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Mini Task #1

A. The importance of ideology:

It is important because it enables individuals, and groups to orientate themselves in society which causes
to set a direction for the nation to develop by helping in setting the national goals and guidelines for the
acheivement. It can lead to changes that would benefit the society and the people that are in it.

B. Feminism:

Is the political equality for women. It is the ideology that pushes women empowerment , and seeks for
the same equal rights that man has. During the past eras, women are expected to be less dominant than
men and to be submissive in every aspect including our society they don't acquire the same rights that
man has such as the basic human rights. Feminism claims that women should have the same advantages
man has such as, an opportunity to have a political position, gaining the right to vote and being able to
have a voice to speak in our society.

C. How can the selected ideology help improve the Philippine society.

Since the beginning of time women are percieved as less superior in the Phillipines especially in the
spanish colonial era. Women are not allowed to lead or speak their opinions at all. And even now in the
Philippines not everyone is okay with the idea of a women being a leader. Sadly women are still
percieved as weak and incompetent. If we apply feminism in the Philippine society i believe it would
make a difference, a good difference since we are not limiting the power of leadership to men only.
There are so many aspects that women are good in just as men are therefore i see no difference but
gender. Women can be a great leader.

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