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How to ensure that there is no corruption within Jan Lokpal or Jan Lokayukta?

1. By ensuring that the right person is selected!

Selection process for the members and Chairperson of Jan Lokpal and Jan Lokayukta has been kept transparent and participatory Selected by a Selection Committee comprising: Prime Minister Leader of the opposition in Lok Sabha 2 youngest judges of Supreme Court (SC) 2 youngest Chief Justices of High Courts Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) Chief Election Commissioner (CEC)

1. By ensuring that the right person is selected!

The Selection Committee will make the above appointment from a pool of shortlisted candidates that has been identified by a Search Committee Search Committee is a 10-member committee formed as follows:

Selection Committee selects 5 members from retired Chief Election Commissioners and retired CAGs. These 5 members will select another 5 members from civil society to make the 10-member Search Committee.

1. Ensuring that the right person is selected!

When the Selection Committee chooses, those CECs and CAGs are ineligible to become part of Search Committee: who have any substantive allegation of corruption against them who have joined any political party after retirement who are still in any government appointment

1. Ensuring that the right person is selected!

Search Committee will invite recommendations from various eminent people from reputed institutions Like for instance Directors of IITs ,IIMs , Editors and many others. Names will be put up on a website and public feedback invited Search committee will choose 3 times the number of vacancies, by consensus

2. Ensuring that the right person is selected!

Selection committee will choose from this list, by consensus All the meetings of the Search Committee and Selection Committee shall be video recorded and will be made public. Jan Lokpal and Jan Lokayukta will select & appoint its own officers and staff

2. By ensuring that they work well!

Jan Lokpal and Jan Lokayukta are directly accountable to people & transparent

Every complaint will have to be heard

No complaint can be rejected without giving a hearing to the complainant. If any case is closed like this, all records relating to it will be made public

2. By ensuring that they work well!

Will have to publish every month on its website: Cases received and cases disposed Cases closed, reasons for closure List of cases pending All records of all works will be open to the public, except some which: Affect national security Endanger the whistle blower Impede the process of ongoing investigation. But after investigation is complete, these will have to be disclosed

3. By ensuring that Jan Lokpal and Jan Lokayukt are not influenced!
The Chairperson and members of Lokpal and Lokayukta will not be eligible for appointment to any position in the govt or for contesting elections after they leave office.

4. By ensuring that if not working well, can be removed!

Complaints against Staff like the Public Grievance Officers, Vigilance Officers, Chief Vigilance Officers will be made to Jan Lokpal or Jan Lokayukta
Enquiry of complaint within 1 month If the allegation proved, Jan Lokpal or Jan Lokayukt will dismiss him from job in the next 1 month Criminal case will be registered under various sections of Indian Penal Code and Prevention of Corruption Act

4. By ensuring that if not working well can be removed!

Complaints against members and chair person of Lokpal and Lokayukta: Will be made to Supreme Court or respective High Court through a petition A five judge bench of respective Court, will hear the petition After hearing may order the formation of a Special Investigation Team (SIT) SIT will have to conduct inquiry and submit its report within 3 months On the basis of this enquiry report, the respective Court may order removal of the member or Chairperson.

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