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No pain, No gain

Week 11
Vocabulary Syn Meaning Family word Example
Maritime connected with the San Francisco has lost
sea or ships nearly all of its
maritime industry.
Captain the person in charge The captain gave the
of a ship or order to abandon ship.
commercial aircraft
Goods things that are The goods will be
produced to be sold delivered within ten
Pirate a person on a ship Computer game
who attacks other pirates cost the
ships at sea in order industry twenty million
to steal from them pounds a year.
Adventurous willing to take risks Andy isn’t a very
and try new ideas; adventurous cook.
enjoying being in
new, exciting
Invent to produce or design (n) invention He practically invented
something that has inventiveness inventor the modern stand-up
not existed before (adj) inventive comedy act
(v) invent reinvent
(adv) inventively
Average calculated by adding On an average day
several amounts they sell more than £2 
together, finding a 000 worth of
total, and dividing the vegetables.
total by the number of
Equality the fact of being (n) equality ≠ The women are
equal in rights, inequality equal demanding full
status, advantages, equalizer equality with the men
etc. (adj) equal ≠ unequal of their community.
(v) equalize equal
(adv) equally ≠
Divide to separate into parts; (n) divide division We have divided the
to make something subdivision topics into three
separate into parts (adj) divided ≠ categories.
undivided divisible ≠
indivisible divisive (v)
divide subdivide
Earning to receive a (n) earner earnings He did all sorts of jobs
particular amount of (adj) earned ≠ to earn a living.
money for the work unearned
that you do (v) earn
Pile a number of things He was busy behind a
that have been pile of papers on his
placed on top of each desk.
Purchasing the activity of buying She is the company’s
things, especially for purchasing manager.
a company
Bury o place a dead body (noun) burial He was buried in the
in the ground (adjective) buried churchyard of St
(verb) bury Mary’s.
Booze alcoholic drink He was dry for years
but now he's back on
the booze.
Patch a small area of a black dog with a
something, especially white patch on its back
one which is different
from the area around
Disease an illness affecting Children are still dying
humans, animals or in their millions from
plants, often caused preventable diseases.
by infection
Disguise to change your She was cleverly
appearance so that disguised as a
people cannot policewoman.
recognize you
Sail of a boat or ship or The boat sailed
the people on it) to serenely on towards
travel on water using the horizon.
sails or an engine
Terrorize to frighten and Many people have
threaten people so been terrorized into
that they will not leaving.
oppose something or
will do as they are
Transfer to move from one (noun) transfer Can the disease be
place, school, job etc transference transferred across
to another, or to (verb) transfer species?
make someone do
this, especially within
the same
Fearless not afraid, in a way (n) fear fearfulness ≠ These animals are
that people admire fearlessness fearless and very
(adj) fearful ≠ fearless aggressive.
fearsome (v) fear
(adv) fearfully ≠

If it were easy, everyone could do it.

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