Reading and Writing - M11

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1. Introduction
• The first paragraph shows the current state of the English language in today’s world, which
says that everyone is aware on how important the English language in modern times as it is
considered the universal language.
• The second paragraph addresses the identified gaps of the topic – which is the difficulty of
teaching English Language to non-native speakers. ; therefore this section is considered to
be the introduction of the research report as it introduced the topic through describing the
current state of the topic being discussed and also identifies the research gaps in that
specific topic.

2. References
• This section is considered as the references as this part contains the different sources used
in the study, these are academic books, journals, studies, and other online sources.
• The superscript numbers is a symbol that is used during in-text citation in the literature
review or in the introduction.
3. Methodology
• The author described the tools or the instruments that is used in gathering the data needed,
which in the example, is an interview and a checklist questionnaire. This checklist
instrument aims to deduce the data on factors that affect the writing competencies of
• There is also the data gathering of the study, in which the researcher presents the details
on how the data is going to be collected. In the study given, the data will be gathered
through the use of descriptive-analytic approach. This type of approach describes and
analyzes the data and the characteristics of the subject being studied. Studying frequency
count, relative frequency, and rank to see the patterns of difficulties as displayed in the two
sets of themes written by the respondents.
• This part of the paper also shows how the data were analyzed in the study, in the example,
the study was analyzed quantitatively as they used the coding method to organize and
analyze the student’s responses.

1. Perception of Senior High Students of Legazpi City Science High School on Sex Education
2. Psychological Effects of Blended Learning to Junior High School Students of Legazpi City
Science High School
3. Influenced: The Effects of Misinformation to Students of Legazpi City Science High School
4. Effects of Social Media to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 Students of Legazpi City
Science High School

Is a Research Report the Same as a Research Paper?

Although similar, Research Report is not the Same as a Research paper due to their key
differences. Let’s break each down to see their elements that sets them apart from each other: In a
research report, the student makes a summary of what they have learned through their exploration of
a certain topics using books, journals, encyclopedias, and other sources of information that can be
found on the internet. On the Other hand, a research paper consists of the student’s analysis and
perception of a specific subject by doing a fair amount of researching and summarizing of information
gathered. But one thing that stands out from a research paper is that the author will also include their
opinions on what they have learned through the course of researching the topic. The average amount
of time needed to finish these academic paper also differs and is one of the differences of the two. A
Research Report’s average time of completion is relatively shorter than of a Research Paper, taking
only a week to a month to complete while the latter needs at least 6 weeks to several months to
complete, depending on what topic is being tackled and the number of sources available about that
topic. Moreover, writing a Research Paper is a great way to bring new knowledge to light. Research
papers are helpful in different ways: they let you document your findings, share them with your peers,
and use that information to create new theories. But a Research Report is never inclined to do the same
as it can never bring new knowledge to the community in any case. Another difference between both
is that a research paper is based on a question or query. The author’s main focus will be to address
the query stated as a question at the start of the paper; all efforts will be directed toward providing a
logical answer or relationship between two or more variables. On the other hand, a research report
does not address any specific questions; it merely recaps important details about targeted research
papers. In addition, in its literature section, a research paper will review the ideas and analyses of other
researchers who have already done work on a similar topic but may be in a different situation. A
research report, however, cannot discuss any research or investigations of other researchers but
explains only the procedure, conclusion, and importance of a specific paper. Lastly, a Research Paper
is lengthy, to a degree that it has more chapters than a Research Report as it includes a General
Introduction of the subject, a literature review of other researchers regarding the same topic, a
methodology, results, and interpretation of the results. Contrary to a Research Paper, a Research
Report generally do not contain too much data about the research. Their main purpose is to describe
the course of action, results, and significance of the specific research papers that are being discussed.

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