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At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to;

A.Determine wether the object is solid, liquid or Gas.


A.topic: States of Matter: Solid,Liquid,Gas

B.Science Ideas All objects on earth can be classified in one of three

physical forms or states such as solid,Liquid and Gas.

C.Science Process Observing,identifying,discussing

D.Value focus Awareness

E.Materials Books,bottled water,balloons,ping pong ball , dice ,

coin. Transparent containers.

F.References Teaching Science in the elementary Grades

Volume 1:Chemistry and biology Pp.27



Teacher's Activity Pupil's Activity


Good Morning class! Good Morning ma'am.

Is everyone ready to learn the new lesson today? Yes Ma'am.

Before we start please stand up for a prayer. (The pupils will stand up for a prayer)

3.Checking of attendance

Okay class,I will check your attendance first.Please

raise your hand and say present if you are here.

Understand class?
Yes ma'am.


Okay so now lets have some energizer.

Do you want to sing children? Yes ma'am!

So now.Were going to sing " Science time."

"Science Time"

Tune: Jingle bells

Ready for the song Ready for the song

In one or two, or three.. In one or two, or three..

Then sit properly Then sit properly

Science is ready Science is ready

Lessons are all new Lessons are all new

All you have to do All you have to do

Listen to your tea...cher Listen to your tea...cher

To learn something new To learn something new

Hey Science time Hey Science time

Science time Science time

Oh it's science time Oh it's science time

Be ready Be ready

It's more fun It's more fun

More activities More activities

Hey , science time Hey , science time

Science time Science time

Oh it's science time Oh it's science time

I like it, I like it,

I love it I love it

I love my teacher too.. I love my teacher too..


Okay , children please read the following.

( Let the pupils read the following words on the flash





Okay class, what was all about our yesterday's About Matter Ma'am!

The term matter refers to anything that occupies space

Okay then , what is matter? and has mass.

Okay very good class!


Okay class, do you like to play a game? Yes ma'am!

Okay.we're going to play " Guess the object". So,may ( The volunteer will be going to the front)
I ask One volunteer to come here to the front?

Yes Myra very good.please come here to the front.

Okay , since our Game is Guess the object. I'm going to

blindfold First kristyl and you class are going to give
some objects to her and kristyl will be going to guess
what kind of object it is.So , in order to know what kind
of object it is. Kristyl is going to describe it interms of its
texture, color,size,shape,and weight.

Did you get me class?

Okay very good. Let's start the Game....

The class give her the object.( book )

Yes ma'am.

(The class started to play the Game)

Her classmates give her the object. ( Book )

( Myra is going to answer)

(The Game end) It is a book . The shape is Square , and it has a weight .
Maybe the color is Green and it is smooth.
Okay very good class!

So,How was the game?

( The Game End)
What have you learned about the game ?

So exciting Ma'am!
Very good!
We've learned the different Characteristics of an object


Okay class , all the objects around us can be

classified based on their characteristics.


Now, we're going to have a group activity. I will devide

you into 3 groups.Each group must have a
leader,secretary and presentor . You are going to do the
activity following the procedure given and answer the
questions in the activity sheet.

Before doing the activity,we should have standard.

What are those standard again?

Yes , nelmar?


1.everybody should cooperate.

Okay very good.
2.everybody should be quiet.

3.everybody should answer the questions properly.

4.Activity Property

Here are the activity worksheet.

Activity 1. Describe the characteristic of an object and

space occupied.

Materials needed :

3 object of different shape and sizes labelled A,B,C. pong ball



Steps 1. Place each object A,B and C. One at a time ,

into the container , Gently shake the container with it's
content. Observe and record any changes in the
objects.and then remove the object from the container.

Question #1: press each object A,B and C. Did the object

Question #2 : the object are all solids, Based on your

observations,what can you say about the characteristics
of a solid?

(Write your answer in a Bond paper)

Activity 2. Describe the shape and space occupied,

and the characteristic of an object.

Materials Needed:
3 small transparent containers with different shapes.




Steps : Pour colored water from the soda bottle into the
first plastic container.(1) then pour again to the 2nd
container (2) . and pour the last container
again.observe and draw the shape of the colored water
inside the container . Write it in a bond paper .

Question #1: did the shape and space occupied by the

colored water and change when placed in the different

Question #2 : from your observations of colored water ,

what can you say about the shape and the
characteristics of an object?

Activity 3.Describe the characteristics of an object and

space occupied.

Materials : Empty round and elongated balloon.

1.round balloon

2.elongated ballon

Steps: Blow air into round balloon.Tie the opening and

observe what happens to the shape of the air inside the
balloon.Press gently the balloon with your hand
Observe what will happen.

Do the same step using the elongated balloon. Predict

what will happen to the air inside the balloons when
you untie them.

(Write your answer in a bond paper)

Question#1 : Describe and explain the shape of the air

inside the round and elongated balloon.

Question #2: what happened to the air inside the

ballons when these where unitied?

1.Group reporting ( each group )

Okay class,all of you have done performing the (The leader will present the result of their activity.)
activity . So now , each group leader will share their
observation , and the result of the activity . Group 1 :

Answert to the Question #1 : when we press each

object , we've realize that hard object are non-
compressible , a coin will always be a coin , and it
cannot change . Unless something happen to it.

Answer to the Question #2: a onject has a different

shape and does not change easily.

Group 2 :

Answer to Question #1 : when we pour colored water

into the different container , we observed that the
colored water has their own shape when we place it
into the different container .

Answer to Question # 2: liquid has No definite shape

but takes the shape of its container. Particles are free to
move over each other, but are still attracted to each

Group 3 :

Answer to Question #1:the air inside the balloons is

expands, thereby exerting pressure on the walls of the
balloon. As a result, the size of the balloon increases.

Answer to Question #2:

As a blown up but untied balloon is released, the air

trapped inside the balloon pushes out of the open end.
This causes the balloon to move forward. The force of
the air escaping is the "action"; the movement of the
balloon forward is the "reaction".
Yes ma'am.

Okay. Class do you agree to the presenter's No, ma'am.


Is any other observations that was not mentioned by

the reporter?



So now, what are some of the observable

characteristics of those different object ?

As we observe the activity that we've done , we

Yes, jenelyn? learned that every object can be determined in terms of
their characteristics.

Yes , Very good!

We can identify the object by their characteristics,

wether if it's solid , liquid, or Gas. And these are the

When we say SOLID - it is a state of matter that has

definite shape and definite volume.Some common
examples are marbles , ping pong ball , sponge , rock ,
empty bottle , book . And many others . Also class we
can determine the object as solid if we can touch and
see it.

Another is LIQUID - it is the state of matter that keeps

its size but takes that shape of the container . A liquid
also flow as is transferred or poured from one container
to another . Juice , water , our body's sweat , mil
rubbing alcohol , and cola drinks are common example
of liquid.

The last is Gas - it is a state of matter that can freely

change it's shape and spread out to fill it's
container .Gases flows like a liquid they are very light
often it cannot be seen. A very common gaseous
material is air which is a mixture of gases.other
examples are hellum inside a inflated birthday
balloon,water vapor , perfume in the air ,fumes from
cars , and factories , oxygen gas that we can breath-in
and carbon dioxide that we can expel out.

So again class, what are the three states of matter?

Yes , erika?

The three states of matter are , Solid , liquid and Gad.

How can we determine if it is solid,liquid , or gas?

Yes , alibay?

We can determine it through their characteristics.

Good job alibay!


Okay class , get 1/4 sheet of paper and answer this .

Read the instruction carefully. Classify the materials
listed below into solid liquid , or Gas . List the names of
the materials where they appropriately belong.

Oxygen Bottled Milk Bag cotton

Block of wood Air sweat oil

States of matter Materials





For your assignment , cut 3 pictures from each phases of matter , then paste it on your
assignment Notebook.

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