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Bryan Semara Rafazha (2400002)

Muhammad Mulla Shadra Al Qodri (2400010)

Smoking Must be Banned

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,

Greetings brothers and sisters who have attended this wonderful stage. Today is a good
day, we are blessed by Allah SWT so that we can attend this meet and greet with friends and
families in good health. Let us not forget the blessing of our messenger, Muhammad SAW,
peace be upon him. Now to the good part, I stand here to give you deep meaningful words, about
the dangers of smoking and why it should be banned. Thus, I will begin my speech.
Smoking must be banned. They can cause diseases like cancer, heart disease, lung
disease, and more. Smoking is the head of all diseases.
Firstly, smoking is never a good thing for your health, whatever the reason might be.
Cigarette smoking causes 87% of lung cancer deaths and is also responsible for many other
cancer and health problems.
Secondly, the risks of smoking don't apply only to the ones directly smoking. Direct
smokers can affect people of their surroundings, turning them into second-hand smokers. While
second-hand smokers have fewer health risks than direct smokers, the fact remains that it can
risk people who are not smoking.
Thirdly, smoking is mainly viewed as a dependency on cigarettes. When smokers are
asked why they can't quit, it is not because of the contents within the cigarette that make them
unable to quit, it's because they believe themselves unable to quit. Therefore, smoking is a
psychological problem.
Four, it is not a simple matter for banning smoking. Cigarette production factors highly in
the economy, if it were to shut down, the economy would stumble. But, for a healthy life, we
should choose what is best for our health.

To wrap things up, smoking should be banned. As for the reasons that are listed. Thank
you everyone for listening to me. I hope you all take my words deep into your conscience and
spread it further. Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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