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No pain, No gain

Week 9
Vocabulary Syn Meaning Family word Example
Meteorite a piece of rock or It is possible that we
metal from space that have traces of
has landed on Earth interstellar dust in
Illegal not allowed by the (n) legality ≠ illegality It is illegal to sell
law legalization legalese tobacco to someone
illegal under 16.
(adj) legal ≠ illegal
(v) legalize
(adv) legally ≠ illegally
Law a rule that deals with (n) law lawyer outlaw Elected officials ought
a particular crime, lawfulness to obey the law.
agreement, etc. lawlessness
(adj) lawful ≠ unlawful
(v) outlaw
(adv) lawfully ≠
Locate locate (n) local location The mechanic located
somebody/something relocation locale the fault immediately.
to find the exact locality localization
position of dislocation relocation
somebody/ lized dislocated
something (v) locate dislocate
relocate localize (adv)
Preserve preserve something He was anxious to
to keep a particular preserve his
quality, feature, etc.; reputation.
to make sure that
something is kept
Valuable worth a lot of money (n) valuables value My home is my most
values valuation valuer valuable asset.
overvaluation ≠
(adj) valuable
invaluable overvalued
≠ undervalued
valueless valued
(v) value devalue
overvalue ≠

Walnut the light-brown nut of Place in a bowl with

the walnut tree that walnuts and sultanas.
has a rough surface
and a hard round
shell in two halves
Rare not done, seen, (noun) rarity it is rare to do
happening, etc. very (adjective) rare something It is rare to
often (adverb) rarely find such loyalty these
Treasure a collection of Many forgotten
valuable things such treasures have been
as gold, silver and discovered in the attics
jewellery of old houses.
buried treasure
Collector a person who collects (n) collection collector The painting was
things, either as a collective collectable bought by a private
hobby or as a job collectible collectivism collector.
(adj) collected
collective collectable
collectible collectivist
(v) collect collectivize
(adv) collectively
Demand a very strong request (n) demand demands A ransom demand has
for something; (adj) demanding ≠ been made for the
something that undemanding kidnapped racehorse.
somebody needs (v) demand
Middle the part of something This chicken isn't
that is at an equal cooked in the middle.
distance from all its
edges or sides; a
point or a period of
time between the
beginning and the
end of something
Race a competition (n) race racism racist She ran a good race to
between people, (adj) racial multiracial finish second.
animals, vehicles, racist
etc. to see which one (adv) racially
is the faster or fastest
Equipment the things that are (n) equipment Hospitals are
needed for a (adj) equipped increasingly
particular purpose or (v) equip depending on charity
activity for vital equipment.
Limit the greatest or (n) limit limitation They imposed a strict
smallest amount of delimitation spending limit.
something that is (adj) limited ≠
allowed unlimited limiting
(v) limit delimit
Majority the largest part of a The majority of people
group of people or interviewed prefer TV
things to radio.
majority (of
Spread to affect or make The idea spread
something affect, be quickly in the years
known by, or be used that followed.
by more and more
Furniture objects that can be  (n) furnishings furnitur The wood is used for
moved, such as e  making fine furniture.
tables, chairs and (adj) furnished ≠ unfur
beds, that are put into nished 
a house or an office (v) furnish
to make it suitable for
living or working in
Occupation a job or profession (noun) occupation He gave up his
occupant occupancy occupation as a farmer
(adjective) occupied and became a
(verb) occupy teacher.
If it were easy, everyone could do it.

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