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Atkins Induction Phase

Atkins Diet Induction (Phase 1) :: Ongoing Weight Loss (Phase2) :: Pre-Maintenance (Phase 3) :: Lifetime Maintenance (Phase 4) Depending on how much weight you need to lose, the induction phase lasts for a minimum of two weeks and a maximum of one year. You can generally expect to lose 10% of your excess weight during the first 14 days of induction. Atkins enthusiasts recommend that you follow Induction until you have lost half of the weight you need to lose, and then go on to complete the Ongoing Weight Loss portion of the diet. The rules of induction are simple, and must be followed exactly. With induction, even "just ONE little bite" of something not on the induction list will doom you to failure. With all of the fabulous, no-carb goodies available, there s no need to cheat! The Rules of Atkins Induction : Have three meals a day or up to six mini-meals, depending on how you feel. Do not skip meals or go more than six waking hours without eating. Eat liberally of combinations of fat and protein in the form of poultry, fish, shellfish, eggs and red meat, as well as pure, natural fat in the form of butter, mayonnaise, olive oil, safflower, sunflower and other vegetable oils (preferably expeller-pressed or cold-pressed). Eat no more than 20 grams a day of carbohydrate, most of which must come in the form of salad greens and other vegetables. You can eat approximately three loosely packed cups of salad, or two cups of salad plus one cup of other vegetables (see Acceptable Foods). Eat absolutely no fruit, bread, pasta, grains, starchy vegetables or dairy products other than cheese, cream or butter. Do not eat nuts or seeds in the first two weeks. Foods that combine protein and carbohydrates, such as chickpeas, kidney beans and other legumes, are not permitted at this time. Eat nothing that isn't on the Acceptable Foods list. And that means absolutely nothing. Your "just this one taste won't hurt" rationalization is the kiss of failure during this phase of Atkins. Adjust the quantity you eat to suit your appetite, especially as it decreases. When you're hungry, eat the amount that makes you feel satisfied, but not stuffed. When you're not hungry, eat a small controlled carbohydrate snack to accompany your nutritional supplements. Don't assume any food is low in carbohydrate instead, read labels. Check the carb count (it's on every package) or use a carbohydrate gram counter. Eat out as often as you wish but be on guard for hidden carbs in gravies, sauces and dressings. Gravy is often made with flour or cornstarch, and sugar is sometimes an ingredient in salad dressing. Xanthin gum, from your health food store, thickens gravy perfectly without carbs. Avoid foods or drinks sweetened with aspartame. Instead, use sucralose (Splenda) or saccharin. Be sure to count each packet of any of these as 1 gram of carbs.

Avoid coffee, tea and soft drinks that contain caffeine. Excessive caffeine has been shown to cause low blood sugar, which can make you crave sugar. Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day to hydrate your body, avoid constipation and flush out the by-products of burning fat. If you are constipated, mix a tablespoon or more of psyllium husks in a cup or more of water and drink daily. Or mix ground flaxseed into a shake or sprinkle wheat bran on a salad or vegetables. At a minimum, take a good daily multivitamin with minerals, including potassium, magnesium and calcium, but without iron.

What to Expect In Atkins Induction Phase For the first few days of induction, you will be withdrawing from sugar and caffeine. It will take 3 to 7 days for these substances to leave your system. During this time, you may find that withdrawal from these substances causes you to have headaches, diarrhoea, nausea, "brain fog" (be careful driving), and muscle cramps. This is commonly referred to as "induction flu." If you suffer from these symptoms take heart- they are very temporary. Soon, you will wake up with more energy than you ve had in years, your moods will stabilize, and your hunger will disappear!

Atkins Diet Phase II - The Ongoing Weight Loss

Atkins Diet Induction (Phase 1) :: Ongoing Weight Loss (Phase2) :: Pre-Maintenance (Phase 3) :: Lifetime Maintenance (Phase 4) Congratulations! You have made it through induction. The key to ongoing weight loss is to find your Critical Carbohydrate Level for Losing (CCLL) and eat under that amount of carbohydrateseach day. This is your own magic number for effective weight loss. You simply add foods in 5-gram increments each week. For instance, week 1 OWL, you ll eat 25 grams of carbs each day, on Week 2 you ll have 30 grams of carbs each day, etc. Keep adding carbs in 5-gram increments until you stop losing weight. When you have stopped losing weight, ask yourself: "How many carbs did I eat each day during the previous week?" There s your CCLL. You know that you must eat under that number of carbohydrates each day in order to lose weight. You know if you eat more grams of carbohydrates than that, you ll gain. It s so simple! The amount of carbs you can eat without gaining weight depends on your metabolism and whether or not you exercise. A lady with a very stubborn metabolism may only get to 25 grams of carbs per day, while someone who exercises every day may be able to eat 90 grams and still lose weight. Dr. Atkins gives us a simple chart to help us select our extra 5 grams of carbs as below: Vegetables Nuts and Seeds 1 Ounce of: Juices Dairy Fruits

1/2 California avocado 12 medium asparagus 1 cup cooked broccoli 1 cup cauliflower 1/2 cup chopped onion 2/3 cup red bell peppers 1 cup cooked spinach 2/3 cup summer squash 1 medium tomato

Almonds (approximately 1/4 cup 3/4 cup cottage 14 nuts) lemon juice cheese Hulled sunflower seeds 1/4 cup (3 tablespoons) lime juice Macadamias 1/2 cup (approximately 10 to 12 tomato nuts) juice Pecans (approximately 14 halves) Roasted shelled peanuts (approximately 26 nuts) 1/2 ounce of cashews (approximately 9 nuts) Walnuts (approximately 14 halves)

5 ounces farmer s cheese or pot 1/4 cup cheese cantaloupe or honeydew 3/4 cup heavy cream 3/4 cup strawberries 5 ounces (fresh) mozzarella cheese 3/4 cup 3/4 cup ricotta raspberries cheese (fresh)

1/3 cup blueberries (fresh)

Atkins Diet Phase III - The Pre Maintenance Phase

Atkins Diet Induction (Phase 1) :: Ongoing Weight Loss (Phase2) :: Pre-Maintenance (Phase 3) :: Lifetime Maintenance (Phase 4) Once you are within 5-10 lbs of your ideal weight, you will need to begin the Pre-Maintenance phase of the Atkins Diet. Pre-Maintenance slows your weight loss in preparation for Lifetime Maintenance. Find your Critical Carbohydrate Level for Maintaining (CCLM) in much the same way you found your CCLL. Each week, increase your daily carb count by 10 grams. If, after an increase, you find that you are gaining or are not losing and you are not yet at your goal weight, you need to back down to the previous level. The line between gaining, maintaining and losing is fine and it may take several weeks to find your CCLM Don t rush to lose those last few pounds. By adding new foods slowly, one at a time, you give yourself the chance to discover the impact of various foods on your body. Pre -Maintenance is the period in which you learn what your metabolism can handle and what sends you screaming off the wagon. If you have very high metabolic resistance, you may never be able to tolerate whole grains, legumes, or starchy vegetables. Pre-Maintenance rules are not carved in stone. Rather than adding carbohydrate foods in increments of 10 grams each week, you could allow yourself a 20-gram carbohydrate treat a few times a week. Have half a peach with breakfast or a few slices of roasted sweet potato with dinner. Some people will opt to have a standard-sized, sugar-free alcoholic beverage such as a glass of wine or a scotch and soda. You could also choose to spread your carbs over the course of the week, having very low carbs for a few days before a special dinner out. This phase of Atkins is the hardest one of all, because you need to learn to control your portions and your appetite. Once you begin to eat more carbohydrates, you will go out of lipolysis. When you are out of lipolysis, you will again be subject to cravings. You re learning the eating skills that will serve you well for the rest of your life. You can help control your appetite by not skipping meals and by not eating carbohydrates without protein and fat to slow the rush of glucose into your bloodstream. It s crucial to choose from the lower-glycemic index foods to prevent cravings. Some good choices are: Sweet Potatoes Brown Rice Legumes Oatmeal (not instant) Whole Grain Breads and Pastas A good test for which grain products are acceptable for this phase is this: If you have to chew the grains with your molars to grind them up in order to swallow them (Like good, grainy bread, brown and wild rice pilaf, kasha, etc.), it s good to eat.

Atkins Diet Phase IV - The Lifetime Maintenance

Atkins Diet Induction (Phase 1) :: Ongoing Weight Loss (Phase2) :: Pre-Maintenance (Phase 3) :: Lifetime Maintenance (Phase 4) When you reach your goal weight, you will officially be in phase four: Lifetime Maintenance. Congratulations! As you move into this next phase of Atkins, you must remember to ease into your Maintenance regimen very slowly. Always keep in mind that even though you may eat a wider variety of foods than you did during the other phases of the diet, you cannot fall back into your old eating habits. Don t make the mistake of losing the weight only to gain it back by eating the way you used to. Lifetime maintenance is simply a matter of following your Critical Carbohydrate Level for Maintenance. You learned how many and what type of carbohydrates your metabolism can handle during Pre-Maintenance. You may now add more foods to your plan with the exception of sugar. Follow your CCLM and you will maintain your new weight within 2 or 3 pounds. There is a natural fluctuation of around 3 pounds due to hormonal fluctuations in your body. Most people will be able to eat around 90 grams of carbs per day and maintain their weight. You also must overcome your previous bad habits and learn how to deal with stress. Maintaining your weight loss is as much a mental challenge as a physical one. It s important to eat right even when you re stressed. By realizing that you tend to reach for sugary or starchy foods for comfort and then making the correct food choices can actually lessen the impact of stress on your body. Similarly, you'll need to learn coping strategies for holidays, as well as knowing how to order what you need at restaurants. By making weight control a constant priority in your life, you can continue your success.

Atkins Diet Low Carb Food List

In order to covert you body system to "Fat Burning", you will need a safe low carb food list to work with. The low carb food list provided in this page can also be used as a guide for your Atkins Diet foods. All food in our low car food list contain food with 10% carbohydrate or less. For detail information on the carbohydrate content in individual food please refer to the carbohydrate counter chart at this site. Meats Bacon , Beef , Calf Liver , Chicken , Cornish Game Hen , Duck , Goose , Ham , Kielbasa , Lamb , Pork , Quail , Sausage ,Steak , Turkey , Veal Steak. Fish Anchovies in Oil , Bluefish , Catfish , Cod , Flounder , Halibut , Herring , Mackerel , Mahi-mahi , Salmon , Sardine , Scrod , Snapper , Trout , Tuna. Shellfish Clams , Crab , Lobster , Mussel , Oysters , Scallops , Shrimp , Squid. Daily Butter , Cheese , Cream , Coffee , All Egg , Mineral Water , Mayonnaise , Tea ,Water. Salad Vegetables Alfalfa Sprouts , Arugula , Bok Choy , Boston Lettuce , Celery , Chicory , Chives , Cucumber , Endive , Escarole , Fennel , Jicama , Mache , Morels , Mushrooms , Olives , Parsley , Peppers , Posse Pied , Radiccio , Radishes , Romaine , Sorrel. Vegetable Asparagus , Avocado , Bamboo Shoots , Bean Sprouts , Beet Greens , Broccoli , Brussel Sprouts , Cabbage , Cauliflower , Celery Root , Chard , Christophene , Collard Creens , Dandelion Greens , Eggplant , Hearts of Palm , Kale , Kohlrabi , Leeks , Okra , Onion , Pumpkin , Rhubarb , Sauerkraut , Scallions , Snow Pea Pods , Spagheti Squash , Spinach , String or Wax Beans , Summer Squash , Tomato , Turnips , Water Chestnuts , Zucchini. * Our low car food list contain food with 10% carbohydrate or less.

Atkins Recipes

Atkins Recipe 1 - Homemade Mayonnaise Once you taste homemade mayo, you ll never go back to the store bought stuff! 1 egg yolks tsp salt 1-2 tsp good Dijon mustard to 1 cup of sunflower, canola, peanut or macadamia nut oil 1-3 tsp fresh lemon juice, to taste BEFORE YOU START: Have all ingredients at room temperature. In a bowl, using a wire whisk, beat egg yolks, salt, lemon juice, and mustard. Begin adding the oil very SLOWLY, adding VERY little at a time, mixing thoroughly between additions. You can add the oil in a small, even flow towards the end (if you add too much at a time, the mayo will curdle. Once the mayo has thickened, add additional vinegar or lemon, and add more mustard and salt to your taste. A teaspoon of icy water beaten in at the end will make the mayo white and fluffy.

IF IT CURDLES: In a separate bowl, beat 1 egg yolk. Slowly, beating at the highest speed, add a little of the first mayo at a time. Continue to beat until all is added and it has thickened. Add a teaspoon of ice-cold water while beating and it will regain its proper consistency. Mayo keeps for about 5 days in the refrigerator.

Atkins Recipe 2 - Low-Carb Waffles 4 carbs per serving Crispy and Delicious! This recipe can be prepared in either a regular or Belgian-style waffle maker. When serving a lot of waffles, make them ahead and reheat by placing on a baking sheet in a 375 oven for 5-7 minutes, 7

until crisp and hot. (Waffles freeze well, and can be reheated in the toaster for breakfast on-the-go.) 6 oz. soy flour 1 tablespoon baking powder 6 teaspoons sugar substitute 1 teaspoon salt cup heavy cream 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 6 eggs cup ice water 1. Heat waffle iron. Whisk together flour, baking powder, sugar substitute and salt. Add cream, eggs, extract and ice water; batter will be stiff. Add a little more water if necessary, 1 tablespoon at a time, until batter spreads easily. 2. Place approximately 3 tablespoons of batter in center of waffle iron. Cook according to manufacturers directions until crisp and dark golden brown. Repeat with remaining batter.

Atkins Recipe 3 - Quick Bread This quick bread has a texture reminiscent of angel food cake. You can add sweetener and cinnamon to make a cinnamon loaf. 2T 1 1 1 3 2T 3 cup whey protein -- vanilla or unflavored Just Whites tablespoon baking powder packet Splenda Packet pinch salt cup heavy whipping cream large egg water tablespoons olive oil

Preheat oven to 400F. Grease a Pyrex loaf pan and set aside. Mix all dry ingredients in a small bowl. Mix all liquid ingredients inlarge bowl; then add dry ingredients and mix with hand mixer for oneminute. Pour into loaf pan and bake for 15-20 minutes. This bread slices like regular bread.

Atkins Recipe 4 - Mixed Berry Muffins These yummy muffins are great for dessert or a snack

2 cups almond flour Sugar substitute equivalent to 2 T sugar 1 t baking powder 1 cup butter melted and cooled slightly 1 cup cream 4 eggs 1 t orange or lemon extract 1 t vanilla extract 1 cup mixed berries of choice Tip: freeze the berries first and toss them in a tablespoon of the almond flour. It will keep the berries suspended in the batter during cooking. 1 t xanthan gum (optional, but makes for a much nicer finished product) Line 2 muffin pans with muffin cups. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a medium bowl, mix the wet ingredients. In larger bowl, mix the dry ingredients (except berries). Mix only until combined, do not beat. Mix in berries and divide between muffin cups. Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden brown and firm to the touch. Leave on cooling rack for 15-20 minutes.

Atkins Recipe 5 - Cinnamon Buns These are delicious little gems that taste just like they came from a popular cinnamon bun shop. Don't worry about the pork can t taste them in the finished product. 6-8 oz cream cheese 4 large eggs 2 cups pork rind flour (crush into a fine powder) 1 cup soy bake mix (GNC and Atkins make good bake mixes) 1 tsp baking powder 2 tsp cinnamon to cup Splenda 1 tsp vanilla Bring eggs and cream cheese to room temperature (Try putting your cream cheese in the microwave at half power for 1 minute, it s easier to blend.) Preheat oven to 425. With a wooden spoon, mix cream cheese and eggs (one egg at a time until smooth). Add pork rind flour, baking powder, vanilla, cinnamon, and Splenda. Mix until blended. This Mixture will be thick. Taste the mix...It should be semi-sweet and definitely cinnamon flavored.

Mound mixture with a tablespoon into greased or lined muffin tins. Bake for 12-15 minutes. Remove from oven and brush with melted butter.

Atkins Recipe 6 - Cinnamon Glaze This icing is fabulous, but takes 10 minutes of mixing to work. It s worth it! While the muffins are in the oven make the glaze. 1 stick of butter 8 oz cream cheese cup of Splenda 1 tsp lemon juice 1 tsp vanilla extract Davinci French Vanilla Syrup* Davinci Vanilla Syrup* *Substitute a scant amount of fresh vanilla bean, or you can use 1T vanilla extract Soften the butter and cream cheese in the microwave. Mix the butter and cream cheese thoroughly. Add the Splenda a bit at a time. Once all of the Splenda is added, mix for 10 minutes. After 10 min add the lemon juice and vanilla extract.. Cover the buns with the glaze while they re hot.

Atkins Recipe 7- Low Carb Fudge Absolutely Delicious! Must be eaten very cold. 16 oz. cream cheese, softened 2 oz unsweetened chocolate, melted and cooled C Splenda 1 teaspoon vanilla C chopped pecans or walnuts (optional) Mix all ingredients together and spread in a foil-lined tray. Refrigerate 4 hours or until firm.

Atkins Recipe 8 - German Chocolate Cheesecake Bars These bars are heavenly as an occasional treat! 10

Crust: 1 cup pecans -- crushed fine cup Atkins Bake Mix cup Splenda cup butter Filling: 3, 8 oz packages cream cheese 1 cup heavy cream 1 cup Splenda 3 eggs 2 oz unsweetened baking chocolate -- 2 blocks 1 tsp vanilla Topping: 1 cup heavy cream cup Splenda 3 egg yolks 1 cup pecans -- chopped 1 cup coconut -- unsweetened 1 tsp vanilla Combine ingredients to make crust and press into 10 X 15 pan. Cream the cream cheese until fluffy; slowly add the heavy cream, sugar andeggs. Add remaining ingredients and spread over crust. Bake at 350 for30 minutes or until set. Cool Cook cream and egg yolks over medium heat for 8 to 10 minutes, until thickand bubbly. Stir in coconut, pecans and vanilla. Cool for 10 minutesand stir in sugar, then spread over cooled cheesecake. Refrigerate

Atkins Recipe 9 - Baked Almond Chicken This is a delicious and filling dinner entre. 1 teaspoon celery salt 1 teaspoon paprika teaspoon seasoned salt 1 teaspoon curry powder teaspoon pepper 6 boneless, skinless chicken breasts 1 cup whipping cream teaspoon almond extract cup sliced or slivered toasted almonds Arrange chicken in a greased shallow 3 qt. baking dish.


Mix seasonings into cream. Pour the seasoned cream around chicken. Bake uncovered, at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Top with almonds. Bake uncovered, for 5-8 minutes or until golden brown.

Atkins Recipe 10 - Coleslaw Dressing cup mayonnaise cup sour cream 1 to 1 tablespoons apple cider vinegar 1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons Splenda

Atkins Recipe 11 - Coleslaw 1 medium head green cabbage, shredded fine sweet red onion, minced 1 small carrot, grated 1 recipe Coleslaw Dressing


Atkins Diet Menu Plan While one of the best things about Dr Atkins diet plan is that you re not condemned to a set menu, sometimes a little bit of structure is helpful. Here is a sample diet plan. The Atkins diet plan below is for those with a hearty appetite. Feel free to eat less or to eat more meat, eggs, or hard cheeses with meals or as snacks. Be sure to get at least 64 ounces of water each day. Decaf coffee or tea, soda water, or Splenda sweetened soft drinks are all acceptable beverages. Do not forget to count the carbohydrates in your drinks. Atkins Diet Menu - Day 1 Breakfast 3 Eggs, Scrambled with cream 4-6 Strips Bacon Coffee or tea with Splenda and cream Lunch Chicken Salad (6 oz. Grilled Chicken 1T Romano Cheese 2c dark salad greens 2T Ranch Dressing 1 chopped hard boiled egg) Atkins Menu - Day 2 Breakfast Double serving of Atkins Hot Cereal 1T cream Lunch Luncheon pinwheels Dinner Steak (grilled with garlic butter, 2 thin slices of onion, and cup mushrooms) Dinner Fish Fry (fish fillets dipped in egg and coated in whey protein and fried in vegetable oil) 1 cup salad greens medium tomato 1 thin slice red onion 1 cup Broccoli rabe with butter

(Wrap slices of turkey, ham, chicken, salami, 1 cup salad greens with: pastrami, or beef etc. 4 Sausage Patties Bacon bits around sticks of hard or Decaf Cinnamon coffee (add t cream cheese and cut into 1T Romano cheese cinnamon and 1tsp vanilla extract bite-size pieces) 1T Dressing of Choice to coffee pot) with Splenda and 2 Cups salad greens cream 1 cup Asparagus 2T Ranch dressing


Atkins Diet Plan - Day 3 Menu Breakfast Mock Danish (3oz soft cream cheese, 1 egg, 1T Splenda, tsp vanilla, pinch of cinnamon and 1t Atkins hot cereal, flax, or linseed meal. Mix well, put in a shallow plastic tray (a Tupperware lid works well) and microwave for 3 minutes, spread with Splendasweetened cream cheese) 4 slices bacon Lunch 1/3 Tuna Dip recipe (1 can drained tuna, 4 sugar-free gherkins, chopped, 1t lemon juice, salt, pepper to taste, and 4oz cream cheese mixed well) Pork Rinds (as much as you want, scoop up the dip and crunch!) Dinner 1 cups meat sauce (2 lbs ground beef or Italian sausage, 1t onion powder, 2 t crushed garlic, 1T beef powder, 2T soy sauce, 1T Worcestershire sauce, 1 small can tomato paste, to 1 c water, 2 t basil, 2 t oregano. Brown the meat, add everything else, and simmer 10 mins.) Serve on top of: 1c spaghetti squash And sprinkle with: 2T Parmesan or Romano cheese 2 cups salad with 2T Dressing Atkins Diet Plan - Day 4 Menu Breakfast 3 Soft or hard boiled eggs (chopped lightly and mixed with 1t fresh herbs, of choice, 1t butter, and 1T cream) 4 turkey sausage links Decaf Coffee or Tea Atkins Diet Plan - Day 5 Menu Breakfast Lunch Dinner Lunch Dinner

1 cup salad greens Decaf Almond coffee (add tsp of almond extract to the coffee pot) 1T Dressing of Choice with Splenda and cream

Chef salad (Turkey strips, Lamb roasted in Mint and rosemary ham strips, chopped egg, sprigs and grated cheese over 2c 1c Salad greens salad greens) 2T Dressing 1T Dressing of Choice 1c Cauliflower with butter and cream

Omelette (3 eggs scrambled with Salami and Cream Cheese Creamy Almond Chicken (recipe is in the c cream, then filled with 2T roll-ups recipe section of this book) "Spinach, Feta, and Pecorino" 1c Broccoli pasta stir-thru sauce, any brand) 2 cups salad greens ham steak Decaf Coffee or tea 2 T Dressing of Choice 1c salad greens 1T Dressing of Choice


Atkins Menu - Day 6 Breakfast 4 Atkins Mini-Muffins 2 Boiled Eggs Decaf Coffee or tea Lunch 8 oz thinly sliced grilled beef steak 1 cups salad greens 1 thin slice red onion small tomato, sliced 2T dressing of choice chopped tomato 2 slices onion, chopped avocado, sliced 5 black olives, sliced 1 T sour cream 1 T grated cheese 2 T sugar-free salsa or taco sauce Arrange meat and other ingredients on top of the salad greens) Atkins Diet Menu - Day 7 Breakfast Scotch Eggs Lunch 12 Buffalo Wings Dinner Pork Chops Dinner Taco Salad (1 cups Taco Meat (Brown ground beef with taco seasoning as per packet directions) 2 cups salad greens

(Press sausage meat into muffin (Cut 6 chicken wings into (Fry pork chops until brown. Remove cups to form a shell. Pour in thirds along the joints, and from pan. Deglaze pan with cream and scrambled egg mixture, or crack in discard points. Fry over allow to reduce. Season with salt and one or two whole eggs, into each medium-high heat in pepper, serve over chops) shell and bake at 350 for 20 enough oil to cover the 1 cup mashed cauliflower minutes or until done) bottom of the pan with salt and pepper until crisp. (Boil or steam head of cauliflower until Decaf Coffee or tea Toss through 1 T of garlic tender. Mash with 2T butter and 1T Tabasco sauce.) cream. Add salt and pepper to taste.) Blue cheese dip (2 oz blue 2 c salad greens cheese, 2 oz cream cheese, 2 T dressing of choice 1T sour cream, salt and pepper to taste.) Plan your Atkins Diet meal with our 7 days Atkins Diet menu 15

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