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1. Do you think the setting Banwa Island is in existence in real life? Why?
→ I think it exists. The author somehow had to get an inspiration from some place in the Philippines
even though it is a fictional island. The place was somehow described like a character by itself by the
article. The detailed description of the place showed the state of the country back during the era of
Marcos’ Dictatorship.
2. What does the writer mean when he said, “walk the purgatory between life and death’?
→ The writer described the feeling of the sugarcane farmers when they are experiencing a “dead
season” or the time that there is no harvest. Due to no paid work, the farmers described their suffering
as “to walk the purgatory between life and death” or in other words, they have experienced what’s like
to be in between life and death as the time of waiting with hunger and eventually pain due to the lack
of jobs to provide them with food.
3. Based on the review, what do you think is the theme of the novel by Hau?
→ Based on the review of Ruel S. De Vera, I think the themes of the novel by Hau revolves around
finding oneself amidst social issues, being hopeful for the uncertainties of the future that’s ahead, the
trials and tribulations of being an Overseas Filipino Worker, and the socio-economic divide between
the rich and the poor.


Paragraphs 1 – 7 Summary
Paragraph 8 Reviewer’s Statement
Paragraph 9 Brief Biographical Sketch
Paragraph 10 – 11 Objective Evaluation
Paragraph 12 Quotations
Book Features Answer Comment / Opinion
On features
What is the title of the book? Heartstopper (Volume 1 – 4)
Does the title suggest The title described little about
anything? the plot, other than it having a
lot of “heart-stopping” moments
in the book.
Is the title of the book adequate Yes. I think the title of the book The title gives the readers an
to its content? adequately describes what type idea about the plot of the book,
of content the book will have. it is all about how Charlie
Spring, an openly gay person
meets a straight rugby lad
named Nick Nelson, and how
they eventually fall for each
other. In which in every journey
they have, in my opinion, is a
heart-stopping moment for the
Who wrote the book? Alice Oseman She is the creator, author, and
artist of literary masterpieces
such as Solitaire, Radio
Silence, Nick and Charlie,
Heartstopper, and many more.
When was it published? The first volume was self- The Web Series is currently
published on October 1, 2018. ongoing. The Fifth Volume for
The second one was on July the book series is set to be
11, 2019. The third volume was published on the 2nd of
published on February 6, 2020. February of 2023.
And the fourth volume was
published on May 6, 2021.
What is the relevance of the It is relevant in a way that each Nick and Charlie are the main
cover illustration to the topic of cover shows Nick and Charlie protagonists of the story.
the book? progressing through their
relationship – they started out
as friends in the first cover and
started to progress into
something more romantic
Book type
What type of book is it? Fiction Fiction The story is set in a fictional
or non-fiction? town in Kent, England. Which
the author grew up and lives in
What genre does it represent? Romance The novel described the story
of how Charlie Spring, a highly-
strung, openly gay over-thinker,
who is frequently bullied due to
his sexuality, meets Nick
Nelson, a soft-hearted rugby
player. Their friendship blooms
quickly, but love works in
surprising ways as they soon
realize that they are falling hard
for each other.
On contents
Are there charts, graphs, Yes. The book is based on her
photographs, etc.? own web novel that mainly has
a comic-type of illustration to
show the actions and dialogues
of each character. (Graphic
What do the photographs The photographs presented Aside from this, each is
show? show the storyline as it is a manually drawn by the author
graphic novel, which relies on to make sure that each
images to effectively portray expression that she wants to
the plot of the story. convey is genuinely expressed
by each character.
Do they have something to do Yes. This is because the book
with the theme of the book? is a graphic novel.
Do the photographs reveal The photographs show the
something about the author? author, Alice Oseman’s, Art
What does the material The material presents the The material also represents
present? journey of Friendship to Lovers different life lessons and
of Nick and Charlie as they problems that the LGBTQIA+
conquer the stigma and people are experiencing that is
negativity of being a queer in not usually accurately
an all-boys school. represented by the media.
On topic
What is the general topic of the The general topic of the book Although Charlie didn’t know he
book? tackles the friends-to-lovers had the chance to actually be
trope of high school teens, with Nick, he still persisted into
Nick, and Charlie befriending with him with little
hope that they can be a thing
together. Little did he know that
they were both falling in deep
with each other.
What are the author’s main One of the author’s main Coming out can never be
arguments? arguments in the book is that rushed and should be done at
coming out to people is not your own pace. This is what
something that should be Alice Oseman tried to argue in
rushed like there’s a deadline the story as it was shown in the
to it, it takes time and a great novel that when Nick was
deal of acceptance to what you having troubles with on what he
identify as. identifies with. This was an
absolutely heartbreaking
moment for me as I relate to his
situation currently. Coming out
should never be something that
will make you pressured.
Although doing this can relieve
one from being shackled to
their own chains, it still has
some downsides that one really
needs to consider especially if
one can’t take the negativity
that others might bring as it
might only further damage
one’s mental health, which is
the same thing that happened
to Charlie when he got outed to
all the people in his school in
the first volume, this led him
into developing severe mental
health issues that slowly
manifested throughout the
What did the author want to The author wants to show the The Netflix adaptation show for
accomplish? people that the LGBTQIA+ heartstopper showed how fast
people are not like the media people change their
has stereotyped them to be. impressions about someone
She wants to show the mass once they know they are “out”.
how LGBTQIA+ couples are One Lesbian couple in the
not always experiencing show (Named Tara and Darcy)
rainbows and cupcakes decided to come out. Although
through their relationship. As most of the reactions were
they are usually hatecrimed, positive, a handful of them
judged, and criticized by the changed their view about the
people who has different two characters. Some people in
religious beliefs and opinions their school treated the couple
about the LGBTQIA+ like being a lesbian was a
community or just someone disease. It was genuinely sad
who is blatantly homophobic. knowing that many people still
have this mindset about
LGBTQIA+ couples. They have
done nothing wrong against
anyone, they just want to be
What message did the author Although the author did not This part of the story moved me
want to convey? directly convey the message to the core even though I
that she wants to in the books, haven’t experienced
but it was showed in one of the relationships like this. Alice was
chapters in the book that love is spot-on with the explanation on
not a solution to any problem. healthily dealing with mental
Specifically, a chapter in the illnesses in a relationship. She
story where Nick’s Mother and also stated that although one
him are talking about Charlie’s can’t help the other from fully
Mental Illnesses. It was recovering from their mental
discussed by them that true illnesses, they can still be there
love is realizing that it’s not to listen, to talk, to cheer them
always one’s job to “save” the up when they’re having a bad
other from their mental
problems as dependency isn’t day, or just standing by his
healthy for both parties in a side.
Why was the book written? The book was written to This is honestly one of the best
showcase love, understanding LGBTQIA+ novels that
one’s sexuality, and how perfectly represent the
bullying can branch into struggles of teens that are part
different mental health issues of the LGBTQIA+ community.
such as eating disorders and The whole plot was just too
Self-harm close to my heart that it made
me emotional whenever the
main leads are experiencing
hate from other people and
when Charlie is showing his
mental health issues.
On writing style
Is the author’s writing style The author’s writing style is Some of the parts that the
technical or simple? mainly simple as the graphic author used a technical style of
novel is intended for young writing is when Nick tried to
teens aged from 12 above, but explain the mechanics of rugby
there are also instances where to Charlie when Charlie
technical writing styles were decided to join the rugby team
used when explaining a even without prior knowledge
concept. on how to play the game.
Is it logical or emotional? The writing style of the author Different sensitive topics were
leans more on the emotional discussed that are quite heavy
side. for the readers to digest, topics
such as Eating Disorders, Self-
harm, bullying, and Trauma
were shown in the novel, this
personally made me emotional
as the way that the author uses
these topics was greatly
moving in a way that she
represented it the way that I’ve
been experiencing.
How did the writer reveal the Each character was revealed Charlie Spring and Nick
character? through other characters in the Nelson, the two main
story. protagonists of the story, was
introduced to the story by their
teacher when Charlie asked
where he is on the seating
On readership
Who is the intended reader of The graphic novel published in There were no inappropriate
the book? the WEBTOON app is rated themes that are not suitable for
12+ young teens.
Are the terms and vocabulary For the most part, yes. But The profanity is used to
appropriate to the readers? there are some profanities, express the character’s
although these were used very emotion when they are met
with catastrophes and

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