng người chính xác
vào một bàn
W2 Knowledge about food and
beverage section
Kiến thức về phần thực phẩm
và đồ uống
W2 Recognize that the order was
send to the kitchen
Nhận ra rằng đơn đặt hàng đã
được gửi đến nhà bếp
Topic Vietnamese Competency Trainer/ Mng
Buddy Sign
W2 Knows how to share A.B.C
course on the POS
Biết cách chia sẻ phần A.B.C
trên POS
W2 Know fire for main course –
when it is the correct time to
Biết nhiệt độ lửa cho món
chính – khi nào là thời điểm
thích hợp cho bắn lửa
W2 Know how to change
quantities for items
Biết cách thay đổi số lượng
cho các mặt hàng
W2 Know how to combine/change
Biết cách kết hợp / thay đổi
W2 Know how to split tables
Biết cách chia bàn

W2 Know how to order open item

– food and drink
Biết cách gọi món mở - đồ ăn
thức uống

W2 Know how to write a remark

and how to delete input
Biết cách viết nhận xét và cách
xóa đầu vào

W2 Know how to type order of any

combos and deals in the POS
Biết cách nhập thứ tự của bất
kỳ combo và giao dịch nào
trong POS
W2 Know how to put any extra for
food items in the POS
Biết cách đặt thêm bất kỳ cho
các mặt hàng thực phẩm
trong POS

W2 Know how to swipe reward

card/search customer
Biết cách quẹt thẻ thưởng /
tìm kiếm khách hàng

W2 Know how to check bill (pax,

item, discount) before you
print the bill
Biết cách kiểm tra hóa đơn
(pax, mặt hàng, giảm giá)
trước khi bạn in hóa đơn

W2 Know how to print a bill

Biết cách thế nào in hóa đơn

Menu knowledge
Hiểu biết về thực đơn

Topic Vietnamese Competency Trainer/ Mng

Buddy Sign
W3 All drinks ingredients
Tất cả thành phần của
đồ uống

W3 Snacks with the beers

and how it works
Đồ ăn vặt với bia và
cách làm việc với chúng

W2 Eye for detail for all

tables – clear off all
necessary items
Quan sát để biết chi tiết
cho tất cả các bảng -
xóa tất cả các mục cần
W3 Knows which dishes to
offer and degree of
Biết những món ăn để
cung cấp và sự đồng ý
đã sẵn sàng

W3 Knows happy hour deal

Biết giờ giảm giá

W3 Wine with different

Rượu và các món ăn
khác nhau

W3 Food ingredients
Thành phần món khai

W3 Food ingredients –
Thành phần thực phẩm
Topic Vietnamese Competency Trainer/ Mng
Buddy Sign
W3 Food ingredients – mains
Thành phần thực phẩm –
món chính

W3 Food ingredients sides

Thành phần thực phẩm
món phụ

W3 Food ingredients – chef’s

Thành phần thực phẩm –
món đặc biệt của đầu bếp

W3 Complete awareness of all

menu items and knows
what’s available on every
Nhận thức đầy đủ về tất cả
các mục trong menu và biết
những gì có sẵn trên mỗi ca
W3 Knows to inform manager
of any problems with their
section – delay I food/ food
not good / food that didn’t
Biết thông báo cho người
quản lý về bất kỳ vấn đề
nào với trách nhiệm của họ
- món ăn bị chậm trễ / món
ăn không tốt / món ăn đã
không đến
W3 Ability to deal with
customer complaints
Khả năng giải quyết các
khiếu nại của khách hàng
W3 Role pay
Fly in the food
Đánh giá
Hiểu biết trơn chu các mon

W3 Role play
Bill is wrong
Đánh giá
Hóa đơn sai

W3 Role play
Waiting for the bill
Đánh giá
Chờ đợi hóa đơn

W3 Role play
Waiting for
Đánh giá
Chờ đợi món ăn/ thức

W3 Role play
Wrong orders
Đánh giá
Gọi món sai

W3 Role play
Đánh giá
Giao tiếp bằng lời
nói /không bằng lời

W3 Role play
Rewards plus offer
and explain how it
Đánh giá
Phần thưởng cộng với
lời đề nghị và giải
thích cách thức hoạt
W3 Customer awareness,
when they’re looking
for someone, when
they are ready to
Nhận thức của khách
hàng, khi họ tìm kiếm
ai đó, khi họ sẵn sàng
đặt hàng

W3 Ability to move tables

to seat guests
Khả năng di chuyển
bàn để ngồi cho khách

W3 What are 3 most

common food
allergies people have
3 loại dị ứng thực
phẩm phổ biến nhất
là gì

W3 Ability to deal with

customers who wants to
pay later
Khả năng giao dịch với
những khách hàng
muốn trả tiền sau

W3 Ability to move guests

during their meal
Khả năng di chuyển
khách trong bữa ăn của

W3 Ability to create
individual bills guests
Khả năng tạo hóa đơn
cá nhân cho khách hàng

W3 Will inform manager of

anything missing or
needed in the section of
the restaurant
sẽ thông báo cho người
quản lý về bất cứ điều gì
còn thiếu hoặc cần thiết
trong phần của nhà

W3 Understand all current

government rules for
the restaurant – red
receipt / hygiene ….
hiểu tất cả các quy tắc
hiện hành của chính phủ
đối với nhà hàng - biên
lai đỏ /vệ sinh an toàn
thực phẩm
W3 Ask manager to get help
for meat deliveries, veg
running/resetting tables
Yêu cầu người quản lý
nhận trợ giúp về việc
giao thịt, giao hàng rau,
chạy bàn / đặt lại bàn
W3 Knows length of cooking
/ making time for food
and beverages
Biết thời gian nấu / làm
thức ăn và đồ uống

W3 Use the correct

language around
guests. Do not speak
loud or things like “it is
closing time”
Sử dụng đúng ngôn ngữ
xung quanh khách.
Đừng nói to hay những
thứ như “ sắp hết giờ
W3 Understand when the
receive the food from
the runner – that it
looks correct and of
proper quality
Hiểu khi nhận được
thực phẩm từ người
chạy - rằng nó trông
chính xác và có chất
lượng phù hợp
W3 When taking a break -
make sure you give a
complete handover to
the person replacing
Khi nghỉ giải lao - hãy
chắc chắn rằng bạn đã
bàn giao hoàn toàn cho
người thay thế bạn

Give all the tables in
your section the same
attention and service –
be fair to all customers
Cung cấp cho tất cả các
bàn trong phần của
bạn cùng một sự chú ý
và dịch vụ - công bằng
cho tất cả khách hàng
W3 Understand that all
food must be delivered
to the table at the same
Hiểu rằng tất cả các
thực phẩm phải được
gửi đến bàn cùng một
W3 Understand to wipe
tables from water and
food while customers
are seated
Hiểu lúc nước trên bàn
và thực phẩm trong khi
khách hàng đang ngồi
W3 Understand to delegate
jobs to runes and ask
for help when needed
Hiểu ủy quyền việc làm
cho chạy bàn và yêu cầu
giúp đỡ khi cần thiết

W3 Understand what the

BUDDY system is, how
to work as a buddy and
how to train as a buddy
Hiểu hệ thống BUDDY là
gì, cách làm việc như
một người bạn và cách
đào tạo như một người
W3 Understand when a
glass is empty, to offer
another drink and clear
the empty glass
Hiểu khi một ly rỗng, để
cung cấp một thức uống
khác và dọn ly rỗng

W3 Understand the
responsibility of
collecting and returning
the correct money to
the guest
Hiểu được trách nhiệm
nhận và trả lại đúng số
tiền thừa cho khách
W3 Listening skills test
Captain or manager to
sit with trainee and
have trainee write down
orders and repeat
orders. Do it at least 10
kiểm tra kỹ năng Nghe
Đội trưởng hoặc người
quản lý ngồi với thực
tập sinh và yêu cầu thực
tập sinh viết đơn đặt
hàng và lặp lại đơn đặt
hàng. Làm điều đó ít
nhất 10 lần
kiểm tra tiếng Anh cho
cấp này
English test for this level
Kiểm tra trình độ anh
văn cho cấp bậc này

W3 Test and appraisal note

– this test and appraisal
must be done by a
manager and a captain
as part of captains
training. Appraisal then
carried out by foreign
manager with captain
or manager during the
same week
thử nghiệm và lưu ý
thẩm định - thử nghiệm
này và thẩm định phải
được thực hiện bởi một
người quản lý và một
đội trưởng như một
phần của đào tạo đội
trưởng. Thẩm định sau
đó được thực hiện bởi
giám đốc nước ngoài
với đội trưởng hoặc
người quản lý trong
cùng một tuần

When test is completed the trainee move to the salary of a waiter. The level increase will ve
determined by the employee’s level of enthusiasm and his/her attitude.

Khi kiểm tra xong, học viên chuyển sang mức lương của người phục vụ. Mức tăng sẽ được xác
định bởi mức độ nhiệt tình của nhân viên và thái độ của anh ấy / cô ấy.
Section waiter / bar
Tiêu chuẩn của phục vụ và quầy bar

W3 Introduce specials to
Giới thiệu đặc biệt cho
khách hàng

W3 Knows the top 5 choices

of dishes and drinks of
the restaurant
Biết được 5 sự lựa chọn
hàng đầu về các món ăn
và thức uống của nhà
W3 Remember regular
customer’s favorite
drinks and food items
Nhớ khách hàng thường
xuyên, đồ uống và đồ ăn
ưa thích

W3 Know how to upsell but

not pushing (suggestive
Biết cách bán hàng
nhưng không thúc ép
(bán hàng gợi ý)

W3 Knowledge of silver
service (serve the wright
cutlery with the dish)
Kiến thức về dịch vụ bạc
(phục vụ dao kéo thẳng
với món ăn)

W3 Basic knowledge about

the food matching food
with wine or beer
Kiến thức cơ bản về thực
phẩm phù hợp rượu
hoặc bia

W3 Chatting to customers
when you have time
Trò chuyện với khách
hàng khi bạn có thời

W3 Introduce our rewards or

loyalty cards
Giới thiệu phần thưởng
hoặc thẻ khách hàng
thân thiết của chúng tôi

W3 Upsell our beer on tap

Thúc đẩy bán bia của
chúng ta

W3 Consistency in service
and procedures
Tính nhất quán trong
dịch vụ và thủ tục
W3 Ability to deal with
customer complaints
Khả năng giải quyết
khiếu nại của khách
W3 Check all items in the
POS before giving the bill
Kiểm tra tất cả các mục
trong POS trước khi đưa
hóa đơn

W3 Knows all the methods of

Biết tất cả các phương
thức thanh toán
W3 Know how and when to
present the bill to the
Biết làm thế nào và khi
nào xuất trình hóa đơn
cho khách hàng
W3 How to spell correctly.
Must do training with
buddy or captain
Cách đánh vần chính
xác. Phải tập luyện với
cấp trên hoặc đội trưởng

Role play training done by manager with a group of min 6 people

Đánh giá được thực hiện bởi người quản lý với một nhóm tối thiểu 6 người

W4 Role play 1
Customer waiting for a
Khách hàng đang chờ

W4 Role play 2
Staff cannot understand
customer speaking
Nhân viên không thể
hiểu khách hàng nói
tiếng Anh

W4 Role play 3
When customer order
the food that is on the
old menu
Khi khách hàng gọi món
ăn trong thực đơn cũ

W4 Role play 4
When a customer orders
a platinum east sea, but
says he doesn’t like it
Khi một khách hàng đặt
mua một platinum east
sea, nhưng anh ta nói
không thích nó

W4 Role play 5
When customer
complain that the food is
not delicisous
Khi khách hàng phàn
nàn rằng thức ăn không

W4 Role play 6
Steak is overcooked
Steak đã quá chín

W4 Role play 7
Bill is wrong
Hóa đơn sai
W4 Role play 8
Waiting for the bill
Chờ hóa đơn
W4 Role play 9
Waiting for food or drink
for a long time
Chờ thức ăn hoặc đồ
uống trong một thời gian
W4 Role play 10
Wrong order
Order sai

By working in the bar, you will learn what our drinks are and how they’re made.

You need to know this so that you can help your customers choose their drinks and give them more
information about them if they’re interested, and in case you need to help out on the floor at some point.
Keep your drinks menu and glossary to hand during your bar shifts. Your trainer will also tell you about our
beer and what the different types are so you get to know they are and will be able to inform the customer
about it. Take notes. By the end of your bar shifts, you should have seen and made each of our drinks.

Bar basics
Every bar is different, but all bars have 1 thing in common. Your Bar MUST be kept clean at all times.
When you have nothing to do, Always be cleaning first, chit chat later. Every bar also has some key elements
to it that don’t change much. Depending on which bar you work at, some of the ingredients and tools you’ll
read about below may be a little different, and they may be used for different things. We’re just going to give
you a general introduction to what you may find in the bar, what it’s for and how to use it.

Ice goes into our customers’ mouth, so there are a few things to remember if you want to keep people safe
(which you do!):

 Don’t store glassware in it: it may break, and pieces of glass may end up in someone’s drink
 Use an ice scoop, and not your hands or with the Glass
 Don’t drag a glass through the ice to fill it: you’re holding it on the outside, so anything you have
on your hands (even if you can’t see it!) will end up in the ice
 Keep your ice well clean: don’t store anything else in it (that means no bottles, fruit or anything
 Use fresh, clean ice for every drink you make. Throw away any ice you’ve used to chill a glass or
for anything else
 Keep your box clean. It must be deep cleaned once a week to remove mould and slime.
 If you have the space, keep your ice scoop in a container outside the ice
 If you keep your ice scoop in the ice well, make sure the handle sticks out of the ice: it has had your
hands all over it. Just as you wouldn’t stick your hands in a customer’s mouth, keep them out of the
things they eat or drink as much as possible
 If you break a glass near or over the ice well, throw away the ice and rinse out the ice well

So that your ice makes your drinks better, not worse, you should keep it cold and dry. If it’s starting to melt
in the ice well, it’s going to melt quickly in your drinks too and dilute them. If you notice that the ice in your
well is starting to melt, change the ice (that’s why it makes sense to not fill the ice well too much on quiet
shifts – you’ll end up throwing away ice when you could have just left it in the freezer).

If a drink looks great, it simply tastes better than if it looks average. Fresh, colourful garnishes can make
great drinks better. Lemon or lime goes with gin and tonic.
Our water has a filtrate system in and can be used from the tap. If a customer wants water give them a
carafe of water with a piece of charcoal in it. If a customer ask about the charcoal explain to them it is to
filter the water even further.

Every drink has its glass. Whether it’s a soft drink, alcohol, a hot or cold drink, it goes into a particular
glass, because

 it looks better that way

 the drink tastes better that way
 The ingredients fit into it properly, so we can serve the right quantities and have the drink taste

The recipe for each drink will show you what glass to serve it in.
Your trainer will tell you how to prepare the glass for each drink, but generally, every cold drink that is
served without ice goes into a chilled glass and all other drinks go into in a room temperature glass.
Unless you’re serving a hot drink, like tea or coffee, then you should never serve a drink into a warm glass
or cup.
Glasses need to be handled carefully so they don’t break, and so that we give them to our customers clean
and in good condition. To do this:

 Always use a clean, dry cloth or tea towel to polish them. Don’t use paper
 Use steam to get rid of water marks
 Hold glasses by the base or stem so you don’t get your finger marks all over the part that is most
 Use a tray when you carry lots of glasses. Don’t pile them into your hands
 Store unused glasses (whether clean or dirty) where they belong and not close to where you’re
preparing drinks or garnishes
 Don’t use glasses that have just come out of the glass washer. They’re too hot for a customer to
drink from, and if you’re using them in a drink with ice, the temperature difference between the hot
glass and the cold ice could break the glass
 Check that all glasses are clean and in good condition before you hand them out. If a customer gets
a chipped or dirty glass, or one that’s either too hot or too cold, it makes us look unprofessional. It’s
also a waste of time for whoever took the drink to the table, as they’ll have to come back to the bar
to get a new glass. And you may have to make the drink all over again.

If you break a glass or bottle, you should clear it up immediately. If you’re busy, ask a supervisor or
manager for help. If there’s even the slightest chance that broken glass could have gone into the drinks you
were preparing, throw them away and wash any glasses that may have come into contact with the broken

REMEMBER: Only handle glasses by the base or stem. Don’t pick them up with your fingers inside or
near the rim where customers put their mouth.
HÃY NHỚ: Chỉ cầm ly theo chân đế hoặc thân ly. Không được cầm chúng bằng ngón tay của bạn bên
trong hoặc gần vành nơi khách hàng đặt miệng.

This is basically anything that’s served with a drink and gets thrown away after it’s been used, The recipe
for each drink will tell you if it’s served with a coaster.
Draft beer
We serve a range beers on tap. Your trainer will show you how to pull a perfect pint of it. We serve our draft
beer in a platinum glass with a platinum coaster. Never give wrong glasses or wrong coasters. We have a
specific glass and coaster for every beer. Use it!
Whatever your technique, the basic rules of mixing are the same:

 Always use good quality ingredients.

 Make sure your glasses are clean and in good condition
 Follow the recipe
 Pour the cheapest ingredient into the mixing glass first. If you make a mistake and have to start
again, you’ll have wasted only the cheapest ingredient, not the expensive alcohol
 Measure your spirits & other ingredients accurately
 Mix thoroughly and stir briskly
 Chill your glasses if you don’t serve the drink with ice
 Don’t fill the glass to the brim – it will only spill on the way to the table or at the table
 Garnish properly
 Wash and rinse your mixing tools after making each drink & return them to their correct place on
your work station

Drinks dispense
Working in the bar can be challenging, especially when we’re busy: you need to make perfect drinks, wash
glasses and keep the bar clean and organised.

Preparing drinks orders

Each waiter’s orders arrive in the bar via the drinks printer. Every ticket contains the following information:

1. Item quantity, name and size: e.g. 2 Diet Coke

2. Table number: the table the order is for
3. Time the drinks were ordered: this allows you to make sure that you’re serving the drinks in
chronological order (first in, first out)
4. Waiter name: this helps you identify who placed the order in case you need more information
5. Any messages with the order: if a customer wants to change the way a drink is normally served, the
waiter will put that on the ticket for you

Keep an eye on your printer: you may not always hear it, so if you don’t look over to check if there are any
tickets, you may not notice and customers will wait unnecessarily.

Keep control of the sequence in which your tickets arrive (you can use the ticket rail for this) and make sure
the first order goes our first, the second one next etc.

When you get your drinks out, remember to:

 Line up your tools and ingredients before you start.

 Fill glasses for soft drinks about half with ice (nicely shaped, not melted!). Mineral waters are
served without ice
 If you serve a bottle of white wine, put it in an ice cooler.
 Remove all bottle tops EXCEPT for any screw caps or corks on wine or water bottles: the waiters
will open those at the table
 Use the measures when you serve alcohol open (that means not as a full bottle or carafe): so that we
don’t break licensing laws, we need to serve

Spirits in 40 ml
Wine carafe of 125ml

Don’t free-pour, unless you have been trained to do so

 Return everything to its place after you’ve used it. You’ll find it again more quickly next time – and
so will anyone else working with you
 Rinse any mixing tools before you put them back in their place so they’re ready for the next drink
 Keep fridge doors closed in-between use to keep your drinks cold
 Replace empty bottles straight away
When you prepare an order of mixed drinks, always make those drinks that spoil most quickly last, so that
our customers can enjoy them when they’re best. You should therefore do things in the following sequence
(you can obviously leave out any stage if that’s not part of the order);

1. Chill beer glasses always

2. Pour wines (this gives them time to ‘breathe’ in the glass)
3. Neat spirits
4. Soft drinks
5. Draft beer (it loses its freshness and head quickly, so needs to be made last)

Put the drinks on a waiter tray by the pass, with the heaviest items in the middle, so the tray is stable when
it’s picked up. Remember to put the ticket with the drinks, preferably at the front, so the waiters can see it
straight away.

The waiters will bring a bottle of filtered water to the table as soon as new customers are seated. They’ll
pick this up themselves from the bar, but you need to keep an eye on the bottles to make sure the waiters
don’t run out of full ones. Rinse out the empty ones, wipe over the top of the bottle with a sanitised cloth (in
case the previous customers were fiddling with it), fill them up from the tap and put them back where they

You shouldn’t serve drinks without a ticket, except for a manager or supervisor. If anyone else wants a drink
without a ticket (whether this is because the ticket has been lost or for any other reason), get your supervisor
or manager. Also tell them if you have any breakages, spillages or damaged items. You’re responsible for
controlling the stock you serve, so make sure there’s a record of any stock you lose during your shift.

Throughout the shift, you need to keep the bar stocked so that all of our drinks are available to order and
there aren’t any delays with drinks service. Refill your condiments, garnishes as soon as you’re running low.
When you restock, make sure you rotate bottles on a ‘first in, first out’ (FIFO) basis: move older bottles to
the front and newer ones to the back, so that the oldest stock is always used first. Have the labels on the
bottles that are visible to the customers facing the front.

C.A.Y.G – ‘Clean As You Go’

The speed and efficiency with which you work is directly proportional to the way the bar is organised. Keep
it tidy throughout your shift and clean as you go. Don’t leave anything on the floor that you or anyone else
could trip over. Throw out bottle caps and unused printer tickets and clean up any spillages as soon as they
happen. Spot sweep the floor. Keep up with the glass washing so there’s no build-up of dirty glasses.
Don’t have your personal stuff on the work surfaces or in the space behind the counter. Try to keep spare
stock and cleaning materials where you can get to them but where they’re not in your way. It would be nice
if customers didn’t have to see them either.
At the end of your shift make sure that the bar area is clean and tidy.
No dirty glasses in the bar.
Beer trays are emptied and washed with soapy water, dried and placed back
Do not leave wet glasses on the basis, it gets a smell that effects the beer.

B1 Barman knows how to pour a

beer properly
Biết cách rót bia đúng cách
B1 Barman knows how to change a
a keg
biết cách thay đổi thùng
B1 Barman can let someone know
when he/she doesn’t
understand clearly
có thể cho ai đó biết khi nào
anh / cô ấy không hiểu rõ
B1 Barman knows how to control
the dockets for orders.
biết cách kiểm soát biên lai cho
đơn đặt hàng.
B1 Barman knows how to change
the gas and turn it off each
biết cách thay gas và tắt nó vào
mỗi buổi tối
B1 Barman knows the correct
temperature for beer & cold
Biết chính xác nhiệt độ của bia
và độ lạnh trong phòng
B1 Barman knows how to clean the
towers properly after use
Biết làm sạch tháp bia đúng
cách sau khi sử dụng
B1 Barman knows the cleaning
procedure for the Beer taps
Biết cách làm sạch vòi bia
B1 Barman knows how to identify
that the beer glasses are dirty:
Biết thế nào là ly bia bị bẩn
1) Too many bubbles
Quá nhiều bọt
2) No residue on the glass
Không viền đọng ở
thành ly
3) Strange foaming of the
Bọt có màu lạ

B1 Barman knows to use the

dishwashing a machine
Biết cách sử dụng máy rửa ly
B1 Barman understands soap in
side a glass destroys the head of
the beer
hiểu xà phòng để bên cạnh một
chiếc cốc phá hủy bọt bia
B1 Barman knows to go rinse
glasses properly
Biết cách đi rửa ly đúng cách
B1 Barman knows to polish all
glasses when restaurant is not
biết đánh bóng tất cả ly khi nhà
hàng không bận rộn
B1 Barman knows how to do the
stock check
biết cách kiểm tra hàng hóa
B1 Barman knows how to fill in the
stock sheet and send the order
to the manager
biết cách điền vào bảng hàng
hóa và gửi đơn đặt hàng cho
người quản lý
B1 Barman can estimate read
spirits, wine bottles
có thể ước tính rượu mạnh, chai
B1 Barman can free pour spirits
có thể rót rượu đúng cách
B1 Barman can pour a glass of
wine without measuring
có thể rót một ly rượu mà
không cần đo
B1 Barman knows the weight of a
keg when full, half empty and
biết trọng lượng của một ly khi
đầy, một nửa trống và trống

B1 Barman knows to restock

fridges before service time and
biết để bổ sung đồ trong tủ lạnh
trước thời gian phục vụ và sau
B1 Barman knows how to cut &
prepare the fruit
biết cách cắt và chuẩn bị trái
B1 Barman knows how to rotate
stock, first in – first out rule
biết cách xử lý biên lai, quy tắc
vào trước- xuất trước
B1 Barman knows how to clean
fridge door seals, counter tops,
fridge doors with soap and
biết cách làm sạch niêm phong
cửa tủ lạnh, ngọn quầy, cửa tủ
lạnh bằng xà phòng và nước
B1 Barman knows how to use the
cleaning chemicals.
biết cách sử dụng các hóa chất
tẩy rửa.
B1 Barman knows what
sanitization is
biết vệ sinh là gì
B1 Barman knows how to order
fruits at night
biết cách gọi hoa quả vào ban
B1 Barman knows how to clean the
juicer, blender
biết cách vệ sinh máy ép trái
cây, máy xay sinh tố
B1 Barman knows hot to prepare
the water with activated
biết nhiệt độ nóng để chuẩn bị
nước bằng than hoạt tính
B1 Barman knows to cover straws,
spoons and keg taps with
plastic at night
biết che ống hút, thìa và vòi keg
bằng nhựa vào ban đêm
B1 Barman knows how to clean the
chopping board
biết cách làm sạch thớt
B1 Barman can make all juices and
doesn’t over make juices
có thể làm tất cả các loại nước
ép và không làm nước ép
B1 Barman knows how to clean the
floor and check under fridges
biết cách lau sàn nhà và kiểm
tra dưới tủ lạnh
B1 Barman can make juices
properly in the blender without
using too much ice
có thể pha nước trái cây đúng
cách trong máy xay mà không
cần sử dụng quá nhiều đá
B1 Barman can make juices in the
có thể làm nước ép trong máy
ép trái cây
B1 Barman understands that there
must be no dirty glasses left
hiểu rằng không được để ly bẩn
qua đêm
B1 Barman also knows there must
be no food in the sink over night
cũng biết rằng không được có
thức ăn trong bồn rửa qua đêm
B1 Barman can set up the bar for
big functions
có thể thiết lập cho các chức
năng lớn
B1 Barman knows how to close up
after shift and clean the bar
biết cách đóng cửa sau ca làm
việc và dọn dẹp quầy bar

Descriptions of our beers and what to pair them with

An important element of Platinum’s brewing philosophy is about brewing beers that are well balanced
and full of flavour, whilst having high drinkability.

Platinum Pale Ale

This 100% Natural Premium Pale Ale is all about hop flavours. Distinctive citrus & stone fruit aromas

ALC: 4.6%
I.B.U: 22

A huge late gift of finest new-world hops produces a distinctive citrus & stone fruit character with hints
of Peach, Guava, lychee, grapefruit & orange blossom

Choice imported Australian & European pale malts create a pale gold colour and that balances
beautifully with the soft bitterness for ultimate drinkability

Platinum and Roast Pork

Roast meats, such as pork, match beautifully with a well-hopped, crisp beer.  Platinum pale ale works
perfectly with succulent meats, because the hop bitterness cuts the delicious fat and cleanses your mouth
for the next bite.

100% Thành phần tự nhiên.
Pale Ale
 rất phổ biến trên thế giới. Loại bia này được phát minh ra vào thời kỳ kỹ thuật ủ bia được cải tạo
đáng kể. Pale ale có màu trong, sáng, và hương vị nhẹ do tính chất của loại lúa mạch được dung.

Platinum Pale Ale khác với bia đóng chai hay bia đóng lon, bia tươi (Draught/Draft) là loại được rót
trực tiếp từ thùng chứa (barrel) hoặc thùng áp lực hơi ga (keg). Các loại bia chai hoặc lon được tiệt
trùng trước khi đóng gói. Quá trình tiệt trùng bằng nhiệt làm thay đổi và mất nhiều hương vị của
nguyên liệu. Vì thế, ưu điểm của bia tươi – loại bia không qua quá trình tiệt trùng – là hầu như giữ
được một cách chân thật nhất hương vị của các nguyên liệu làm bia và được cho là có hương vị gần
như nguyên vẹn so với bia từ thùng.

Platinum Pale Ale rất thích hợp cho những buổi tiệc BBQ với các món nướng thơm phức và nhiều
gia vị. Vị thanh của bia giúp trung hòa mùi vị món ăn cũng như điều chỉnh vị béo của mỡ.

Các món ăn thích hợp với Pale Ale có thể kể đến : Sườn nướng, Heo quay, Gà rán, Beef steak…

Được giới thiệu vào tháng 6 năm 2014. Hoa bia, đại mạch, men va nước là những thành phần chính.
Hương vị của Pale tươi mát liên tưởng đến đào, ổi, vải, bưởi và hoa cam. Thích hợp với các loại thịch
Độ cồn: 4.6% ALC
IBU 22

Platinum Golden Ale

100% Natural, Clean rounded palate. Juicy oranges, kumquats & tangerines!

ALC: 4.56%
I.B.U: 23

The distinctive golden-red hue and full, refreshing flavour are created using specially selected lightly-
toasted grains of wheat & malted barley.

This is an elegant beer style with a subtle malt-hop balance and a clean rounded palate. The distinctive
crisp bitterness is balanced across the palate by a full malt flavour

The hops are added to the kettle late in the boil to develop aroma, giving the Golden Ale its intense
and complex hop characters with spicy notes and distinctive aromas of oranges & tangerines.

The hops soften and balance the malts to deliver a smooth, delicate palate rich with hints of toffee
and caramel.

Its long, cool maturation gives a clean finish and a crisp, refreshing taste.
With a sweetish malt accent and dry finish, Platinum Golden ale is perfect with wood-fired pizza, spit-
roast meats and spicy dishes.


100% Thành phần tự nhiên.

khác với bia đóng chai hay bia đóng lon, bia tươi (Draught/Draft) là loại được rót trực tiếp từ thùng
chứa (barrel) hoặc thùng áp lực hơi ga (keg). Các loại bia chai hoặc lon được tiệt trùng trước khi
đóng gói. Quá trình tiệt trùng bằng nhiệt làm thay đổi và mất nhiều hương vị của nguyên liệu. Vì thế,
ưu điểm của bia tươi – loại bia không qua quá trình tiệt trùng – là hầu như giữ được một cách chân
thật nhất hương vị của các nguyên liệu làm bia và được cho là có hương vị gần như nguyên vẹn so
với bia từ thùng.

Platinum Golden Ale có màu vàng đặc trưng là nhờ sự chọn lọc và rang tẩm lúa mạch thượng
hạng. Từ quá trình lên men lúa mạch đã ủ, thành phần enzyme hoạt tính cao của nó dễ dàng đẩy
nhanh quá trình chuyển hóa tinh bột thành đường tạo nên vị ngọt của bia.

Các món ăn thích hợp với Golden Ale có thể kể đến : Pizza nướng lò gạch, các món Thái hay Thổ
Nhĩ Kì..


East Sea: released July 2017 • East Sea: được giới thiệu vào tháng 7 2017
• Ingredients: Hops, Malt, Yeast, Water • Thành phần: Hoa bia, Đại mạch, Men, Nước
• Characteristics: Pale straw in colour with moderate haziness and a fluffy white head it’s all about
freshness; the initial abundance of hoppy aromas including fresh grapefruit it opens up to lots of spicy
notes with a refreshing herbal mouth feel and long finish of freshly cut grass and orange zest, a hop-
forward beer that’s exceptionally drinkable.
East Sea is the perfect match with spicy Vietnamese dishes, all manner of grilled seafood & awesome
with ceviche. It’s summer time, it is East Sea time!

ABV: 4.6%
IBU: 33

Platinum information
Pale ale:
A huge late gift of finest new-world hops produces a distinctive citrus & stone-fruit character with hints
of Peach, Guava, lychee, grapefruit & orange blossom

Food pairing
Charcuterie & BBQ meat

A crisp session able beer with an abundance of fresh citrus and pine. Well balanced bitterness
remains with each sip followed by a smooth tropical finish that leaves you continually wanting
another refreshing gulp.
Độ cồn: 4.6% ALC
IBU 22

Food pairing:
Spicy food and fatty meats

Golden ale:
This is an elegant beer style with a distinctive crisp bitterness, balanced across the palate by a full
malt flavor. The hops soften and balance the malts to deliver a smooth, delicate palate, rich with
hints of toffee and caramel.

Được giới thiệu vào tháng 08 năm 2015. Hoa bia, đại mạch, men va nước là những thành phần chính.
Golden được tạo nên từ sự kết hợp của những hạt lúa mì rang và lúa mạch nhào nhẹ. Thích hợp với các
loại hải sản.
Độ cồn: 4,6% ALC
IBU 23

Food pairing:

Wood-fired pizza & spit-roast meats.

East Sea:
An initial abundance of hoppy aromas including fresh grapefruit opens up to lots of spicy notes with a
refreshing herbal mouth feel and long finish of freshly cut grass and orange zest, a hop-forward beer
that’s exceptionally drinkable
ABV 4.6%
IBU 33
Food pairing:
BBQ seafood & Ceviche

B2 Barman & Waiter knows the

difference between the beers
Barman & Người phục vụ biết
sự khác biệt giữa các loại bia
B2 Barman knows the ABV content
of all beers
biết nội dung ABV của tất cả các
loại bia
B2 Barman can free pour spirits
Rót không đong đo

B2 Barman can give and follow

có thể đưa ra và làm theo
hướng dẫn(sáng tạo, tham

Barman should have worked for at least 6 months to 1 year to pass this section.

Bar Test Score (90% pass)

English level Score out of 10


You have a very important role to play. You are responsible for the money.

 Need to know how to organize paperwork neatly

 Knows how to clean cashier equipment like the POS screen, keyboard and telephones
 You need to be able to answer the phone and handle all calls professionally
 Must be able to check bills and carry them over
 Must be able to operate the credit card machine, get reports etc.
 Check the money and carry over the float
 Print the sales reports, manager reports
 Must have good knowledge of the POS system
 Ensure all dockets are correct before processing payment
 Able to monitor cashier stock correctly – enough stationary/ forms/ updated and photocopied
 Able to place orders at suppliers
 Make sure there is enough small change in the till
 Ability to complete paperwork before shift ends
 Understand the menu and know the pricing
 Prepare bill folders and business cards
 Must have good communications with floor staff and all managers
 Able to handover correctly
 Able to split bills
 Understand payouts and knows to keep all the receipts for payouts
 Understand how to input supplier bills into POS
 Has emergency supply of dockets for bills in case of emergency
 Knows how to turn POS system on and off
 Knows how to discount bills on POS
 Knowledge of printing all required reports
 You are responsible for the money, if there is a shortage at the end of the night, you will held
responsible for it and you will pay the shortage out of your own pocket.
 Never give someone else your code to open the till, not even if it is your best friend
 Never leave the till unattended

C1 Cashier can do all paperwork in

the evening
Có thể làm tất cả các loại giấy
tờ vào buổi tối
C1 Cashier knows how to separate
all the bills properly
and total up all bills
Biết cách tách tất cả các hóa
đơn một cách hợp lý F/B/CC/trợ
cấp/giảm giám và tổng cộng
trên tất cả hóa đơn

C1 Cashier knows how to calculate

the revenue, tax from the price
for red invoice
Biết cách tính doanh thu, thuế
từ giá hóa đơn đỏ
C1 Cashier knows how to write a
bill for the customer
Biết cách viết hóa đơn cho
khách hàng
C1 Cashier knows how to keep
cancel bills
Biết cách giữ lại những hóa đơn
đã bị hủy
C1 Cashier knows how to apply a
discount to a bill
Biết cách áp dụng giảm giá cho
hóa đơn
C1 Cashier knows how to order
from suppliers
Biết cách đặt hàng từ nhà cung
C1 Cashier knows how to keep the
cashier area neat and tidy and
Biết cách giữ cho khu vực thu
ngân gọn gàng, sạch sẽ , ngăn
C1 Cashier knows how to keep the
medical cabinet fully stocked
Biết cách đảm bảo cho tủ y tế
luôn đầy đủ
C1 Cashier knows the company
information for red invoices
Biết thông tin của công ty về
hóa đơn đỏ
C1 Cashier knows how to answer
the telephone professionally
and politely
Biết cách trả lời điện thoại môtỵ
cách chuyên nghiệp và lịch sự
C1 Cashier can write a red invoice
Có thể viết hóa đơn đỏ

C1 Cashier knows how to keep bills

organized properly
Biết cách giữ hóa đơn đúng

At this stage the trainee must be able to work in any section with little supervision. They also must
be good/strong buddies/trainers for the waters and trainees. His/her enthusiasm and attitude
will determine the level of pay increase

Ở giai đoạn này, học viên phải có khả năng làm việc trong bất kỳ khu vực nào với ít sự giám sát.
Họ cũng phải là những nhân viên tốt/mạnh mẽ / huấn luyện viên giỏi. Sự nhiệt tình và thái độ của
anh ấy / cô ấy sẽ quyết định mức lương

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