Farem Paper 2

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1. A family is a group of people who are connected to each other through _______ ,
_____ and ____.
2. A group of families living in one area is called a _______.
3. A community plays a big role in caring for and supporting the n____.
4. A nuclear family is made up of parents and their ______.
5. Children born in a nuclear famiy are called ______.
6. A _____ is a name common to all members of a family
7. A surname comes from the _____.
8. In Indigenous Religion, a _____ is considered a nuclear family.
9. A husband who has one wfe has a _____ family.
10. A man who has more than one wife has a _____ family
11. When one aren’t takes care of the family we call this a ______.
12. Give the causes of a single parented family.
13. A child-headed family is a family where by the main care giver is a _____.
14. A minor is a child who is under the age of ______
15. Give three reasons for a child headed family.
16. What is a family name?
17. A surname comes from the ___ side
18. Married women often uses the _____ name.
19. What is a totem?
20. We get totems from a _____, ____ and _____.
21. People’s surnames are s____ to them.
22. People do not_____ meat from their totems.
23. If one eats meat from his or her totem, you will either ____ teeth or suffer some
24. Totems are used as form of the family ______.
25. People of the same totem are like ___ and ___.
26. This marriage between people of the same totem is a t______.
27. Who gets angry if people of the same totem marry?
28. Give two resources that a family in the same communal area have.
29. List two resources that people in the urban area have.
30. Family unity is maintaining oneness and s_____ each other in a family
31. Usually family members unite during celebrations like _____, ____ and _____.
32. During funerals families help with ____, ____ and ____.
33. In Islamic families the Islamic holly book instructs Muslims to be _____, ____ and
34. Christians believe that ____ and ____ maintain family unity.
35. Families should spend time together to build and maintain a special _____.
36. Christians dedicate a new born baby to ______
37. In Islam, a special prayer is whispered into the right ear of the child by the ____.
38. Islamic baby’s hair is shaved after _____ days.
39. Muslim baby boys are circumcised after ____ days.
40. In Judaism, a male child is circumcised after ____ days.
41. In Indigenous religion when a child is born they_____.
42. Jews have Bar Mitzvah for____
43. Jews have Bat Mitzvah for ______
44. Bar Mitzvah is held when boys are ____ years old.
45. Bat Mitzvah is held when girls are _____years old.
46. In Islam girls wear ____ when they go through puberty stage.
47. Bride price is paid in form of _____ and ____.
48. Bride price in Islam is called M_____.
49. Who accompanies the bride to the husband’s home?
50. Jewish custom the wedding couple should f____ on their wedding day.
51. During funerals people gather to ____ the bereaved.
52. The body of the deceased lies in the house for ____ night before burial.
53. Give two leaderships in the community?
54. People who want to help in the community can do so through ____ ,____ and ____
55. Give three examples of the needy.
56. The handicapped are people who are ___ and ___.
57. Give two skills that the handicapped can be taught.
58. Blind people walk with a _____.
59. One association that helps the handicapped is called_____
60. Give three things that Christians can donate to the needy.
61. All religions believe in_____ the needy.
62. Different families make up a ____
63. Self-awareness is knowing about_____
64. When you know yourself you can be able to make good ____
65. Emotion is a ____ feeling something.
66. Emotions can change depending on what happens ____ _____
67. Intellect is being able to _____ and ____ certain things.
68. Self-esteem means being _______.
69. We need ___ to try out new things.
70. Give two examples of emotions.
71. It is bad to ____ from others.
72. If you steal other people’s possessions you will be arrested by the ____.
73. Without the nose we cannot _____.
74. When you do good things people ____ you.
1. During pre-colonial Zimbabwean music was used for religios functions like___,
____ and -----
2. Give the instruments that can accompany music.
3. The ___ brought in new music that belonged to the church.
4. Church music preached the gospel of ____
5. Chimurenga/Umvukela explain the time when _______.
6. During colonial time music became a way of expressing ____
7. Chimurenga songs where sung to _____ both guerillas and masses.
8. Guerillas and masses fought against the _____ government.
9. Give two musicians who led Chimurenga songs.
10. During Chimurenga/Umvukela black people fought for their_____.
11. Music was also sung as a way of e______ by the guerillas.
12. Spirit ____ played a big role to channel communication to God
13. Give two spirit mediums that helped during the liberation war.
14. Post-Colonial Zimbabwe means_________
15. Give two types of music played during post-colonial Zimbabwe.
16. Music is being played on ___, ____ and _____
17. Give two musical instruments that were used during post-colonial Zimbabwe.
18. Long ago our ancestors produced works of art such as ____ and ____
19. Give two places where long ago arts can be found.
20. Where is the Zimbabwe bird (Hungwe) found?
21. The Great Zimbabwe was built with stones without____
22. Great Zimbabwe is a H____ site.
23. Carvings are done using _____ or _____
24. Long ago iron was used to make ____ , ____ and ____
25. Tools like ____ and ____ were used to make art.
26. Give two great artist during colonial Zimbabwe.
27. When did Zimbabwe got its independence?
28. Nowadays Artists all over Zimbabwe can now display their artworks at The
N____ G____ of Zimbabwe.
29. What is a sculptor?
30. Artworks produced by the sculptor is called_____
31. Tapfuma Gutsa is a well-known Zimbabwean _____
32. The Great Zimbabwe is found in _____.
33. Theatre involves ____ skills.
1. Heritage is what we get from the past.
2. Give three things that are from our heritage.
3. Genealogy means where a family _____ from.
4. A totem is an animal, animal body part or an object tha _____ a family.
5. A child is given a totem of the _____.
6. Where do totems come from? a_____, b_____, c_____,d______
7. People of the same totem are not allowed to ______ each other.
8. If people of the same totem marry , the husband is asked to pay a fine of a ____
9. Give two importance of totems.
10. What is a hero
11. What is a heroine
12. Give three characteristics of a hero or a heroine
13. Long ago lived mainly on ____ and ____
14. A bow is made of an indigenous tree called a ____
15. The arrow head is made of____.
16. Two indigenous hunting tools used to catch fish are ___ and ___.
17. Long ago spear heads were often smeared with ____ to kill the animal faster.
18. ______ can trap a lot of animals.
19. To avoid rust some some tools where stored inside a ____ thatched kitchen.
20. At a funeral people help by bringing ____, ____ and _____.
21. People sing and dance at a funeral as to _____ the bereaved.
22. Higly respected people like chiefs are buried in sacred places like____.
23. Marriage ceremonies are usually done in the____.
24. Lobola is paid in the form of ___ and ____.
25. When a child is born people bring____.
26. What is used to tell people in the village about death?
27. What is a friend?
28. Give three occasions when we need friends.
29. Give four qualities of a good friend.
30. Name two games you can play with a friend.
31. My brother’s daughter is my____.
32. My parents are my ____ and ___.
33. My brother’s son is my____.
34. The children of all my aunts and uncles are my_____.
35. When a child is born people ____ to show joy and happiness.

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